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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 54 KB, 525x525, 1291940427779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2304140 No.2304140 [Reply] [Original]

Who is waiting for something to wipe out the majority of the earths population?

I want the wild to become a new frontier again. To have to get and and do shit to survive have mega adventures travel around a see whos still living after the aftermath. Theres way to many of us at the moment and it cant be to long before we hit our maximum carrying capacity before a disease breaks out and start to majorly fuck shit up!

IM PUMPED. Hopefully we will see you out in the wild aswell

>> No.2304143

You're a faggot. I'm just waiting until I can increase my longevity indefinitely. I want to sleep until the end of time.

>> No.2304145

If 5.5 billion people disappear I'm sure you will be one of them.

Even if it happens it will mean nothing to you since you will be dead.

>> No.2304146
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The asians and indians are gonna get FUCKING SMOKED! It will be people in remote locations that are gonna become victors

>> No.2304149
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At the end of time, a moment will come when just one man remains. Then the moment will pass. Man will be gone. There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust.

>> No.2304154
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op here.

I live in New Zealand and in a pretty remote part. I think out of most people I am gonna have a better chance of surviving.

>> No.2304156
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But there already is a frontier waiting to be settled.

>> No.2304157

Not true, information can never be destroyed.

>> No.2304159

>Look for my facial hair
>Find the closest one
I accept this.

>> No.2304161

I like the things you do but the ocean is fucking gay and your obsession with it is silly.
That's just my 2 cents.

>> No.2304162
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>Doesn't get the Sunshine reference

>> No.2304164

>implying the earth is anywhere near its maximum carrying capacity

I have driven across the US multiple times and its still mostly unpopulated space

>> No.2304169
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I want all the sin to be wiped off the earth.

>> No.2304170


Nice observation retard. Yes if we did pack the earths land shore to shore with people we could still take bajillions more. Op is talking about when we cant grow enough food to support ourselfs or we become to dense that disease outbreak will take its natural path and cull off people to below the threshold.

>> No.2304172
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You're not yet, but soon, soon...

>> No.2304174

We have more than enough fertile land for farming. Humanity as a whole produces a great excess of food. It's only because of where the excess is located that there's still starving people in the world.

>> No.2304179

Got supplies?

>> No.2304180

I somehow dont think that food is going to be the issue of the human demise. I am no expert but before we run out of food I would say that disease or natural disaster will be what takes us out.

>> No.2304181
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>> No.2304183
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Although I hate it, we have ridiculaous ammounts of fish right on my door step. I fucking hate fish but if it comes down to it yeah aslong as I have a rod i will be fine

>> No.2304188

Someone's been playing too much Fallout. Notice how you can take an entire magazine of bullets and survive, it's not real.

>> No.2304189


>> No.2304195

Fuck yeah, Onion News.

>> No.2304200


>implying calling someone a retard, then using the word bajillions doesn't make you look like the retard

>implying technologies to support vertical farming and hydroponic aren't growing by leaps and bounds annually

>implying density is the main cause of widespread disease rather than the modern ability of a sick person to travel great distances in a short period of time

>implying nature has a magical threshold number of humans it allows to be alive at a time

>> No.2304212


what, are you expecting some civilization of sentient squid is just waiting there to greet us? god dammit, i hate HERE BE DRAGUNS faggots like you. sure, anything is possible. but how PROBABLE IS it?


>> No.2304222
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>>are you expecting some civilization of sentient squid is just waiting there to greet us?

We already found a sentient nonhuman species in the ocean. Tursiops truncatus. Pic related.

I believe mankind must rule the stars. But to do that, he must first rule the sea. It contains a second planet worth of resources, locked away until now, that will create the energy and wealth necessary for that final great push into space.

>> No.2304226
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>> No.2304251

They actually outperformed niggers and brazillians in tests we gave them...

>> No.2304255


>> No.2304257


trips don't lie, dolphins are now sentient

>> No.2304272

It's actually true. We translated an iq test for them and made underwater touchscreens. They scored 90-95 points on the same tests on which niggers get 70 points on average.

>> No.2304277



"Scientists say dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons'

Dolphins have been declared the world’s second most intelligent creatures after humans, with scientists suggesting they are so bright that they should be treated as “non-human persons”.

Studies into dolphin behaviour have highlighted how similar their communications are to those of humans and that they are brighter than chimpanzees. These have been backed up by anatomical research showing that dolphin brains have many key features associated with high intelligence."

>> No.2304288

Not the one you're talking to but that statement isn't completly untrue

>> No.2304293
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scientific racism is a completely disproven and discredited theory. you'll have to try harder than that.

>> No.2304296


[X] told
[ ] not told

>> No.2304308

[citation missing]

>> No.2304323

>nigger that doesn't know anything about science but pretends to know it so that he can say that he's not dumb

>> No.2304324



"It is now generally recognized that intelligence tests do not in themselves enable us to differentiate safely between what is due to innate capacity and what is the result of environmental influences, training and education."

>> No.2304327
File: 73 KB, 720x540, facepalm 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are awful trolls and should just stop before you embaress yourselves further

>> No.2304329

>niggers get lower scores on IQ tests
>nope, that doesn't mean they're less smart, because that would be RACIST

fucking feelgood "science".

>> No.2304331

Hardly a debunk. Completely disproved my ass, this statement just goes to say more research needs to be done. Keep in mind the political correctness Nazis have barred this research from further development.

>> No.2304339

Actually it's you who should GTFO of here until you embarass yourself further. Lrn2English and lrn2science, faggot.
Niggers score less and your "prooflink" is hardly a debunk of the fact that they are dumber.

>> No.2304341
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You should pick these up at your local drug store.

>> No.2304345
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>calling me butthurt
and my entire frame of reference comes tumbling down, tumbling down.

>> No.2304346
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>After 1945
So paranoid driven leftist liberal agenda got the hold of science after WW2?
You don't say.

>> No.2304354
File: 22 KB, 300x224, hemorrhoid-ointment-2-300x224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably need something a bit stronger.

>> No.2304357

Therefore niggers are either racially or culturally inferior.

Either way, inferior.

>> No.2304358

ITT racism and allegations of butthurt

/new/ - it's what's for dinner

>> No.2304360


>> No.2304364

Thank you, but as my previous post indicates, I already know this thread is a sad troll from /new/.

>> No.2304365
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_Multiracialists_are_Crazy,_Part_3_IQ_graph_racial[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only weak minded fools who too easily succumb to social conditioning refuse to acknowledge what the rest of us already know.
You are only slightly better than niggers.

>> No.2304369
File: 8 KB, 240x210, 1272780726293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you keep claiming troll rather than come up with your own counter-arguments.
Leftists never change.

>> No.2304373

why are the stupider less educated white people so obsessed with black people?

>> No.2304385

Because they infest and ruin our otherwise sustainable societies.

>> No.2304386
File: 311 KB, 126x123, 28723_125967610749749_125893740757136_314722_8256317_s.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I fail to entertain you, but I've seen this troll so many times in here and other boards and it always goes like this:

So I already know that this thread has no point other than you making an ass of yourself no matter how many times people show you how wrong you are.

Racist conditioning is a lot like religious conditioning in that both are really difficult to get rid of, both take advantage of base emotions and both look really stupid from an objective point of view.

So, go back to /b/ or /new/ or whatever little troll.

>> No.2304394

You, sir, are either a troll or an idiot. You gave only one "evidence", which doesn't even prove anything. It doesn't even agree with you.

>> No.2304399 [DELETED] 

>mfw when I go into the wild anyways

Lrn 2 live somewhere that isn't an urbanized plaque of fuckhole.

>> No.2304401
File: 21 KB, 386x359, ciggarete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I go into the wild anyways

Lrn 2 live somewhere that isn't an urbanized plaque of fuckhole.

>> No.2304405
File: 47 KB, 400x300, he-aint-even-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2304416
File: 2.32 MB, 460x198, 1282112385119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I didn't post any evidence. Other people did.

But I'm not gonna expend any extra joules of energy to type up any thought-out answers to you nor will I google for you any shit that you could have googled yourself if you weren't an ignorant little shit.

Especially when, even if I did that, you'd ignore it all anyway because it conflicts with your programming.

tl;dr: shut up, you little shit

>> No.2304422

>gives no evidence to bullshit claims
>claims that everyone is a troll
You are either retarded or a troll.

>> No.2304423

>for bullshit claims

>> No.2304427


AHAHAH no, we cannot support all the people on this planet unless we give up some of the comfort in western civilizations lives. Not even lying it takes a lot of energy to live the comfortable lifestyles we do.

TL;DR We can't support everyone unless we live without internet Etc.....

>> No.2304429

Ever heard of nuclear fusion, retard?

>> No.2304430

Just go away retarded little buttmonkey.

>> No.2304434

And where are you going to get the resources and energy to accomplish that, and that's not even taking into account the finite amount of resources for food and water, etc..

Without out space based resources or radical depopulation we can't keep on living this comfortable of a life.

>> No.2304439

3 kinds of Republicans:
1) people who aren't clever enough to realise that they're being manipulated (this group includes Evangelical Christians)
2) closet case fags who want to be manly men but will never succeed, so they just suck up to the guys who do manliness better than them (i.e. Rightwing pastor after congressman after pastor after congressman that turns out to doing crystal meth with and then fucking rent boys)
3) the smallest group: rich people who know that the Republicans stand for nothing but protecting their interests and cynical enough to go along with the scam

>> No.2304441

We already have more than enough money and resources to build fusion plants, and both the US and EU are building such facilities as we speak.
Both food and water will be easily affordable when we build vertical farms and saltwater refineries driven by fusion power.
Troll harder, fag.

>> No.2304444

Waiting fir someone else to do it, huh? You sound like an undesirable who should be eliminated. Also, another child fantasizing about an apocolyptic world and how fun and adventurous it would be instead of how he will dying of cancer, dying of radiation poisoning, dying of his minor wounds, dying of starvation, etc.

>> No.2304451

>confirmed for troll

>> No.2304453
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>> No.2304462
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There is a 4th kind
The kind that declared emancipation.

>> No.2305439

>Long post, zero arguments.
>Calls me a troll

>> No.2305449

I really, really wish they would stop doing that. If anyone decides to call America's bluff, we're going into a depression that will last decades and end with our "superpower" status shattered. You can't just keep spending money you don't have and printing money that represents nothing but "trust us".