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2297203 No.2297203 [Reply] [Original]

Before you yell underage, I am 18.
Im in my senior year of high school, and after spending the first half of the year under the idea that I would only be going to community college anyway due to the requests of my parents (Financial), my councilors telling me I wouldn't get into a University around here (Did fuckall my Sophomore and Junior year, overall GPA currently sits at about 3.0, unweighted), and my general idiocy, I didn't apply for anywhere during that time, the time when most colleges are getting applicants.

So, my option right now is to go to this local small community college, which has a program that will get me into a university nearby after 2 years of hard ass work in my intended major (I'm really into physics, quantum mechanics and particle physics mostly). However, am I royally fucked in actually getting into university with this plan, or into Grad school? From the perception I receive from college ambassadors that come to my school, they only really want kids just out of high school, not ones who took general classes at community.

Wouldn't let me post without a picture.

>> No.2297248

I'm a high school teacher and see this all the time. The question is what do you want to do with yourself after you get out.

>> No.2297273

My highest goal would be to go into research, but that's pretty lofty. Would be more than happy to spend my life researching physics. Otherwise I would go into some kind of industry where a degree-level of knowledge would be needed.

>> No.2297296

Try not giving a fuck. That's what I started doing 3 years ago, and I've never been happier.

>> No.2297301

I can only provide an example one of my teachers gave me last year:

A friend of his did average in school, didn't bother with an SAT, and went to a community college. He busted his ass and had a 4.0 average throughout and got a full ride to law school(can't remember which). So it is possible to go from CC to a higher learning institution, it just takes a lot of work.

>> No.2297314

Not OP, but I tried that. My grade in AP Physics dropped to a 54% and my happiness faded...

>> No.2297318

Without an SAT? What the fuck? Don't most Universities, especially law schools, require a certain number?

Or did they take an ACT and get by with that?

>> No.2297340

It doesn't happen often, but that is because most people in CC are dumbfucks. If you work hard and aren't stupid, then you have a good chance of getting into a decent university. Don't expect ivy league or anything, but if you don't fuck up like you did in HS, then you should be fine.

>> No.2297348

From my understanding they didn't look past his 4.0 in CC all too much. Then again I may be misremembering it and he had like an average SAT score or something but I'm pretty sure I'm not.

Funny little story 'bout the SAT:
Well the SAT is supposed to be an indication of your first year of college. My teacher got a 1600 on his SAT which would suggest he would be a perfect student right? No he had below a 2.0 average that first year lul xD.

>> No.2297350

Personally wouldn't want to go to an Ivy League school, even with tons of aid I'd still be in debt for the rest of my life. A state school is far more likely, or in the best of cases, CalTech.

>> No.2297353

Not op but going through the exact situation and feel uplifted by what you two said because I feel I have the work ethic

>> No.2297379

Take the ASVAB, join the Navy.
It's what i'm doing. They have the contract ready for me if I can get down to under 191. And i'm going to get to be a Nuclear Technician, if I can pass the schooling.

>> No.2297410


and I could be going through a similar situation myself. I applied to a very nice private school nearby with the "early admissions" shit because it is the only way to get into the program I wanted. Problem is that private school costs 40 grand a year and my family lands right in the perfect bracket to get no financial aid AND not be able to contribute enough to get me through so if I get accepted I dunno what I'm gonna do. According to my councilor the Early Admissions thing is like a binding contract that if the school accepts me that pretty much means I'm going there...

Worst case scenario: I get accepted and can't pay for it.

Best case scenario: I get accepted and somehow find a way to pay for it.

Most likely: I get rejected and go to CC.

CC as a degree is sad, but CC as a steppingstone is not a bad idea.