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2300048 No.2300048 [Reply] [Original]

Down(s) Syndrome

Born with an Extra Chromosome.

So are they Human, or not?

Inb4 Dancers

>> No.2300054

Yep, they're humans. But in this case (down syndrome) with a triploid chromosome 21.

>> No.2300052

No, it's kind of obvious.

>> No.2300072

Genetically different so not human

or else chimps are human

>> No.2300086

chimps have different genes/chromosomes.
downs have +1 chromosome.


>> No.2300090

Can they produce viable offspring though?

>> No.2300098

In a scientific context, no. In any other context, yes.


>> No.2300102

Yes, they can. A trisomy is not inheritable. Only the dude with a trans-local trisomy will produce similar offspring.

>> No.2300108

Lets think of other gene defects.
Like monoploid ones. They're still human.
What about deaf (due to genetics) people? Human? I think so.

>> No.2300114

Thats not entire chromosomes

>> No.2300127

Yeah, but someone with down syndrome will produce a normal offspring.
It inherits the way every other human beeing does.

>> No.2300160
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what if they have both?

both genetic and Chromosome diffrences. Say a dwarf with downs?

>> No.2300166


>> No.2300168

Technically speaking, they could breed with another human and have kids that are fertile.

So yes, they are humans.

>> No.2300178


tigers can breed with lions........... diffrent dogs breed with each other all the time........

>> No.2300184

Pigdogs such as yourself are a product of interspecies breeding so I say no.

>> No.2300196
File: 284 KB, 366x366, DerpDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So any Human with a Chromosome defficiancy or acouple extra due to any reason with a diffrence in genetics when born or for any other reason is not human................

Therfore they are animals............

>> No.2300200


Yep, but the progeny of lion and tiger would not be fertile.

And when you breed two dogs, it makes a dog. Wow. That was an impressive counter argument.

You should read the definition of "species". I highly recommend you the works of Ernst Mayr, who gave a clear notion in 1942.
Sometimes complicated, but could make you understand your error.


(don't read the whole thing, that's not my point, but the first paragraph shloud be enough)

>> No.2300207


Great. Just contridict yourself right there. Pigdog's?

PIGDOGS?????? Pig's and Dog's are diffrent species HERPDERP

>> No.2300215


Sorry dont know much about biolgy i was unaware.

what about wolf's and dogs?

>> No.2300237

what about niggers and asians?
their specieses are difrent so what?
herp derp FUCK YOU

>> No.2300247
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>> No.2300259


That's a good question...

"dogs" are a sub-species of Canis lupus, which is commonly known as "wolves".
Theoretically, it may be possible to have a viable and fertile hybride. I did not study a concrete example of this kind, but it may be possible.

Well, at least, they can fuck, no problem. There is a very high probability the female makes babies. But what would be the status of these "half sub species" individuals... If they are not fertile, you can call them " bastards", but if they are fertile, you may create some special kind of new specie/sub-specie...

>> No.2300271

Yes. They can interbreed with other humans and produce fertile offspring (only a few males: females are sterile).

>> No.2300276

Dogs and wolves can have pups but the pups are infertile

>> No.2300289


thanks, i was not sure.
so that means a sub specie is "isolated" from the specie it comes from.

i find that fucking awesome. but i'm a fucking biologist, even a bacteria dividing could make me cum.

>> No.2300370

same here, bro.

>> No.2300371
