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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2322575 No.2322575 [Reply] [Original]

>in French class
>guy in front of me is having conversation with teacher
>discussion turns to space
>they ask each other if the earth orbits the sun, or if the sun moves at all
>they ask me
>I ask them if they're serious, then tell them the answer
>guy tells me I don't have to get mad about it

Did I overreact, or do average people not know facts like these?

>> No.2322582

>Be in phys ed.
>teacher says she's going to be gone tomorrow for jury duty
>buff tall black kid next to me asks what jury duty is
>I start laughing at first, realize he's serious, try to cover up my laughter by saying that reminded me of something funny about jury duty
>explain jury duty to him
>Don't get my ass beat.

>> No.2322588

You got successfully trolled

>> No.2322597


Yes, you have discovered that the average every day people of our society are horribly misinformed. The other day my mom asked me if Russia was communist, which I guess isn't as ridiculous as not knowing if the earth revolves around the sun but still, she's university educated and also a teacher.

>> No.2322598

>in class
>someone asks me a question I know the answer to and would expect them to know the answer to
>answer their question concisely and clearly without mocking
>When I ask them a question they expect me to know the answer to, they extend the same courtesy to me
>The world is a slightly better place

>> No.2322600

>French class

I was in Honor Classes in High School and all the idiots were always in the elective classes. Dont act like an uppety asshole but yeah its not strange to meet someone doesn't know a basic concept of a science

>> No.2322610

>in Modern Physics class
>engineers across from me are talking about cold fusion and how that stuff will revolutionize the world
>realize they don't know what they're talking about
>keep myself from laughing
>they turn to ask me how it works
>it doesn't
>but I entertain them by saying that the process which heat is generated takes up less heat

Vainglorious greentext general?

>> No.2322613

We had a girl who was so idiotic we seriously convinced her that France was the capital of London

>> No.2322620
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>In science class, teacher instructs there are two members of the order Testudines, Turtles and Tortoises.
>I point out she forgot Terrapins.
>She says Terrapins are classified as Turtles
>I say no, Terrapins are separate and designated by the brackish, coastal environments they inhabit.
>She looks it up, I'm right. She gives me extra credit on my assignment for the day.


>> No.2322621

Except there's lots of evidence that cold fusion works

>> No.2322631

my stepdad still thinks mars is closer to the sun than earth

and my classmates think that mars is hotter than earth

>> No.2322632


Except that if it did work, oil companies would have already capitalized on it.

>> No.2322644

>Have lots of questions
>Don't dare to ask them because of people like OP
>Remain forever stupid but save face

>> No.2322649

I had a girl in my music class convinced that Cher was singing unaided in "Life After Love", and that other people had to use autotune because they weren't as talented.

>> No.2322662

I'd like to know what OP answered to that.

>> No.2322668


This. This. This. Never, under ANY circumstances, get confrontational with people who just happen to not know things. It's not like they keep a pocket book schedule for running over toddlers or anything.

>> No.2322674

good job being a fucking social retard.

>Excuse me, I know you are knowledgeable in the subject of astronomy, do you know if the Sun moves at all?

>> No.2322679

Except that it produces little energy and can take weeks to produce results. It's primary product is very small amounts of tritium.
It is not cost effective, the same reason muon catalyzed fusion (which is well established and reproducible) is not used

>> No.2322685
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mocking the misinformed doesn't help anyone, and if lots of people have that attitude then people will be less likely to try to better themselves by asking questions for fear of looking stupid.

>> No.2322694

It's common knowledge that the earth revolves around the sun. Only creationists and tribesmen in africa don't know.

You were justified in your reaction.

>> No.2322709

A lot of people dont realise the sun is a star like the others in the sky at night.

They think they are different things.

>> No.2322710


>> No.2322712


>> No.2322720

No, no there isn't.
Burden of proof is on you, get some evidence.

>> No.2322727

My 3rd grade teacher once told me that stars don't emit light but only reflect light from the sun :-(

>> No.2322728

Of course you'd never call them a faggot or anything, but it may be so dumb that you may laugh pretty hard or just say something like "are you serious?" almost accidentally.

>> No.2322775

>Someone asks me about something trivial non-academic related which could be looked up on Google if I ever needed to know
>I tell them I have no idea
>"Why not? You're supposed to be smart. You're even taking math classes!"

I hate that shit so much man.

>> No.2322779

*Trivial and non-academic related

Sorry, I changed the sentence at the last second before posting.

>> No.2324557
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>My 3rd grade teacher once told me that stars don't emit light but only reflect light from the sun :-(

My grandmother told me the Quran is better than Modern Science and then quoted the verse that says the stars are lamps created by Allah to impress us.

She didn't know what makes our sun shine and emit heat/radiation. She didn't know other stars are suns. She was shellshocked when I told her there are at least 100,000,000,000 stars in the Milky Way. She was absolutely astounded that there are currently approximately 50 billion galaxies in our observable universe.

>> No.2324584
File: 61 KB, 347x382, MuslimPrayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muslim upbringing? Me too. Raised my hand in Sunday school once during a lesson on Genesis when I was a kid. Asked when God made the dinosaurs and the Imam said they never existed. I asked him about the bones and where they came from and he said they were fake. Confused still (because I loved watching Discovery Channel even as at 7 years old) I asked him why scientists would say they're real and then he told me they were followers of the Shaitan (Satan) and I just shut up for the rest of the class.

It was all downhill for my faith from there, heh. As a kid I used to also peek between my legs and make faces at the row behind me when we did Sallah and put our foreheads to the ground. What a waste five prayers everyday of my life was, fuck!

>> No.2324597


OP, you sound like a 16 year old twat. You have much to learn

>> No.2324604

>I totally know more than everyone else
>Other people are stupid and don't know basic trivia I do
>someone asked me a question and was irritated with my response

what do /sci/??

>> No.2324622
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>> No.2324628

>I asked him why scientists would say they're real and then he told me they were followers of the Shaitan

My grandmother blames everything she doesn't understand on Shaitan. Fuck.

>> No.2324635


The song you are referring to is called "Believe", my good man. Please make a note of it.

>> No.2324636

>He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. - Chinese People

Yes nigga I just put a proverb down. Deal with it.

>> No.2324637


homosexual detected

>> No.2324642
File: 20 KB, 507x381, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got into a discussion with my friend about religion
>told her our family is nonreligious
>sister piped up and said, "No we're Christian"
>I told her sister don't go to church, pray, or believe in Jesus.
>She points out that we were baptized when we were very young.
>I text up my other sister telling her our first sister thinks the family is Christian
>She says the same thing
>mfw, again

>> No.2324643

Yeah but you're an unknown fool.

>> No.2324648

religion has its place. it keeps the ignorant masses from just killing themselves because they live in a universe they cant possible understand

>> No.2324649
File: 26 KB, 400x300, derpfish[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Get into argument with highschool economics teacher.
>I tell him fish are a natural resource, he disagrees and keeps trying to get the last word in.
>I keeping telling him hes wrong.
>Sends me out of the classroom.

>> No.2324650

>He who already knows the answer to those questions doesn't need to look like a dumbshit.

>> No.2324651

I'm fully confirmed under the Catholic church and am able to take Eucharist. I'm also Atheist.

>> No.2324659


You sound like one of the mouth-breathers that watch Jersey Shore and use the term "grenade free".

>lol such a nerd hu cars abut that dum stff xD

Have you learned nothing from the thread?

>> No.2324670

Actually I'm a homosexual that lives in west hollywood.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

Believe is an uber campy super gay song. Who would bother correcting someone for calling it "life after love"... I still think you're gay. If not, meh, I was wrong.

>> No.2324675

Hey, guys! Did you know that the Earth completes full rotation in one day? And that it takes exactly one year for the Earth to complete a circle around the Sun? What coincidences!

>> No.2324680
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No excuse for being stupid!

>> No.2324684
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>> No.2324686


>West Hollywood

Why do we let you fuckers live?

>> No.2324693


Because I know the name of a song that went number 1 in its time? Fuck off, queer.

>> No.2324697
File: 59 KB, 288x471, 1286852778773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YOU are what is wrong with the scientific community.

I was asking my professor (tenured) who was teaching a class on the cellular biology of the neuron a question about nuclear malformation, and its relationship with laminA/C based muscular dystrophy claiming that it might be intuitive (hurr lamins don't form) when he stated in class that additional research is needed in this subject. I propose a hypothesis, he chuckles and directs me to a paper relating nucleokinesis in neurons (turns out lamins weren't the entire story) and how THAT is why there are gray areas.

>mfw when

I felt like a moron, but he turned around and said...
>Don't worry, the highest functioning action which illustrates the intelligence of a scientifically minded individual is the ability to formulate a good question. The next action is asking a question, followed by general curiosity. Regardless of the knowledge (scientific or not) one accumulates, if one does not entertain scientific curiosity regardless of how basic it is, they are most unintelligent.

tl;dr The guy asked a question in order to further his knowledge on astronomy (dispite basicness) and you acted immaturely you 16 year-old, backwards-thinking, uncompassionate, pompus asshole. Wait till you get into a university and people treat you the same way. Someone always knows something someone else doesn't.

>> No.2324699

but why does a full moon occur about every29.5 days?


>> No.2324701

halp me obi wan kenobi, you're our only hope

>> No.2324705

have you not learned anything from this thread?

>> No.2324707

There is so much I don't know. I worry about that more.

>> No.2324711

because we give great blowjobs. You should go get one and chill out

>> No.2324729
File: 21 KB, 320x480, like299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid in my engilsh class says, "yeah, he said his nane was bob. Why would he lie?"
>I say he didnt, his names robert
>kid say wtf does that have to do with anything
>i say bob is short for robert, and like bill is short for william
>kid says, "Yeah, and william's short for esophagus!

>> No.2324743


I feel like you wrote that just to show off how smart you think you are. don't pretend like you haven't been frustrated by ignorance yourself.

>> No.2324758

Wow, nobody has said anything about magnets yet

>> No.2324768


How do they work?

>> No.2324776

>kid says, "Yeah, and william's short for esophagus!

Fucking lost it.

>> No.2324799

Mon vagin!

>> No.2324814


I wrote that because that is what happened. Yes, "Nueron Cell Biology" is a top tier course offered in my school. When I asked that question, I also asked it in front of other individuals, most of which laughed when I got "sci-owned" by my professor and his referenced paper. Fact of the matter is they acted like they knew it, and I know for a fact that not all of them could have known that, especially since the paper he produced was written around October 2010.

Also I will correct you, what OP said WAS an example of ignorance.... but that guy that didn't know the earth orbited the sun was just "uninformed". I am offended by ignorance, but when someone doesn't know the answer to something I do the right and try to answer the question to the best of my ability.... granted its something I know.

tl;dr If confronted by the same question I would have responded shortly "Earth orbits the sun" and went back to my business.

>> No.2324820


Oh goodness I misspelled neuron. I can hear the grammar nazi's now.

>> No.2324822
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>> No.2324830

I don't get how you got "owned"? Did the people in your class laugh at you?

If so they are retards

>> No.2324841

Not him, but
>most of which laughed when I got "sci-owned"
>most of which laughed

>Did the people in your class laugh at you?

>> No.2324847


I got owned because I was mocked by some individuals in class, regardless of how dumb it may seem... insulting ones intelligence with no rhyme or reason is hurtful. I was "sci-owned" when my professor was able to answer my question that quickly with a paper he produced randomly... its just a funny term as I was happy my question was answered. I also felt proud.... proud because he produced that paper as if he knew that someone was going to ask that question. Damn good professor.

>> No.2324848
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Sorry, slow tonight.

I'm baffled. Didn't those guys grow up past high school? Laughing at someone who asks a question, dear god

>mfw OP

>> No.2324853


To add to my above statement, there were 15 individuals in my class.

>> No.2324874
File: 63 KB, 237x344, 1273631268983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in Media Studies class (don't judge me the teacher is rad as hell)
>discussion between mildly religious Christians and what seem to be agnostics/transhumanists starts up
>the agnostics say something to the effect of "if I can't see it with my own two eyes, it isn't real"
>they get these smug looks on their faces
>the Christians jump down these guys throats and start trolling them hardcore about the EM spectrum and subatomic particles
>mfw before I went back to finishing my German homework

>> No.2324880


Some people just don't grow up.

5th grade knowledge my friends: There is no such thing as a stupid question.

>> No.2324881

This is probably why so many Americans are retarded... All the children in K-12 are so afraid of being made fun of, that they never ask any questions.

>> No.2324889


I can...kinda see the logic jump?

William -> William Tell shot an Apple -> Adam's Apple -> That thing on your throat.

Wildly misinformed but it's there.

>> No.2324893


Personally, I think that when you feel dumb, then you know you are learning something.

>> No.2324903


>> No.2324910


We asked 500 people some questions. Here are the 10 dumbest. DERP

>> No.2324918


You know what those bastards probably did? They probably asked the questions, and moved on after they got their recorded material. Those britfags probably didn't even answer them, which is most insulting of all.

It is your job as a human being to combat curiosity by answering questions and being tolerant to individuals that do not know the same things you do.

>> No.2324935

Sorry for the delay but I couldn't let this slide.

>It's common knowledge that the earth revolves around the sun. Only creationists and tribesmen in africa don't know.
Maybe, but that common knowledge is wrong. See:

The Earth, as well as most solar bodies (including the Sun), orbit their common center of mass. The Sun moves, being especially affected by Jupiter, and orbits their center of mass.

>> No.2324941

But what if the centre of mass is inside the sun?

>> No.2324945

Doesn't make it less true.
Unless the center of mass is at the center of mass of the sun.

>> No.2324948

Okay, how about if all the planets orbiting at the same time actually cancel out the various movements of the sun?

Assuming you're just looking at the sun in a rotational model and watching the sun wobble from side to side as a planet orbits around it.

>> No.2324952


The sun moves, around the galaxy.

>> No.2324954

That is true as well but that isn't a frame that was necessarily being referenced. The question I'm guessing was referring mainly to Solar bodies.

>> No.2324965

My 6th grade teacher(Christian school) told the class that too much open-mindedness is dangerous, because that's how the demons get in.

My 10th grade English teacher(again, Christian school) told the class that the rhythms in rock music are Satanic.

>> No.2324973

Going by medieval Catholic canon, rock rhythm is Satanic but then again so is Beethoven.

>> No.2324985

>medieval rock rhythm

>> No.2324988

Beethoven did look somewhat satanic.

>> No.2324994

Rock might not have itself been present during medieval times but the musical phonemes, like rhythm and certain tonal qualities, are universal to music, similar to the way math has certain mathematical universal concepts.

Beethoven's rendition of Dies Irae, for example, would have more than likely led to his excommunication, if not execution outright, had it been written just 2 centuries earlier.

I mean Oh Suzanna is written with a pentatonic scale which was considered Satanic. Oh Suzanna.

>> No.2325002

>how many sides does a triangle have?
>damn, four
>it has no sides
>mfw i have no face

>> No.2325005

>in calculus class
>guy doesn't even know how to add or subtract

>> No.2325006

hey if you know where to get a mass-free copy of jupiter, then hit me up! i think we can make some money off this mass-less matter.

>> No.2325015

>Outside a biostats exam room shared with an engineering class
>Looking at my notes
>Two engineering guys looking at theirs and talking about the material
>One asks the other: "Is CO2 a greenhouse gas?"
>Die inside
>But pass the exam after only 8 hours of studying having skipped every single class. trollface.jpg

>> No.2325019

I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. Probably could have been more clear but you might want to reread what I wrote. Unless I am misunderstanding you right now, it is very late where I am afterall.

>> No.2325027


>implying that some ancient tribes didn't have the same level of knowledge 1000 years ago as we had 100 years ago (in regards to some things, mainly astronomy)

>> No.2325036
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>Outside an engineering exam room shared with a bio-something class
>Looking at girls and possible traps
>see some nerd react with disdain to the current conversation which is clearly none of his fucking business since nobody asked mr forever alone for any input at all.
>mfw i realise he will have to settle for $30k a year

>> No.2325039
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everyone should be aware the earth revolving around the sun.

the motion of the sun in the galaxy and the motion of the galaxy itself is not so well known, or frankly, relevant to any phenomena we observe, so being ignorant here is forgivable.

BUT: I agree that you shouldent mock people for not understanding fusion. but i think you should read up on it before having discussions and trying to explain it to other people

>> No.2325042

wtf is a jury duty?

>> No.2325047

>turtles terrapines tortoises
>implying those dinstictions have any taxonomic/scientific importance

>> No.2325055

Maybe not but taxonomy is already a clusterfuck of technicalities so why make this an exception.

>> No.2325070

>it's terrapins all the way down
OP should know better.

>> No.2325088

true dat

but the subject was more relevant with linguistics than natural sciences

>> No.2325091

Ausfag =/= Britfag

>> No.2325093
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>Go on omeagle
>Ask hundreds of people what would happen if you dropped a pen on the moon
>No one gets it right

>> No.2325103

should we make a demographic about scientific litteracy in omegle?

>> No.2325104


Butthurt engineer detected :3

>> No.2325107
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>> No.2325111

engineers never butthurt

they are well used to penetration

>> No.2325123
File: 24 KB, 306x227, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>group of us playing online geography game
>Chinese girl unable to correctly identify China on (unlabelled) world map
>start mocking her
>another girl defends her with the argument 'I don't know where Russia is'
>mfw when this isn't even the US

>> No.2325127

The correct answer is pens don't work in space so why do you have one

>> No.2325133

>group of us playing online geography game
I knew /sci/ was full of lame people but damn...

>> No.2325153

>science teacher shows us picture of galaxy. "
>"this is our galaxy"
>Me: False
>The picture you are referring to is not our galaxy.
>"and how do YOU know that!!!!!"

>> No.2325154

Hey, at least it was a group. I play online vocabulary games. Alone.

>> No.2325157
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>> No.2325215
File: 453 KB, 1280x720, 1237160174120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introduction to Medical Science
>In a tutorial with a aspie Asian in my group
>Going over easy shit, like the structures of a cell, etc.
>Asian bro saids, "What's a cell membrane"

>> No.2325258

wtf is a terrapin?

>> No.2325312

Various not directly related taxa of turtles that inhabit freshwater or brackish enviroments and have developed some semi-aquatic adaptations (like membranes between the fingers, flat shells for reducing water resistance etc...)

>> No.2325352

but didnt nasa spend millions of dollars developing a pen that works in space?

>> No.2325383

No, "some guy" spent not a lot of money developing a pen that works in microgravity and then sold them to the general public, nasa and pretty much everyone that wanted to write in space. Nasa did not spend millions of dollars, they used pencils until there was a product on the market.

>> No.2325435

pallpoint pens work in space, due to capillary action
they do not work upside down, because gravity is stronger
zero g is not negative g

>> No.2325521

Then why did nasa and the russians use pencils and then switch to the space pens?

>> No.2325530

Urban legends?

>> No.2325555

the whole pen/pencil thing is an awesome allegory for the russian and american space programs.

the russian ones were hacked together with pieces that didn't get stolen in the night, it's a fucking miracle that it even worked and so many people died beforehand it's boggling. Of course they'd use a fuckin' pencil. They were probably McGuyvering half the damn rocket together anyway.

In the US, they had no holds barred and had a great base in houston, fantastic computers at the the time, highly trained professionals, everything engineered to nigh perfection as could be expected, of course they'd design a pen for maximum efficiency too.

that's how I look at it anyway.

>> No.2325567

Why would a pen be more effective than a pencil?

Americans threw money at every problem until it went away.
Russians hacked their space program together. Kludges everywhere.

>> No.2325575

Broken off tips of pencils floating around in microgravity can be disruptive and if they get to where they really shouldn't be there can be real problems.

And the US actually DID use pencils at first.

>> No.2325604


Fish aren't really a resource, unless you classify EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS as a resource. Which i guess you could easily argue and I wouldn't argue back because the term resource is a made up word to describe things by humans and it's not worth the energy. Either way, whether you're right or wrong (it's ambiguous) it doesn't fucking matter and if you were arguing it I would kick the shit out of you if I were your teacher.

>> No.2325608

>Did I overreact, or do average people not know facts like these?

Well, yes. You did overreact.

The response to ignorance isn't to be hateful and angry towards the ignorant. How would you feel if your teacher talked to you in a condescending tone?

Science isn't about acting superior towards those less knowledgeable. If anything, you ought to be striving to teach them.

quit gettin mad bro

>> No.2325612
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>Go on omegle
>Ask what happens if you drop a pen on the moon
>They tell me it would go up my mother's ass


>> No.2325616
File: 146 KB, 1680x1050, example4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In class
>Cruising along because I'm awesome
>one of the 4 other students that survived up to this class turns to me and asks me how to get the answer in the picture
>I was like "lol you serious you don't know how to solve this ahahhahaha fucking trivial"
>MFW I facepalmed and called him an idiot

>> No.2325618


is that some economics I see?

>> No.2325620

He's right.

I think a lot of people don't appreciate science because they feel that scientists have some sort of superiority complex. Of course, that's not true, but I think the problems stems from the most outspoken people acting like OP and laughing at people who are genuinely interested in learning something.

my CAPTCHA was "and yet, Raptors"

>> No.2325623

>mvq you go to University of Lausanne

>> No.2325628
File: 181 KB, 549x563, 1290377234819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inefficient Markets by my teacher who is a PhD in Theoretical Physics and where all of us 5 students do not understand a single percent of the course.
>MFW when I have his exam in 4 days and have not yet read the slides
>Picture has never been more related

>> No.2325637


Yeah that's some grad ass level econ right there... Masters level microecon? I am only a second year honours econ student and i've tried looking at that level stuff. It looks fucking impossible. Like srsly, the mathematical prerequisites on the way to an econ master's are not very intensive at all. But the mathematical knowledge required to be successful requires the knowledge of a math bachelor's at least it feels. Iuno. I start 3rd year micro today. We'll fucking see.

>> No.2325648
File: 2.04 MB, 160x130, 1294146822281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last semester of Master of Science in Finance. Well, this one is regarder as the hardest in Europe, and I can tell you it's no joke so unless you have a godlike will and can withstand stress and seeing 1-2 students drop out per week and finishing with 20 students down from 180.
>MFW I learned that the teacher was my boss in my future internship

>> No.2325649

Both space agencies used wax pencils, like crayons.

Eventually a 'space pen' was invented, but it wasn't at the cost of millions of dollars, and it was done by a corporation, not NASA.

>> No.2325653

You're a moron.

Fish are a resource because they are harvested for human use. Same as iron, lumber, and salt.

You're right, everything can be a resource. A resource is an abstract economic term that details anything being actively used for production or consumption by humanity IN THAT CONTEXT alone.

Even dirt can be called a resource, if it's being harvested.

>> No.2325658

alright, fine, you mother fucker.

>> No.2325659

>mfw I start thinking about stacks of dirt in Minecraft


>> No.2325660

Haha, it's funny, the math on that slide looks really close to my course in theoretical statistical mechanics.

>> No.2325664

Why the hell is everyone hating on the OP?
Knowing that the earth revolves around the sun is something truly basic and I would bet my penis and scrotum that if I asked anyone i know which one orbits the other, they would be insulted.
Then again, I live in Europe...

>> No.2325676


Ameritard here. It gets pretty bad, especially from the lower middle class downward.

So, I can totally believe this. Still, it probably IS unusual.

>> No.2325681

It's embarrassingly bad. My brother in law is a postgrad student in history. Last week, he asked me what a neutron was, exactly.

>> No.2325700

Well, did you say "Oh, a neutron is a subatomic particle - one of the three that make up an atom. The other two are protons and electrons. Neutrons, which have no charge, and protons, which have a positive charge, reside in the nucleus of the atom, while electrons, with a negative charge, orbit around them. Anything else you'd like to know? I can explain more if you'd like."


One of these is a better response than the other.

>> No.2325707

I said "man, are you serious?".

Then I explained it.

Just enough belittling to satisfy my scientific indignation.

>> No.2325709

I think a lot of people don't appreciate science because television, music and movies are created by people who don't like science, which is why it always gets represented as something boring, hard, uncreative, cold, scary or even evil.
Nobody sticks up for science (when they come into contact with it, it's something they don't understand) while science does stick up for a lot of things (because when science comes into contact with something creative, it try to understand it.)

But yeah, sure, assholes are the reasons people hate science, not the inherent nature of non-scientific people.

>> No.2325717
File: 59 KB, 636x1333, International_PISA TEST scores by race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should learn to live in not a shit tier neighborhood full of niggers or not live in a shitty state.

White Americans get the higher science scores than any European country in the PISA test and only fail in math/reading to Finland.

You're definitely a real retard that helps destroy the American education system by actually believing the fucktarded alarmists saying "OH MY GOD, THIS YOUTH IS STUPID!!! EDUCATION IS FUCKED HURDDUR!11" or retards in Texas who try to teach creationism. Learn your place and don't fucking drag down the rest of America.

>> No.2325728

If New England states were each their own country they'd get higher Finland anyway. Kids believe those dumb stereotypes the media gives themselves so they basically destroy and rot the US from the inside out. The dumbing down of the education system is due to shitty unions, media destroying the youth, and appealing to retard minorities with affirmative action or no child left behind. The majority of the top 100 universities in the world are all US ones anyway. The public school system has flaws but it's not bad as idiots make it out to be compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.2325730

We need another Sagan. :(
Someone posted this video in another thread:

>> No.2325737

I think you overreacted. You have to come to terms with people knowing very little. If you can't manage to do that life will be VERY hard for you.

>> No.2325747


>> No.2325751

I think better than coming to terms with it is both coming to terms with it and combating it. I don't mean combating it like an arrogant asshole, just show people the beauty in science by explaining things and teaching them.

>> No.2325769

you must be a fucking retard if you think this graph is accurate.

>> No.2325787

I like how everyone compares french guy's question with something they ask their college professor. You don't expect an average person to know about nuclear malformation and whatever.

op didn't overreact, it's basic knowledge

>> No.2325795

you must be a fucking retard if you think it's not.

I mean, how hard could it be to check the source?

>> No.2325797

why don't you cunts actually value your education instead of taking it for granted.

>> No.2325801


This is so incredibly misinformed. If anything, it's the complete opposite... have you seen shows like CSI, House, etc? Have you seen a liberal arts degree thread on ANY board on 4chan? American culture's taken a HARD turn toward science (which isn't a bad thing, and I'm a full blown English-majorfag saying this).

I think the bigger problem is science is mystified by people who make TV shows/movies to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Because white Americans are clearly all that matter, right? Even if your data wasn't suspect, your reasoning is still fucking retarded.

I'm sorry, but minority scores don't only count at a 3/5s ratio, you racist asswipe.

>> No.2325806
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 1291957725087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm a senior and I forgot to buy a parking permit and declare my major.

>> No.2325825

Because most people views knowledge as something to flaunt over people rather than to share. But OP's example was a little extreme.

>> No.2325885

bump for discussion

>> No.2326486

typical /sci/fag

>> No.2326655


>> No.2326740

Holy shit, you are a sheep.

shoot yourself

>> No.2326759

just gonna respond to OP

People are simply misinformed sometimes. The average person learns about the sun and the Earth and how they work in like, elementary school, and never hear about it again. They put it in the same place they put the pythagorean theorem "Is it a times 2 plus b times 2 equal c divided by 2?"

it's not something they concern themselves with every day, and so it's perfectly okay that they don't. I mean, it's a very simple piece of information, yes. But it's not a terribly important one either. Hell, relative to us, it's far easier to believe that the Sun orbits the Earth.

I'm not suggesting that that is correct, but when it comes to convenience and to someone who likes French or sociology or economics a lot more than space, these things just aren't important enough to remember that well.

You probably came off as a total douche, as they were simply ignorant of the answer, but at the same time it's understandable if the kind of society you grew up in was full of people who were knowledgeable about space and shit.

just do this, it makes things so nice

>> No.2326767

disdain without counterarguments. Nice.

Here's another one: If prescience worked, then casinos would go bankrupt and psychics would be billionaires.

>> No.2326791

let's look back in time, to a day and age when concepts like the atom, the earth orbiting the sun, and other things proven through science, were instead the subject of philosophy and mythology. 2000 years ago, or something, if you were to ask "does the sun move?" a person would say "of course, it moves through the sky from the east to the west" This was a fact, for them. The sun moved through the sky, from the east to the west. Now we know that the sun does not move like that, instead it is the earth that rotates while orbiting the sun that causes the illusion of the sun's motion relative to our position on the Earth.

To call this ancient peasant an idiot would be unwise back then, because there was no proof that the Sun did anything other than what he claimed. Now, of course, one might be inclined to insult the intelligence of the peasant because it has been proven otherwise.

The question is: is it right to do this? Times have changed, indeed, and many scientific facts about the world are relatively common knowledge known by many people. However, there are people who are unaware that the Earth orbits the sun, and they make the same obvious conclusion as the ancient peasant. Are they idiots for not knowing what we know? Are they fools for not being properly educated? Some would say yes, some no.

I think that an important idea in this argument is that today there is a great deal more knowledge known about the physical universe than at any other point in our history.

>> No.2326792


Today in our schools we try to round out our children with basic knowledge in a great many different subjects. Just as the ancient peasant probably informed his son of the fact that the world was created by, say, the breaking of a cosmic egg's shell, my teachers have taught me that the universe was created through the Big Bang Theory. Both were seen as facts, one is now seen as more a fact than the other, and it would be very hard to argue that the cosmic egg shell creation theory has any merit whatsoever.

All this knowledge in all these subjects, it's a lot of absorb. Many of it probably seems worthless, much of it boring, little of it interesting. What is important, however, is that we are only human. A reason why we have biologists, astrophysicists, mathematicians, etc. is that one must specialize in a field of science to get any real grasp on it. You've also got to give a shit about it. Most people don't give a shit about science, they care about other stuff, stuff that is much more important to them. Stuff that might seem trivial to some, but not to others.

What is important is that no one ever should think that "you shit IS trivial, and my shit IS important. How could you not know that Heidi Klum was stepping down as a model for Victoria's Secret?! ARE YOU SOME KIND OF IDIOT?!?!"

it takes all kinds to make a world, and it takes respect to get it to function

>> No.2326878
File: 232 KB, 520x534, 1283173416375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the first times where I use "Cool story bro" in a serious way, and not sarcastic. Great stuff.

>> No.2326905

Asking if Russia is communist isn't really that far fetched, considering how socialist the rest of europe is, along with the fact that people often used russia/ussr interchangeably.

I think people around here who spend all their time in books, or the internet, overreact and don't have a proper perspective on how much(or how little) information is needed to function at even high levels.

>> No.2326925

Not greentext but THEORY creationist theory,ancient astronaut theory,indigo child theory
If your going to pretend to be using science (spelled SCIENCE!!!!!) at least be marginally familiar with the scientific method

>> No.2326936

Yup, youre a judgemental prick.

If you ever respond to a question with "are you serious?"

Then you are a prick, doesnt matter what the question was.

>> No.2328306

How about no?