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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2320202 No.2320202 [Reply] [Original]

Why has science not created some kind of pill that makes you not need sleep?

Do you know how much time is wasted sleeping, think of all the shit you could get done.

>> No.2320208

Yah its called Meth

>> No.2320215


>> No.2320216

Also check out modafinil; It's a narcolepsy med, but it lets you get by on far less sleep. Also, it doesn't fuck your shit up like meth.

>> No.2320217

Ever heard of Caffeine? =\

>> No.2320220
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Without sleep hallucinations happen. Which is kinda cool but there is no euphoria or anything like that. Its pure misery.

If you have ever stayed up 4+ days you know this pretty well. You feel like a walking corpse because your brain has had no time to rest and contemplate things.

We will always need sleep in some form, unless we're no longer human beings.

>> No.2320225

I don't think we know enough about the body and the mind when we are sleeping. Give it some time but that is also part of our evolution so changing that already hard enough.

>> No.2320347
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>Implying the brain rests while you sleep

>> No.2320383

ever heard of uberman sleep method?

>> No.2320408
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>> No.2320413

>this thread
>caffeine pills confirmed for nonexistent

>> No.2320436

I always wanted that sleep machine from Chrono Trigger.

>> No.2320445

Funny thing about it sleep in and of itself is unnecessary. When you sleep and dream, your pineal gland releases DMT/Ketamine into the brain that causes dreams. In other words, your mind needs 8 hours a day to get its next fix.

Hopefully science will help us get around that one of these days....

>> No.2320463

>sleep in and of itself is unnecessary

Yes, this adequately explains why you will sooner die of lack of sleep than lack of water.

Sleep is completely intrinsic to human function. By the time we have the technology to actually interfere with it in a meaningful way, we'll effectively be able to play God with ourselves anyway, so the whole idea of simply being able to switch it off is bullshit.

>> No.2320474


>Yes, this adequately explains why you will sooner die of lack of sleep than lack of water.

Sure, but do we know WHY that happens?

>> No.2320501

>That american dad episode where stan takes pills so he never has to sleep and he does lots of different things and wins the beatman championship

>> No.2320514

sleep is nice and time is abundant. so why should such pill be researched again?

>> No.2320523

>you will sooner die of lack of sleep than lack of water.


>> No.2320525
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>time is abundant.

>> No.2320528

> time is abundant.
Nope. There is too little time.

That said, I enjoy sleeping and I tend to sleep plenty. I can function for extended periods of time without sleep, I've somehow conditioned myself into this state and I feel perfectly normal.

However I would love to have a way to never get tired and avoid the need for sleep, only doing it whenever "I feel like it".

>> No.2320539

>you will sooner die of lack of sleep than lack of water.
You mean lack of food? I have been without sleep for more than 3 days and I haven't died.

>> No.2320586

There's a pill the military has.