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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 400x400, 1271394430428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2290737 No.2290737 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a science/mathjokes thread?
I'll start:

Q: Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach?
A: Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don't need the sun!

>> No.2290744
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Schroedinger's cat walks into a bar
and doesn't

>> No.2290757
File: 100 KB, 441x408, 1267223117514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schroedinger's cat walks into a bar
and doesn't

>> No.2290765

oh lord people i just came up with the best math joke
why are all mathematicians from alabama?
because they keep fucking their cosines

>> No.2290768

What is good about twenty seven year old girls?
There's twenty of them.

>> No.2290771

Q: Why do you rarely find mathematicians, biologists, chemists of phycicsists on the beach?
A: Because they're pathetic faggots who don't leave their house.

Q: What do psychologists and arts majors get on the weekend that scientists don't?
A: Sex.

>> No.2290774

My friend is a bit too drunk, had to take his calculator from him; friends don't let friends drink and derive.

>> No.2290777


>> No.2290778

An infinite crowd of mathematicians enters a bar.
The first one orders a pint, the second one a half pint, the third one a quarter pint...
"I understand", says the bartender - and pours two pints.

>> No.2290784

i dont get it

>> No.2290786
File: 2 KB, 126x95, happy mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schroedinger's cat walks into a bar
>and doesn't

>> No.2290788

why that file called happy mexican if its a black guy

>> No.2290789


then gtfo

>> No.2290792

get off /sci/
Now I mad

>> No.2290795


>Because they're pathetic faggots who don't leave their house.

Implying you'd be able to use the internet to post in this thread if it weren't for us science hermits.

>> No.2290796

>implying any common person would get the joke

Fucking /sci/, virgins at best

>> No.2290798
File: 9 KB, 199x242, happy black man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why that file called happy mexican

>> No.2290799

>obviously doesn't visit /fit/

>> No.2290801
File: 109 KB, 492x600, buttfrustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad, high school dropout?

>> No.2290802

perma banned from /fit/

>> No.2290805
File: 17 KB, 400x343, feelsbatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys really do 14^2 in your head?

i don't have that shit memorized because i'm not aspergers and i couldnt' figure it out

>> No.2290809

OP's pic should be square roots and under 16...

>> No.2290811

14 isn't under 14

>> No.2290814

A mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer and a civil engineer were arguing over what type of engineer god was.

The ME pointed to the body's intricate skeletal/muscular system and proudly stated that god must have been an ME.

The EE said that was ok but he felt that the brain and nervous system were of such incredible design and complexity that god had to be an EE.

The ME and the EE both looked at the Civil engineer who was smiling at their discussion. "I suppose you think god was a civil engineer" they said.

"Of course" replied the CE. "Who else would run a sewer system through a major recreational area"?

>> No.2290815 [DELETED] 


>> No.2290813 [DELETED] 

Hey /sci/ did you hear the one about the statistician?

>> No.2290816

The sum of 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... never reaches 2, even if you take an infinite amount of terms.

>> No.2290817


nevermind i got it

had to do 14*2*7, 28*7, 280/2 + 56

man thought i was stupid for a second

>> No.2290819

Hey /sci/ did you hear the one about the Statistician?

>> No.2290822


>> No.2290824

Why don't you just do:

>> No.2290826

no, but want to hear

>> No.2290831
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>> No.2290833


just imagine doing

____ on a piece of paper.

140+56= 196. fuck yeah (and i'm not even an aspie)!

>> No.2290835

If you add all the terms, one for every natural number, you get 2.

>> No.2290838

fucking this.
it's why i stopped believing in god in the first place.

>> No.2290839

It converges to 2

>> No.2290842

You can just remember that 13^2 is 169 and 14^2 is 196. See how they both have the same numbers in them?
Also, 69.

>> No.2290843

Basically infinite geometrical series's sum does NOT have to be finite.

>> No.2290844

Someone has been listening to Nigger DeGrasse Tyson

>> No.2290846

Q: What does the mathematician say when he has eaten to much?
A: sqrt(-1/64)

>> No.2290853

A mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer, a chemical engineer and a computer engineer are on a roadtrip when the car breaks down.

The mechanical engineer thinks it's something wrong with the engine.
The EE says the ignition probably failed.
The ChE guy says the gas might have something wrong with it.

They then all look at the CoE and ask him for his opinion, which he brilliantly exclaims in a moment of clarity, "What if we get out of the car, then get back in?"

And that is why Computer Engineers are the faggiest of all Engineers.

>> No.2290854

I don't get it.

>> No.2290860

>i over eight

that's actually a good one, kudos

>> No.2290861

you are stupid, 14*14 = (10sqrt(2) - 2)(10sqrt(2)+2) = 100*2 - 4 = 196
wooow so fucking long

>> No.2290863
File: 85 KB, 500x667, art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are u a wizard?

i got A's through diff EQ before i dropped out, so i'm not a complete retard. but i have no clue how you pulled 10*18 out of 14 squared

>> No.2290864


14*14=10*14 + 4*14=140+40+16=196

Just do this in your head it's not too hard.

>> No.2290867

Those were good ones.

>> No.2290868


whatever euler, i'm sure you figured that out on your own. aspergers alert!

>> No.2290872

with numbers that is:

You happy?

>> No.2290876



>> No.2290904


no i'm not happy. my way was easier to keep track of variables. you didn't do that in your head. lying mathfags.

>> No.2290911

My girlfriend left me because I do too much math, I told her I find some prime numbers sexy in a way she would never understand.

>> No.2290931

oh my god, it's a simple method. like if you wanted 23^2 you'd get 20*26+9=529. try that from scratch with your faggy formulaless methods.

>> No.2291016

There are a mechanical engineer a electrical engineer and a computer scientist traveling in a car, suddenly the car stops all three get out and try to fix it.

First the ME claims it is an engine problem and try to fix it, after analyzing the engine he finds out there is nothing wrong with it.

Then the EE theorizes it is a battery issue and proceeds to fix it, just to find out the electrical part of the car works fine.

Both look ME and EE look to the CS and ask him what would he do to fix the car.

And he responds with: well lets get in the car, get out and then get in again to see if it works.

>> No.2291027


Fucking beat me to it


>> No.2291037


14? We had to memorize up to 20. Let's see which ones I remember


>> No.2291098

lol wut, no two-digit numbers squared should be any problem, why should you memorize them?

>> No.2291109


you best be fucking trolling

>> No.2291173

Thank you, that is very useful. I will use it in the future.

Can someone make a joke about fat mathematicians and pi?

>> No.2291180

what's a fat mathmatician's favourite food?
pistachio nuts

>> No.2291286


23*23 = 23*20+ 23*3 = 460+ 69 + 529
that took about 4 seconds bro

>> No.2291290



>> No.2291294

his method takes about two seconds

>> No.2291425

Am I the only one who squares about 5 digit numbers in his head?
(Not an aspie, btw).

>> No.2291435



>> No.2291447

= 3001177089
easy as shit, nugget

>> No.2291465

Way to show your work, Brosephenopolus.

>> No.2291469


Wow I totally had a brain fart and read the pic as:

Girls are like Square cucumbers.

was so confused

>> No.2291482

a proton walks into a bar and orders a pint. Barman asks if he is sure. Proton said "I'm Positive"

>> No.2291496

What did the chemist say to his GF?
Suck my calcium oxide calcide potassiide

>> No.2291498

Carbon oxide Carbon Potassiide*

>> No.2291503

"in his head" being the point. so no working

... he is talking shit though, he just internet calcs the answer and pretends it was done in head. only a fucking rainman or something can do it for real.

>> No.2291507


nah thats shit. it goes:

A hydrogen atom goes to a police station and says
"someone has stolen my electron"
the policeman says "how do you know? are you sure?"
the hydrogen atom replies "i'm positive"

>> No.2291510

Showing his work would at least show that he didn't use a calculator.
And if he could boil it down to less than 10 steps or so, I would believe he could do it in his head.

>> No.2291514


well for all the ones up to 16, i just know in my head, i memorised the answers, so there is no working at all, i just instantly know.
so if someone could know much larger numbers, it would probably be in the same way, so no working.

>> No.2291517

Right, but seriously, who would memorize the squares all the way up to 99999?
Who COULD? I mean, if he actually did that he'd be on Oprah and get a new car or some shit. The dude that memorized the whole Bible has been on every major news source at least once.

>> No.2291519

THIS. This is so going to get me laid. Thanks.

>> No.2291521

wai, someone memorised the WHOLE bible??


...fucking wow

>> No.2291522

Oddly, I know all the squares up to 16, excluding 14. I never memorized them, they just come up now and then in ordinary use (as a programmer).

Also, oddly, I'm OK with not knowing <span class="math">14^2[/spoiler] and I'm going to try to avoid working it out in my head. Shit, I already reasoned out that it's right around 200... STOP THINKING STOP THINKING QUICK GO TO /s/

>> No.2291570

Angry and muscular man went to the bar in mathland. After he entered in bar he yelled loudly that he is going differentiate every single person in bar which doesn't leave at once. With his bare hands!

Needles to say that bar emptied quite quickly, except in the corner there was one small and skinny lookking guy, staring at the muscular dude. Muscular dude walked slowly to the small guy at snarled to him with deep and threatening voice: "Didn't you hear what I'm going to do to you if you are going to stay here?" I'M GOING TO DIFFERENTIATE SHIT OUT OF YOU!"

The small guy smirked a bit and replied: "Go ahead, differentiate me because I'm e^x.

Unfortunately the big guy smirked back and whispered: Who said I'm going differentiate you in terms of x?

PS. I hope I wrote it right, english isn't my native...

>> No.2291574


i just remember it by remembering that it's 13^2 with the last two digits reversed

>> No.2291596

Yo mamma so ugly even fluoride wouldn't bond with her.

>> No.2291625

Although it's totally ~2000 years ago, Romans/Greeks would memorize about 20,000 lines if not more, of poetry, to entertain guests and junk. Plus, christfags get off on that shit.

>> No.2291636

>The dude that memorized the whole Bible has been on every major news source at least once.

>Although it's totally ~2000 years ago


>> No.2292256
File: 13 KB, 251x251, 1266264914944s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the 5 digit calc guy.
I was away, sorry - but here goes:

54,783^2 = (54,000 + 783)^2
(54*1000)^2 = 2,916*1,000,000=2,916,000,000
Which brings us to 3,000,564,000
783^2= 800*766+17^2 = 612,800+289=613089 (8*766*100=(5600+528)*100)
Which totals at 3,001,177,089.
54^2 and 54*66 come naturally to me so I do not see a need to elaborate on their computational process.

Again, not an aspie, just a guy with good working memory and processing speed.
Sorry to disappoint.

Of course that's not my favorite part.
Before going to bed I usually square a very large number, divide it by a single or low double digit number and then try to figure its sine/cosine/tan value in degs.
Everyone has their quirks, I suppose.

>> No.2292296
File: 16 KB, 550x375, 1293743084768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Priest, Rabbi and a Mathematician were waiting patiently on stage to be decapitated.

The priest put his head in the slot and the executioner pulled the lever; the guillotine blade came speeding down the track and stopped just a few inches above the priest neck. The priest proclaimed that God had intervened and saved him from execution; the executioner had to agree and let him go.

The mathematician had a disbelieving, puzzled, look on his face.

Next the Rabbi put his head in the slot, the executioner pulled the lever and the blade came speeding down the track and stopped a few inches above the Rabbi's neck. The executioner agreed that God had intervened again and saved the Rabbi also.

The Mathematician, more troubled than ever, put his head in the slot and turned to look upward and he noticed something that made him smile.

Before the executioner could pull the lever, the mathematician said "Hold on there a minute, I see what the problem is! The track has a small pebble blocking the path of the blade". He removed the pebble and announced, "There, it should work just fine now!"

>> No.2292337

To get to the other side

>> No.2292346

Why did the tachyon cross the road?

>> No.2292440

I had unprotected sex with a girl on a one night stand last night.

Afterwards she said, "Wow, that was amazing. You never told me you had such a big dick."

I replied, "Cheers. It's not normally that big though... It's just very swollen at the moment because of the infection in it."

>> No.2292447

I texted my wife a picture of my flaccid penis.

I wanted to let her know I was thinking about her.

>> No.2292450
File: 18 KB, 241x230, 1289157331271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you fucking did there.

>> No.2292452

I often say to myself, "I can't believe that cloning machine worked!"

>> No.2292456

If God were a vehicle, he'd be an ice cream van.

It brings joy to those that find it, but people who closely follow it are paedophiles.

>> No.2292490
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>> No.2292504
File: 19 KB, 462x492, troll classy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into your heart, you know it to be true!

>> No.2292510
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>> No.2292515

Statistically 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.

>> No.2292523
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>> No.2292542
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>> No.2292590

I met this girl in a night club last night and, as she was leading me away, she said, "I have something to show you, my knickers match my socks."

She wasn't wearing any socks. Stupid bitch.

>> No.2292601
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>> No.2292612

This one took a second but I loled hard.

>> No.2292613

pretty good foreignfag

>> No.2292621


>> No.2292631

This bloke came up to me and said, "Your wife's got lovely big tits. Would you mind if I had a feel?"

"Sure mate, go for it. She won't mind."

Afterwards, the undertaker thanked me for being a great sport and we closed the coffin lid.

>> No.2292633

When my girlfriend told her friends she was going to grab a box of tissues and head off to bed, she got sympathy. When I said that, I got disgust.

>> No.2292644
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>> No.2292650

I used to be able to do that when I was 10. Now I cannot, I wonder if it is because I started smoking.

>> No.2292655

I'd guess that both those signs of brain damage have a common cause.

>> No.2292666

It might be the drinking instead.

>> No.2292670

I'm probably the only faggot here that likes FF II, grinding, and multiplying squares by 4 while I'm trying to go to sleep.

I only add this to the thread because it's kind of relevant to squares up to 16 or such.

>> No.2292693

i dont quite get it, but i thought it was funny as fuck

>> No.2292714

I do that thing where you half evens and add 1 to odds then triple them.

>> No.2292723

why was 6 afraid of 7?

>> No.2292730

Because seven was an asshole and had relatives working in KGB?

>> No.2292767

It's a weird feeling when someone mistakes something you say for a joke because the theme of the conversation is supposed to be about cracking jokes.

Maybe my comment would have made more sense if I had submitted it as a reply.

The reason I would ever square numbers and do the rest is because FF II's magic system requires you to frequently cast a spell to level it up, starting from 1 to 16, where the bar fills up level 16 and just stops levelling up.

I had noticed that the bar would consistently fill up a quarter of the way whenever I'd cast a X level spell X times, and each time the spell is cast it uses X mp.

And so to try to grind as efficiently as possible, I'd wedge a lanyard or anything between the DS lid and the A button, and avert my gaze from the bright source of light because I'm trying to sleep before going to school, and open it back up to see if the mp level is at MAX - 4*X^2, which is--after a while--999 - 4*X^2.

I would only level up Maria because I get lonely at night.

I grinded up all of the players' stats and Maria's magic spells but left one spot open for Ultima later in the game.

I did all this before getting Minwu and the canoe.

The Ultima spell now won't level up to 16 because I can't use it on anyone without them dying before I heal them up again to be a punching bag.

This could be misconstrued as a very elaborate joke, now that I read it over again.

I can smell the pity.

>> No.2292774

I'll try that for Minwu in Dawn of Rebirth.

Thanks man.

>> No.2294436

>mfw y'all ain't shit and i ain't even mad

>> No.2294454

To get to the other side

>> No.2294455

Why did the tachyon cross the road?

>> No.2294477


>> No.2294478

Why do computer engineers always confuse Halloween with Christmas?
OCT31 == DEC25

>> No.2294500

I'd just like to point out that the guy you're responding to was quoting a post that ended in 570, while yours ended in 670. I think you thought he was quoting your while he was actually quoting a joke.

>> No.2294502


How did he know what the series was

It could have been 1/(2n) or 1/(n^2)

>> No.2294503


Christ, have you guys never taken an analysis course?

The infinite sequence converges to 0, while the infinite series diverges to infinite.

>> No.2294506

>implying 1/(2^2) = 1/2
>implying 1/(2*3) = 1/4

>> No.2294535

>implying the first mathematician can't be n=0

>> No.2294538

>implying 1/0 = 1

>> No.2294613

fucking retard, at least tell it right.

>> No.2294621


Brian Malow
Brian Malow
Brian Malow
Brian Malow

"A virus walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'We don't serve your kind.' The virus takes over the bartenders job and says 'now you do.' "

One of the best science comedians I have ever heard.

>> No.2294630

Hah, a real computer engineer would've forgone the window for some open source plastic acetate thing that works like a window but is way more complicated.

>> No.2294652


Pedophiles follow ice cream vans?

>> No.2294747
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>> No.2294783

Any more?

>> No.2294807

What's got two legs and bleeds?

Half a dog.

>> No.2294810
File: 22 KB, 508x482, 4fsfa4rsdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294818

Fuck you OP, stealing that joke on the picture from Bo Burnham

>> No.2294845

Surprised this one hasn't been posted yet

A neutron walks into a bar and asks:

“Hey, how much for a beer?”

The bartender says, “For you, no charge.”

>> No.2294848

Hey there mister analysis course, looks to me like they're doing 1/2^n not 1/n so both the sequence and series converge.
Guess it could be a troll but it wouldn't really make much of a sense...

>> No.2294871

√-1 2³ Σ π

lol I lolled...

>> No.2294895

I ate some pie?

>> No.2294896
File: 44 KB, 306x410, 1294070998527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

square root is not defined for negative numbers
you are the cancer of mathematics and the reason we can't have nice things

>> No.2294897

i ate some pee

>> No.2294940
File: 15 KB, 640x455, blonde_equation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294950
File: 11 KB, 399x415, tumblr_lccjxd5P5m1qzmowao1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294953
File: 132 KB, 725x275, math20joke1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294962

his friend's name is "undefined"

>> No.2294965

I never noticed it before, but there's some serious Law of Fives action going on there.

>> No.2294966

three statisticians go hunting. The see a rabbit, the first fires and misses it to left, the second one fires, missing it the same distance to the right.
The third yells: "We ve hit it.

>> No.2294982

Not sure is serious

>> No.2295037

It's true.

>> No.2295059

Or you could of just said

14 x 14
7*2 x 7*2
7 x 7 x 2 x 2
49 x 4

In your head its alot easier that way, if you're lazy like me you don't even have to x4. Just double it twice.

>> No.2295062

What did the frenchman say when his alpha was adjusted?

Tres bon...ferroni

>> No.2295279

There are better ways

>> No.2295311


>> No.2295362

yeah but you have to reach it first

>> No.2295411
File: 20 KB, 650x450, facepalm combo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2295437

I was building off of the previous poster's work

>> No.2295549

Why is it again that the eight can see him, but the others can't?
I know the first level of the joke is that it's an imaginary friend, but there was something about that eight...

>> No.2295918
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>> No.2295926

Why is 7 such a delinquent negro?

>> No.2295930
File: 15 KB, 614x604, 1266179323290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 7 8 9

>> No.2295981
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>> No.2296021

>implying that was implied
>impling it disagrees with 771's conclusion

>> No.2296033

i + 2u = 3Σ

Saw it on a friend's t-shirt yesterday

>> No.2296297

Teaching them early:

A math major, a physics major, and an engineering major are each told to go into a room and told to do something unique with the three spherical steel balls.

The math major walks in and walks out. The researchers walk in and find the three balls forming a perfect right angle

The physics major walks in and walks out, the researchers find the three balls stacked on top of each other.

The engineering major walks in and never walks out. After an hour the researchers walk in and the engineering major is gone, one ball is left, one is broken, and one missing.

>> No.2296392


>> No.2296417

A mathematician walks into a bakery and asks for 3.141 pieces of pi(e).

>> No.2296426

I don't get it.

>> No.2296477

Yeah you still didn't do that mentally it's just not possible

>> No.2296572


>> No.2296573

Bitches don't know about Scott Flansburg

>> No.2296609


>> No.2296744

So, why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.

>> No.2296766

I've spent quite some time trying to post an easier method. For some reason it's not working. It keeps saying I'm updating some index.