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2314989 No.2314989 [Reply] [Original]

If you could go back in time and tell your undergrad self anything


>> No.2315008

Stay the course.

>> No.2315005

I would tell myself to not go back in time.

>> No.2315012

stay classy and keep doing what you're doing

>> No.2315016

I would have told myself to drop Calc for a semester.

Or at the very least take the regular person Calc.

Started too high.

>> No.2315026

>implying I'm not an undergrad

>> No.2315030

I see what you did there.... I wonder if I've already come back and told myself something. Funny thought isn't it /sci/?

>> No.2315033

Don't take two semesters off to be with the girl you were seeing at the time. The sex isn't as good as you think it.

Study harder for your general education classes. Just because they are pointless liberal arts classes doesn't mean they don't affect your gpa.

Do more networking with professors, researchers, and doctors to prepare you for grad school.

>> No.2315055

disregard ochem, acquire time for casual sex

>> No.2315086

That girl in the dorm room to the right of you. Don't confess your love to her. She already has a boyfriend and it will make the rest of the year very awkward.

Always remember to keep your blinds closed when masturbating.

If a friend asks you to climb up into her window because she locked her keys inside her room don't do it. Her room mate will be in there fucking.

>> No.2315095

>Don't waste money on extra school, just read books.

>> No.2315103

Make your minor a double major. This is the only point in life you'll have most of your time to study.

Arrange teaching certification now. It'll save you a year and about $10,000.

You're doing the right thing following your bliss with the liberal arts degree. Teaching wasn't exactly what you expected, I know, but it's the most rewarding work out there. It'll be okay.

>> No.2315107

Make your minor a double major. This is the only point in life you'll have most of your time to study.

Arrange teaching certification now. It'll save you a year and about $10,000.

You won't be okay to drive that night.

You're doing the right thing following your bliss with the liberal arts degree. Teaching wasn't exactly what you expected, I know, but it's the most rewarding work out there. It'll be okay.

>> No.2315111


double post whoops. apologies, chaps.

>> No.2315208

if you get a bad grade on the first test, don't ask the professor if its a good idea to stay in the class. they lie.

frat houses have bad reputations for good reasons. you'll find your real friends elsewhere.

the professor is God, and you are his disciple.

challenging God's authority is a bad idea 99/100 times.

"Ah fuck it, I'm going to play video games" is not a good choice.

>> No.2315725
File: 31 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal arts degree
>the "right thing"
>implying you aren't stuck making $40,000/yr
>implying you'll ever be anything more than a grovelling plebeian championing the bastion of mediocrity that is the American educational system
>"those that can't do, teach," nigger. deal w/ it

>> No.2315743


>> No.2315748

Go into Chemistry.

>> No.2315757

I'm still an undergrad at a community college. But if I had to tell something to my university self:

"Accept that co-ed girl's invite to her dorm YOU DENSE MOTHER FUCKER!"

>> No.2315764


Epic spoiler tags failure. Now I feel like a fool.

>> No.2315770

Considering I'm currently an undergraduate, I would travel back and teach my school self a work ethic.

Shit, current life would be much easier if I had actually bothered doing even a trace of work in school.

I could learn the basics at an incredibly easy pace, gradually working up in level; instead of my current: do nothing in school > enter university > realise this is a problem > develop work ethic > teach myself many year of basic but ignored information as well as degree level stuff which I don't have the foundations for.

>> No.2315782

Disregard women, acquire 4.0 GPA and research experience.

>> No.2315783

Could I just go back in time, kill my younger self and replace him?

>> No.2315828
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>> No.2315835

dont major in math. Everything else will seem boring afterwards.

>> No.2315843

not true. flipping burgers is an important and interesting career choice.

>> No.2315895

I still wonder why burger flippers have not been replaced by robotics. It is definitely within the means of current technology.

>> No.2315904

Because cost-effectiveness

It'll happen by 2030.

>> No.2315905


>> No.2315914


because we get off to the fact that niggers STILL make our food

>> No.2315924


>> No.2315932


Oh god, I love automation

I just jizzed in my pats.

Thanks for the link.

>> No.2315934
File: 3 KB, 207x208, Yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2315939

No problem.

>> No.2315999



>> No.2316007

Who is them?

>> No.2316016
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