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2302846 No.2302846 [Reply] [Original]

What's everyone's take on

The Birds and fish dying everywhere?

Started in Arkansas we have reports in New Zea land,
Brazil, St.Lawrence River. Every it's happening.

What are the possible scenario's that could be taking place?

>> No.2302855

God is pissed at the gays.

>> No.2302857

magnetic fluctuation

>> No.2302887


>> No.2302904

this is called "an every day occurrence"

why does no one actually know how many organisms kick the bucket on a daily basis?

>> No.2302917

God. Science cannot explain this. This is the first of many omens leading to judgment day..

>> No.2302920

Maybe it's like that crappy movie The Core?

>> No.2302935

someone is testing a weapon that's powerful enough to kill anyone who's as dumb as a bird or fish

>> No.2302941
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>> No.2302964

Stop making these threads.

>> No.2302962

The Antichrist

>> No.2302961
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Oh fuck I loled

>> No.2302959

cold water stress for the fish

birds? i dont fucking know

>> No.2302957

Maybe the external world doesn't have any independent reality, and this isn't happening at all. Birds aren't dropping out of the sky dead.

My mind is simply fabricating stories of this occurring in order to perplex and entertain me, because it knows how boring life is getting.

>> No.2302965


>> No.2302968


>> No.2302969

How's that solipsism treating you, sport?

>> No.2302971

Oh gods! Please make this come true!

>> No.2302972

evidence that my death ray is working (stole teslas cliff notes, was tired of potato guns)

>> No.2302992

>Something happens regularly but doesn't get reported in media
>One retard who works for a major media outlet distributes an article about it
>Other retards working for other major media outlets distribute their own article on the topic to make sure they don't look out of the loop
>Because of sudden increase of reports retards in general public now believe something unusual is happening

Same thing happens with earthquakes. Something getting reported by news more =/= happening more often

>> No.2303018

Like a tender loving mother.

>> No.2303032

Birds die, and so do fish. It got blown out of proportion one time, and now every time birds die it gets attributed to this mysterious disease. If we didn't have the internet, nobody would be worrying.

>> No.2303074

Seriously guys. This is Biblical-grade.
> Numbers 11.
The Israelites are walking around in the desert without any food, because Moses and God told them to walk around in the desert and didn't give them any food. So the Israelites, blasphemously not wanting to starve to death, beg for food to eat so they don't die. This pisses God off, so what does he do?
> Numbers 11:31
> A wind sent by Yahweh started blowing from the sea, bringing quails which it deposited near the camp. They lay for a distance of a day's journey in each direction, two cubits thick on the ground.
That's right, quails. A day's journey is about sixty miles. Two cubits is about thirty-six inches. The density of bird meat is about 0.59g/cm³. So. How much quails is that? That is 6.426 CUBIC MILES of dead quails, weighing seventeen and a half BILLION TONS, amounting to ONE FIFTH of the TOTAL BIOMASS of the Earth.

And now it's happening again. This is obviously proof of Yahweh and the world will end on May 11, 2011, after it happens five times killing off the entire biomass of the Earth.

>> No.2303081

>17.5 BILLION TONS, amounting to
proof that the bible is bullshit!

>> No.2303082

lol oh my god. Saved for future trolling.

>> No.2303085

>A day's journey is about sixty miles
lol no And the density of meat is a terrible approximation of whole birds stacked. But it's still a huge number.

>> No.2303106

Typical human walking speed is 2.5mi/h. 24 of those is 60 miles. If we assume you're going faster than a casual walk because say 17.5 billion tons of quail are dropping from the sky, you can even make up for the time you spend stopped to eat lunch. I couldn't find a figure for the density of a whole quail, but since it says they're stacked two cubits deep we can assume they're pressed pretty solid. Carcasses have pretty good packing efficiency. Find me a better figure for the density of a whole quail and I'll use it instead.

>> No.2303107

>body of water gets poisoned
>reaches fish
>fish get poisoned
>birds eat fish
>birds get poisoned
>they die

>implying that this isnt a natural occurrence

>> No.2303110

You aren't seriously implying that people walk for twenty four solid hours, are you?

>> No.2303111

You really think a day's journey means walking for 24 hours?

>> No.2303114

Tornados that didn't touch down but happened low enough to suck up and puree birds.

>> No.2303119

Looks like fireworks nigga

>> No.2303122

OP, it's just a downdraft that caught a flock of birds near the ground. Or a freak incident of flocking behavior gone wrong, only partially due to conditions rather than completely.

>> No.2303123

Mmmmmaybe it was a natural poison!

>> No.2303127
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Carl Sagan's spirit cometh.

>> No.2303128

Autopsies show death by acute trauma, no poison (for the birds, anyway).

>> No.2303138

Trauma in which cases?

It might be interesting to note that bat lungs explode around windmills do to sudden changes in air pressure.

>> No.2303141

The small bird flocks. Blunt trauma, presumably from hitting the ground.

>> No.2303176

So when did all this hoopla start? I don't watch the news.

>> No.2303178

> You aren't seriously implying
> implying
> The Game.
These are fairly naive figures, open to correction. I don't think they actually walked for twenty-four hours straight, no, but riding on camels that move somewhat faster than human walking speed, in a train several miles long since there were supposedly enough Israelites for God to kill hundreds of thousands of them off casually, and probably mixing it up a bit between a regular marching pace which would be faster and taking breaks to eat and sleep which would be slower. I don't know how to possibly figure such a thing, so I went with a straight naive literal. How far do you think The Bible means when it says a day's journey? I'll calculate how many cubic miles of birds it should be.

>> No.2303185

Our livestock is still fine though right? I don't care

>> No.2303186

Recently. Don't worry, it'll all be forgotten in two more weeks.