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2324268 No.2324268 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to become an MD, but I don't see myself getting into an American medical school because they're just too competitive. As an American, are there any foreign medical schools I could more easily get into, even if it means practicing in that country when I'm done?

>> No.2324307

That's fucking scary, at least you'll be in another country.

>> No.2324329

Mexico has a great medicine school, the best ones are Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey Campus), UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) or UASLP (Autonomous University at San Luis Potosí)
If you don't know spanish you will have some big trouble with terms and stuff.
Even though I had the choice of studying medicine in Mexico or the US, I chose Mexico. I think the whole system is better in here. Also you become a doctor in less years than the US (don't know how many exactly)

Just talking about my country, don't know about other countries though. Feel free to ask questions

>> No.2324495

Does Mexico require a four year undergrad to get into med school? I know Brazil doesn't...

You're a fucking tool. I already know a shit ton more about medicine than you probably do, anyway.

>> No.2324587

forgot to mention that

no, you don't need that in Mexico. You just enter med school right after high school.

>> No.2324931

But, to clarify, I should be completely fluent in Spanish, right? I don't speak it at all yet, but it would certainly be worth it.

>> No.2324942

Congratulations on watching 5 seasons of House, your "qualifications" at "knowing more medicine" than some anonymous faggot on a message board mean exactly jack and shit. I don't want some lazy dumbfuck like you treating my illnesses. BOO HOO med school is too competitive. Jesus fucking christ I'm glad it is competitive to keep out shitfucks like you that don't *really* want to be doctors. If you had ever stepped foot onto a university campus you would know that TONS AND TONS of these dumbass high school kids are going to be doctors. Except they don't because 1) They are stupid, or 2) They aren't ambitions enough. I'm guessing you're both.

Enjoy your art history degree faggot.

>> No.2324947

not op but he has a point even though he sounds like a lazy faggot. american med schools are kinda messed.
I like my dutch med school, basically a college/campus next to an academic hospital, shit's awesome.
still hardcore as shit though.

>> No.2324951

Yeah, you sound a little bitter. OP here. My parents are both doctors and my knowledge comes from learning from both them, and reading through a bunch of their textbooks from medical school. So suck on that. :]

>> No.2324955

>hurr hurr faggot faggot
Summed up.

>> No.2325203

¿Cuánto son los gastos de matrícula del año en Mexico?

>> No.2325219

Everything this guy says is completely true. Just because he got to the point and didn't use the most polite manner of speech, it doesn't make his point any less valid.


If that's truly the case, then you should be fine with the competition as you already have valuable resources and an edge against others just starting out.

If anything, you're making yourself look even more pathetic by pointing out how you have an edge and interest in the field but still don't want to compete because it's too hard. Good job.

>> No.2325256

>not wanting to compete like mad
>equates it to being pathetic

you're a faggot

>> No.2325550

Hah. Guess I'll post here once more before I let this stupid thread die. I'd rather practice medicine and live outside the US anyway. I may have an edge when it comes to my knowledge of medicine thus far, but that still doesn't mean I want to have anything to do with the cut throat nature of the schools here, or practicing here in America. That hardly proves that I don't "really want to be a doctor" or whatever you lamers came up with.