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File: 25 KB, 475x260, the-year-3000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2299451 No.2299451 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any possible way of seeing this year or living until this year so I could see the course of history unfold before my very eyes?

>> No.2299458

hoping for a sudden spike in cryogenics development perhaps?

>> No.2299461
File: 61 KB, 456x430, liveto300s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2299471

I love how you're getting everyone's hopes up.

>> No.2299479

Take a 1000 year round trip at near light speed. You can even pick up news broadcasts in fast forward if you just loop around earth.

>> No.2299483
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May not happen by 2030, but it most probably will happen in my/your lifetime.

>> No.2299485

What the fuck is the Manhattan Beach Product?

>> No.2299487

I'm 20 and suffer from anxiety/depression.

>> No.2299490


Hes not gonna live for 1000 years in a shuttle...

>> No.2299493

Why was that video so frightening?

>> No.2299495

host cell based therapies are in human testing now and are showing very favorable results. many will be in deployment in just 10 years, we may be looking at adding potential decades to health span by 2025, which will bridge to other advances.

>> No.2299499

Isn't immortality against God?

>> No.2299500
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Don't kill yourself, don't completely wreck your body with a poor diet/cigarettes, and you'll be fine.

>> No.2299501

You guys do realize that the Republicans and Christians would never allow such research, right?

>> No.2299502
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>>2299479 at near light speed.

>> No.2299508

Someday we will swallow a pill full of nano bots that will repair our bodies and give up eternal life. Or they will rebel and end up giving up us the shits to find their freedom.

>> No.2299509

I have anxiety over death and I don't smoke or do drugs.

I do eat a lot of junk food like fast food but not as much anymore.

>> No.2299515
File: 33 KB, 593x545, awesomescii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always Plan B.

>> No.2299527

And you really expect to pull this off?

>> No.2299529


That's just crazy talk. No way any of that shit is real.

Once you get old you die. Simple as that.

>> No.2299531

learn to cook for yourself, you'll eat better and cheaper, you can enjoy junk food as long as you have small portions, eat healthy meals every day, and get exercise. speaking as a somewhat less fat ass than i was, it helps.

>> No.2299533

Can we hunt the Christians there for sport?

>> No.2299534

What if my doctor advise me to eat the fast food diet because I became unhealthy on a diet of veggies? Yes, I was confused too.

>> No.2299536
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Tell that to Turritopsis Nutricula

>> No.2299543
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my face when it turns out to be the Democrats and Environmentalists that try to make it illegal.

>> No.2299546

I don't want human rights violations in the nation. However there will be no restrictions for peacefully picketing and mocking other religions. Libertarian state and all, y'know.

>> No.2299550

What will punishment be and how will transsexuals be treated?

>> No.2299554

Immortality is only for the rich so the poor die off.

Sorry I won't see you guys in the future.

>> No.2299566

>What will punishment be
>and how will transsexuals be treated?
As long as you aren't bothering anyone and/or posting tranny porn on billboards then the government doesn't care. Procedures will most likely have to be done outside of the country until somebody creates a program for the robots to follow for the surgical procedure.

>> No.2299576

Why wouldn't you find a way to make them a complete female or male?

>> No.2299581

>wants violent retribution against persons who didn't share personal values.
yeah those Christians are the only bad guys.

>> No.2299589

The government would mainly be based off voluntary programs and designs. Let's say some guy that studied medicine for 6 years and was a doctor for some time created a new program for the operation by medical automated doctors. This would then be submitted and rigorous testing would be done to see if it's safe. After that, it can be added to the list of procedures available to the wider public. Same goes for items and technologies.

>> No.2299593

What would your currency be?
Have you considered getting a formspring for this project?

>> No.2299595
File: 55 KB, 400x399, ujellyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u all jelly of that jellyfish

>> No.2299596


>wants preventative action against persons who want violent persecution of gays, atheists, liberals, feminists, nonwhites, muslims, etc.


>> No.2299598

The currency system would work as close to http://www.marshallbrain.com/manna5.htm as possible. Instead of the traditional way the price of things are determined simply by resources, manufacturing capacity, complexity and time/power involved constructing it.

>> No.2299600

fuck liberals and moolisms.

>> No.2299608


I'm no fan of muslims either, but conservatives in the US are basically the same thing.

>> No.2299615

so targeting a whole group because a minority have undesirable traits and behaiviors is "preventative"?
Atheist here so I can say here with out bias, you disgust me as you are exactly like the people you have in mind.

>> No.2299623


>>so targeting a whole group because a minority have undesirable traits and behaiviors is "preventative"?

So now we're pretending only a minority of them are like that?

>> No.2299625

yes yes, some one rolling their eyes at you is the same as someone getting beaten to death slowly with stones under the sanction of the state, get some fucking perspective.

>> No.2299628

I will kill u.

>> No.2299630

if they weren't, you'd be dead. grow up child.

>> No.2299631

well, isn't it only a minority?

>> No.2299640
File: 94 KB, 456x646, evolutionchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>if they weren't, you'd be dead. grow up child.

But the facts show it to be true. A majority of US Christians do not accept evolution, and oppose gay marriage (which is why it remains illegal in nearly every state). That's as clear a definition of fundie as it gets, and the figures are unambiguous. See pic.

>> No.2299643


Nope, it's a slight majority. See:>>2299640

>> No.2299655

of chrisitians? maybe, how reliable is that source? also how is killing off people any helpful? surely you won't say Hitler just did it wrong.

>> No.2299656

Czechfag here. Damn, I thought that we have bigger atheist majority than that.

>> No.2299658

1. that american part of that study was based on a phone survay with less than a thousand calls.
2. that doen't translate into them all wandering the streets looking to kill a queer.

you are giving off a much bigger 'hate filled monster vibe' right now.

>> No.2299664

Hitler's only fault is not finishing the job.

>> No.2299676


>>of chrisitians? maybe, how reliable is that source?


>>also how is killing off people any helpful? surely you won't say Hitler just did it wrong.

Well I was just bullshitting about that, but it would probably be wise to subtly institutionalize barriers to office so that nobody with sincere religious belief can attain any sort of power. I realize it's unconstitutional but the framers did not anticipate the cultural friction between the devoutly religious and the educated.

>> No.2299690


>>1. that american part of that study was based on a phone survay with less than a thousand calls.

Every other study corroborates their results, though:


A slight minority of Americans, and a slight majority if American Christians as a subset.

>>2. that doen't translate into them all wandering the streets looking to kill a queer.

Because of the legal consequences. If they were able, they'd install a system of government that would make homosexuality punishable by death, as in many other theocratic nations, including Christian ones in Africa.

>> No.2299704

so its ok if a genocidal/democidal fanatic get into power as long as their goals are secular?
I figured out long ago that power hungry control freaks do what they do largely independent of their supposed underling philosophy. The assholes who do it for ‘god’ would have done it for ‘the people’, the state, the neighborhood, ‘the children’, or yes ‘for science’ depending on where they were raised and what would get them power. Fixating on one supposed source of them while ignoring others is a strong sign you are one of the ones who shouldn’t have power ever.

>> No.2299710

> If they were able
according to your assertion and numbers they are, yet they don't, and they didn’t when they had more.
you are just one fucked up lil monkey.

>> No.2299712


>>so its ok if a genocidal/democidal fanatic get into power as long as their goals are secular?

It's a monstrous opinion I realize, but yes, provided they were sincere it could be a tremendously constructive thing.

Make a short list in your head. Right now. A list of technologies we simply can't have because of the religious, whether because of Christian opposition in politics or because Muslims could use them to commit mass murder.

Nuclear powered passenger airplanes would GREATLY reduce our use of oil, as would electric cars powered by radioisotope thermal generators, basically compact nuclear batteries. This is something that really could be done if not for the problem of Muslims who would use them as rolling dirty bombs.

Then there's stem cells, clones for spare body parts (sans brain), the list is a fucking mile long.

>> No.2299715

Let's just kill the Christians and Jews.

Islam is the light.

>> No.2299723


>>according to your assertion and numbers they are

It doesn't work that way. It's not as if whatever segment of the population has a slight majority is instantly granted absolute political power. We've currently got a center right (but liberal by American standards) president who is either moderately religious or a closet agnostic. Dems have lost a lot of seats but still managed to get a lot of key bills passed, including the repeal of don't ask don't tell, despite the Christian majority.

But you knew this. You're not interested in serious discussion. You're here to skim, then sling insults,

>> No.2299732

>list of things whose history you clearly know nothing about
yeah I fucking love the idea of nuclear airplanes, it isn’t arms control, it's material science, the things are too heavy to take off even with out shielding, sadface.jpg
and embryonic stem cells was never really about abortion, it was pork to dead end research, the leukemia problem was and is insurmountable with anything that isn't getting leaped frogged by host cell based approaches.

>> No.2299736

>durr government only treats rich people
>mfw I go to some shithole to get this shit done

>> No.2299761

>repeal of don't ask don't tell
you realize half of seated republicans supported this right?
>You're here to skim, then sling insults
I read it all, I just realized early that you indulge the fantasy that so many people are out to kill you because that’s how your mind works, a violent us vs. them mentality where you are the light and they are monsters. Taking the time to spar is just a little practice for me, I’m past the notion that there is a light and a dark side, just me and some 6 billion other sides. If all you see is hate, maybe what you see is all yours.