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2287666 No.2287666 [Reply] [Original]

Atheists a dying breed as nature 'favours faithful'

Atheists, watch out. Religious people have evolved to produce more children than non-believers, researchers claim, while societies dominated by non-believers are doomed to die out.

A study of 82 countries has found that those whose inhabitants worship at least once a week have 2.5 children each, while those who never do so have just 1.7 — below the number needed to replace themselves.

The academic who led the study argues that evolution, credited by atheist biologists such as Richard Dawkins as the process solely responsible for creating humanity, favours the faithful because they are encouraged to breed as a religious duty.

>> No.2287669

Michael Blume, a social science researcher at Jena University in Germany, said that over evolutionary timescales of hundreds or thousands of years, atheists have had fewer children and the societies they belong to are likely to disappear.

“It is a great irony, but evolution appears to discriminate against atheists and favour those with religious beliefs,” said Blume.

His arguments are in direct contradiction of evolutionary biologists such as Dawkins, who has argued that religions are like “viruses of the mind” which infect people and impose great costs in terms of money, time and health risks.

Blume’s work suggests the opposite: evolution favours believers so strongly that over time a tendency to be religious has become embedded in our genes.

>> No.2287678


It's not like atheism is a genetically inherited trait.

: /

>> No.2287679

>implying religious parents can only produce religious children

>> No.2287683

atheism is mildly antisocial in some modern western societies, and society has always favored the success of the mildly antisocial.

as long as society adds benefit to atheism, or more correctly handicaps the religious, atheism will continue to expand.

religion is the endangered organism, as clearly demonstrated by trends in the US and Europe.

>> No.2287687
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It's not a problem. We just need to parasitically corrupt the wavering faithful and take them in our heathenly cabals.

>> No.2287690

Muslims and Mormons fuck like rabbits, this is no surprise.

>> No.2287694 [DELETED] 

Atheism relates to intelligence. Intelligence relates to success. Success is a big factor in happiness. Assuming that intelligence is a genetic trait, more religious reproduction=more people lower down on the bell curve=shift of the bell curve to the left.

This results in the increase of the relative intelligence of atheists and their offspring, which results in more success for atheists and their offspring as a success, which results in atheists being happier.

So keep breeding like bunnies.

>> No.2287702

Actual religious parents will hammer that religious shit into their minds at a young age and cork it in with a bunch of fear and ignorance. Rinse, repeat, the world is fucked.

>> No.2287704

Atheism relates to intelligence. Intelligence relates to success. Success is a big factor in happiness. Assuming that intelligence is a genetic trait, more religious reproduction=more people lower down on the bell curve=shift of the bell curve to the left.

This results in the increase of the relative intelligence of atheists and their offspring, which results in more success for atheists and their offspring as a trend, which results in atheists being generally happier.

So keep breeding like bunnies and driving yourself into a world where you work 20 cents an hour for your atheist overlords.

>> No.2287720
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Sounds a bit too much like wishful thinking to me. Have any sources to support that?

>> No.2287721


Except the portion of population claiming to be religious has been dropping.

>> No.2287740

I think that is less and less successful in the information age. I attended Christian school or was home schooled, both using Bob Jones curriculum, from kindergarten through 12th grade. I guarantee if it were still the 80's, I would probably be a Christian. Atheism meant communism, and there was no easy source for information when I had nagging questions and doubts. But instead when I had those doubts I was able to read up on alternatives to creationism, comparative religion, church history, detailed things about Biblical contradictions, able to communicate with other people and realize that atheists weren't a bunch of evil jerks, etc.

>> No.2287742

This thread makes me lol. Both sides are utterly biased, falsely correlate everything, and lack any real proof for anything.

It's like watching news. The bias and outright lack of reason make it all the more hilarious.

Also, I'm whatever the fuck it's called, those who choose not to believe or disbelieve because it makes no difference in my life, except for a dull conversation or two.

>> No.2287747




Intelligence and relation to academic success:


Education and salary:

>> No.2287748


do you believe in any god?

if not, guess what you are...

>> No.2287755

Irrationalists are out-breading rationalists to be sure. But rationalism is catching on in western countries. We need to keep immigration from irrationalist countries low, and we need to become evangelical in our rationalism.

The worst thing we can do is gloat about our rationalism and how we are superior to irrationalists.

To defeat irrationalism we need to up our game. I think we can learn a lot from successful religions. We need to form groups of rationalists with shared morals and values where it is each members duty to be evangelical about their rationalism in order to try and get more followers. These groups should also do good works in the community and really have a positive attitude towards life that goes against the selfish materialisist impression many irrationalists get off the secular west (and in fairness can you blame them?).

We need a new rationalist morality, built right from the bottom up that will not just encorporate crucial tenets of civilisation such as monogamy, but ultimately EXPLAIN WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT.

I think by explaining temptation to do bad things as coming from our selfish genes rather than some fictional devil, and giving the possible evolutionary advantages to such evils in each case we have the upper hand in terms of gaining supporters.

It's a tough battle ahead of us, but i think we can do it!

>> No.2287758

When it comes to whether to posit an idea or not, there are two standpoints which each nuanced belief of an individual can fit under: For and not-for. In the case of a god, there is theism and atheism. Everyone is one or the other. Someone who has never considered the question, or considers himself insufficiently informed on the issue to go one way or the other is classified as not-for:atheism.

Why? Because atheism just states that you don't believe in a god. Believe is a verb, meaning that if aren't believing, you don't believe. Seems like a "duh" thing to say, but when you set agnosticism as a belief apart from atheism, you are essentially saying that there is a distinction between not believing and not believing, which is ridiculous.

Agnosticism simply states lack of self perceived authority on the subject, or lack of the will to preach. If you hold the belief that whether a god exists or not is unknowable, or if you hold the belief that you cannot yourself make a decision on whether a god exists or not and you therefore "withhold judgment", you mean to say you're an agnostic atheist. Agnostic theism also exists, and it states that whether a god or exists is unknown or unknowable.

>> No.2287770
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Epic trips.

>> No.2287884

paranormal is this way


>> No.2287910

sage all threads related to religion and atheism, it's the cancer of /sci/.

>> No.2287913

Not bothered. Overpopulation is not a good thing.
I know lots of people from religious families. They aren't religious. Maybe it's different from America, but their families aren't all that bothered.

My dad is from a Catholic family, and he stopped believing pretty early in life. A friend of mine is from a heavily religious family and she's stopped believing. There are probably more that aren't so obvious about it. Conversely, I haven't met anyone who has gone from an atheist family to religion.

>> No.2287931

We are naturally inclined to fuck, it just so happens that the smarter people don't like kids very much.

>> No.2289343
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The most epic of all triple gets.

>> No.2289350

>the devil wants us to be religious

Well thats interesting.

>> No.2289375

report, move along

>> No.2289377

That article has just found a way to spin "religious people breed like vermin" as something positive.

>> No.2289386
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Actually, according to Catholic doctrine, aborted and stillborn children get sent to Limbo, not heaven.

But they still fuck kids so whatever

>> No.2289401

Apatheist? The belief that any sort of religious deities' existence or non existence is irrelevant to life?

>> No.2289415
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I really don't give a shit. Whether religionfags take over the world or not doesn't matter to me, I'll be dead long before it happens, so fuck off.

Also, nice satanic-GET, dude.

>> No.2289605

Ever heard of the movie idiocracy?