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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2298699 No.2298699 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think your IQ is?

I took an IQ test once and got a 130. I'm older and smarter now so I think my IQ is more like 150 now.

>> No.2298719

Over 9000?

>> No.2298748

I don't understand the question. How do I measure / quantify my intelligence ?

>> No.2298760

I think I may be smarter than a shovel, but I can't explicitly prove it.

>> No.2298765

My IQ...
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!

>> No.2298815

I know this is a troll thread, but damn the idea in OPs post just kills me...you cannot get smarter. Fuckin'a. IQ is a measure of your maximum potential (not saying it's remotely accurate, but that is a rant for another time), this cannot be skewed up, ever. Any positive movement is due to issues with the measuring instrument and not hurrr durr iz is smuhrtur...

>> No.2298828

Not to mention IQ was developed to measure the potential of children...

>> No.2298834


it's enough to make an atheist believe in god, if just to have someone to blame for having been so cruel

>> No.2298887

You can get smarter.

Look at it this way. I define 'being smart' as having high problem solving ability here.

By an undisciplined life of alcohol abuse, irregular sleep schedule, lack of exercise and bad diet you lose your powers to concentrate and start to become mentally tired much more easier. This will affect your problem solving ability. Mental discipline is also trainable and becomes a habit.

So you can become dumber and quit these bad things and become smarter.

Unless you are in peak form already you can improve your form and become smarter.

Sorry for my bad grammar and lazy explanation - I used to be much better at this before I changed into my dumber state.

>> No.2298901
File: 152 KB, 430x400, whatthe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IQ is negative 0.

>> No.2298909

IQ isn't supposed to go up with age.

>> No.2298936

Your mum's in peak form

>> No.2298942
File: 272 KB, 640x479, freddie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does if you aren't doing drugs that reduce neuron activity by chance "alcohol" and even if you aren't doing that when you are 60+ about, it varies obviously between families, the brain starts its slow decline into madness. Also if you don't expose yourself to new information regularly this will act like sensory deprivement and you'll destroy your mind.

Given you pass these requirements, your brain grows in complexity throughout your life, increasing the amount of connections in the brain. There are also some drugs that increase connections in the brain but at the cost of flashbacks/hallucinations every now and then, and feeling euphoric or dysphoric once and awhile.

Be careful with your brain anon.

>> No.2298974
File: 35 KB, 720x364, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2299013

Taken many online tests. The only remotely credible ones said 140-145ish. The rest kept giving me 160-180, which has to be bullshit. Lowest I ever scored was 138.

So, let's say 140.

>I'm older and smarter now so I think my IQ is more like 150 now.
Knowledge =/= intelligence. Unlike knowledge, intelligence does not increase as you learn more information. It's fairly constant, except when it plummets due to brain damage from a stroke or what have you. So, work with what you've got; with a bit of effort, you can be much smarter (knowledge-wise) than some people much more intelligent than you.

>> No.2299027

Thanks for distinguishing the difference between smart and intelligent for these silly people.

>> No.2299065

I know, right? Half of /sci/ get all butthurt whenever the topic of IQ comes up (I presume because theirs isn't exactly outstanding), yet they don't realize that it doesn't necessarily take intelligence in order to be smart (although, it certainly helps). IQ is a reasonably good indication of intelligence (not perfect, but certainly reasonable), but it says NOTHING about knowledge.

>> No.2299100
