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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2283818 No.2283818 [Reply] [Original]

There are approximately 400 billion stars in our galaxy, alone. If each of those stars has as many planets orbiting that star as our own sun, that's about 3.2 trillion planets in our galaxy.

Then, take a look at this picture.

Each of those lights is a galaxy in it's own.

It really makes you think; What am I worth? What is society in general worth? What will my mark be?

>> No.2283825

>if each of those stars has as many planets orbiting that star as our own sun
They don't.

>> No.2283831

What I am dissapointed in is that we wont have the technology to travel to other earth-like planets. Maybe hundreds of years from now, but unless we can be immortal, we wont be seeing that happen :(

>> No.2283833


Even if 1 out of every 100 stars only had one planet, our insignificance in comparison to the Universe as a whole is mind-boggling.

>> No.2283840
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>> No.2283841

There's another intelligence in one of those galaxies thinking exactly the same thing.

>> No.2283843

It's like the universe screams in your face, "Do you know what I am? How grand I am? How old I am? Can you even comprehend what I am? What are you, compared to me?"
And when you know enough science, you can just smile up at the universe and reply, "Dude, I am you."

>> No.2283848


>> No.2283849


And it's that thing, to think about other life-forms in other galaxies, even other solar systems that could be so close, but having no way of reaching them, is depressing.

>> No.2283852
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you can if you believe in reincarnation

>> No.2283883


>> No.2283884

Ever heard of Planet-G? There has to be life there. It's exactly like earth except it does not spin on its axis.
>No days

>> No.2283899


Assuming there IS life on that planet, do we have the technology to communicate with them, or to even reach them? Not in our lifetime.

>> No.2283907

you mean no nights?

>> No.2283918

>Implying that value exists

>> No.2283923

you don't, but we do

>> No.2283925


>> No.2283928

>doesn't spin
>one side frozen solid the other side baking hot

>> No.2283938

Perpetual sunset in the middle.

>> No.2283940

According to researchers, its the perfect distance from the sun, so it won't be too hot

>> No.2283958

>ITT: I'm pointless, you're pointless, this thread is pointless

>> No.2283979

That image brings tears to my eyes.

>> No.2283993

We get it...we're insignificant. What we do on this little blue dot in the grand scheme of things is wholly unimportant to the rest of the universe and blah blah blah...

Look at this in a different way: We are unique.

We may not be the only life in the universe
We may not be the only sentient life in the universe
We may be, on the whole, the most barbaric sentient race in the universe.

But we're here...now...and that's important. Until we know how bland/uninteresting/unimportant we truly are, how about we do something to honor the simple fact that we're here.

We could strive to preserve the life that has been born on this little blue dot. We could respect the fact that if it weren't for a relatively thin layer of gas that's all around us, we would be dead. We could attempt to improve the quality of life for every person instead of treating the less fortunate with contempt or indifference. We could grow up and quit our bickering over vain philosophical ideals and work towards building a legacy worth leaving.

And that all starts when pseudo-philosophers who whine about how unimportant and small we are stop daydreaming and start working.

>> No.2283996

think of it this way OP for every single grain of sand on earth there are 100 million stars in this univers.

now if what you said about there being as many planets. then yeah theres a maga shit ton of planets in this univers

>> No.2283999

>>We may be, on the whole, the most barbaric sentient race in the universe.
Not even close. We're pretty dang smart compared to some others

>> No.2284005


... Compared to who exactly?

>> No.2284015

most others are just cave dwellers and the like.

>> No.2284016

Take a look at the other mammals that roam this earth

>> No.2284024

We and society is utterly irrelevant.

>Thinking this when shit hits the fan always makes be feel better.

>> No.2284039


Holy shit! That is the planet where the Norse God's come from. Holy shit! The Norse god's are just aliens that have been trolling our crazies!!!!!

>> No.2284042

fuck why don't we all just kill our self becouse in x amount of time ether the massive black hole in the middle of our galaxy will destroy everything we have created.

or when are galaxy collides with another galaxy same goes will above or when our sun goes super nova

>> No.2284071

Not necessarily.

If it had no atmosphere, then sure.

But with an atmosphere, you'll get hot air moving to the cold side, and cold air moving to the hot side.

Perpetual windstorms, maybe perpetual lightning storms occurring all along the terminator.

It's not necessarily inhospitable, just different.

>> No.2284082

Yeah, sometimes I like to imagine the conditions on earth that might make in inconceivable to be inhabitable by vastly different aliens. Like "That planet can't have life, the high oxygen content of the atmosphere would be toxic."

>> No.2284090

"Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but its very important that you do it."

>> No.2284099

or "life can't exist with water. They would all rust!"