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2304469 No.2304469 [Reply] [Original]

Hi sci
you are my last resort. Is there a rule of thumb for finding every nonequal element of a finite group with its definig relations. Like a^4=1; b^3=1; bab=a
Pic realted, i feel quite derp about it but i think i've just found over 30 nonequal elements with theese relations. That cant be right becouse i need to make a multiplying table with them and that woud be freaking huge, no teacher can be that sadistic.

>> No.2304478

You should be able to logic this out.

>> No.2304480

The only element here is 1.

>> No.2304481

From what i see without thinking about it, elements are 1 and sqrt4(a)

>> No.2304484
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How did you get to that?

>> No.2304486

You are DEFINITELY not thinking about it.

>> No.2304489

Well, 1^x=1 with any x.
So, a=1 and b=1 is possible, since bab=a still applies.
Didn't think about anything else really, just what came up my mind the fastest.

>> No.2304496

I think a and b are not equal, else this coud be applyed to any definig relations.

>> No.2304504

a^4=1; b^3=1;
So, a^4=b^3.
Since a=bab, we get
And THAT'S what we have been looking for. for any number b!=0, a will be equal 1/b^4

>> No.2304511

The problem with that is that a and b are not commutative ab!=ba, maybe i've forgot to mention that but commutativity isnt in the group axioms (I think thats what they called in english :))

>> No.2304514

You forgot that a must be a>=0, since it is raised to an even exponent.

>> No.2304519

Op again.
with bab=a we get baba^3=1 and a^3bab=1. So any string of a and b wich doesent contain baba^3; a^3bab a^4 and b^3 isa unique element, wich gives us infinite elements. Proove me wrong

>> No.2304520

Damn, i don't understand what commutative means...
I'm Russian and don't know english very well

>> No.2304522

It means ab is not equal to ba. I dont know either if that's the right word for it in english

>> No.2304531

And how is THAT possible? Any two numbers multiplied result the same, no matter the order you write them in, that's an axiome. Something is wrong here, that can't be possible.

>> No.2304532

>he thinks everything behaves like real numbers

Try multiplying two matrices, see how that works for you, bro.

>> No.2304535

>in a task that requires you to write a mutiplication table with it's results
Yeah, the teacher must be a gigantic douchebag then.

>> No.2304536

I want someone who has some understanding of abstract algebra dammit :(

>> No.2304538
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I'm kinda sad that no one has given you any real help yet. Check out page 44 of "Algebra" by Artin. (very similar problem)

The last defenying relation implies you can write all combinations in the form (a^n)*(b^m). With n and m from 0 to 4 (and 3) (respectivly).

Write out all the combinations, then reduce duplicate results using your defnying relations.

Make sense?

>> No.2304539

For simple abstract algebra, see this

Also, abstract algebra is probably the most entertaining part of maths, it is always fun to argue about something regarding it.

>> No.2304542
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>Thinks everything commutes

LMAO, how old r u?

>> No.2304544

There are 12 elements:
1, a^3, a^2, b, a, a^3*b, a^2*b, a^3*b*a, a*b, a^2*b*a, a*b*a, b*a

>> No.2304545

Ich bin 8 und was ist das?

>> No.2304548

Is there some basic method you get that with?

>> No.2304552

I think its not just (a^m)(b^n) but (a^m)(b^n)(a^o)(b^p)..... to the infinity with m,o,... under 4 and n,p,... under 3, and i have to simplify theese with the third relation.

>> No.2304555
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(b)(a)= (a)(b^2)

All the combinations are usually written in
a^n * b^m form

>> No.2304559
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No, it is a^n * b^m, I gave you the reference already. You should be able to find it on the net.

What part are you not understanding? Why do you assume these huge numbers?

>> No.2304560

The basic method in easy examples like OP's is to notice every elements is in the form <span class="math">a^u b^v a^w[/spoiler] with u,v<4 and w<3. List all 16 elements you get and remove those you can simplify with your relations. There's also a general algorithm to enumerate elements of a finitely presented group but it's not convenient to use by hand. You can use GAP (gap-system.org) to do the computations for you.

>> No.2304568

You are being arrogant in your mistake. It doesn't matter how you name your elements, write ab² insteal of ba if that makes you happy but for enumerating them you can name them however you want.

>> No.2304573

shouldnt there be 12 elements? (a^m goes 0..3, b^n goes 0..2 and every 'other' multiplication is reduced by the ba = ab^2 rule)
totally shredded my symmetry box

>> No.2304576

Yes there are, exactly for the reason you state.

>> No.2304577
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>It doesn't matter how you name your elements

Well then why don't you just use a^-1 and b^-1 in there as well? LOL

You are correct, that there are an infinite amount of ways to write this shit. However, the standatd way to write that shit is with positive exponents, and to completely commutate out the operators. It will make further mathematics much easier.

>> No.2304583
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Glad you finally got it OP

>> No.2304584

ba is shorter than ab², I should be the one laughing at you for using uselessly long names.

>> No.2304587
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Yeah, and a^-1 and b^-1 will be shorter then whatever other version you use. You still don't use them though.....LMAO.

Have you even taken group theory?

>> No.2304589
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>> No.2304592
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>> No.2304594

You had to samefag when you didn't even figure out the guy was mocking your stupidity in the first place

>> No.2304600
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>> No.2305541

OP, are you still here?

>> No.2305598

the presentation you have it's from the finite group T http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FiniteGroupT.html, and as it has been said, it has 12 elements