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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2309242 No.2309242 [Reply] [Original]

Somewhere in the Universe at this very moment, an interplanetary war devastates some distant galaxy, and we dont know about it.

ITT: Lets reflect on the infinite wonder and possibilities of the Universe.

>> No.2309246

>citation needed

>> No.2309252
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OK, then let's pretend this is headed towards us.

>> No.2309256
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Its just a thought, geez. Dont you have any imagination?

>> No.2309273

The virtual certainty that there's intelligent life somewhere in the universe right now (very possibly in our galaxy) is awesome enough for me.

>> No.2309277

What if intelligence evolved on a planet in a stellar nebula?


>> No.2309280

Why do you think that war could be motivated by those creatures?
How big is the magnitude of the interplanetary war? Is it redirecting asteroids to destruct a planet, or useless airplane fights in cosmos ?

>> No.2309287

lol war is so cool

we should go into war with the first alien species we encounter

'cause according to the americunts the cold war put man into space, gave us the computer and all that

i bet they're smart too so they must be warmongers like the americunts

>> No.2309310

Funny thing is I can imagine intelligent beings that don't even know what war is. I'd assume they would look at us like a bunch of idiots snickering as we push forward into experimental mathematics and physics, "Look at that they think there's ONLY 5 different versions of string theory what fucking idiots."

>> No.2309320
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Maybe through evolution they would be naturally violent, but with a degree of intelligence enough to comrehend science and build aircraft capable of interplanetary war. I dont think that seems so farfetched.

>> No.2309326

This reminded me that if ever the human species actually made contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial species, religion would (most likely) fuck everything up.

>> No.2309329
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What if in some part of the Universe there is some sort of moon that rapes stars and all the other stars are scared of that moon but it can't get to them because it's trapped in the orbit of some planet.

But the planet wants to turn the moon in to the interstellar body police and is conflicted because they're best buds and they've been together so long, they kind of have this big brother little brother relationship and the whole solar system is concerned, like where are the parents and how did things go so wrong.

also, dubs get
also, ban me

>> No.2309352
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I thought /sci/ was better than having international butthurt?

>> No.2309356

We're all INTJ, no imagination what so ever.

>> No.2309373

Intelligent species would have most likely surpassed war by now. That's probably why, no extraterrestrial has contacted us, because we're still so dumb fighting each other and killing our own species.

Also string theory doesn't have five different versions anymore, its part of one big M-theory.

>> No.2309383

That would be ISTJ

INTJs has some imagination through iNtuitive Thinking. It never flourishes fully because they are too quick to use their Judging function.

>> No.2309387

I know, and that stuff fascinates me. But when said only 5, i was kind of implying there was another dimension to them, I don't think you can call M theory the 6th.

>> No.2309394


INTP master race here.

>> No.2309397

I scored 1% on the judging part, why the fuck was I called INTJ?

>> No.2309407

Because it is important to put you into exact box!

>> No.2309411
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Feels bad man.

>> No.2309414
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>interplanetary war
> devastates some distant galaxy

>> No.2309417

>implying one is better than the other
You are doing the Meyers-Briggs wrong.

>> No.2309420

>implying it's possible to do it right

>> No.2309427

Don't be sorry. It is not a 0 to 100 scale. It is -100 to 100 scale where -100 would be 100 P. You are almost exactly at the middle.

You are a balanced individual able to change your mood to get the best of both worlds. You're the King son!

>> No.2309438

>let the beat.... DROP!

>> No.2309444
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Awesome, thank you.

>> No.2309445
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>doesn't get it

>> No.2309447


What; are you saying that interplanetary war would not be capable being fought on a galactic scale?

>> No.2309475


Kinda like how a intranational war could be fought on an international scale I'm guessing.

>> No.2309482


>> No.2309485
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It's called INTERSTELLAR in that case, or intragalactic.

>> No.2309494

Interplanetary is NOT to galactic what intranational is to international.

It could be a war between planets (interplanetary) in different solar systems that involves large regions of the galaxy (galactic).

>> No.2309499


Playing Devil's advocate, but the war just needs to devastate a galaxy. It could be the two planets are attaining resources from outside their stellar system, or else create weapons that damage the 'environment' of the galaxy.

>> No.2309506

Right but only the planets would be affected. The stars and dust wouldn't give a flying fuck. The galaxy would prevail all abuse done to it.

Unless... some knee-jerk civilization decided to create blackholes in every star system.

>> No.2309515

Quit trying to rationalize your mistake.

>> No.2309537


But I wasn't the one who made the mistake...I was just playing Devil's advocate...

>> No.2309550

Me too... I'm just trying to prove that semantically, it wasn't necessarily a mistake.

>> No.2309881

if the universe is so big and infinite, how small (or big) is small?
how can i save hundreds on car insurance? find out next time on Pokemon!

>> No.2309915

Just watched a movie that had something like this:
tiny tiny self-replicating nanomachines which organize itself into various forms of intelligence as they take over and assimilate everything, add to that the ability to completly understand the object they're assimilating it and maybe adding it to their virtual reality or giving it a physical equivalent that serves the same functionality, but is not made of nanomachines and somewhat pseudo-immortal.

>> No.2309920

what was the name of the movie?

>> No.2309942

Well... I've seen the concept expressed in at least one manga and one anime movie:
A manga with similar concepts is "Eden: It's an Endless World!"
The anime movie is "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - A wakening of the Trailblazer", but that's just an epilogue to a whole series who has little/nothing to do with that concept.
However, in both cases, the whole alien thing is a major spoiler which is revealed quite late, so it annoys me to have to reveal the titles while also spoiling the plot by doing so.

>> No.2309945

dude, Eden was fucking awesome.

>> No.2309950

Somewhere in the Universe at this very moment, an interplanetary rapist devastates your mom's anus, and we dont know about it.

>> No.2309955

Man i lost track of eden around chapter 80ish. I've been meaning to pick it up again for awhile. But i loved reading it.

so the menace in the 00 movie is a self replicating nano machine eh? I'd buy it.

>> No.2309962

yeah well Eden finished and the ending was some fucking weird ass plot twist. Not to spoil it too much but the nanomachines express the title pretty well.

>> No.2309977

Yes, Eden is pretty great. I stopped reading it a long time ago due to the slowness of the scanlations, but it was finished about half a year ago, so I went and re-read all of it. The ending is quite awesome.

As for the 00 movie, yes, that's the case, but it's not very black and white (like you'd think of SG-1 replicators for example or Startrek Borg's). I apologize for the spoiler.

>> No.2309996

somewhere light-years away, the is one exact copy of Earth but we're beautiful girls

>> No.2310602

Any civilization capable of fighting war on a galactic scale would have no need to do so.

>> No.2310643

Why? Is it because of God?

>> No.2310672


wrong. simple example, war takes place in a region of space depleted of natural resources, current technology does not allow for the confrontation of logistical difficulties of procuring resources from distant galaxies.

demand is high. supply is low. theres ONE PLANET OF [ insert essential resource here ] LEFT. WHO WILL WIN THE GALACTIC WAR OF [insert date in syntax of your choosing]

>> No.2310676
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it's entirely possible that somewhere else in the universe or even our own galaxy that...
there is a collection of organisms that communicate via telepathy use mental images and phrases to annoy each other and get an emotional rise and describe it as the verb form of the noun for a mythological creature in their culture...
ie... that they troll

>> No.2310689

starwars is unlikely

>> No.2310719

Everything that can exist exists.

>The universe is infinite
>Therefore there are infinite chances that something will happen

This means that the 1/100000000000000000 chance of telepathic matress-birds on the swamp planet Agygax will happen because there are infinite attempts at it and, in those infinite attempts, it will happen at least once.

>> No.2310729

Impossible things cannot happen. No planet can ever be called Agygax

>> No.2310743
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imaginary ones can

>> No.2310750

> Everything that can exist exists.
Grow up, kid.

>> No.2310758


Surely if we are in an infinite universe this conversation has already happened an infinite amount of times!

>> No.2310766

>The universe is infinite

When you start with incorrect assumptions, you can derive anything

>> No.2310767


The universe certainly isn't infinite. What the hell do they teach you school these days?
Not in time, nor in space, is the universe divergent.

>> No.2310770

Bah the universe as a huge sample size, I'm ok with.

The multi verse theory is bullcrap

>> No.2310776

I think his guess is not that implausible.
I weight 3 main possibilities:
1) Nothing exists - false, since we exist
2) Only this universe exists - we know this universe exists, but why would only one possible and randomish geometry exist?
3) All possible logical universes exist (as long as no contraditions exist), maybe only computable ones - This seems the most likely case to me since 1 is false, and 2 requires some unique randomness to exist, why wouldn't the whole set (or at least the set growing towards infinity, but never reaching it in practice) exist?

This doesn't mean that any fantasy fairyland would exist, but that all logically computable universes would exist. While if taken to the infinity of possibilities, you could argue that just about anything that can exist exists (or "will" exist, however time itself may not exist, so there's no real need to go into that detail), which would probably be right given option 3.

And this is why I tend to find the option that "Everything that can exist exists" more pleasing that "only this particular universe exists". It doesn't mean I believe that is the case, it's just that I think it's the more likely case given the alternative.

>> No.2310779

No. All intelligent species in the universe have evolved due to natural selection and evolution and it's highly unlikely that you would survive in the evolution if you don't have any attachment for aggressive behavior.

>> No.2310783

>he still thinks the Copenhagen interpretation is the best interpretation of quantum mechanics

>> No.2310786

But the 3rd option leads to this scenario:

Somewhere somehow in a universe identical to this one something happens on a worldwide scale. Every living human being suddenly has an unquenchable thirst for YOUR BLOOD. You dont stand a chance. There are litterally billions of universes of you being killed in every possible way, quickly, slowly you name it. But dispite impossible odds, the multi-verse theory maintains that in at least one universe, you win and manage to kill, maim or incapacitate every other human being in existance.

Oh and a few where Lincon rapes your mum

>> No.2310788

Somewhere, an alien is casually looking at our galaxy, wondering if there may be life there.

>> No.2310789


>implying the environment of the planet isn't what governs natural selection and evolution, and that evolution is a law of the universe that applies everywhere

You so silly, atheists.

>> No.2310794


inb4 The One

>> No.2310796

I'm sure there could be crazier scenarios, however I'm only aware of my own consciousness as driven by my memories and the electrical/chemical process in my brain. Other possible "me"'s are not really me.

>> No.2310804
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Who the fuck do you think you are? You pompous fucking prick.

How can you not fucking understand that dairy farmers lives are no different than your own? You seriously can sit there, pouring gallon after gallon of milk down the drain, thinking you're making a difference? These people have families these people work, sweat, cry, and bleed just like every single fucking one of us. People like you make me fucking sick.

Destroy their empire, you say? Fine. Keep pouring the milk. All you are doing is making their product more in demand due to increasing scarcity. You are actually helping the people you loathe. Shows how much fucking intelligence is in the testicle-sized brain of yours.

Seriously,what the fuck is wrong with you?, People like you are the reason cars will never have a fifth wheel in the middle.

>> No.2310809
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>> No.2310816

Well the Star Wars galaxy is somewhere out there, isn't it

>> No.2310822
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Fucking lol'd

>> No.2310823
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In another universe, CCM is emperor of humanity and has transformed everyone into multi-boobed leopard girls.

>> No.2310832

If there are infinte possiblities/universes.

In one of these universes maybe our own, there exists a galaxy that exactly resebles the one depicted in Star Wars, where the events of the films are currently being played out.

>> No.2310837


what exactly proves that there are more universes?

>> No.2310839

Nothing, Its a batshit thought experiment

>> No.2310841
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You called?

>> No.2310843


No one knows whether the universe is infinite or not. If it is infinite and also randomly fluctuating (that is, theres an infinite amount of stuff and it doesnt just run out into this infinite void of nothing) Then anything thats possible from those random fluctuations must exist an infinite number of times. Thus sense you are clearly possible, there must be an infinite number of you out there.

However they would exists so far out in space that they would be well beyond the cosmic horizon, making them completely isolated from us no matter how fast a space ship we had. Thus from our perspective, they might as well not exist.

>> No.2310847


Mind = blown

>> No.2310848


If it were to devastate a galaxy, it would an INTERGALACTIC war. Interplanetary wars would only be some small skirmishes between young space faring civilizations

>> No.2310858



War between galaxies: Intergalactic

War between star system/Inside a galaxy: Intragalactic / Intertellar

War between planets/Inside a stellar system: Intrastellar / Interplanetary

>> No.2310870

Somewhere in the universe 2 galaxies have collided head on with each other shooting star stuff away at incredible speeds into dark space.

>> No.2310884 [DELETED] 


Sentient tecnological beings don't work that way. That aggression and egoism is what is required for these being to able to survive, at least before they reach a level of technology in which Star Trek utopia (Earth in Star Trek -verse) becomes possible.

But they are more likely to retain some of that feral behaviour for a long after. We still do, and probably will long after practically infinite energy and replicators etc. are within everyone's grasp.

>> No.2310886


Sentient tecnological beings don't work that way. That aggression and egoism is what is required for these being to able to survive, at least before they reach a level of technology in which Star Trek utopia (Earth in Star Trek -verse) becomes possible.

But they are more likely to retain some of that feral behaviour long after that. We still do, and probably will long after practically infinite energy and replicators etc. are within everyone's grasp.

>> No.2310887

>citation needed
I came to say this

>> No.2310894


Yes, you're right. I got the terminology wrong.

>> No.2310904
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>> No.2310939

If I became a dictator of an intergalactic empire I would combine all our resources to kill every living creature in the universe and after that I would commit mass suicide.

>> No.2311691


That's not a galactic war. That would be a war within a relatively small section of space.

A civilization which can not only explore and settle multiple star systems within a galaxy but also wage war across it, an act that takes tremendous time, energy, and resources, would have access to the resources of hundreds of billions of stars.

As for acquiring resources from another galaxy...LOL.

I'm not sure you understand the sort of distances we're talking about here.

>> No.2312665

I was thinking it is almost certain that there has existed at least one intelligent civilization that has destroyed themselves by accidentally creating a massive explosion or blackhole that grows exponentially. This blackhole that has destroyed their galaxy will eventually destroy the universe however because nothing can travel faster then the speed of light including this blackhole, it will take billions of years for this to reach us. By then the universe might die of heat death anyway..