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2317504 No.2317504 [Reply] [Original]

Started to build evidence that the recent birds dying is to do with the polar shift towards Russia.
The birds mysteriously had blue beaks, you will begin to understand that is because birds also use their beaks for navigation. Here is a very good good article on it.

They have a magnetic mineral called magnetite that is in their beaks which they use for navigation.
Another excellent article published by MIT which shows that as a magnetic field gets stronger magnetite goes towards the blue spectrum, seeing that the north magnetic pole came further south than usual, it could have made the beak turn blue. Haven't got a good pictures of the blue beaks, but if the stain stems from the ethmoid region of the beak that could be further evidence as that is where the magnetite originates. Been getting quite annoyed at all the poor scientific explanations speculated given the printing speed of the press such.
Critics and help welcome.

>> No.2317534

These fluctuations happen all the time. Five to ten years ago, there were literally hundreds of dead birds on my campus.
Ten to twenty years ago, again dead birds in my elementary school.

What they have done is shown evidence for why this happens. It's nothing spectacularly new.

Although, the information you've provided is pretty interesting rather than the herp derp that trolls come up with.

>> No.2317550

It's been known for some time that the north pole is accelerating towards Russia.

So the effects should continue if that is the cause. Hopefully it is a fluctuation and not a reversal.

>> No.2317557

thank you for providing links, i can't believe so many people believe it's a chemical weapon or something like that.

>> No.2317577

Thanks for the comments hopefully this will help stem the scaremongering. So little information about the dead animals is out there, hard when you only have blue beaks to work with.

>> No.2317748


>> No.2317952

OP back.
Given the nature of faulty navigation, is any further explanation needed to explain the deaths of the fish or birds other than blunt force trauma from falling from such heights and hitting structures and for the fish simply washing up on shores and suffocating?

>> No.2317977

Just to expand on that, because I heard someone say in the other thread

'We've already tested their reaction to changing magnetic fields. They become confused, but it doesn't kill them and they are able to cope.'

In which I think he implied killed directly, which is true we have tested them with artificial magnets, but the birds magnetic map isn't fine-tuned to artificial magnets it's fine tuned to the earths magnetic fields and would be able to make the distinction between two and be less confused by the artificial. So it's plausible to say that the confusion would be greater with changes in the magnetic map they actually use.

>> No.2318073
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Come to an active science board with decent evidence to properly argue an important recent phenomena......................two replies.
Forever alone

>> No.2318380

It's caused by global warming, negative ions, solar winds, oh and because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.2318976

One last bump

>> No.2318984

Sounds interesting, but I don't know anything about the subject, so I'll refrain from commenting further.

>> No.2318997
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WOW, you are fuckin retarded. For like the 100th fuckin time, this shit is normal.

Mass animal deaths happen all the time dipshit! It is nothing new, nothing big, not the response of anything new!



>> No.2319050
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If you read the links I gave you, you'll know about as much as I do, I'm only pretending to know what the fuck I'm talking about and connecting the dots.

>> No.2319194


I'm grateful for the link you provided. However I'm not against the fact that this kind of thing has happened before and it would have to demonstrated to me that this kind of event occurs to this extremity in the wild, and then an explanation to why it has happened in this extreme case near human civilisation which seems an extremely odd presumption to me. Otherwise I'll rightly have trouble accepting that it is normal as I have only been giving a few examples from over a big time span, while the examples within just a few days has already toppled that record.

>> No.2319216


Oh and nice hyperbole chump.

>> No.2319297


Continuing I would also like to know that if these cases are in the same context of what is happening now, how scientists, if any, have made the connection that it is disease or temperature related, while scientists at the moment are very uncertain, of course we're waiting on more lab results.

It seems like a pitiful attempt from an otherwise decent science journalist to quell the onslaught of scaremongering.

>> No.2319308


>> No.2319334


Not sure exactly what you mean by your implied implications, maybe you should try constructing a sentence so it isn't open to interpretation.
I'm not a fan of the DailyMail, but they were the first mainstream news site to cover the event in a decent amount of depth.

>> No.2319355
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>Otherwise I'll rightly have trouble accepting that it is normal

People like you are the reason this story is getting so much news play. You are too fuckin stupid.

When the analysis is presented to you by experts (through overwhelming consensus), since it isn't intuitive to you, you don't believe it.

You also aren't smart enough to look up the sources in the article and crtically examine the data itself. You refuse to do any kind of fuckin analysis of your own, yet you refuse the facts presented by the experts.

You aren't really interested in the truth at all. You just want somthing that will make sense to you.


>> No.2319366
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>> No.2319445

Aside from the fact this is a badly attempted troll.
I'm sorry for exercising the disgusting virtue of thinking for myself.
You've managed to avoid the big question and the whole point of the article which was never explained in the article, on the reason why the only difference is that people witnessed them.

Your presumption on that this is consensus given the large amount of scientists in the world and how the press functions by printing the first decent (not necessarily correct) opinion is laughable. You really don't have any experience in academic circles do you?

Good thing I'm not American you guys have the worst science literacy in the developed world, and I can still construct better arguments even with the dwindling of my cognitive faculties at 5 in the morning.

>> No.2319448

>I'm sorry for exercising the disgusting virtue of thinking for myself.
That's not a virtue if you do it with a conspicuous lack of information. Educate yourself.

>> No.2319511

That's rich coming from someone who probably hasn't looked up the sources of the article which he posted, because if he did he would have evidence and logic to fall back on, instead of the other petty tools in your arsenal.

But please go on give me links to past events in this context and extreme time-frame and how they scientifically link to disease and temperature, which of course caused death but not in this context (in case you need me to break it down for you) as it is statistically improbable given the nature of diseases and immune systems and global temperature fluctuations.

>> No.2319555
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This is what you remind me of.

"I don't know what's the matter with people: they don't learn by understanding, they learn by some other way — by rote or something"
Richard Feynman

How can you post an article without any attempt to analyse and understand the implications of it and accept it as the gospel in your own warped interpretation which not even the writer sees and from sources you didn't even look up.
Spouting insults on the screen like the dog you are.

>> No.2319577
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Nice Creation logic bro

>> No.2319588
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Awww looks like I've hurt the poor baby's feeling so he's decided to troll me.

>> No.2319630
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>Another excellent article published by MIT which shows that as a magnetic field gets stronger magnetite goes towards the blue spectrum

You were doing well until this, and of course your ability to furnish sources ceased at this key point.

Magnetite turns green or blue when heavily hydrated. The color is unrelated to magnetic field strength and would not be visible in the manner described. Your third source actually touches on this and contradicts the claim you made right after it.

Your second source is broken because you copied it from a message board that reduces long links, and your first source is in no way credible whatsoever.

>> No.2319742


Here is the fixed second link, at the moment I do not know the nature of the magnetite in the biological system.
From the article
"We can now say that the pigeon's magnetic sense is located in the nasal region and is most likely magnetite-based".
But from my knowledge of biochemical systems almost everything uses water, so it would be quite unlikely that it is in it's solid state.
On the third link, can you not beat around the bush and actually tell me what you think the contradiction was?
The only purpose of the first source was to show the observation of the blue beaks which is reported from many different sources now.
On my ability to furnish sources, well it was something I put together in a matter of minutes and better than most threads on /sci/ anyway. But I'll continue when I've had some sleep if this thread is still around.

>> No.2321304


"The color is unrelated to magnetic field strength and would not be visible in the manner described."

Still waiting for an expansion on why you think this is.

>> No.2321371
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Don't ever listen to the daily mail

No seriously, just don't this is from a UK citizen, terrible idea, take the exact opposite of what they say, it's all sensationalist bullshit

Same goes for The Sun

>> No.2321416

What about these news sources?




They all seem to be reporting it near enough the same.

>> No.2321424

Mirror is a tabloid, the telegraph is good though.

Trust me man, you're a lot better off avoiding british tabloids, the broadsheets like the guardian the scotsman the telgraph and the like are all good though.

>> No.2321453

>Implying tabloids don't print news
>If it doesn't come from this source then it's fake
>Creationist detected

>> No.2321463

Don't try to defend the veracity and integrity of tabloids. You might as well defend the virginity of prostitutes.

>> No.2321474
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>He thinks the integrity of the people printing the news invalidates the event

>> No.2321482


I'll keep that in mind for better sources to reference as I only read science Journals. Surely they must be ok at reporting events such like this, but ignorant on political issues.

>> No.2321489

The conspiracyfags were openly mocked on SNL last night. That's how far this has gone.

>> No.2321492

>clearly doesnt understand the concept of validation

you're essentially arguing that the event(s) still could have happened despite everyone reporting that it happened is not reputable or trustworthy and has motives that support sensationalism and quashes objective truth, and moreover has a previous history of poor reporting in this field.

ok, sure, believe what you want

>> No.2321496

I don't get why you make such a big fuss of reversal. To my understanding, even if it coincides with the Sun's active state, the magnetic shield still remains pretty strong and atmosphere, which has a way bigger role in protection from cosmic particles, is still there. Can someone enlighten me why we are all going to die?

>> No.2321501

Fact: loads of animals died in unrelated parts of the world
Supposition: The events are entirely unrelated
Supposition: The events are entirely related

>> No.2321508

No, you're on the right track.
Geological evidence and simulation (mostly simulation) all point to the process of magnetic pole reversal taking thousands of years, during which time there are many poles and a slightly weaker field. It's happened lots of times, the last one about 780,000 years ago. There was no associated extinction event.

>> No.2321556

How is distrusting the reliability of a news paper, tantamount to creationism.

Fucking troll 0/10

>> No.2321576
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>Using stupid reason to ignore events you can't explain
>Different from creationism

>> No.2321590

Here's one of the mails headlines.

Britain on alert for deadly new knife with exploding tip that freezes victims' organs

They also completely fucked up a story a while back about US soldiers getting a new gun (a grenade rifle with a scope and laser rangefinder for airbursting) and said it was a super rifle that could direct bullets MIDFLIGHT into the enemies head.

I cannot stress enough, just how bad tabloids are here in the UK.

>> No.2321601

oh damn. In the US it's just all aliens and pseudoreligious shit. Or maybe a kid that is half-clam, and birthed from a shell.

>> No.2321614

Who the fuck says I'm ignoring the events you cum gargling father fucker? Yeah birds are dying, big deal happens all the time.

Now back the more important issue of reliability and bias of information, the sun is a fucking abyssmal newspaper, as is the daily mail.

End of discussion.

>> No.2321649


When I eventually found an overall figure from this source

It states:
"About 500 million to 1 billion birds are killed every year and mass deaths have been noted about 16 times in the past 20 years."

So 16 times within the past 20 years and we're already near that figure within a few days, which prompts an explanation for this sudden big increase in the rate of Bird deaths, which I'm most interested in.

Not sure how good the data is. The article seemed to have got it from PBS which got it from the US geological survey. What is implied is normal and accumulation of bird deaths in general, including none-group deaths and group deaths from all over the globe I think.

>> No.2321664

That's just recorded bird deaths, and I thought they were more frequent than that, the pelicans were killed by people, dismembered and shit, the black birds could be victims of thunder or a viral infection.

40,000 crabs died in the UK but that's cause of super low water temp.

>> No.2321668

>"About 500 million to 1 billion birds are killed every year and mass deaths have been noted about 16 times in the past 20 years."
>So 16 times within the past 20 years and we're already near that figure within a few days, which prompts an explanation for this sudden big increase in the rate of Bird deaths
This is a large leap in logic. I don't think it's supported.

>> No.2321683


I don't find the crab deaths and certain bird deaths that mysterious for me to look at and are probably unrelated to a magnetic cause. Certain bird deaths like the ones in Italy and Arkansas of birds falling from the sky in 'unity' and confusion which was described from eye witness testimony, I do find intriguing.

>> No.2321696

Corexit 9500 and Corexit EC9527A were used by BP to 'clean' up the oil in the gulf with something even more toxic and dangerous but invisible to the eye.
A few weeks later birds and fish start to die on a global scale.
Is everyone too dumb to make the connection, because it has been two month already and new flashy things were on tv?
But I'm sure it was pole-shifting due to ancient mayans fucking with magnets and stuff.

>> No.2321697


Bird ecology isn't an exact science. The quote was to explain the huge distinction between 'bird deaths; and 'group bird deaths', not what distances would be used to define the two and I'm sure the definitions change over time, making previous reports inaccurate.

When I'm being told I'm making a huge leap of logic I like to be given the reasoning behind it.

>> No.2321701

i knew this was probably corexit the moment i heard about this

the birds are dying from blood clots, which is exactly what corexit does when its in living tissue

This board shows that all you amerifats got the attentionspan of 5 year olds.

>> No.2321709

The largest gap is assuming that the recent events you refer to meet the same criteria as the original statement about "mass death". Another is what "reported" means. It could easily be far less than the number of recorded events.

>> No.2321713

>implying toxicology studies haven't turned up negative

>> No.2321724

I'm sure the test results for ancient maya-magic turned up positive.
And also: go fuck yourself if you got no idea how toxicology works

>> No.2321734


The lab results for the birds would find traces of corexit. We already know it's killed most of sea creatures in the Gulf of Mexico, which could starve or poison some birds. But it would have to be demonstrated that the corexit would have somehow travelled to italy and other places, or that turtle doves migrate to and from the gulf and eat their, otherwise the assertion in relation to this particular case I'm looking at is baseless.

>> No.2321745
File: 67 KB, 640x473, GlobalCurrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it would have to be demonstrated that the corexit would have somehow travelled to italy and other places
ITT amerifats demonstrate their lack of common knowledge. What do they teach you in school except for creationism?

>> No.2321765

Only if they'd check for corexit, which they probably didn't because even scientists today got the attentionspan of 5 year olds.

>> No.2321766


I already know about loop currents and streams. And I'm not American, that picture does not demonstrate your claim, the water near bird deaths would have to have water samples taken.

>> No.2321810

>the water
Nigga u went full retard.
Water evaporates and causes rain

>> No.2321829

Notice where Italy is.

It's nowhere near the oceans.

>> No.2321861
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>> No.2321870
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>>daily mail
>>actual empirical evidence
stop that.

>> No.2321882


And rain is water based, which is why I used the general term water and not 'Mediterranean sea'. Well done for shooting yourself in the foot.

Better sources, not all the experts think it is normal http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12135380
But Grahame Madge, conservation spokesman for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), describes the Arkansas case as "bizarre and mysterious", and says that it would be "almost unique" in the UK.

It seems like all the experts have the opinion, it is unusual, but not that unusual, but unusual nonetheless.

>> No.2321899
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>babby went full retard

>> No.2321926


Another desperate attempt at a troll because his insults backfired, well done. Herp derp you don't understand water-cycle, yeah real funny.

>> No.2322020
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Is that it? Have I properly extracted all the intelligence from /sci/ on this subject?

>> No.2322041

The Arkansas case was bizarre because it was caused by the severe thunderstorms. The birds were turned into hailstones. That's not something you see every day, but it's very much possible. Human beings have turned into hailstones the same way by getting sucked into thunderstorms.

>> No.2322066
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'The birds were turned into hailstones'

>> No.2322197


You're not a citizen, you're a subject, a subject of the Monarch by law.

>> No.2322716

Essentially, yes. They were frozen and encased in layers of ice. They went through the hail cycle, which kills you.

>> No.2323097


>Implying humans have been "sucked" up by thunderstorms and transformed into ice.

>> No.2323555

>implying you know what you're talking about