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File: 3 KB, 168x264, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2309927 No.2309927 [Reply] [Original]

What do Americans of /sci/ think about the metric system? I assume you're smarter than the average flag waver.

>> No.2309932

I would not be against the United States switching to the metric system

>> No.2309940



>> No.2309941

much better except for the Celsius scale.
why not go the extra little bit and use kelvin,if you are too stupid to understand it just learn to always carry a coat with you

>> No.2309967

I like it because it's easier to deal with in conversions and equations, but I still don't think in metric, if you understand me. If I hear 3m, I have to roughly convert it to 9 feet or else I don't actually picture it in my mind.

>> No.2309974

Closer to 10, lrn2estimate

>> No.2309975

>If I hear 3m, I have to roughly convert it to 9 feet

I have to do the opposite.

>> No.2309983
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i don't like the idea of asking my butcher for 907.1847 grams of bacon.

not at all...

>> No.2309989

metric systems are meant to confuse (m is alot different from M) and take too much math to convert because you are always having to multiply by large numbers like thousand instead of small easy numbers like 3 feet in a yard or 12 inches in a foot

>> No.2309992

Why ask for 907.1847 grams when you can have a kilogram?

>> No.2310005

i think we should just covert to it, within one generation we wouldnt even know we used imperial

>> No.2310015

I prefer to use the metric system when I can but I still think in imperial. :/ The only thing I can convert easily in my head is temperature and lengths.

>> No.2310016
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...I cannot find any fault in this logic.

>> No.2310025


Plus the United States isn't hemorrhaging enough money right now as it is, so this would be the perfect time to replace every street sign in the country to metric and somehow get all the unemployed people with old cars to buy new speedometers.

>> No.2310031

This guy is right, we're going to have to convert to metric sooner or later, better to do it now so we can start reaping the rewards of compatibility.

>> No.2310037

Not a /sci/entist here, just a guy with an appreciation for these sorts of things. I strongly believe we should convert to the metric system. The fact that we haven't is downright shameful at this point. Not entirely related, but I also support the use of 24 hour clocks as the norm instead of as "military time", and for English spelling reform where we don't make up any new spellings for words, but when multiple non-extinct spelling exist (e.g. color, colour) using the one that makes the most sense etymologically.

>> No.2310040


rewards of compatibility?

>> No.2310043

Don't you see, this will give all the unemployed people jobs. They'd need to employ heaps of uneducated people to go around switching signs, not exactly rocket science to do it.

>> No.2310045


That would create jerbs, would it not?

It's like you think the money just pops out of nowhere only to later disappear into a black hole when all it's really doing is changing hands. This is what drives the economy.

>> No.2310046

Are you a socialist?

>> No.2310050

It has to change sooner or later and can be a gradual process. We don't need to fully replace American Customary overnight. That said regarding speedometers, the car I drove until last week was over 20 years old and had a digital display that could switch everything, I'm talking the speedometer, the AC thermostat, odometer, fuel remaining/used, etc into metric, as does the '97 DeVille I replaced it with.

>> No.2310058


possibly, or they would need to delay highway or bridge repair work, so the workers can spend their time replacing signs instead, but honestly its not even the replacing of the signs that is expensive or time consuming, it is the design and manufacturing of the new signs that is the problem

>> No.2310059

I use 24 hour time. That might be because I was in cadets (military for kids) as a lad.

>> No.2310061

30-40: turn on the AC
20 - Go outside and have fun
15 - wear a hoodie
10 - wear a sweater
5 - wear a thick coat
0 - wear a thicker coat
<0 - build a fire

measurement length
1 m ~~ 1 yd

2l = soda bottle derp.

Why do i buy 2 litres of soda, but 1 gallon of milk when i go to the store?

>> No.2310063


>> No.2310066

I can't imagine it's that expensive to make them. Hell if they really can't just modify their equipment I'm sure they could buy some from ANY other country seeing as the US is the only one that doesn't use Metric.

>> No.2310072
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>> No.2310076

>30-40: turn on the AC
Ausfag here, I've never had air-conditioning and the only people I know with air-conditioning are my grandparents who worked all their lives and still work so that they could have a nice house.

>> No.2310078

i have no use for the extra 92.8153g.
the recipe does not call for it.

>> No.2310079

Last I checked Liberia and Myanmar are also non-metric. Plus the UK isn't really full metric. They still use miles and miles per hour, imperial pints for beer, feet and inches for the height of a person, pounds and stone for a person's weight.

>> No.2310080

Stop using imperial recipes.

>> No.2310084

You're right, the US should be proud to have the same standards as the third-world.

>> No.2310088

>it is the design and manufacturing of the new signs that is the problem

The US uses slave labor (read: prison labor) for this. The costs are negligible.

>> No.2310094


>> No.2310097

>change entire recipe to metric
>enjoy larger portions

>> No.2310101

I wasn't saying it was something to be proud of, I was just stating it as a sad fact. I seriously support going metric.

>> No.2310103

In the UK it would cost about 1.1 Billion Euros

But I can't seem to find an estimate for the US

>> No.2310104

why would the us, the land of the free, not only use an IMPERIAL form a measurement but be the last country that matters to use it.

it's almost ironic.

>> No.2310116


It's fine as is.
has been for over 200 years.

I'll change it when we outlaw eating cute tasty critters. Not before.

>> No.2310123

0°C is not cold at all even with a good sweater. Try -40°C with wind.

>> No.2310125


>The US uses slave labor (read: robotic labor) for this. The materials costs, however, are not negligible.

>> No.2310127

We don't actually use imperial units, we use units named after imperial units. Our system is properly called American Customary. Because our use of them goes back to a time before they were totally standardized in Britain many (not all) of our units do not add up to an equivalent imperial unit.

>> No.2310128

>refusing to make a tasty recipe MORE AWESOME

You are an enemy of humanity.

>> No.2310134

are you retarded?

>> No.2310138

I love America, but we need metric systems. I believe every town should have one. The metrics we have right now suck, and the streets are filled with trash. If only America could have socialized metrics systems, we would be on equal footing with the rest of europe.

>> No.2310139
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Britfag engineer here, once did a job for a farm in america making specialised equipment from a plan i had been sent. Because im british i can work in feet an inches just as easily, all the software for design works in mm but its simple that 304.8mm =1ft and 25.4mm= 1inch

Anyways it all came out wrong and around £30,000 was wasted because the american who sent the design had used feet and decimal points of feet instead of feet and inches.

>> No.2310140

Canadafag here. Use whatever is convenient at the time. If you're a contractor, use inches. If you're a designer, use meters. If you're an astronomer, use parsecs. And no need to stop a physicist from using planck-lengths either.

>> No.2310143
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oh lol!

sooo...you think United States customary system units and Imperial units are the same, eh?


>> No.2310149

not as far as extensive testing has proven thus far.

however, i still have hope

>> No.2310150


what if I am trying to set a record on the Kessel Run?

>> No.2310152

Regarding the way we write dates, I believe it stems entirely from how we speak them. If I understand correctly you would say today's date as 7th of January, while we say January 7th. The only real exceptions to us saying it the way we do would be 4th of July, or on very old documents saying things as "On the Seventh Day of January in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-Eight" or something of the sort.

>> No.2310154

I certainly agree with that, but in general I think metric should be the main standard.

>> No.2310159
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indeed it is perfect...to much is simply to much

to much of anything is bad...including the delicious flesh of swine.

Terrible words to hear i admit...but true none the less.
I can not in good conscience, ignore this simple fact simply because it disagrees with my erratic ever changing feelings.

>> No.2310160

God DAMNIT, have you even READ the Star Wars wiki?

>> No.2310168

That is all just rationalization after the fact. Lucas didn't have a clue what the fuck he was talking about when he said parsecs. That said I prefer to interpret it as Han Solo bullshitting.

>> No.2310176

so basically u changed it at some point from from order of increasing duration to month-day-year.Any ideas why?

I mean websters spelling reforms had a purpose (mainly making the language more simple to learn and use). Why was the date change made?

>> No.2310184
File: 12 KB, 267x150, ewok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. No i haven't.
It suppresses knowledge of the Endor Holocaust.
This is all i need to now to know this is not a trusted source of unbiased information.


>> No.2310187

No clue. As for Webster, fuck him. If he can arbitrarily decide it is color, why can't I arbitrarily say "NO U" and tell everyone they're doing it wrong by not spelling it as colour, or making up a new spelling altogether. Who died and made him the God of American English? Not to say some British spellings aren't stupid too like tyre which is etymologically illogical compared to tire which also happens to be how it was spelled over there maybe a century or so ago.

>> No.2310188

How does anything change?

Whining liberals.

>> No.2310194

typically for a reason when its changed by a number of people in agreement

>> No.2310216

no it's not.

it happens when enough people get tired of hearing whiny bullshit and finally agree to the least stupidest of it so they can nip out for a pint and some crisps.

>> No.2310217

I enjoy designing with decimal inches. The inch is amazing. I even converted an Indian engineer working with me into realizing the awesomeness of the inch.

It is a unit length relevant to most human oriented objects. mm's are too short and m's are too long.

As far as the dumbasses that make engineering mistakes due to unit conversion mistakes. CHECK YOUR UNITS. obviously someone slept through their ENTIRE UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERING EDUCATION. Jesus. glad to get that out of my system. Its not like you don't have to check your units in every calculation in engineering ever even if you only are using SI units.

The American standards of fasteners are much better than SI as you get a wider range of thread sizes and pitches. Japan had do design their own metric based standard for screws and such due to the inflexibility of bog-standard metric fasteners. No point in us changing what works really well, just to have to create our own specialized standards like Japan.

>> No.2310219

i agree that some british words make shit all sense in terms of spelling but wouldnt a rework of the alphabet to be phonetic been allot more producive in making the language easier. Then there couldnt been 2 possible ways of spelling every other word, speech wouldn't need to change

It really gets on my tits that s, k and c only have 2 sounds between the 3 letters when not used with a h

>> No.2310223
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i design electronic equipment (very relevant to modern human applications). The measurement of an inch is not much use to me

>> No.2310236

Kelvin is god tier

Try cm or dm then.

>> No.2310239
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then don't use it.

Easy huh?
See? we won't bother you about it.

it's a little frighting how this all sounds like atheists and theists arguing huh?

>> No.2310240

you know decimal inches are just 25mm right? That is what 99% of components are measured to when the indiciate a 1inch dimension

>> No.2310242

I have become accustomed to using the metric system in my educational life. However, I find I still tend to use US Customary units for distances and weights when thinking, and have to convert any metric measurement of those into customary for it to be something I can imagine. I can do temperatures and volumes easily enough, though.

I really would like the US to convert to metric, but last time we tried that it was disastrous. Maybe we could do it in phases? It would spread the expense over time and would be a hell of a lot easier to swallow for the people. How about starting with just removing fluid onces and gallons, and moving to litres first? Other than gasoline, it would mostly affect things which already have both the metric and customary units posted on them, so it wouldn't be a huge change. 'Course, I'm sure the tea-baggers would find it objectionable that we'd accept the most common international units.

>> No.2310243

This is much more civilised than arguments between rapid fanboys.

>> No.2310244

Try using the CM dipshit. It's a brilliant size, about the width of your finger. Really easy to work out the size of something just by looking at it or handling it if you want to be sure.

>> No.2310248

i think u missed the point. I was disputing that the inch was better for all practical applications

>> No.2310253

and the inch is about the width of my cock, whats ure point

>> No.2310254

I'd rather just do it all at once. No pussy footing around. Adults now might have to convert in their head, but in a few generations for most people it will just be the norm. It didn't work last time in part because the push wasn't hard enough and then it was sabotaged.

>> No.2310257


Perhaps "over there" that is how things are done. I am amazed at how many circuit board components are dimensioned in even English dimensions, then the tolerances are bumped around to make the metric dimensions on the datasheets work.

>> No.2310261

Oddly it's considered "bad" to pull out your penis in a public setting. A crazy world we live in.

>> No.2310267


Yeah, but how awesome would it be if you could say, "Pardon me while I whip this out" to measure a bolt at Home Depot.

>> No.2310270


You speak the truth, but given the immense politcal divide right now, do you think any attempts to change to the metric system wouldn't be claimed as evidence of being soft on terrorism or some such nonsense? I'll guarantee you that if any time before the 2012 election someone were to try to get the country to switch it would be sabotaged and be so short lived as to make the effort in the 70's look successful.

>> No.2310271

Any engineers here, why the hell do we use BTU's? (British Thermal Units) American and Canadian BTU's are completely different from the British version, so there's no point at all It's annoying how we measure electricity metrically (Watt, Volts and Amps) and I then convert volts to Joules. No, trololo, BTU's.

>> No.2310273


>> No.2310275

mm, cm, etc > inches/feet
grams/kilos < pounds
Celsius < Fahrenheit

>> No.2310278


>> No.2310279

Perhaps, but any attempt to switch would be met with the same resistance. This all comes down to my views of why I think having a pulse and being born 18+ years ago shouldn't automatically entitle you to vote, but that is a whole other subject really.

>> No.2310285

You have got to be kidding. Do you have any idea of the trillions of dollars in equipment in use right now in the US is designed around inches. I bet just mechanically changing the leadscrews on the machine tools in the US from imperial to metric would cost a trillion dollars.

>> No.2310292
File: 40 KB, 545x397, conspiracy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American are secretly still the bitches of the british empire. They use the Imperial system of measurement and whether you say "The Queen" to them they instantly think of the british monarch.

The clues are all there, wake up sheeple!

>> No.2310298

actually most of it is built to a metric inch (25mm) since so many component are imported and they need to be interchangeable with our own. It would take fuck all to change over

>> No.2310301


No machine tools I've used have 25mm pitch leadscrews. That is something I'd notice.

>> No.2310304

I'm an American and use 24 hour time. I "think" in 24 hour time too; it's not like my shaky relationship with metric. Also dd-mm-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.
So of course I would prefer switching to metric.

>> No.2310305

i see a small discrepancy in your reasoning that perhaps you could shed some light on...

imperial measurement units were first defined in the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824

The United States of America was was declared independent from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

Never mind the small detail the United States doesn't even use Imperial units to begin with...

>> No.2310308

Another Canadafag here, normally we'd use imperial for common every day things like your height or weight, except liquid measurements, where we'd use liters. Metric is used for all formal applications (math, physics, etc) with the exception of building plans which are usually in imperial. Distances are normally in metric, unless you're working informally with small distances then it's usually feet and inches.

Machinery uses a mix of imperial and metric, so everyone has to have two sets of tools like wrenches and ratchets.

Temperatures are always in metric.

Oddly enough it all makes perfect sense if you grow up with it.

>> No.2310313

that's nice, but has nothing to do with the fact that tools and components are manufactured to 25mm = 1inch

>> No.2310340


Do you have a reference for this? (seriously)

in the US:
stuff for the military is metric
bearings are usually metric (except many tapered roller bearings)
fasteners are english/imperial or metric depending on the designer.
Major dimensions are feet/inches
Leadscrews and precision machine componenents are inches for inch based machines

In my career (as a designer) I have _never_ run across this 25mm = 1in.

>> No.2310365


>> No.2310368 [DELETED] 

doesnt make sense from what ive seen. I work for a company that makes drill and CAM tools, one of our major contracts is making 25-3.125mm (metric inch measurements) when we could just as easily make them to imperial measurements

>> No.2310369


>> No.2310371


>> No.2310373

doesnt make sense from what ive seen. I work for a company that makes drill and CAM tools, one of our major contracts is making 25-3.125mm (metric inch measurements) for an american distributor when we could just as easily make them to imperial measurements

>> No.2310374

do you yield good sir?


>> No.2310381

CAD file for 3-15-0025 - 25mm(1in) Cap w/ 20mm(3/4in) threaded rod


>> No.2310383

Go ahead...look at em


>> No.2310385


>> No.2310387


Not really. (that wire mesh is closest however) These are things designed to be 25mm in size with no expectation of interoperability with 1" objects at the scales of machine precision. I understand what you are saying however. It is interesting (and nice to see) how infused the imperial system is in these products.

The designers of these things opened up their cad systems, set the units to metric and designed away, but with no need for interoperability. I can understand this.

There is apparently no expectation of slipping a 1" shaft into a 25mm bearing and expecting thing to work, and that is my point.

>> No.2310390


your examples have been provided.

I'm sorry to say all of your reasoning, no matter how deeply rooted in truth it is, will not win out over the gibbering masses you are surrounded by.

>> No.2310395

Knowing both metric and imperial, I wouldn't be opposed to switching. I guess I'm merely apathetic toward the entire issue.

>> No.2310397


good one. nothing matches the fury generated by having the one optical table with 25mm pitch M6x1 holes in a lab full of 1" pitch 1/4"-20 holes. (nothing works)

wow. a good example of something that probably would inter-operate.

>> No.2310405

I have no reason to oppose the metric system other than it's not what I'm used to using.

Except for temperature... I could do with out the weather channel telling me it's 10.5 degrees outside. You have to add decimals to get even the barest amount of precision out of that scale.


Just like always that makes more sense than the imperial system, you need to know what MONTH you're talking about before you talk about DAYS.

>> No.2310414

celius is better for elementry science, i think its useful to educate using it. The change over period would have to be a number of generations

>> No.2310423

Not really it's as arbitrary as Fahrenheit but compress the scale from roughly 1.8 to 1.

>> No.2310432

Water freezes at 0℃ and boils at 100℃. How is that in the least bit arbitrary?

>> No.2310435

Americans are more afraid of change to celcius because its more complex to calculate. It is more practical because it connects better to kelvin (althought this is only because of definition)

>> No.2310438

no...PURE water freezes at 0℃

when is the last time any of us have had THAT around?

>> No.2310440

i work in a power plant, so like every day

>> No.2310441

>based on water out of 10 million other possible substances
>how is this arbitrary?

Are you serious?

>> No.2310444

my word...stars above even

Anders Celsius, introduced a temperature scale with 0 the temperature at which water boiled and 100 the temperature at which water froze. Shortly after his death they flipped it around.
Why does no one remember this?

>> No.2310448

whats the most important/relevant substance to humans?

>> No.2310449

Semi-conductive metal.

>> No.2310452

you certainly lead a charmed life.

us common folk do not have access to such luxuries for mere experimenting, so you are out of luck i am afraid

>> No.2310453

Not like water is important for all life and such a scale extremely conveniant for humans or anything.

>> No.2310454


>> No.2310457
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thats several substances

>> No.2310459

>Not like water is important for all <known> life


>> No.2310465
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>> No.2310468
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Hey, you're right. Let's make an arsenic-based temperature scale so bacteria on titan can finally have science.

>> No.2310470

i got a diamond in one hand and a nice glass of cool refreshing water in the other...what's gonna get me into that hot chicks pants over yonder?

idk...my priorities might be a tad bit off i admit...

>> No.2310471

Hey let's start at 0 like normal people instead of picking an arbitrary substances' freezing point an calling that 0

>> No.2310472

I'd much prefer metric. I'm sick of people saying we should keep SI JUST BECAUSE UNIQUENESS. Bent forks are unique and useless.

>> No.2310475

i disagree

i can still easily stab people in the eye with it just fine

>> No.2310477

Jesus fuck. HOW would you pick your 0 in the first fucking place?

Some guy thought celsius is as arbitrary and ass-backwards as fahrenheit.
I told him why this is not the case.
Now you're arguing for the sake of arguing. Why are you so fucking american.

>> No.2310481

ever heard of absolute zero?

>> No.2310486

And that's why kelvin is used for anything scientific. Celsius if to be used in our daily lives, and for that it uses anchoring points we can easily relate to as we use it to SURVIVE : water. Yes, pure water, because the difference doesn't actually matter and it greatly simplifies measurements.
And yes, maybe some kind of life somewhere in the universe doesn't use water at all. Too bad we're not amongst them.

>> No.2310491
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How dare you blaspheme.

...and I blame your God for making me the way I am too!

>> No.2310516

Its a good one, and most people like it, but they don't neccessarily hate imperial, so there's not much drive to replace all the roadsigns, labels, etc

>> No.2310551

I think we should convert. But it can't all happen at the same time or people would get confused and chaos would ensue.
Start with the least used unit: Volume
Then work your way up to the most used: Distance

>> No.2310578

I'm trying to convert myself away from imperial and towards metric one measurement at a time.

currently trying to use meters in place of feet.

>> No.2310738 [DELETED] 

Makes 100% more sense.
Integrates with the rest of the world.
Would love to switch and finally move on.

However, we will likely never entirely switch to it because now or ignorant masses would be offended and bitch about it.

>> No.2310769

Makes 100% more sense.
Integrates with the rest of the world.
Would love to switch and finally move on.

However, we will likely never entirely switch to it because now our ignorant masses would be offended and bitch about it.

>> No.2310775

>imperial system
>21st century

>> No.2310784

I'm not American, but when I'm being vague or I'm guessing, I use imperial units for length. It's all good for giving the general idea of something.

If you want to actually do calculations, or you're measuring something fuck that shit.

>> No.2310791

I'm a physics major so I always use the metric system, if we switched it'd be alot less tedious conversions

>> No.2310801

This is brought up fairly often.

Metric system is cool bro, so is Imperial. Doesn't really matter, all systems of measurement are arbitrary.

If we didn't use a 10 base system for most mathematics, the metric system would be quite a pain in the ass to use. But we do, so it works very well with our current systems of science.

This concept I've found is very difficult for Eurofags to comprehend. Which saddens me.

>> No.2310806
File: 35 KB, 480x640, american_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the metric system whenever I can\

I also wear this whenever I go out

>> No.2310808


Anon, I'm totally and completely with you.

Seriously, Eurofags do not seem to understand this concept. I've had to sit down and explain it to them so many times it boggles the mind.

lol ESA.

>> No.2310814

Also it took the Soviets about twice as long to reverse engineer many American designs because they used the Metric system and had a hard time grasping Imperial designs.

>> No.2310844

>If we didn't use a 10 base system for most mathematics, the metric system would be quite a pain in the ass to use.

Ergo, the imperial system is a pain in the ass to use, because it doesn't use base 10.

>> No.2310849
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I don't relay care what set's you use
ps regarding temperature kelvins where it's at

>> No.2310852

I wish our country would adopt it. Im not a fan of our herpaderp measuring system.

However, in the end, it really doesnt matter much. It wouldnt really make us smarter. And I suppose from history, a certain space related mess up could have been avoided, forgot which one it was.

If they were to inact a bill to change all signs to metric, I would totally be for it.

>> No.2310862


Having two systems of measurement actually helps math and science ability as it forces the use of conversions.

It's like speaking two languages.


>> No.2310866

We should all switch. Perhaps a transitionary period where both standards have to be used in official labeling. Most Americans only know any metric units because of 1 and 2 liter soda bottles.

>> No.2310881

It's down to what you were brought up with. Neither one is easier to visualise in your head.

I was brought up (18 now) on Metric, it's all that's taught in British schools.

As a result I can easily visualize Metric in my head. When people stated their height in Imperial it gets confusing for me, I still have no clue with regards to weights. Americans give their weight in pounds and the Older English generation in stone which I can't visualize at all. However I can instantly tell you off the top of my head that an adult male would weight around 70-80 kilos for a back of the envelope calculation.

Another reason Metric is awesome, is because with SI prefixes you can essentially create your own convinient units, and anyone in the world that knows Metric (in otherwords anywhere but America) will instantly know what you're talking about. Finding that Joules aren't convenient to work with?? Express everything in MJ. Anyone in the world knows what they are.