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2300039 No.2300039 [Reply] [Original]

So everybody on /sci/ keeps mentioning how the general population are idiots and how they hate their own place in a society of dimwits.

What have you done to be better than the rest of the so called morons/sheep/proles/ignorant masses or what have you that you despise so much?

What makes you better than the rest?

>> No.2300046

I have a degree in a scientific subject.

>> No.2300044

I can count to potato.

>> No.2300056

Who the fuck doesn't?

>> No.2300059


I'll have fries with that.

>> No.2300063

The general population.

>> No.2300073

Way too many people have degrees in sciences/engineering.
This isn't the 19th century anymore.

>> No.2300162

Still it's rare and below 15% of the population.

>> No.2300180

I'm not better than the rest. Its a simple fact that we are all as replaceable as piston rods. I'm just interested in science. A lot of /sci/borgs engage in elitist circlejerking, which quite honestly disgusts me because it turns the general population off of these subjects.

>> No.2300189


>> No.2300218

The human being is an amazing creature...
What is keeping those people dumb?

>> No.2300219

I don´t think Einsteins IQ was 160+
He was probably 120-30

>> No.2300293

I agree. I once read something written by Popper who knew him personally and said something about Einstein not having a high IQ, which in his view made IQ tests not so relevant.

>> No.2300318

Yeah I don't think it does. My IQ is 143 yet I am a dumbfuck that got excluded from uni for sucking so bad

>> No.2300322

>I'm not better than the rest. Its a simple fact that we are all as replaceable as piston rods. I'm just interested in science. A lot of /sci/borgs engage in elitist circlejerking, which quite honestly disgusts me because it turns the general population off of these subjects.

Yeah, although an IQ test may show some intelligence, it does not cover all aspects of intelligence. True intelligence cannot really be gaged. I've been over this dozens of times before with a few friends, and the one in calculus/biomedical engineering was the one who agreed with me.

IQ tests do not measure full potential or kinetic.

>> No.2300344


Indeed. While some IQ tests take into account several types of intelligence, such as fluid and crystallized, it doesn't really take into account tons of factors at play. It's the reason why schools don't use IQ tests as the sole determinant of whether or not a child needs to go to special ed or the gifted courses.

And as for me regarding OP's post, I'm no fancy piece of meat and I really believe every person has the potential to become a critically thinking being. But I guess the only thing that would separate me from "the masses" is that a lot of people think they're fucking brilliant, but I at least acknowledge that there's a lot that I still don't know, no matter how much I study and read.

>> No.2300365

I once read about Hawkings refusing to take IQ test because they were pointless and even hating them with the passion of 1000 unpublished theoretical papers.

>> No.2300369

BTW, 100 is the average IQ because the testers set it up that way, so if if the general population get smarter, average IQs will stay the same

>> No.2300477


Two words: standard deviation.
Another two words: you're idiots.