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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2314575 No.2314575 [Reply] [Original]

So, pro abortion activists are telling me a fetus isn't human because it's only genetically half way to being human...

>> No.2316787
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>> No.2316797

no it has all the DNA needed to develop

10/10 would troll again ect...

>> No.2316804

People who make groups to 'support abortion' should be shot.

>> No.2316806
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>> No.2316808

>pro abortion activists
Sounds like you already have some conclusions in this matter.

>> No.2316812
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>> No.2316815

People who commit murder should be murdered.

>> No.2316822

>Abortion thread
>It's like I'm really on /new/!

>> No.2316828

>only genetically half way to being human

They would be incorrect, and I'm not sure why they think the term "genetic" carries so much weight.

A more pertinent fact would be that a fetus is developmentally far from being sapient.

>> No.2316854
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>mfw people think abortion is murder
>mfw OP is a faggot
>mfw we get religion vs. science threads erryday
>mfw there used to be a moot-approved rule on this board declaring that you weren't allowed to post religion vs science threads
>mfw we're getting abortion threads now
>mfw motherfuckers think this board is /new/
>mfw people think science is political and controversial

>> No.2316870
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>mfw you're the only person so far who's mentioned religion...

>> No.2316876

Even if it is human, what's the problem? You can make abstract philosophical arguments, but realistically, the only "person" suffering is a thing that probably doesn't even have feelings.

>> No.2317301

I've heard some refer to the fetus as "pre-human."