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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2293558 No.2293558 [Reply] [Original]

why does /sci/ think blacks are equal/identical/human even when there is 100% genetic proof that they did not mix with neanderthals like the other races did? there is no way to debate this, the DNA tests are clear


ever notice how /sci/ hates talking about scientific facts that dont align with their global marxist agenda? watch them sage this SCIENTIFIC FACT while claiming to "believe in science"

>> No.2293560


>> No.2293567

<div class="math">\newcommand{\dfsffdsafdsa}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}}</div>

>> No.2293572

why do you hate truth?

>> No.2293582
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1293038993056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix with neanderthals like the other races did
>scientific facts

>> No.2293584
File: 75 KB, 600x600, 1288170514121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europeans & asians mixed with sub-humans
>Obviously Superior

>> No.2293590

OP, if you're going to troll, atleast don't be a dumbass.
But I mean, really really a dumbass, not a loltrol dumbass.

>> No.2293591

i guess you didnt click the link

leave it to atheist fags who claim to "believe in science" not to know neanderthals had huge brains

>> No.2293595 [DELETED] 

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>> No.2293598

>huge brains
>dumber than a brick
>killed off by the cro-maigns

>> No.2293602

sure is uneducated teenage atheist "science lovers" (i.e. rebelling against mom and dads religion) in here

>> No.2293603

<span class="math">\newcommand{\a}{\dfsffdsafdsa}[/spoiler]<span class="math">
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>> No.2293606

>implying brain size is the only way to measure intelligence
\newcommand{\t}[1]{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}} \t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\t{\triangle}}}}}}}

>> No.2293607

> he believes in god
>oh the irony
yeah, no.

>> No.2293612
File: 576 KB, 648x864, 1293162133738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of fact, good sir, I did not click the link. I have no time to read some article by a publisher I have never heard of.

Any crazy idiot can find an internet article that supports their horseshit.

Do not degrade me in expecting me to even consider that other races have even 0.1% neadanerthal in them.

Pic related: it's what happens to liars I encounter.

>> No.2293613

can't wait to mate with some aliens and have super babies

>> No.2293614

>implying every other way hasnt confirmed the retardation of blacks as well

>> No.2293620

>Impying implications

>> No.2293623

0/10, troll harder libfag

>> No.2293635

FACT: Germanic Europe was living in shit while the empires of the Mediterranean were creating civilization.
The "white" barbarians caused the fall of Rome and caused the dark ages.

Why are whites so proud of setting the progress of humanity back thousands of years?

Also, where are the Scandinavian rockets? Airplanes? Telephones? AFAIK the tribes of northern Europe didn't invent anything either.

>> No.2293639

romans are white, this is about race not ethnic groups. reversing liberalism and getting rid of blacks is top priority. after that we can work on restoring the roman master race in its purest form.

>> No.2293643

so reverse free markets,equality, and freedom?
wow u national socialist make me sick

>> No.2293644
File: 119 KB, 450x450, hat troll blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whites confirmed for neanderthal-fucking race traitors
>blacks confirmed for pure-blood master race

>> No.2293645
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>> No.2293647

Problem is that there's a lot of people (ie OP) that think some races should have more or less rights depending on how much they resemble to what their ideal is (could be aryan, asian, black, etc). It's the kind of behavior you exhibit the one that leads to radical political correctness. Nobody wants their work to be used by idiots such as OP to justify their fascist/racist fantasies.

>> No.2293663

OP, no one thinks blacks are genetically identical; everyone knows all races have different genes. No one believes all humans have equal abilities.

Our society is based on equality because it's what works best. Slavery/genocide just aren't as effective as democracy.

>> No.2293668

I don't know about rockets, but I recently heard thaty brazil wanted to buy fighters jets and hesitated between france's and some scandinavian country's.
For telephones, nokia.

Have I been trolled ? OP's posts are obvious, but that one...

>> No.2293670

uh no, if the markets werent rigged that would be the outcome either way. how about we all agree to stop subsidizing niggers in america and africa and giving them shit they dont deserve by taxing others?

>> No.2293673

You think I'm trolling? I assure you that neanderthals and modern man have never been able to reproduce. Thats like saying Dolphins and Whales can have babies together.
I also promise you I did not read your article.
Also, your source is British, your point is invalid.

>> No.2293675

are you retarded? every country is socially engineered to give women, blacks, etc. special benefits under the false premise that everyone is equal.

>> No.2293676

This. Different races might not be exactly equal, but they're all sentient and all deserve their rights.

>> No.2293680

History happened. Thus why you have races more "advanced" than others.

For example, arabs invented fucking Algebra, yet nowadays they have not dished out a single respectable paper in the last hundred years.

>> No.2293691

If your main concern is economic efficiency you should worry more about the billions used to subsidize rich white bankers than the millions(?) used in humanitarian help. But, of course, like all racists you are must blame all society's problems on minorities and liberalism

>> No.2293697

>implying liberal culture isnt whats pushed social engineering like bailouts and affirmative action into the defacto standard way to operate

>> No.2293700

OP concept of free markets has just been shattered by the character


I'm sure he had no idea that a Mexican Indian/Freemason was not only president of Mexico and friend to the US but also wanted to establish capitalism in his own country.

>> No.2293702

Most western countries are engineered to favor the most vulnerable groups, that's what makes them different from third world countries.

>> No.2293709

no thats what makes them exactly like third world countries (social engineering)

prosperity happened when there was maximum freedom, and this is still true today in more economically free countries like hong kong

>> No.2293711

Protip: We know this is a troll, we're just having fun with you.

>> No.2293714

>get proven wrong
>claim you were trolling

keep on truckin' liberals

>> No.2293716

As far as I know it was Bush with the one who signed the first bail-out bill, backed by republican congressmen. I think it's harder for reality to adapt to your political views than you admitting they are radical and out of touch with it.

>> No.2293723

>implying you even read what i wrote

do you know what liberal culture is? its not a party. do you know what a de facto standard is? its not a piece of legislation.

>> No.2293732

>Juárez was born in the village of San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca on March 21, 1807, located in the mountain range now known as the "Sierra Juárez". His parents, Marcelino Juárez and Brígida García, were peasants who both died when he was three years old. Shortly after, his grandparents died as well, in which his uncle then raised him. He described his parents as "indios de la raza primitiva del país," that is, "Indians of the original race of the country." He worked in the corn fields and as a shepherd until the age of 12, when he walked to the city of Oaxaca to attend school. At the time, he was illiterate and could not speak Spanish, only Zapotec".

>"Juárez became a lawyer in 1834 and a judge in 1841. He was governor of the state of Oaxaca from 1847 to 1852; in 1853, he went into exile because of his objections to the corrupt military dictatorship of Antonio López de Santa Anna. He spent his exile in New Orleans, Louisiana, working in a cigar factory. In 1854 he helped draft the Plan of Ayutla as the basis for a liberal revolution in Mexico."

>"Faced with growing opposition, Santa Anna resigned in 1855 and Juárez returned to Mexico. The winning party, the liberales (liberals) formed a provisional government under General Juan Álvarez, inaugurating the period known as La Reforma. The Reform laws sponsored by the puro (pure) wing of the Liberal Party curtailed the power of the Catholic Church and the military, while trying to create a modern civil society and capitalist economy based on the U.S. model. The Ley Juárez (Juárez's Law) of 1855, for example, abolished special clerical and military privileges, and declared all citizens equal before the law. All the efforts ended on the promulgation of the new federalist constitution."

Both the left and right want to keep this guy hidden from the common man. In many ways he is a paradox to the history of what both the left and right believe to be the history of capitalism and minorities.

>> No.2293734

>liberal culture
The Bush administration passed the bailouts. They were not exactly liberal. Obama's baby was the stimulus, which spent money on infrastructure and science, and did not give money to banks.

>> No.2293741

bailouts are liberal culture, "too big to fail" and socially engineering are all a product of leftist culture and just because someone has an R next to their name doesnt mean theyre immune to liberal culture

>> No.2293742
File: 23 KB, 400x278, exploding_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican/Native Indian/Liberal/Capitalist?

>> No.2293746


You, sir, are a retard.

ITT: Trolls

>> No.2293748

There are many different areas of science that show that niggers are less capable than any other race.

You can look at the genetics, the studies of intelligence etc. They all lead to one conclusion, niggers are less than whites and asians.

Just look at the anecdotal evidence to start you on the right path. The middle of Africa is by all measure the worst place on Earth. That is the best niggers can do. The only good parts of Africa are that way because of whites.

Now I need to go cure my AIDs by raping a baby, because I am a nigger and that is what we do.

>> No.2293749

Fun fact:
Most American blacks have some white ancestry.
This of course means they ALSO carry Neanderthal genes.

So what exactly is this troll's point?

>> No.2293753

I did, that's why assumed you think Bush and republican party are inexplicably affected by "liberal culture"'s invisible hand that controls their line of thought. From that it can be derived you regard them as liberal and that's why I said it'd be easier for you to admit it's you the one who is alienated by whichever political ideology you believe in than assuming everyone else is liberal because they aren't as alienated as you. Nazi and communist are the far sides of the political spectrum, doesn't seem logical to me that anyone who stands there would try to make it the center. I think that's what you are trying to do by constantly invoking arbitrary pre-modern common political practices as the standard we must all abide by.

>> No.2293761

No, bailouts are conservative culture at its finest - blatantly giving money to the rich and claiming it will "trickle down" to the rest of us.

You can't just call everything you don't like "liberal culture". That is not a useful definition. And it makes no sense to criticize government for "social engineering", every single thing the government does is a form of social engineering. You just get butthurt when they try to engineer things you wish they would not.

>> No.2293762

OP has no explanation as to why people like Benito Juarez exist. To him capitalism was created when Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged.


k faggot

>> No.2293768

all that does is explain why american blacks have higher iqs than african blacks. those good genes which blacks have virtually none of are also harder to pass within a black gene pool.

>> No.2293775

throwing away trillions in failed business models (bailouts) only happen because liberal culture claims it hurts the little guy more when the economy takes a hit

>> No.2293787
File: 145 KB, 307x400, adam_smith2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you ever associate my beautiful system of free markets with your insecure racist BULLSHIT.

Adam Smith

>> No.2293792

Not true, the government has never given a shit about the little guy. They bailed out the banks because it hurts the BIG guy when the economy fails.

>> No.2293804

Maybe because both republicans and democrats care about the little guy so it's valid political reason? Again, it seems to me the liberal culture you speak of is just a name you use to 1) blame liberals for whatever you think is wrong 2) describe what you think is wrong. You could say that it's liberal culture that makes people like vanilla ice-cream instead of chocolate. Which obviously makes no sense, nor does blaming everything on liberal culture unless you can set parameters and explain it. Unfortunately I don't think you can without recurring to the conspiracy theorist logic.

>> No.2293810

liberal culture is pretty clear: government should interfere to produce results

its liberal culture when: they want to ban salt to make you healthy, they want to protect gays from being bullied with tougher penalties, bailout companies and guarantee benefits and pensions, etc.

>> No.2293827

again faggot why do you ignore liberals who were against all that shit you complain about ie
Benito Juarez,Adam Smith,John Stuart Mill, Jean Baptist Say. Oh I know...its because they aren't racist faggots like you.

>> No.2293839

i think youre confusing classical liberalism (modern day libertarianism) with modern liberalism (marxism)

>> No.2293841

no faggot stop googling your answers. They called themselves liberals plain and simple.

>> No.2293849

thats true, which is why i use the terms modern and classical. marxists started calling themselves liberals, progressives, etc. they change names according to whats popular. kind of like their legislation is often called "equal" and "fair" but it actually is just legal government discirmination example "equal opportunity employment"

>> No.2293860

so explain Benito Juarez? If classical liberalism is your racist ideology then why would Benito Juarez adopt it?

>> No.2293866

im not understanding why you think less government is racist. are you saying its racist not to tax everyoen to give over breeding niggers free stuff?

>> No.2293880

u only want less government cause u believe it would some how hurt minorities. Adam Smith and Benito Juarez believed in less government because it would help the poor and minorities. You would quickly abandoned free market principles the minute minorities got the upper hand. Intentions make all the difference.

>> No.2293892

I won /sci/

I countertrolled the troll

+1 interwebz for me

>> No.2293898

no i think it helps everyone but obviously it will help intelligent people most. this is why niggers and liberals like you get to say "oh look at how uneven the wealth is, we need government to fix everything"

>> No.2293906

so jews become god tier in capitalism rite?

>> No.2293906,1 [INTERNAL] 

>liberal culture is pretty clear: government should interfere to produce results
Interfere with what? Interference can be anything from forcing people to adopt a coin (whether, gold, paper or stones) instead of trade in goods and services, to a planned economy.

What are results? A result is just the consequence of a sequence of actions, I don't see why government should be arbitrarily excluded to take actions from doing what is was created to do in the first place.

Again, you fail to establish clear parameters for you definition of liberal.

>its liberal culture when: they want to ban salt to make you healthy, they want to protect gays from being bullied with tougher penalties, bailout companies and guarantee benefits and pensions, etc.
I think a more proper definition for liberal culture would be "the one in which a democratically elected government shouldn't do anything to promote society for reaching the goals it has democratically set for itself because I doesn't agree with them". For you any society in which government is not limited to the very basic is a liberal one, so by your standards even Romans were liberals when they build public plazas or banned certain religions.