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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2321338 No.2321338 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is just in case the original Technocratic Republic thread gets pruned.

Links to fill you in:



>> No.2321347
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(shameless) repost of my flag proposition

>> No.2321365

OP here:

Can't get it to repost, so link to flag I like is here:


>> No.2321372
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Khan ah becomesh a sitishen??? Hao mush weffare I getsh?

>> No.2321376

The only problem I see with this is it's going to be run by people who are potentially very anti-social, and have little to no experience in politics. World politics can be very vicious.
That, and there is really no place for us to have to ourselves. We could go to some big country like Australia or Russia (the US would not allow it, most likely) and ask to secede, but still remain under their soverignty. This means that we have to pay taxes and levies on all of our imports and exports.
Also, how does a technocratic society work, when the rest of the world is still economically relying on supply and demand and scarcity?

Bump, because I like the idea, though.

>> No.2321385
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I like my liberal democracy thank you very much.

No need for another dystopia. Last century has seen enough of idiocy and blood of innocents.

>> No.2321389


Same guy.
How would the citizenship test work? And would it be standardized? If someone was self-educated and didn't have any credentials, but was as knowledgeable as someone with a bachelor's or a master's, would they still be allowed in?

>> No.2321392
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>very anti-social, and have little to no experience in politics
15 year old who has never actually known anyone with a science degree detected

>> No.2321402
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no the problem is its going to be run by atheists who think theyre geniuses for not believing in mommys religion all the while unaware the founders of many nations were vastly more intelligent than them, and theyll repeat all the same mistakes but theyll pretend because they belive in "scienz" somehow itll work this time

>> No.2321406

>We could go to some big country like Australia or Russia (the US would not allow it, most likely) and ask to secede, but still remain under their sovereignty.
Southwest Tasmania currently seems quite feasible. Hilly terrain, fairly okay climate, nearby river and gorgeous views.
>This means that we have to pay taxes and levies on all of our imports and exports.
The aim is to obtain all minerals required from our own soils with advanced mining techniques.
>Also, how does a technocratic society work, when the rest of the world is still economically relying on supply and demand and scarcity?
>How would the citizenship test work? And would it be standardized? If someone was self-educated and didn't have any credentials, but was as knowledgeable as someone with a bachelor's or a master's, would they still be allowed in?
I would also like this addressed. A possibility is something akin to a SAT test, I dunno.

>> No.2321413


I'm inclined to agree. Some atheists (including some on this board) are just as uneducated as some christians. As much as I hate to agree with trolls, leaders of nations are much smarter than most people on here.

>> No.2321422
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>> No.2321432

the politicians would have some kind of formal rules for debate to weed out stuff like this

>> No.2321433

Getting fast Internet (that is, large bandwidth channel and low latency to the rest of the world, mostly Europe and US) there would be a difficult economical challenge. Somewhere in Eurasia (as long as not beyond China's mountains) would be a better choice, at least as far as Internet access is concerned

>> No.2321439


I'm an economist with another degree on sociology and currently hold a position within a govenrmental office in a Europan country. I'm in this project for amusement and actually think that one day a group of people might be able to pull this off. Not sure about our current status here but there have been some interesting ideas and I've posted some in the wiki myself.

If anything, this is a good mental workout that might provide people actual insight on how hard it is to make a system as big as an actual state functioning.

>> No.2321445


The problem is that EVERYONE on /sci/ would be "Piggy"

>> No.2321446

This one became a troll thread.
Make a new thread, please.

>> No.2321459

The difficulty is far less economically based and technologically based. We need to have the ability to create the materials and the fiber optics themselves required to wire ourselves up. Otherwise the cost of the project goes up drastically.

>> No.2321549
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>> No.2321577

I prefer some of the earlier flags, IMO. Some are very good. Even inspiring.

>> No.2321595



Just read through that chapter. Tell me this doesn't sound something like the Venus Project.

>> No.2321854

This doesn't sound something like the Venus project.

>> No.2321908

Have you read it? The writing style isn't very good, but the subject matter is striking. I started from the beginning and yes, it sounds a great deal what the VP is talking about-
the inevitability of technological unemployment on mass scales, how a small portion of the worlds population have swimming pools and the rest shit in ditches by a river, the obvious outcomes of plutocracy, ect ect ect.

>> No.2321920

Wat. Everyone in tr of sci will have equal ammount of resources, unless they actually require more for some specific research.

>> No.2321972

We could always get /k/ on this as our army, they often have threads about starting their own nation.

>> No.2322084

If we get them as our army, this country will need to be a fascist militant state ran by people from /k/.

>> No.2322103

in that case, it looks like we'll be butting heads with them eventually in any case.
... preemptive strike it is then.

>> No.2322104

Pretty much this. We do not require an army. Just advanced defensive systems.

>> No.2322105

>implying that's bad

>> No.2322110

Technically speaking, the CERN is under special jurisdiction, where the land they're in is de facto a different nation.

>> No.2322123

Automated railgun arrays?

>> No.2322463
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>> No.2322469

Not fascism......

>> No.2322476

Technocracy is stupid. It basically means that the fishermen are the ones who should decide what the fishing quotas are. Which is stupid. /thread

>> No.2322532

k. great, thanks for your contribution, now fuck off