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File: 8 KB, 220x147, dead_bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2308694 No.2308694 [Reply] [Original]


Made a thread about this a minute ago but apparently people where more interested about the fact that i used a faux news source, despite how widely know this currently is at the moment.

So /sci/ explain this bullshit

>> No.2308708

I heard someone raped all the birds while using meth. He is my hero.

>> No.2308730
File: 312 KB, 487x322, 1278193262917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faux news a source?

WTF? did you want to quote the bible or maybe the onion as a valid news source as well?

You need to learn the difference between real news and bullshit (Faux).

No one will take your seriously until you actually know the difference between news and bullshit!

>> No.2308746


When i said faux news I was reffering to fox news.

Fuck you cant be this dense

>> No.2308753

God did it, just like in Numbers 11:31.

>> No.2308772


Im assuming that as quoted out of context, like verses usually are?

>> No.2308781

Lizard people did it.

>> No.2308782
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>watches faux news

>> No.2308797

I didn't quote it at all. But okay, here's the context.
The Israelis are walking around in the desert with no food because Moses told them to walk around in the desert. They complain about having no food because they don't want to die. Moses tells Yahweh about the people's blasphemous desire to not starve to death, which pisses him off so much that he pelts them with three feet of dead birds, piling them up for a distance of a day's journey in every direction.

>> No.2308803



>> No.2308805
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Believes in imaginary friends

>> No.2308827
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Real news is real! >>2308803

Faux News is shit

See the difference now OP?

>> No.2308829


Also, read this, think about what's going on now, and be ashamed.

>> No.2308833

> believes I believe in imaginary friends

>> No.2308855

There has been a rather descent move in the earth's magnetic poles as of late. Is it possible that it could have screwed with the birds as well?
However, this news article was the most intriguing: http://www.examiner.com/cultural-oddities-in-national/dead-birds-thousands-of-turtle-doves-fall-from
These birds were the first that haven't died from acute trauma, and actually appear to have something physically wrong with them. Opinions /sci/

>> No.2308859
File: 5 KB, 210x230, 1285110139936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the deaths are different somehow

>> No.2308861

Apparently the crabs in England are a fairly common thing... when an early blizzard passes through.

>> No.2308879

So they were likely poisoned, with or without intention. So what? The fact that we're now looking at birds that AREN'T dying for the same reason should be a clue that we're grasping at straws here.

Nothing unusual is happening. Really.

>> No.2308884

>So they were likely poisoned, with or without intention

End of the article clearly states it's possible they just got flung into a high, oxygen deprived altitude and died from lack of oxygen.

So it's even LESS spectacular.

>> No.2308888

Fox news is for the feeble minded.

>> No.2308900


You quoted faux news?

Wtf is wrong with you!? Are you retarded?

>> No.2308928

Logical Answers. I was merely stating that it did not fit the "pattern".