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File: 68 KB, 330x282, goodfanatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2328408 No.2328408 [Reply] [Original]

I have him as a friend on facebook. I really admire the guy but I think he hates me now.

He posted a quote by Einstein with the word "God" in it and suggested it clearly demonstrated Einstein was a Christian.

I pointed out that one several occasions in his career, Einstein had made a point of clarifying his position and making it well known that he was not religious. Hawking too.

He replied that one cannot be a true scientist without seeing the hand of a creator at work in the universe and that Einstein isn't an atheist anymore, and Hawking would stand before God for judgement. He described them as arrogant little men taking pot shots at God, and said that anything they said about religion is irrelevant because he opposes religion too (Because in his view he doesn't have a religion, he has a personal relationship with God)

What followed was a series of page long IMs in my inbox about how I'm also arrogant and hateful, how I insulted his family and the existence of familial love(?) etc. etc.

I never said anything about family. Or familial love. I couldn't grasp what the fuck he's talking about or why he got so mad. My posts were deliberately written in a conciliatory tone so as not to offend. It seemed like he had the concepts of love, family, and God all mashed together in his head and to say anything even indirectly negative about belief in God was to directly attack his loved ones.

>> No.2328416

What really sucks is that now I know I can't speak frankly with him about some things, that he's a huge emotional landmine where religion is concerned and will probably cut me out of his life completely if I don't agree with him unreservedly any time the topic comes up.

This guy's recommendation will be pretty crucial for my further education as well, so I feel as though I can't offend him even inadvertently without him destroying my future.

>> No.2328413

gonna need screencaps, roger

>> No.2328427

What field are you going into?

>> No.2328425

Time to find a new university.

I wouldn't stand for that shit. he's your professor, he's not supposed to act like you're always wrong and he's always right. He's supposed to teach you in becoming better than he is.

>> No.2328428

And why do you have respect for this man?
Any body who acts like this gets 0 respect from me.
Respond with "Too long, did not read" and ignore him forever.

>> No.2328431

I had a very intelligent chemistry professor who was a creationist. I didn't know if troll.

>> No.2328435

And not a single America was restrained that day.

>> No.2328439
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>>gonna need screencaps, roger


>> No.2328455

Sometimes not troll.

See Jason Lisle, Ph.D in astrophysics, a creationist tool. There are others like him, it scares me.

>> No.2328459

>flips the fuck out
well OP, I guess I know what your problem is

>> No.2328463

Dear Diary, Today OP was not a faggot.

You stood up for truth in the face of a religionist trying to remake Einstein. If he actually believes that stuff he's proven that he has no regard for truth, only his dogma.

>> No.2328470

wait wasn't einstein a jew

>> No.2328480

Ask him if he's on the rag. That'll probably be insulting his wife's long lost dog.

>> No.2328481
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Ethnically, yes. But many ethnic jews aren't religiously jewish.

Also, more of the convo.

>> No.2328477

Jeez, what a fucking faggot your prof is. That's no person to admire, and you better give him a more stern message than "I didn't mean that, please don't be mad at me!!!! ;_;"
You don't need his letter of recommendation, find someone else. What the fuck does this guy teach, anyway?

>> No.2328476

Yes. Ethnically, anyway. An ashkenazi jew.

>> No.2328495

Too much deference bro. There's respect, and then there's cowering. You're putting him at Emperor of the Aztecs level instead of professor level, and that'll probably do the opposite of calming him down and making him realize he's being an idiot.

>> No.2328502

This is why Facebook is retarded.

>> No.2328504

Holy fucking shitballs. I'd bring that to the attention of someone higher-up. I had a geography teacher who was in a similar way, but fucked up in the head from his years in Vietnam so that it and religion were all he could talk about. I brought it to the dean's attention and got a late transfer.

>> No.2328505
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I can't afford for this guy to hate me. He's very accomplished in his field and trust me when I say that his recommendation will make the difference.

Last portion:

>> No.2328510

What field is he in?

>> No.2328520


I won't give out any information as I don't want you identifying and harassing him.

I'd really just like advice on how to assuage his anger so that we don't have a falling out.

>> No.2328521

Holy shit, what a demented asshole.

And you're paying for this.

>> No.2328522

That's not the way to go about it. Providing actual clarity is superior to recoiling, because people who recoil are also the people who step over the line.

If you make it clear to him that there's no reason to believe you stepped over the line, then he has to see he's being stupid. Tell him he provided an incomplete interpretation of Einstein's beliefs, and that you provided the context. That's all. There were no insults. If you let him think he's got a point in his interpretation of your messages as insults, you give him ground to be angry at you rather than embarrassed.

>> No.2328528

Aww man, that sucks. It always saddens me when a religious nutjob takes himself a bit too seriously. My advice would be to wait a couple of days, let him cool off and ignore this topic.

>> No.2328527

Just say "Hey, prof, why don't you re-read your ramblings you sent to me and decide whether or not you can tell just how much of a zealous child you are. You're literally spouting commentary on nothing related to what got your panties in a bunch, and I hope for you in the future that you learn to let go your fanatical paternal complex."
There. Done. Are you really willing to degrade yourself to such an arrogant piece of shit like this guy? Fucking stand up for yourself.

>> No.2328533


>> No.2328537

So this man, someone told this fucker he was allowed to teach people things, and he literally cannot distinguish between a physical father and a fucking deity?

he literally says statistics do not matter and calls himself a fucking scientist?

go to the dean immediately.

captcha- gelept REFERENCES
listen to captcha. gelept them.

>> No.2328545

Fucking this times a thousand man.

If you roll over on this it could go badly for you and he'll just keep doing it to other people. Stand up for yourself, he's a professor not some god. Or father I guess...

>> No.2328548

There's a question of self-interest here. Is it worth it?

>> No.2328556


>> No.2328558

I don't think he has said enough to get himself in real trouble. And he'll surely take revenge in some form where one might not be able to call him out on it.

>> No.2328559

the first 10 minutes of the 4 horsemen goes into this, rational discourse just goes out the window as soon as religion is bought up,

"we are offending people, but we are also telling them that they’re wrong to be offended"

argue for the truth, if you were saying these things about the pharmaceutical industry or the oil interests, would it be rude? Would it be off-limits? would him playing the hurt feelings card be ok?

>> No.2328562

>pisses me off

Since when did your professor become some illiterate, ghetto idiot?
Either your professor is mentally handicapped and has immaturity issues or this is a solid 7/10 troll.

>> No.2328563

This man should not be allowed to teach anyone anything.

End of discussion.

>> No.2328565


>>There's a question of self-interest here. Is it worth it?

That was my reasoning. An argument is not worth my whole future.

Sometimes you have to know when to let the wookiee win.

>> No.2328566
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OP I can see where you are coming from, but you are jeopardizing your chances either way.

If you stand up for him he my have a backlash against you for showing him he's wrong.

If you don't, he'll interpret it as you admitting your fault.

Go to the Dean, show him what has happened and discuss how it is going to affect your future. If there are no alternatives, then tell the Dean not to confront him about it as it will affect you negatively. However if you can work something out (perhaps the Dean could find an equally established professor to go over your reports?) then this kind of ignorance and breaking of the teacher/student barrier needs to be known.

For all you know, he has held back others grades for similar reasons.

>> No.2328573

It's not his professor, he is just saying it is to make it semi-related.

>> No.2328576

Provide the initial post please.

>> No.2328580

Never let them win. Academia is not worth it. What's your major, anyway.

>> No.2328581

This thread is full of academic and ethical misconduct. Bring it to your Dean, this shit is fucking appalling. Any professor who conducts himself in this manner should have his Tenure removed.

>> No.2328584

OP, it seems you have quite a bit of respect for him, though I'm not sure how. Regardless, if he starts taking real actions against you because of his poisonous beliefs, you have to report it to his superiors. He arguments are not rational and I suspect he will not act rationally about this either. He could very well attempt to destroy you over this. Do not let him. Document all of his actions towards you in class and make sure to save this conversation.

>> No.2328598

>It seemed like he had the concepts of love, family, and God all mashed together in his head and to say anything even indirectly negative about belief in God was to directly attack his loved ones.
No shit. Welcome to earth. This is why you don't talk about religion with teachers or colleagues or bosses, or anyone else you want to maintain a professional relationship with.

Also, this does not belong in /sci/.

>> No.2328603

Save the facebook page with the comments.

Don't just screencap, save the page.

>> No.2328616

Protip: Einstein was a jew

>> No.2328629

I dont understand something OP. Were you saying Einstein wasnt a Christian or that he didnt believe in god.
one is correct and the other is wrong

>> No.2328641 [DELETED] 

Einstein believed if God you guys, and he's like, THE SMARTEREST PERSON EVER! God MUST be real!

>> No.2328642


>>Provide the initial post please.

He deleted it from his wall. :-\

>> No.2328649
File: 10 KB, 366x71, 1294710995546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein believed if God you guys, and he's like, THE SMARTEREST PERSON EVER! God MUST be real!

>> No.2328657 [DELETED] 


>> Were you saying Einstein wasnt a Christian or that he didnt believe in god.
one is correct and the other is wrong

I said that Einstein is a complicated guy who often used religious language to express the emotional dimension of astrophysics. I do not believe he believe in any sort of God, but rather used the term poetically.


"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."

>> No.2328656

>If you make it clear to him that there's no reason to believe you stepped over the line, then he has to see he's being stupid.
Congratulations, you are the biggest idiot on the planet.

OP, do not listen to him. You need to stop challenging him about his "relationship with his father", i.e., the existence of God, and stop defending what you said that pissed him off. Defending it will keep making it worse. Just say, "I'm sorry, it really wasn't my intention to defend", and LEAVE IT AT THAT. You can try to mend the relationship in various ways, but trying to pick at his purported relationship with God is not one of them.

>> No.2328660


>> Were you saying Einstein wasnt a Christian or that he didnt believe in god.
>>one is correct and the other is wrong

I said that Einstein is a complicated guy who often used religious language to express the emotional dimension of astrophysics. I do not think he believed in any sort of God, but rather used the term poetically.


"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."

>> No.2328661

Eeven if assuming that Einstein was a god believer, that doesn`t add to the argument your friend tries to make because the fact that a well respected person as Einstein believed in an idea is irrelevant to the trueness of the idea in question (appeal to authority fallacy).

>> No.2328663

Einstein didnt believe in the religious god who interfered if you will with the universe. He did how ever believe in god in the sense of a clock maker.

>> No.2328669
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The only way to win is not to play.

>> No.2328670


>>Just say, "I'm sorry, it really wasn't my intention to defend", and LEAVE IT AT THAT.

Already did just that. As I said, no sense in winning an argument only to lose my future.

>> No.2328679

>I see a pattern, but my imagination cannot picture the maker of that pattern. I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one?

>> No.2328681


>>He did how ever believe in god in the sense of a clock maker.

I don't think he did. I think he used religious language to poetically express the majesty of the universe.

"I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist."

- Albert Einstein, letter to Guy H. Raner Jr, July 2, 1945, responding to a rumor that a Jesuit priest had caused Einstein to convert from atheism

>> No.2328682

That's not actually true, though you might hear various atheist writers claiming it. Einstein believed in Spinoza's God which was a Panetheistic God (sometimes incorrectly described as Pantheistic). It's not a personal God, but it is something real and more than just the physical universe.

>> No.2328684

if hes liked i the university/ have a religious admin/ head people and you have a shit press be very vareful, its not worth fucking your life up over.

he seems bat hsit crazy but also like hes doesnt hate you....

god luck

>> No.2328688

You are correct. He believed in Spinoza's God.

>> No.2328695

>In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support for such views.

>I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.

theres plenty of quotes to go around.

>> No.2328696
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>if hes liked i
>a shit press
>bat hsit
>hes doesnt hate you
>god luck
>Didn't capitalise God.
>Used His name in vain.

>> No.2328691

That >>2328682 is why he said he would be considered an atheist from the Jesuit's viewpoint. Because the God he believed in was not a personal God.

>> No.2328704

Yeah, it looked like that's what you're trying to do. Just don't make the mistake of trying to mend fences by explaining why what you said was actually not an attack on him, or was valid. (This advice also applies to women. They need you to validate their feelings. Pretend he's a woman.)

>> No.2328712 [DELETED] 


>>theres plenty of quotes to go around.

Yes, and Einstein was religious in public for the same reason Hitler was. You couldn't get away with public atheism in those days without serious consequences.

All of the quotes I provided came from *private letters*. Where he is most likely to be candid about his actual beliefs.

>> No.2328718

my english is really bad sorry.

people get that when einstien said god he meant the universe? its was like an in joke?

>> No.2328722


>>theres plenty of quotes to go around.

Yes, Einstein was religious in public just like Hitler was. You couldn't get away with public atheism in those days without serious consequences, while being publically pious opened doors for you.

All of the quotes I provided came from *private letters*. Where he is most likely to be candid about his actual beliefs.

>> No.2328724


>> No.2328726

Einstein never pretended to believe in a personal God. There's no reason to believe he was ever dishonest about his beliefs. There were many atheists in his time, including successful physicists. He never ran for public office. There would have been no reason in the world for him to be dishonest, and there's no evidence he ever was.

>> No.2328727

Your are misunderstanding him. Hes arguing that he doesnt believe in a personal god, not that he doesnt believe that god exist.

>> No.2328729


You know I have this friend. I talk to my friends about a lot of things, including religion. This particular friend of mine said something quite interesting to me while I was about to start a discussion about religion with him. He said, he can't think when it comes to religion. It's like his head starts to play static and he just doesn't have the strength to continue talking about the matter.
From this occasion I realized that there are some people who can't grasp certain concepts and are simply not able to talk about them in an intelligent manner. Now my friend has chosen to just put aside religion. It doesn't play big role here in germany anyway it's really more like tradition than an actual belief. Some people though may not be willing to just give up on the matter and will simply pick a side and be fine with it. You can't talk to those people. You can't change their minds. They don't want to hear anything contradicting their belief and they won't.

But I'm supprised it's one of your professors. What university is that guy from? I did not expect such fanatic fundamentalism from a scientist.

>> No.2328732

Kiss his ass like you have an ass fetish and he is the most beautiful woman on earth.

It's an essential skill for getting ahead in the world.

>> No.2328745

>I pointed out that one several occasions in his career, Einstein had made a point of clarifying his position and making it well known that he was not religious.

uhhh...From what I understand Einstein was a very religious Jew. That's why he spent his last days troubled about quantum theory.

>> No.2328750
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>mfw Einstein confirmed for apatheist

>> No.2328753

Read his biography. He also sent some letters.
He was EXTREMELY specific about what he believed with regards to a creator.

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)

>> No.2328762

No. Not even a little not-no.

>> No.2328765
File: 87 KB, 990x704, s28_36915448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about whether Einstein did or did not believe in god is equivalent to thinking whether Paris Hilton did or did not believe in god.

Proove me wgrong sci

Also this fact is irrelevant to the existence of god.

>> No.2328779

>This fact is irrelevant to the existence of god.

>> No.2328789


This is the only option, OP. You should not continue working with the professor no matter how reputable he is. In all, there are some credentials with demerits not worth having.

>> No.2328793

god does not play dice

turns out he does

>> No.2328804


>> No.2328831
File: 295 KB, 1440x900, 1294631649654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir i have well over nine thousand internet's for you

>> No.2328834

Nobody has ever proven anybody wgrong about anything.

>> No.2328836

i think this whole thing could have been avoided with a nice U MAD?

>> No.2328852

Woohoo, OP!

Way to push the looney button!

>> No.2328880

Dear Diary,

Today I stole a professor's Facebook account and fucked with all his students.

>> No.2328887

you have a diary?
you homo

>> No.2328896

Einstein said "god does not play dice" as a way of doubting Heisenberg uncertainty principle,

Heisenberg uncertainty principle is now accepted as the best explanation

>> No.2328901

best explanation for what

>> No.2328912

That's bullshit, 2328887. This discussion is about disrespecting logs and my diary in particular. If you see that as homosexual then I feel sorry for your lab notebook!

>> No.2328922

homes, i study music
u mad?

>> No.2328930


"In his last writing on the topic, Einstein further refined his position, making it completely clear that what really disturbed him about the quantum theory was the problem of the total renunciation of all minimal standards of realism, even at the microscopic level, that the acceptance of the completeness of the theory implied. "


>> No.2328951

I suppose I just have to grin and take that. I'm very sorry if anything I said upset you. I hope it hasn't jeopardized my relationship with your nymphomaniac wife.

>> No.2328957

sounds like bullshit

>> No.2329024

insulted his family, religion, loved ones wherein reality religion has violated our capacity to be objective by using our senses

hes a rotten apple

>> No.2329033

you do undeerstand its impossible to be objective because all your information is subjective.