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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2316086 No.2316086 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw people think that weed is non-addictive
I know plenty of people who literally cannot get through the day and get school work done without smoking weed. They just have to do it. They can't get by without it. If that's not an addiction, I don't know what is.

>> No.2316102

I know what you mean, My friend can't go a few minutes without breathing, I mean what the hell.

>> No.2316101

Weed turns people, who could otherwise turn out alright, into useless stoners. Young people throwing their lives away. Messes up your brain also.

>> No.2316104

This. Although most side effects are temporary, it can permanently fuck up your memory, and generally turns aspiring youth into slacking pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.2316107

My brother OD'ed on weed :<

>> No.2316110
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>be 15, failing nearly all classes, not interested in anything, a dick
>go to new school, get introduced to weed
>start smoking erry day
>start to appreciate politics, rekindles my love for the sciences and astronomy
>my grades improve drastically
>sleep better, eat better, made a shitload more friends

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2316112

anyone who thinks weed isn't addictive is an idiot.
Also, anyone who buys into the notion of "physical addiction" being important is an idiot too.

>> No.2316113

I honestly learned in my teenage years how to use it as a productive element in my life. It helps me to sort out any issues im going through and really come at situations from different points of view. I never like smoking with other people and Im never lazy when Im high. I use it as a form of self-discovery. Admittedly, this makes me sound like a hippie pseudo intellectual, but Im about to graduate with a degree in Physics in the top 10 in my class. Never could have gotten through some of the things that have happened to me without it.

Maybe Im just different, but I have a friend that is already working on his PhD in Mathematics that is an absolute genius and he smokes every single day.

>> No.2316118

I know people who are the same, except with alcohol or tobacco. We should outlaw these or, at the very least, ban alcohol. I've seen a lot of people in hospital suffering the effects of long term alcohol abuse. One guy was barely concious for 2 days during which he shit himself pretty much every 2 hours and we had to clean him up (it didn't help that he weighed close to 300lbs, meaning it took more staff than were on the ward to hold him on his side while the mess was cleaned up) and he was having such strong muscle contractions he needed constant supervision so he didn't fall out of bed. The stain on the staff was massive and I'm sure that the healthcare of other patients who were there through no fault of their own was affected.

In the whole time there I never saw anyone admitted for overuse of weed.

>> No.2316121


To continue the trend of "Hur dur, I smoke pot and I do this"

There are countless writers who write great things because of alcohol. Actors and musicisans too. Most science majors I know drink heavily once or twice a week to relieve stress.

Quite frankly, if you were intelligent, weed or alcohol wasnt going to truly effect the situation, unless you let it.

A lot of the douchebag pot heads ruin it for everybody. Much like the drunk fratboys or the whiskey at 8 am drunks ruin it for alcohol.

Do what the fuck you want, but do it in moderation. If you cannot make it thirty days sober on either one, then I dont give a fuck what you say, you have an addiction. Same as trying not to masturbate. If you can not do it for 30 days, then your not addicted.

>> No.2316130

I'm one of those people OP described, but honestly you can be like that with anything.
It hasn't really effected me in anyway besides my wallet, but I would like to be able to go 2 days without smoking.
Also, especially in the winter it makes me fairly anti-social. I would much rather lay in bed watching movies and smoking pot the mission around in fucking canadian winters >_<

>> No.2316133

pharma here, OP is just silly or troll.

>> No.2316136

Well, OP, you're right insofar as any drug is addictive, but marijuana's pretty low down on the addictiveness scale. I know some people who definitely have problems with over-use, but I also know people who smoke every day and are successful.

Basically, I think that anyone who wastes their lives getting high all the time and never accomplish anything because of weed would do it with any other drug in the absence of weed. These are people with virtually no impulse control and very little ambition.

>> No.2316140

Doesn't change the fact that it's a pointless waste of time. If you can't get through life without resorting to chemicals, then you have issues.

>> No.2316141


Tell that to an alcoholic who is at risk of actually dieing because of withdrawal caused by PHYSICAL addiction. Sure, when evaluating a drug's addiction potential you must take into consideration intensity of pleasure and psychological addiction as well, which can make a drug very addictive without it causing physical addiction. But compared to other drugs like cocaine, opioids, nicotine and alcohol cannabis has a lower potential to cause addiction (not implying cannabis isn't addictive).

>> No.2316147

I know people who can't go long without listening to music, therefore music is addictive.

>> No.2316144


>> No.2316163

Sorry for having an opinion. I just don't see the point of using drugs unless it is for medical uses.

I know most other hobbies aren't constructive, but without proper moderation drugs can really screw up a person's life and everyone around them. Those people who ruin it for the rest of you need to be prevented for the sake of their own health and everyone else's.

Just an opinion.

>> No.2316182


So you never smoke tobacco, drink alcohol or drink coffee? Even coffee is a psychoactive drug.

>> No.2316187

I know a guy who has become paralysed from snowboarding and it's torn the family apart because other members want to continue. Personally, I see no value in snowboarding. It seems like an inefficient, fast and dangerous way to get down a hill there was no reason to go up in the first place.

>> No.2316192
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Do you have any problem with weed smokers or robotrippers if they do so in moderation without harming you or shitting you off?

>> No.2316200


Weed is addictive as much as any other pleasurable activity. That said I know a lot of people whose addiction to /v/idya, /tv/ or otherwise seriously damaged their lives.

Also many claim that weed is a gateway to other seriously dangerous drugs.

>> No.2316201
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I'm forgeting why I should care what other people are doing so long as they aren't taking away anyone else's freedom.....

>> No.2316205
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>Also many claim that weed is a gateway to other seriously dangerous drugs.


>> No.2316209
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>mfw humans are naturally addicted to pleasurable things
>mfw this was no issue when we were hunter gatherers
>mfw commercialism has ruined this
>mfw we are all trans-human fascists or anarchists in the future
>mfw nothing of value was lost

>> No.2316211

>>2316200 many claim
Is that 'many' in the sense that I could find 'many' people who would agree that the moon landings were faked and vaccines cause autism or 'many' in the sense of a number of people with experience in the field and the statistics to back the assertion up?

>> No.2316255

so whats weed addiction mechanism?
oh right... there aint no such thing.

>> No.2316259

weed is a gateway drug. but its no reason to make it illegal. making it legal would make it less of a gateway drug.

>> No.2316265

>weed is a gateway drug.
Weed does not make you crave shrooms. You make you crave shrooms.
>making it legal would make it less of a gateway drug.
Good you added this otherwise I would proceed to insult you with image macros

>> No.2316272

Anything can be addictive.

>> No.2316270

well if you like being a hunter gatherer why don't you go to South Carolina and live in a cabin on the woods?

>> No.2316273

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.2316299

Weed-advocates are so juvenile. I don't mind them using their drug, but their argumentation is just ridiculous.


It DOES ruin many (but certainly not all) people's ambitions and social lives, don't even try to deny it.


Well that hardly changes anything. The compulsory NEED to smoke weed every few days is a bad thing, I think everyone should be able to agree on that.

>I/Someone I know smokes and STILL manages to do stuff like a normal person

Although this surely is true for many, it does in no way infer that weed can't influence your life negatively. I know people who would accomplish so much more did they not smoke and drink so much as they do.

So, smoke with moderation, I won't mind, but don't try to defend it because you sound like a child.

>> No.2316366

Not attempting to defend weed, personally I don't mess with it, but I think the problem is that almost anything can become addicting - it just depends on the persons current mentality and predisposition for addictive behavior.

I don't think anyone is instilling a sense of moderation for anything nowadays.

>> No.2316391

Everyday toker here,

I can vouch that weed can kill not only your ambition, but your intellect. I am/was smart enough to tell that I'm not as quick as I once was.

I never went to university (didn't really start smoking until after high school though, go figure). But god damn I might have been able to if I didn't chemically shit all over my ambition.

I might have had the potential to be a scientist, but instead I am but a science fan who reads internet forums and watches the occasional lecture on YouTube.

I'm sure other people can smoke and be just fine, but it didn't seem to work out that way for me.

It remains to be seen whether I will gain some of my intellect back upon cessation.

21 years old here btw.

>> No.2316448

Now, i dont personally i dont have a problem with marihuana. Never smoked it, in fact i cant even smell it.
I know a lot of people that changed or otherwise fucked up big time with other people when they started to smoke/smoke more. Out of 5 people who smoke it, 4 of them became worthless douchebags. But i know its not weed's fault, its the people.

>> No.2316467

fuck that, you lose ambition own the fuck up to it. quit blaming fucking pot, you got slow because you quit stimulating your brain like you used to.
i'm 25 and i smoke everyday. every. fucking. day. and it actually helps me accomplish my tasks while working, and keeps me from being an alcoholic (cottonmouth).

>> No.2316492

once i overdosed on weed and died.

>> No.2316500

besides that, who's saying the people who have their 'lives ruined' by pot wouldn't have been just as useless without it? this is like blaming manson for columbine, pot didn't ruin anything, the person is responsible for his own actions.

If you're a lazy fuck who smokes weed, you'd probably be a sober lazy fuck if you quit smoking.

>> No.2316502

>it actually helps me accomplish my tasks while working

Did lol. Anyone living a sound life can manage their tasts at work.

>> No.2316511


the alcoholic is dying from withdrawal.

Physical dependance shouldn't be called "physical addiction" at all. It's nothing to do with addiction.
Loads of non-addictive and even displeasureable drugs cause withdrawals upon cessation.

>> No.2316522

Physical dependence is the definition of physical addiction. Yes it is different from mental addiction or emotional addiction, but that is the point of having multiple categories.

>> No.2316523

yeah, we live in an age where 'sex is addictive'.
stfu, your body is programmed to fuck (most of the time), that's what organisms do.
fun and enjoyable things tend to be things we want to do again. fuck specifying addictions, let's teach moderation.

>> No.2316536


And how did you conclude this? By making arguments up that would fit your view of the world, probably.

I know that if I am starved of external stimuli, (i.e. being without computer for days) I tend to get creative and ambitious, doing things I feel are good for me but that I never find the time to do under normal circumstances.

>> No.2316574
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This started playing when I got to that post... my face

>> No.2316569


oh well that's amazing, when you stop doing something you normally do, you find time to do something else.
Eureka moment.

>> No.2316613

It DOES ruin many
>ambiguous many with no citation or statistics
>no adjustments to the <not provided> statistics to subtract the 'ruin' caused by social stigma and/or unjust law

The compulsory NEED to smoke weed every few days is a bad thing, I think everyone should be able to agree on that.
>Can't keep strong desire and essential need separate
>Persecutes people who desire normally, non-harmful experiences they find pleasure.

>I don't smoke come at me bro

>> No.2316621

I don't smoke. Out of the people who I know that do, the colossal douchebag to tolerable human being ratio is about the same as it is for the rest of humanity.

>> No.2316634


physical dependance is not really "addiction", by labeling it as addiction you help idiots believe that there is some sort of "special kind of addiction" that heroin has and that weed doesn't.

The whole idea of hard/soft drugs is completely bogus (that's not to say certain drugs aren't more addictive than others, but the differences in the addictiveness of various recreational drugs are quantitative, not qualitative).

>> No.2316639

>I am/was smart enough to tell that I'm not as quick as I once was.

That's called aging.

>I might have had the potential to be a scientist

Potential is worthless if you don't take advantage of it, if weed kept you from being a scientist then you didn't have much potential to begin with. Also...

>21 years old here btw.

Oh you got me...
If you're only 21 you don't have enough adult life experience to be talking about things you didn't do but could have.

>> No.2316653

you fucking douchebag, are you speaking from experience? i know you're fucking not.
the addiction in every drug is different, in all aspects, so fuck you hard.
crack like cigarettes? fuck no.
you can get addicted to weed as much as you can get addicted to masturbating. it feels good, faggot. of course you're going to want to do it again. learn what healthy moderation is and we wouldn't have this problem, fucking american.

ltd:r you don't know what the fuck you're talking about gtfo.

>> No.2316686


Weed itself isn't bad, I know plenty of people that smoke responsively. However there are plenty of people that I can spot from a mile away that will probably develop a compulsive smoking behavior. One of the most problematic situations you can start doing anything in is when you're waiting to do it for long periods of time.

A lot of people start smoking when they still live with their parents, which means they can only smoke they aren't home or when their parents are asleep or aren't home. This is a problem because until you arrive at that point in time when it is okay to smoke these people tend to go around thinking "I can't wait until my parents go to bed/leave for the weekend/go to friend X's place. Then I can smoke a joint and have a good time" or something to that fashion. This is a problem because if they do this for too long, they develop a behavior which usually leads to a situation where when these kids move out and if they are still smoking weed, they will use their newfound freedom to basically smoke weed any time of the day in all kind of contexts which simply aren't proper. This is why you see a lot of stoners in places like college dorms, because a lot of them have just moved from home and find that there isn't really a problem with smoking at times which previously would be risky because the risk of getting "busted" is extremely reduced and the consequences are usually far lower.

>> No.2316689

>We should outlaw these or, at the very least, ban alcohol.

Are you American?
Because we've tried that, it didn't work, at all.

Anyways, should we ban unhealthy food too? I knew a guy who was really fat.

Doing anything excessively is bad for you.
Even breathing.

Also, I believe coffee is more addictive than marijuana.
Oh, also, should we ban coffee?

>> No.2316696

if i could talk like that in the courtroom, i'd take the government infringing upon my unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. bet i'd win.

>> No.2317074


>> No.2317706


Your fault, not the weed. Sort yourself out.

>> No.2317759


>by labeling it as addiction you help idiots believe that there is some sort of "special kind of addiction" that heroin has and that weed doesn't.

That's the truth though...while it may be uncomfortable for someone who has smoked weed every hour of every day of their life to stop smoking it will kill someone who is addicted to barbiturates, or opiates. I work in a rehab clinic, and believe me physical addiction is a "special kind of addiction," in that it is living hell. The worst part is there are innocent people who were prescribed terrible drugs like klonopin which not only have the immediate withdrawal effect but could have a protracted withdrawal that lasts for a year or more. You can easily have a seizure from improperly coming off certain physically addictive drugs. You can have a seizure PROPERLY coming off certain addictive drugs. You're just being ignorant or naive if you truly believe what you said.

>> No.2317762

surprised that /sci/ hasn't made the argument that anything that causes the brain to release dopamine is inherently addictive, chemically.

but if you're arguing the effects of weed- hunger, fatigue, paranoid, and so on

>> No.2317770

maybe its a reason to dislike weed. its very much about the person doing it though... in my experience

if you have an addictive personality weed could be problematic.

>> No.2317772


such blatant samefagging.

if youre a slacker youre gonna slack either way. its called moderation. i smoke and go to school, have a 3.8
come at me.