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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2324171 No.2324171 [Reply] [Original]


Question you are asked all of the time to explain X thing about biology that YOU ARE TIRED OF PEOPLE ASKING. Or response you get all of the time when trying to explain X thing about biology THAT YOU ARE TIRED OF HEARING.

I will include mine with a little anecdote.
My half-sister, mom's side, has type O blood; my mother has type A. My dad's mother has type O blood. My dad has type A. I have ??? because that can't be known when two heterozygotes get together.
I tried explaining to my mom how:
a) my half-sister could have type O blood with her as type A.
b) my brother and I each have a 25% chance of having type O blood.

And now she is unsure of her blood type for some reason. WHAT THE FUCK.
Also, she doesn't get evolution. How one thing changes into something else. On the bright side, she doesn't doubt it. But I HAVE TRIED EXPLAINING IT SO MANY TIMES HOW IS THIS NOT UNDERSTANDABLE?!

>> No.2324193

im sick of people using the word genes like it is all encompassing and can be applied to various no scientific situations

>> No.2324197

>Also, she doesn't get evolution. How one thing changes into something else.

Fuck man, that would make two people that "[don't] get evolution."

>> No.2324206

BIOhead here. sup?

I actually can't think of anything off the top of my head that infuriates me when I try to explain to people stuff that I've learned in any of my bio classes... I'll think about it.... but I do hate how bad I am at concisely explaining quantum physics...

>> No.2324221

>concisely explaining quantum physics...
Wait, this is even possible?

>> No.2324241


Did you bother explaining the mechanisms behind evolution or did you just say "well over a very very long period of time animals change" which while true isn't even scraping the surface of evolution.

>> No.2324242

I totally left that Chick tract at work and someone took it.

>> No.2324244
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reporting in
i actually shat myself when i found a real life version of OP's pic at my school. i actually keep it in my room now as sort of a novelty...i think i may start collecting them...anyway

youd be surprised how many people ask "if we came from monkeys why are there still monkeys?"

other random stories- nurse in my micro class asked if humans could breed with other animals. also asked if humans were eukaryotes. i now fear all nurses.

>> No.2324250


Quantum physics explained concisely:

"I dunno lol"

>> No.2324260



the nurse was a subtle troll, amirite?

>> No.2324271


Should have put that in quotes.
That's what she says all the time.

>> No.2324276

Name one transitional fossil, that's right, you can't, and yet you continue to wonder why evolution remains only a theory.

>> No.2324282

no, genuinely dumb.

were does everyone go to school, and for anything specific?

im at a comm. college right now, considering ecology, theres this guy on /sci/ who's doing ecology and he says he does a lot of field research, which is what im shooting for.

>> No.2324285


Every time I tried to explain it, I did explain the mechanisms. But she just gets this look on her face like I am a 5 year old explaining why my macaroni art looks like a horse and not a pile of macaroni.

>> No.2324288

4/10 you made me post, and will probably troll others

>> No.2324294


I know you are probably a troll. And if you're not, you wont bother. If you are, maybe this will help your arsenal when you feel like being srs.

>> No.2324292

Because to her you are. Also, the cost of changing her mind might be too great. It's possible she genuinely cannot change her conception of the world so radically, like it's physically impossible. So she can't even try to understand because of the costs.

>> No.2324291


you best be trollin


gtfo my /sci/

>> No.2324302


I know. It just disappoints me. =(

>> No.2324305

I actually have a question myself. Are genetic mutations the cause of all new genotypical traits that evolve a certain species? Can things such as intelligence be increased by passing along genetic information? Does this mean that when someone is getting smarter their genetic code is changing?

>> No.2324309



source: i am an undergrad, just took general genetics and got an A+

>> No.2324313


also, "genetypical traits" is incorrect, i think you mean phenotype?

genotype is just saying whether something is wildtype or the like.....

>> No.2324317

>Are genetic mutations the cause of all new genotypical traits that evolve a certain species?


>Can things such as intelligence be increased by passing along genetic information? Does this mean that when someone is getting smarter their genetic code is changing?

Nope. Not even remotely. That's Lamarckian evolution, which doesn't occur.

Now, intelligence (ability to learn/know/remember/retain information that we consider the domain of smart people) may have some genetic component, but that would be set from birth. It could not be changed along a life time.

>> No.2324321

>Tired of hearing how it violates the law of thermodynamics
>how evolution can't "create new information"
>How all the dating methods are wrong because they rely on other wrong dating methods
>Also, rage when people saying one organism cant turn/give birth to another

>> No.2324323

>genotype is just saying whether something is wildtype or the like

genotype (plural genotypes)

1. (genetics) The combination of alleles, situated on corresponding chromosomes, that determines a specific trait of an individual, such as "Aa" or "aa".

>> No.2324326
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you people dont even realize the trolling going on in this thread

>> No.2324331
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>> No.2324333


>implying biology is science herp derp

>> No.2324335


nice waste of trips

also, biology is science, gtfo with your drivel

>> No.2324340


>thought that post was srs business

Honestly, if I had a penny for every time in this board where I heard engineers/physics majors/math majors bashing on bio majors, I would have enough wealth to rival Bill Gates.

>> No.2324344

Thank you for answering guys. I have another question though. I have been wondering if perhaps the a large amygdala or larger sexual libido could be a factor that hinders intelligence. Could this be true that sexuality can determine intelligence, whereas a less sexually aroused person is predisposed to be better equiped for learning rather than someone with a high sex drive.

>> No.2324348


>>engineers bashing bio majors

>>implying engineers are above bio majors

>>implying engineers are not homosexuals in disguise

>>implying the cake is a like

>>the game

>> No.2324353
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makes senses, just think of the raging homosexuals that are engineers

>> No.2324364


Depends on if the hormones which control sexual drive are heavily interconnected with the hormones which control ability to remember/learn. Which, I'm fairly certain they aren't. But then again, I'm no neuroscience major.

>> No.2324371

Two things that really bug me:

1) "Man, the deep sea is so fucking huge and we would never know what's down there. What if there's something so huge, like, it's bigger than the [insert big building or lovecraft reference here]"
>Try to explain that big things have to eat big things to survive, or at least a shitload of little things, and that there isn't a whole lot to eat down there
"Well how to do you know?"

Or whenever my family questions my bioknowledge, like about what things are venomous or really stupid things to do when you're in the water. I mean, I don't question them when they give me life advice, why question what I devoted my entire life to studying in the first place?

>> No.2324388


I am sorry for your lots.

>> No.2324399

The concept that evolution makes things outright better. That [insert worthless organ here] has no purpose, and if evolution is true, should not exist. There are a lot of retarded things that stayed in during evolution, and that's a concept people don't seem to get. Evolution is less about 'make things better always' and more about 'make things JUST good enough to get out of bed in the morning.'

>> No.2324409

Especially this one time we went to the beach.

"Guys, we shouldn't go to the beach today, that tropical storm was here for three days and it's only been gone for one day, the water is going to be nasty and filled with all sorts of runoff and debris."
"But we've got cabin fever and it's nice out!"
>Go to beach with boat anyway
>Water is turbid as hell
>Water is ice cold
>Water is filled with debris, from pine cones to sticks to trash to whatever
>Mom gets sick from nasty water
>Sister gets stung by jellies due to not being able to see in the water (our jellies are bright purple, can't miss them when the water isn't so turbid)
>Nobody has fun
>Wasted day

>> No.2324418
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>bio majors
>thinking they know anything

>> No.2324432

what about the "naw, I don't like the ocean. I'm always scared a whale-sized shark or some shit will come after me" crowd? because I AM FIRMLY IN THAT CROWD.

jesus christ, the size advantage of ocean creatures is obscene.

>> No.2324433

My family is full of fuck.

>Eating a chocolate bar
>Mom tells me not to eat sugar while sick because it's bad for my immune system
>Inquire as to why, stating that the simple sugars would be utilized by my immune system anyways
>"Because your body wastes energy breaking down sugar into a usable form"
>Brain is filled with fuck

>> No.2324436


>> No.2324446


theyre good at memorizing textbooks though

>> No.2324448


You're just everywhere in here tonight.

>> No.2324451


>implying I ever opened the bio textbook.

Try again.

>> No.2324455
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That was uncalled for. We know.... s-stuff.

>> No.2324459


are you retarded?

bio requires no critical thinking. it's just a bunch of fucking memorization.

enjoy your high school teacher job lolol

>> No.2324466

man what do bio majors even do

what do ANY majors even do

>> No.2324478

Only losers that major in straight Bio go on to teach in a dirty side room of a high school! Real biofags know how they wish to apply themselves and branch from Biology into other fields.

I assume you'rea Chem or Mathfag? Usually you guys don't get along with us Biofags because you view us as scientists that don't like math.... which I'm not going to lie, is partly true. But damn, I just love life in general. It's absolutely fascinating, I love every aspect of it. Chemistry and Math are seriously useful to be sure, but they feel so cold and impersonal.

>> No.2324482
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>no critical thinking

>> No.2324484

>evolution to justify racism
>evolution to justify social darwinism
>evolution to justify political views
>homosexuality isnt "natural" or its "against nature"

also- i dont care how much biology i know, ive somehow picked up an irrational fear of deep water and/or stepping on something

>> No.2324486


There is plenty of math in biology.
What the fuck? Are you retarded?

>> No.2324488

"how many pages terms do i have to memorize tonight"

>> No.2324493


>implying only the biology branch of science has highly technical vocabulary

>> No.2324497

COMPLEX math I mean, the most we have (or at least what I deal with) is population ecology material. There are measurements and data to be sure, but certainly nothing like what chemfags do.

>> No.2324506


Ecology is baby bio. Seriously, easiest section in general bio. Easiest upper level bio course I ever took.


I was required to go through gen chem 1 & 2 and then also do organic 1 & 2. Not analytical chem, which I hear is a bitch.

Maybe I should just stop caring that /sci/ is and forever will be physics/math/engineering majors, which may as well all by synonyms.
Have fun getting medicine with
>no math in biology

>> No.2324512

At the risk of arguing with a troll or an idiot. Have you heard of field called biochemistry? Or computational biology? Or bioinformatics? Systems biology? All of these are extraordinarily math intensive fields.

This is a message to /sci/. You don't know what biologists do. At all. You don't understand anything. Please read a journal sometime, like Nature or Cell or Development or Genetics or JCB or any of those and then tell me biology has no application or is just for dumbfuck premeds to memorize stupid shit. >>2324317

>> No.2324523

we should just keep our HIV, Cancer Diabetes, and other cures to ourselves.
Fuck math/eng/physics/inorganicchemfags they can suck it
Biochem can stay

>> No.2324535


I'm in the physics camp on /sci/ and currently working on developing my math abilities beyond that of "just prerequisite to continue physics" level

I fucking love you biology guys. Some of my best nights are when I get together with some guys from bio and the astro department and we all go out drinking

>> No.2324558

>Ecology is baby bio
troll harder

>> No.2324572

>derp chemical systems (simpler systems) are described by more complex math than biological systems (complex systems)