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2303529 No.2303529 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/. Are there any drugs (prescription) that increase energy and focus? For the past six months I've found myself almost unable to pay attention to anything, my short term memory is shot, and I've been trying to review/learn new material for the coming semester but I stare at the shit for 5 minutes and feel tired.

inb4 exercise, I don't have enough energy to stay awake for 5+ hours much less go for a run.
inb4 you have depression, I tried a ton of meds in that area and they didn't do shit.

>> No.2303535


>> No.2303538

meth does in incredibly small doses, just don't do recreational dose.

>> No.2303546

I highly doubt this, also the few times I have done weed I didn't really like the effect it had on me.
Unfortunately this is illegal and I cannot get it in prescription form from a doctor.

>> No.2303550
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>are there any prescription drugs that

>> No.2303552

you guys don't know fuck all

adderal even though it ain't perscription it's what you are looking for

>> No.2303557

Exercise. Seriously. Your body wasnt meant to sit on it's ass 24 hours a day. You'd be amazed how much better you feel when you get regular exercise

>> No.2303558

my ex swears by vivance
i know a couple people that use it so you might try that. probably your best bet
cap:survival tevichaw

>> No.2303559


Can be bought otc

>> No.2303562

Drugs don't solve problems OP.

You have a problem that needs to be solved and no medication will do so. Lifestyle. Environment. Diet.

Also, medication fucks you up. Are you taking any?

>> No.2303684

I seriously have no. energy. It's ridiculous really, I like exercising but I just honestly cannot do it because I feel like I'm going to fall asleep after 5 minutes.

I'm off all medications now since none of them have worked. My lifestyle and diet etc have stayed the same, though I daresay my diet has even gotten better over this time period.

Also thank you everyone else for the suggestions.

>> No.2303709


fix your sleeping schedule OP. you need 8 hours and wake up at the same time everyday. gotta force yourself to goto sleep even if ur not tired, and wake up even if you don't have shit to do.

>> No.2303728

How old are you?

Sounds like how glandular fever hit me.

>> No.2303740

Almost 22.

>> No.2303743

This guy May be onto something.

>> No.2303748

That was when it got me. I'd check it out.

Also, what nation are you in?

>> No.2303751

Maybe that would work if I didn't literally pass out after 5-7 hours of being awake. I'll get really fucking tired, feel like I can barely even move, sit down somewhere and just sleep, usually not even realizing I'm falling asleep.

>> No.2303758

The oh-so-glorious US of A. Thanks for the info anon, I'll definitely check into that.

>> No.2303785

Sleep apnoea was doing that to me for years.

Are you overweight?

Do you have a thick neck?

>> No.2303795

No and no, I don't snore according to people who have been around me while I'm sleeping, I had thought of that but doubt it's the case.

>> No.2304027
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How about some over-the-counter, evidence-based supplements? Interested in that, OP? You can find these at Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, or wherever. DISCLAIMER: This does not constitute medical advice, but since they are OTC, you are on your own:

theanine - amino acid found in green tea. Increases focus without making you jittery. Can take the edge off of caffeine.
phosphatidyl serine - memory
Hup A - memory. Discontinue if it gives you a rash.
bacopa - alertness, relaxation and memory
alpha GPC - memory
DMAE - memory
Jarrow makes a combination called Neuro Optimizer that has a few analogs to some of the above, and it's useful for hitting those synapses from a few other directions.

Yes, I take these, yes, every damn day. Between ADD and sleep disorders, they're the only things that help me focus that are legal and don't make things worse. No, Ritalin doesn't help - not good with the sleep disorder for me.

And yes, it sounds like you might have sleep apnea or adrenal exhaustion.