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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2304204 No.2304204 [Reply] [Original]


Is this serious or not? I'm getting too many mixed signals.

>> No.2304217

I really need an answer.

>> No.2304215

any input /sci/? This doesn't look right to me.

>> No.2304219

Well..... atleast it's still there.

End of the world etc...

>> No.2304224

Come on, give us an answer.

>> No.2304231

We're all going to die a slow, hot and cancerous death.


>> No.2304233


>> No.2304238

I hope I'm getting trolled. Panic attack setting in, someone tell me if these guys are serious or not.

>> No.2304248

it's /new/
when's the last time you saw them spout something half sensible?
they're bigger nutcases than /x/
speaking of which, why hasnt /x/ picked up on this
it seems more of their department

>> No.2304254

I'm just wondering why nobody knows what's happening on a fucking science board.

>> No.2304256

They're still fascinated about the dead birds.

Magnetic fields are a tad bit too complicated for them.

>> No.2304260

We do know what's happening.

>> No.2304261

Then are you too busy preparing for the fucking Rapture to tell me or what?

>> No.2304266

Magnetic poles are fucking about because they're going to swap places is my guess.

>> No.2304273

And what could the poles swapping mean for me?

>> No.2304275

Nothing at all.

I doubt we'll notice anything.

>> No.2304276

Thank you.
Fuck me I have a panic attack every time I visit /new/.

>> No.2304278

Satellites will fall out of the sky, earth will lose all centripetal acceleration, jesus will arise from the dead, and the meek shall inherit the earth.
Your alarm clock will also go off 2 hours sooner.

>> No.2304279

lol no.
That occurs over many many years.

>> No.2304282
File: 10 KB, 248x251, 1294306234849s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the picture from the other thread.

Can you tell me the date at the bottom of it?

Why do people get shit scared on purpose?

>> No.2304285

The picture could be today if its yy/mm/dd.
Or different days depending on the format.
And people like to be fear mongered.

>> No.2304287

Because they can't tell that image is normal.

>> No.2304290

You do realize that the current date is January 6th, 2011 yes? That website just lists the date backwards for some reason.

>> No.2304289

The date there is the same, I think they're putting year first.

>> No.2304291

But where is the good graphics, like on the Science channel, man?

>> No.2304292

Are you from /x/?

You're going out of your way to make this believable believable.

Also it's impossible for the magnetic field to be this way. (Look at the red lines.)

>> No.2304310

niggers ?

>> No.2304321

ISO8601 date format? used by many asian countries and the canadian government? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601

>> No.2304330


and here's the reason for listing the date this way: append the time to it. format is now YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. it almost kind of...makes more sense than any other format.

>> No.2304344

From Googling around, this behavior is normal. Essentially, the Earth is in a pocket of 'stormy' solar wind (electrically charged particles the sun always ejects as a matter of course) from a patch of increased solar activity - we're in the midst of a current solar storm. Like all storms, it will pass like any other. It isn't a particularly strong one, given the minimal coverage. There are plenty of examples of exactly this from previous storms. It has nothing to do with Earth's magnetic poles shifting; that's a significantly longer timeframe.

Here's a timelapse from earlier in the year:

>> No.2304348

Its a Japanese website. Japan lists dates yy/mm/dd; America mm/dd/yy, Europe dd/mm/yy

>> No.2304352

And the American one is the only one that makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.2304359

Actually, no. Canada's makes the least sense. Due to its relationship with the United States, its historical ties to the UK, and its commitment to ISO standards, dates in Canada can appear mm-dd-yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy, or yyyy-mm-dd.

Imagine getting a document dated 07-03-05 in Canada. You're so fucked.

>> No.2304367


>> No.2304392

Im from /x/, i was about to ask you learned people what you thought about this. Im mostly retarded, but i figured this may happen from time to time and be no big deal. its not like i monitor this nonsense.

Hopefully the world will end, becuase it'll be the biggest troll /x/ has ever pulled off.

>> No.2306038

An answer. Woo.

>> No.2306050
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Bitches please, the magnetic poles are fine.

>> No.2306077

The poles reverse every now and then. Big deal. Outdoorsmen will buy new compasses and people will get on with their lives.

>> No.2306122
File: 203 KB, 500x280, gawd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those lines are most likely a result of bad data. There would be massive consequences (satellite communication disturbances, birds acting weird, blazing northern lights throughout most of the US, Europe) if the field was actually acting like that.

>> No.2306142


>> No.2306151
File: 75 KB, 604x453, troll face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Birds acting weird?

>> No.2306160

Can't you just use the same compass and align for south instead?

>> No.2306185

After the switch, sure. Which will take hundreds or thousands of years. In the meantime, you'll have a half-dozen poles moving erratically.

>> No.2306196

This is /new/ we're talking about. NOTHING they say can be taken seriously unless it can be confirmed by other sources.

>> No.2306206

didnt this happen in the core

our planets core died and the world stopped turning. we need to set off tactical nukes underground to restart our tectonic movement

>> No.2306287

This date format is best for alphabetical sorting.