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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2293189 No.2293189 [Reply] [Original]

Actual website now, still in very rough shape, but at least there's a way to share content, register to participate, and the like.

Wiki is up and running at tseira.com/wiki, this will be a good way to to communal planning for episodes, content distribution and the like.

Also, to prevent thread derailing - This is not a show FOR /sci/, you are not the audience. This is a chance to finally make a decent goddamn documentary series about how Science & Math is fucking awesome. Especially since we haven't had one in awhile.

>> No.2293200

We need to start with magnets.
They're cool
They'll get a big audience
Not many people really understand how they work, they'll just say "DEM POLES AND OPPOSITES, YOU!!!11"

>> No.2293220

As far as format, i think it would be pretty cool to have a video explaining some difficult concept and then provide links/info on the prerequisite steps to understand it. These "prereqs" would also help easily outline gaps that could be filled with other videos

>> No.2293263

I offered in the last thread, but does this series need a theme song at all?

>> No.2293275


Sure. Definitely will need some background music as well. If you want to get the guys from /mu/ involved, that'd rock. We could sure use some people to make us an archive of music we could use in the show.

>> No.2293295

You guys remember /sci/chan? I recently wondered how that board was going so I decided to visit them. It's gone.

>> No.2293301

Alright, I ain't got shit to do today so I can try to whip up a couple tracks.
What would you want?

>> No.2293303
File: 324 KB, 1302x899, ISV Carl Sagan Ship Manifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can provide some basic 3D stuff. Nothing fancy, no animations, just models here and there.

Pic related.

>> No.2293316

That looks pretty cool yo

>> No.2293326
File: 252 KB, 1280x1024, asteroid_mover..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this.

>> No.2293334

Dude, that's crazy awesome.
Can you do 3D animation stuff too? Or just still pictures.

>> No.2293381


Whatever genre would be best for keeping attention.

This music worked really well because it helped to give a bit of power behind his words. I guess that makes it a march? I don't know much about music.


>> No.2293593

Hey, so who's email should I send my songs in to?

>> No.2293720


:3 currently, only still pictures.

And nothing too complex, [>>2293303] had so many subsurf modifiers (Read: Smoothers) that the thing took hours to render and the computer was slowed down to a crawl, literally, as I applied one after the other, goddammit.

>> No.2293831


Just upload them to a sharing site and post them on the wiki

>> No.2293862

I'm a political science major who's changed his ways and hopes to transfer into the sciences. I could try to contribute by providing a different perspective on the bureaucratic dilemmas in the sciences. Aside from that I'll have to just observe what will hopefully be a successful project.

>> No.2293883

You could provide some insights into the politics of science...how research gets published/peer reviewed, how science is funded, etc. Would be interesting.

>> No.2293895

Please make it funny otherwise you ruin the image depicted by 4chan. Don't make it a weaboo informational show or some other homosexual things, make it hurrr durr and give it some credibility. If you do informational shows, do them with a funny narrative, understand, faggots?

>> No.2293935

Don't go into magnets, and don't do stuff like "the lhc is searching for particles. they are very important, and they have $NAMEDROP properties, none of which we'll go into. don't you feel like science is cool?". If you want to cover something, cover it properly, which means selecting your subjects so that the audience will have the necessary background for understanding it. Feynman's puzzle of how a train stays on it's track during a turn would make a great video - for bonus points, pose it at the end of a video and explain it during the next.

>> No.2293942


I personally think it would be a perfect situation for troll science style dialogues: crude, clear and concentrated.

>> No.2293952

Yes, perfectly 'wrong' examples.

>> No.2293966

no, don't try to be funny. science is interesting as is, you don't need to amuse people to give your videos substance. stick to explaining the science clearly and concisely, and don't try to be funny.

>> No.2293969

I like the idea of bringing up the troll science images and debunking them. It shows not only how to use concepts in science, but how to correctly use them. Far more important.

>> No.2293992
File: 674 KB, 1247x888, Aldebaran3lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want cool science related videos and shit?
I can provide

>> No.2294006 [DELETED] 

Im willing to help

I can talk about Space travel and astronomy

>> No.2294013

Im willing to help

I can talk about Space travel and astronomy

>> No.2294026

Also I say we make it a ground rule to not talk about religion at all

We have a chance to knock some sense to religious fags but its not going to happen if we insult them(which is what will happen if we start talking about religion)

let them come to that conclusion themselves

>> No.2294049

Come on faggots we have a chance to do something here

Don't make this fail like mines and coffee mugs projects

>> No.2294057

Anon no longer has respect for your show, and hopes it fails. If it's not funny, it's not 4chan and it's not /sci/. Fuckin weaboos giving /sci/ a bad name.

>> No.2294090

4chan will not be mentioned at all. This only has two things to do with 4chan:

1. It's called the Sci show
2. The idea started on 4chan.

Other than that, anything with 4chan in the videos will not get approved

>> No.2294107

Coffee Mug, I need a ship of the imagination. We going on a trip into knowledge!

>> No.2294108


If you want to help, make something and post it on the wiki so we have an idea to work with. I'm going to have some scripts and videos up later tonight. 4chan's...acceptable and all but it's not exactly the best idea for brainstorming and developing ideas.

>> No.2294168

Just wanted to say the script under the exoplanets concept is really well written and interesting so far. Whoever is working on that, keep it up!

>> No.2294201
File: 27 KB, 450x320, 1292613663786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I write a script about Mars? I promise not to go all TERRAFORMANPHOBOSSMACKOMGUTOPIA

>> No.2294244


Although this video is nice, it looks like it was copy pasted off of wikipidea, I think we would become more popular if we used laymen terms.

>> No.2294262

I think we would be more popular if we swore a lot and made juvenile jokes. Is popularity the goal or education?

>> No.2294270
File: 38 KB, 425x342, biosubdiagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could write a script about the current state of undersea habitation, and the future of it.

That'd have to be multiple segments though. To focus on all the various technologies.

>> No.2294274

Yes, but we wont educate anyone if no one can understand what we're saying.

>> No.2294315

>laymen terms.

Proper use of layman's terminology is what makes or breaks a science education show. Cosmos did so well because Sagan was able to take complicated concepts and explain them in terms didn't need a Ph.D to comprehend, yet still conveyed the true meaning of the subject and kept people interested. That is quite a feat to accomplish, but we should definitely try.

>> No.2294330


Your undersea habitat is stupid, gay and not science.

>> No.2294335
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1288860317028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so mad bro?

>> No.2294345

How is it not science?

>> No.2294402


No problem, just get the script and concepts written and put on the wiki

>> No.2294430

why would anybody other than /sci/ care about /sci/'s crappy video editing skills, poor writing abilities, uneducated opinions, etc, etc

>> No.2294475


that's why we commission other boards, and then still take all the credit like the bastards we are

>> No.2294577

Collaboration worked for wikipedia, I see no reason why it can't work on a smaller scale for this project. Some people may have really awesome scripts, but lack video skills, some people may be the opposite. If people actually put effort into it, I think it'll work.

>> No.2295105
File: 199 KB, 1368x768, 2011-01-04--1294156133_1368x768_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Working on it, lol.

>> No.2295197
File: 80 KB, 1200x400, bashinganythingelseonsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you've forgotten which board you're on.

>> No.2295525


>> No.2296487

Gonna refresh some of my knowledge by re-reading some Leon Lederman, then write some stuff on particle physics for the wiki

>> No.2296524

Herpaderpadoo guy is my favourite.