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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 288x288, Darwin Fish Silver _2214_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2318476 No.2318476 [Reply] [Original]

Just put a darwin fish on my truck, and was told by my mom that i cannot live in this house if i am going to keep it on because the neighbors are very religious and she doesnt want to look bad to them. To say the least, i am at my breaking point. Any ideas on how to convince them of their ignorance?

>> No.2318493

Leave. It'll do you some good.

>> No.2318499

Leave. Don't like with your parents any more.
If that is enough to make them boot you out, there is more going on there than putting a fish on your truck.

>> No.2318500

Neighbors, why would they care about you? Damn social americans.
I live in a flat and barely ever communicate with my neighbors outside of some minimal communal needs.

>> No.2318509

Just move out faggot. How old are you that you live with your folks anyway?
>You must be at least 18 years old to view this site

>> No.2318513

why did you buy a dumb sticker for your car, that makes you a faggot

>> No.2318514

Don't try to convince religious people they're wrong (LOL RELIGION THREAD). You simply won't win the argument, not that you are wrong, but because they are so hard-headed they won't accept anything but religion.

Leave it on your truck, fuck what people think.

>> No.2318519

Spray the fish the same colour as your truck and see if anyone notices how cleverly it's adapted to blend in with it's surroundings.

>> No.2318525

It's your mom's house.

>> No.2318533
File: 81 KB, 498x372, aGkz4XFcZbtbnp3zb8iDV6ld_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh im so edgy and hardcore look at me you stupid christians im a real bad ass atheist

>mommy doesnt let me put a darwin fish on my car

hahaha sums op atheism pretty nicely and im screen shotting this shit

>> No.2318541

best post yet

>> No.2318543

>Any ideas on how to convince them of their ignorance?

You never will.

>> No.2318557

That.....actually is pretty clever.

>> No.2318568

>I can shove anything I want in your face but don't you DARE shove your LIES in my face you filthy Christian!

-Every Atheist ever.

>> No.2318576

>Troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

-Every /sci/ thread ever

>> No.2318577

Yeah, pretty much. I've met more live-and-let-live Christians than similar atheists.

>> No.2318585

No one said anything about christians wearing crosses.

>> No.2318587

This might be a solid criticism if both atheist and theist claims were equally supported by evidence.


>> No.2318591
File: 47 KB, 700x499, 1269433473566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's probably because there are more Christians that athiests in total.

Also anybody you know to be an athiest is likely known to you because of their vocality.

Etc etc sample bias

>> No.2318597

>implying atheists aren't well within their rights to get angry at being told that they're going to hell and little boys and girls should have their genitals mutilated and filling the coffers of the church is more important than funding science to aid and improve the human condition.

>> No.2318605

simple sample bias. seen in every single minority-majority populations relationship ever, like flamboyant gays being the stereotype, despite the fact that most gays are not really flamboyant at all.

So we should teach Creationism in schools right? Everyones gotta be equal, right? Right?

Fuck you.

yes it is.

that's pretty clever haha

>> No.2318610

also, putting any sort of religious/political message on your vehicle strikes me as a bit of a dick move. It's really only there to provoke reactions. I know jesus fish on cars annoy the shit out of me, and I can only assume darwin fish will elicit the same response in others, hence I don't do it. Because I know I'd have to be an asshole to do it.

If something annoys me, I don't see how imitation is going to improve the situation, especially since I've just proved to myself that the 'something' is wholly ineffective as a means of communication by way of how goddamn irritating it is.

>> No.2318617

>OP complains about people reacting badly to him indicating his atheism
>christians are cool guys and atheists are the intolerant assholes, right ?

>> No.2318623


you are my god

>> No.2318630
File: 105 KB, 728x694, 1289861167140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying average Christians today tell anybody they're going to Hell.

>Implying circumcision isn't beneficial.

>> No.2318634
File: 28 KB, 768x768, picardwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a chill pill bro

>> No.2318636

>They do it to me, so I have the right to do it right back to them!

>I am so progressive!

>> No.2318645
File: 81 KB, 500x500, 1293964841548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that I'm not told by my family I'm going to hell almost every single day.
>Implying that if I so much as mention that I'm an atheist someone WILL tell me that I'm gonna go to hell.

>> No.2318652

HAHAHAHAH you believe in magic. You fail.

>> No.2318655

stop being a faggot

>> No.2318660


>Implying average Christians today tell anybody they're going to Hell.

You been living under a rock bro?

>Implying circumcision isn't beneficial.


>> No.2318664
File: 71 KB, 745x564, 437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting a symbol on his truck
>shoving atheism in your face

>> No.2318666

Their house, their rules, you childish asshole.

>> No.2318672


>They do it to me, so I have the right to do it right back to them!

>I am so progressive!

>Implying atheists have to stick to similar standards like christians do

>> No.2318679

>Hurdurr I'm atheist, the golden rule and ethics are for faggot

>> No.2318682

Don't put stickers and emblems on your car.

>> No.2318684
File: 29 KB, 600x450, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the golden rule and ethics are for faggot

Yes, yes they are

>> No.2318686

I went to a freethinkers meeting once when I lived in Texas. We met in a Unitarian church, and it consisted of people taking turns whining about how backwards Texas is. One guy was particularly miffed that the feet had been broken off his Darwin fish. I never went back.

>> No.2318691

latest half of this thread
>so much greentext
>holy shit
>so green
>wtf why is it so green

>> No.2318693

This is hardly the issue. The issue is neighbor relations. Your parents probably have to live next to them for another 30 years, while you'll probably be 18 in what, 4 years?

>> No.2318694

God damn teenage pop-atheists.

You really telling me that atheists are unethical?

>> No.2318710

There is no facepalm pic for the sympathetic shame I feel right now as an atheist.

>> No.2318714

are you sure it wasnt a meeting from thefirstchurchofatheism.com? atheists have church now you know

>> No.2318717


>God damn teenage pop-atheists.



>You really telling me that atheists are unethical?

tell me what ethics has to do with the freedom of being able to put a goddamn sticker on your own car when christians are doing the same thing all the time first and ill answer

>> No.2318724

Listen, faggot. You're the one discarding ethics without justification. You're a disgrace to the entire philosophy.

>> No.2318728
File: 22 KB, 481x358, oh well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There is no facepalm pic for the sympathetic shame I feel right now as an atheist.

If you're a troll, to obvious

If you really are an atheist, i feel sorry that even though you're atheist you still take morality and ethics up the ass form christians

>> No.2318729

his truck, his rules fag.

>> No.2318733

>atheists don't believe in ethics
They don't have to come from God, you faggot. They're the principles that WORK.

>> No.2318734
File: 91 KB, 407x405, I-hate-how-religions-force-their-beliefs-on-you-Youre-christian-what-an-idiot-god-doesnt-exist-athei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: NO MOM! Some guy on 4chan made it clear to me! There is no god! Christianity is for faggots!

I swear to god, I was perfectly fine with all Atheists until I started seeing more and more of you kids on here.

And OP is a perfect example. Were he a respectable Atheist, he would just deal with it and obey his mother. But no, he has to come to 4chan of all places for ideas on how to prove her faith wrong? That's disgusting.

>> No.2318740


>Listen, faggot.

Ooh, getting kinda rowdy arent we? the next step is asspain

>You're the one discarding ethics without justification

Ethics are arbitrary and change over time, I see no reason to adhere to a such a shaky unstable grounds as these. Basically, I believe theirs no such thing as right or wrong, get you head out of your ass before you start shitting bricks

Also, fuck your humanism, lol

>> No.2318741


Truck is in my name, paid off.


20, living at home to cut down on costs while going to school

>> No.2318746

There's no god.

>> No.2318747

>fuck your humanism
Ethical systems don't have to be absolute. But advocating abandoning all ethics is foolish.

Do you even know what humanism IS?

>> No.2318756

>They do it to me, so I have the right to do it right back to them

>they do it to me
they make unsubstantiated claims

>so I have the right to do it right back to them
I feel obligated to correct them with facts and evidence

>> No.2318758
File: 73 KB, 600x808, Facepalm Bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I believe theirs no such thing as right or wrong

There are no words.

>> No.2318759


I have been this way long before i discovered 4chan. my mother is the epitome of 'god said it, it must be true. obey without question'

ive always striven to be the opposite of her

>> No.2318762
File: 42 KB, 704x400, bitch please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They don't have to come from God, you faggot.

I never said that, stop shitting bricks theres no more room youll get shit on you silly goose

Also, so you believe that fags should die, stem cells should be banned, and everyone who even so much as has an unfavorable view on religion should shut their trap? Cuz thats what its sounding like

>> No.2318765

haha oh wow, "i was fine with you till you started not doing everything I say"

>> No.2318767


>ive always striven to be the opposite of her

Your atheism comes from teen angst and a drive to be rebellious against your mother.

Damn, you sure are a free thinker!

>> No.2318769


>But advocating abandoning all ethics is foolish.

Personally I like natural law. To many drains on the society now a days.

>> No.2318771

Strawman. I'm not promoting ANY of those views.

Go back to saying that the Golden Rule is for faggots. That was lulzy.

>> No.2318773

stop trampling on my beliefs!

I can't hear you!!!


>> No.2318775


also, not atheist. agnostic evolutionist.

>> No.2318780


So tell me, what exactly do you define as right and wrong? And how do you back these up? Id fucking LOVE to hear your answer

>> No.2318784
















>> No.2318787
File: 51 KB, 600x414, 1293782903283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so my mom is like so ignant i mean liek omg what a dumb christian. how can i prove to mommy that god isnt real guyz?! help me out!i cant take this irrational ignorant bigotry anymore guyz. why cant she just be rationalz?

atheism is such a joke

>> No.2318788


>Also, so you believe that fags should die, stem cells should be banned, and everyone who even so much as has an unfavorable view on religion should shut their trap?

So we're going to play that game are we?

So you believe that Christians ("all religions", but you really only hate Christians because it's hip to do so in your high school) should die, charity should be banned, and everyone who even so much as has a favorable view on religion should shut their trap?

>> No.2318791


so when someones being oppressive, you sit back and take it?


>> No.2318792


>> No.2318793

Saying you're an evolutionist is like saying you're a gravitationalist, it makes no fucking difference what you believe, it exists.

>> No.2318795

The darwin fish is designed to mock christianity, not just espouse evolutionism. It is special symbol for people filled with angst and childishness.

>> No.2318798


OP, my response would be:

You would kick me out of your house and quite possibly cut off all relations with me over a sticker on my car?

She answers yes/no.

If yes, then confirm that she wants to kick you out of the house. If yes, then move out.

Easy. It's not that removing the sticker is a big deal, its the principle of the matter. If you have to be pissed on for stupid shit, only let it happen once.

>> No.2318799


>Can't you just come to church and have fun with the rest of the family like the way we tried to raise you?

> Oppressive.

>> No.2318804
File: 12 KB, 180x180, you dont know that word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You dont know what a strawman is. Never did I suggest that you believe those, however the way your defending such an idea sounds like you're saying christians have the right idea. derp

>> No.2318807

Your mom is a joke.

>> No.2318811
File: 17 KB, 444x299, woman laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its no wonder atheist liberals claim blacks were oppressed, youre literally here trying to convince youre oppressed because your mommy believes in god lmao

this thread just gets better and better

>> No.2318812


>> maturity = never speaking out against anything.


>> No.2318815

>Also, so you believe that fags should die, stem cells should be banned, and everyone who even so much as has an unfavorable view on religion should shut their trap?
>Strawman. I'm not promoting ANY of those views.
>You dont know what a strawman is.
Riveting tale, chap.

>> No.2318816

>It is special symbol for people filled with angst and childishness.
>implying a fish sticker to show god and jebus you truly believe in him isn't childish to begin with

>> No.2318821


>So you believe that Christians ("all religions", but you really only hate Christians because it's hip to do so in your high school) should die,

I couldnt care less who dies, let natural selection take care of it

>charity should be banned,

Banned? I have no reason to do such a thing. Doesnt impact me negatively.

>and everyone who even so much as has a favorable view on religion should shut their trap?

Couldnt care less unless they start waving it like a dick in front of my and attempt to shove it down my throat.

>> No.2318823
File: 37 KB, 576x432, Scooby Doo isn't impressed by your faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason for you to need a Darwin fish on your truck.
Its presence or lack thereof will make no difference in your life, ever.
It won't help you to do anything.
Your mother created you, and you still live with here after 20 years.
Suck it up and give her some respect for fuck's sake. It's not like she's asking you to cut your dick off.

>> No.2318825

if you think natural selection should take care of it why do you claim we should tax everyone to help niggers?

>> No.2318832


it goes beyond that. i am physically barred from everything unless she agrees with it. thats part of what got me into computers because i could go and hide in my room and not be bothered

>> No.2318834


>Riveting tale, chap.

>implying you read the rest of my post

>> No.2318846
File: 9 KB, 142x144, 1245879364386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldnt care less unless they start waving it like a dick in front of my and attempt to shove it down my throat.
>Couldnt care unless they start waving it like a dick and attempt to shove it down my throat.
>waving it like a dick and to shove it down my throat.

>> No.2318848


its not the physical presence of the sticker i care about.

>> No.2318851


Tell me, when in exactly in nature does an animal outright attack another animal for helping another and disobeying natural law?

>> No.2318857


So, because people would be against or for something, its absolute, i take it?

So when christians hates fags, its absolute as such, right?

>> No.2318862

nice red herring. id prefer that you explained your illogical and inconsistent beliefs than you change the subject.

>> No.2318867


>red herring


Just tell me why i should care if someone decieds to help a nigger or not, despite the fact that it doesnt affect me negatively or positively

>> No.2318868


You're an enlightened ultra-logical atheist genius, why don't you move out and start on your successful life?

>> No.2318873
File: 19 KB, 294x294, 1294526180398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your mom's house so listen to her. You can have your own beliefs, but if she doesn't want you parading them in public while you're living under her roof, then that's her choice.

Also, can an atheist enlighten me as to why you guys made the Darwin-fish? Honestly, it just kinda seems like it was done to piss Christians off. You know, take the symbol and mock it for kicks.

>> No.2318876

you obviously care thats why you agree that i should be taxed to help them right? or are you a libertarian?

>> No.2318895




>> No.2318896


>you obviously care

The hell did I say that makes you assume that?

>thats why you agree that i should be taxed to help them right?

5 words: I. DONT. GIVE. A. SHIT. Let me put it this way, ill only care if you start asking me to give the nigger money, in which i will decline and if you get pushy then i rip your hands off so you can never beg again. Simple no?

>> No.2318909

are you retarded? youre being taxed to help niggers as we speak. so you should be caring right about now, eh?

>> No.2318910
File: 129 KB, 263x333, JennyUnamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and if you get pushy then i rip your hands off so you can never beg again.

Watch out boys, we got one tough 16 year old on our hands here.

>> No.2318919

>Spray the fish the same colour as your truck and see if anyone notices how cleverly it's adapted to blend in with it's surroundings.
Best advice in this thread.

>> No.2318930

i thought that was the dumbest post in this thread. how exactly can you tell if someone noticed? theres no machine that alerts you if someone noticed. or are atheists expecting some imaginary being to tell them?

>> No.2318935
File: 9 KB, 469x428, troll peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>or are atheists expecting some imaginary being to tell them?

That would be their god, Darwin.

>> No.2318943


>are you retarded? youre being taxed to help niggers as we speak. so you should be caring right about now, eh?

Eh, at the moment, i cant do shit about it. Its not in my best interest to protest against something that most people believe in such as taxes. And actually, im not working right now, so i honestly dont really give a shit.


Niggas just jelly because he cant say how he really feels without social back lash and it would hurt his self esteem

>> No.2318947
File: 8 KB, 304x165, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever see the one with the big jesus fish eating the little Darwin fish? I'm gonna get that one, and put a big impact font bumper sticker next to it: "actually, this is a point in favor of Darwinism." ACTUALLY, it isn't, but y'know, comedic license. Right?


>> No.2318957


-autistic theist

>> No.2318959

OP you are a faggot. You just want attention.

>> No.2318964

why dont you just paint a mural of some shitty atheist memes you found on 4chan while youre at it. the entire vehicle's rear will already be dedicated to crying about religion like an angsty teen loser. might as well give the drivers on the sides of your car the same heads up that youre a total recluse and social outcast as you do for the drivers behind you, they could use the laugh

>> No.2318966


>ts not in my best interest to protest against something that most people believe in such as taxes

>Viscously attack religion.

Good job.

>> No.2318973
File: 147 KB, 600x450, aint even mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Viscously attack religion.

Different story, religions is losing its foot hold in america, and most wouldnt see you as scum for being against religion rather than being against tax aid.

And actually, Im only against the absolutism that religion tries to shove down my throat, I wouldnt make a rally against faith. I simply dont have time.

>> No.2318991

nice attention whoring with all the other threads you started on different boards. next stop, 404.

>> No.2318999
File: 222 KB, 1280x1024, 1287454802966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're as butthurt as a cutfag in a circumcision thread. There's a big "I believed this was normal ever since I was a kid so you can't tell me I'm wrong!" vibe coming out. This is fucking rich.

>> No.2319000

Dear OP:
Darwin fishes are a variant of a Christian symbol. They make a religious statement, and are therefore NOT SCIENCE. Leave this board post-haste.

>> No.2319002
File: 49 KB, 450x571, butthurt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice attention whoring with all the other threads you started on different boards. next stop, 404.

>> No.2319016

try not to cry on your way to the 404

>> No.2319024


>101 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.2319027

if its not your car then don't put stickers on it. if its yours do whatever you want

>> No.2319049
File: 218 KB, 300x327, 1273437048279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religous fags are mentally retarded. Belief in imaginary friends is a mental illness!

Why the fuck do you care what retarded think? Place Satanic pictures all over your car, to scare the shit out of your neighbors!

>> No.2319058


You seem to be new here. Please don't respond to him like that; you'll just encourage him.

And don't take him seriously. Do you actually believe he isn't a reverse-trolling atheist?

>> No.2319066

ITT: mediocre theist trolls naive atheist
atheist kid, go learn some logic

seriously anyone can run circles around AIG

>> No.2319078

Just what the thread needed, more 12-year-olds

>> No.2319082


>> No.2319098

Samefagging going hard over there.

>> No.2319107
File: 316 KB, 736x849, sagezoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you and fuck the world that spawned you. I feel like FLAYING someone now.

This is seriously the worst thread I've ever seen on the internet, and that's quite a feat, considering that I've seen boards for people who want to fuck Sonic the Hedgehog and boards for people who think Digimon are real.

I now hope there is a hell so you can go there.

Reported, marked as spam, blacklisted, raped, shat on, burned, and then raped again.

>> No.2319109

You cannot convince people who are religious and believe the bible to be factual that Evolution exists, so until you grow up and get out of mommy and daddy's house just take the sticker off. Choose your battles, guy.

I am, for all intents and purposes, an atheist. But if you think that I went on discussing evolution or Darwin with my mom--a total born again Christian nut, you are crazy.

Anyway, having said that, I don't believe that Jesus was the son of god. I don't believe man is in the image of god. I don't believe allah is god. I don't believe buddah is a man of god etc etc etc.

I do think that the universe and planet have this weird 'functioning' going on, for serious lack of better words, but I have no fucking idea what it is really behind it all. I have a feeling IT is not a he/she so does that mean that I'm really not an Atheist? Yet agnostic doesn't fit me either.

I dunno. I just think until we know more there is no need to get all up in people's face about it. Am I convinced in Evolution based on what I've read and learned? Hell YES but does it discount something 'unhuman' involved in the workings of the universe? No it doesn't.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I feel like a hypocrite being all in people's face about their stupid beliefs (ok, I will allow myself calling their religions stupid because 99.9% are absolutely asinine) when even though I know Evolution is real and that what ever prompted everything into being is 'non-human', it doesn't mean that I know everything.

>> No.2319128

i thought atheists made fun of theists for hoping and praying stuff will come true? guess youre not so tough after all.

>> No.2319132


thats the kicker though, i didnt tell anyone about it. when she came home from work, she saw it and flipped.

>> No.2319133

>living with your parents

there's the problem bub

>> No.2319177

1) The point is very simple. The sticker is designed to mock not just creationism but christianity in general by being a parody of their ancient fish symbol.

2) It's not fucking neighborly to mock your neighbors.

3) It's extraordinarily assholish to put your parents in a situation where you make it look like they are mocking their neighbors, and your parents have every right to insist that your remove the sticker, and stop acting like a spoiled ungrateful ass by making such displays on their property.

>> No.2319219


my truck, in my name that i paid for. im paying (reduced) rent and utilities. is it so much to ask to be treated like a tenant?

>> No.2319233

Just buy one of those Jesus fish and have them face eachother in a duel.
That way it's up to the viewer's imagination which fish would win in a fight.

>> No.2319246


Then she can still request you change your behavior or leave. She just has to give you an advanced warning, which she has.

>> No.2319266 [DELETED] 

Why is the fucking truck decal the breaking point? Who cares? Do you really feel that strong a need to broadcast your beliefs to everyone else on the road?

If you're having a problem with your neighbors prosthelytizing to you all the time? If so, then I have three pieces of advice: First, don't do the same thing back. They don't believe what they do for logical reasons, and logical arguments won't persuade them. Second, just ignore them. It's a non-aggressive way to let them know you don't give a shit about their god. Third, if it REALLY bothers you that move, JUST MOVE.

>> No.2319272

Why is the fucking truck decal the breaking point? Who cares? Do you really feel that strong a need to broadcast your beliefs to everyone else on the road?

If you're having a problem with your neighbors prosthelytizing to you all the time? If so, then I have three pieces of advice: First, don't do the same thing back. They don't believe what they do for logical reasons, and logical arguments won't persuade them. Second, just ignore them. It's a non-aggressive way to let them know you don't give a shit about their god. Third, if it REALLY bothers you that move, JUST MOVE.

>> No.2319293

You are a fagot. If you go with that line of reasoning, they just won't let you park the truck in their driveway.
Or you know, you could talk to your neighbors about it.

>> No.2320238

You would be surprise how a simple baseball bat can achieve in just one night

>> No.2320259

If you're living with your parents, suck it up and do as she says. Think of it as paying them back in some small way for feeding, clothing, sheltering and putting you through school.

It may be an unreasonable thing for her to demand, but enduring unreasonable demands and not letting it phase you is classy and a valuable skill anyway.

You'll be living alone soon enough, but for now, just humor your parents. In the coming years as they grow grey and feeble you'll begin to cherish them, to appreciate their insights and support in a way you never did before.

When put in perspective like that, leaving an ornament off your car isn't much to ask, is it?

>> No.2320266

I agree, baseball bat solves all.

>> No.2320296

>Am an Atheist
>Never mention to anyone or bring up in conversation unless asked
>Give zero shits as to the religions others keep, or deities they worship
>Still want that bumper sticker

I am never confrontational in regards to religion, so why do I want that damn sticker?

>> No.2320338

You should be careful if you're still living at home, because they can kick you.

Here's some tips:
- bring up freedom of speech/ right to your own opinion (act insulted)
- evolution has nothing to do with religion
- ask them why they value the neighbors opinion over yours
- ask them if they think evolution is true or not and pwn them in the debate
- watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efpjE_wg_1M

Remember to stay calm and rational and at the end you should be able to keep your fish.

>> No.2320348

What does Darwin have to do with any religion?

>> No.2320725


Srsly guys Darwin represents the theory of evolution not just Athiests

There are Christians that believe in evolution so technically it shouldnt offend the nieghbours

And while Im at it

Fuck nieghbours.
Why the fuck should they care what you put on your property?

>> No.2320914

I thought it was another part that got hurt.

Just move out, OP. I can’t believe your mom is playing bumper sticker police with you, but you should still move out.