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File: 15 KB, 250x375, alien_asgard_stargate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2282579 No.2282579 [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts on the theories that the "Gods" are aliens.

And your thoughts on whether we will one day visit a planet and play ourselves off as Gods. And then conceal ourselves and let them slowly try to figure it out.

>> No.2282586

>post your face when nasa invent 'new life' and then claim that some people are composed of this 'new life'.

>> No.2282585

> we will one day visit a planet and play ourselves off as Gods. And then conceal ourselves and let them slowly try to figure it out.

This would be hilarious.

>> No.2282592



>> No.2282603

>Your thoughts on the theories that the "Gods" are aliens.

Not implausible, but unlikely.

Stargate brofist!

>> No.2282604

on a related note, I think some scientists managed to create artificial life. I think they like, put one cell's information into a cell of another species and that other cell transformed into the original cell from which the DNA had been taken.

>> No.2282608

> We will one day visit a planet and play ourselves off as Gods. And then conceal ourselves and let them slowly try to figure it out.
Don't even need aliens for this to work. Jesus Christ, Mithra, Mohammad, Abraham, Joseph Smith, Lafayette Hubbard...

>> No.2282619

the fuck I hate aliens bro

>> No.2282632

speaking of religious theories

You know how in alot of christian pictures angels have their cocks out? Well maybe it's because they have cock obsessions. And maybe God, before creation, chopped his own cock off. Which is why he wears that tunic instead of being naked like other angels. And then that cock transformed into Jesus and was implanted into Mary.

Jesus was a cock. When you make the sign of the cross, the second part of the gesture should be to grab your shaft. And if you are female, grab the nearest male shaft.

>> No.2282643

...what the fuck

>> No.2282649

Oh, and some supporting evidence for this is that when you look at the pictures it seems that the put their legs together so they can just make their balls be pushed as far outwards as possible. I mean, it's like they WANT you to see their cocks.

>> No.2282651

Possible, but improbable through fossil records.

>> No.2282653


Can we please start a segment of christianity off of this theory? Cockism possibly?

>> No.2282659

> theories that the "Gods" are aliens

Much more believable then christanity

>> No.2282664

what do fossil records have to do with it

Oh, and one other interesting this is that alot of descriptions are of massive fires and rumbling when a God appears, like a rocket touching down.

Not saying it's true, but there are quite a few of these rocket like descriptions.

>> No.2282667

Thats what OP is saying the aliens did dumbass. That those guys are aliens. And that one day we will do that to an alien race.

>> No.2282680

Yep, they were mostly interstellar organizations, and mostly assbastards. But the ancient texts have been jumbled quite a bit by translators and people who just purposely changed words around. For instance in Genesis, the original text said 'Elohim' created everything, and Elohim was a race or organization of some sort.

Incidentally, this means both atheists and theists are wrong. While arguing over whether gods exist, they're agreeing to incorrect interpretations of the texts

>> No.2282685
File: 145 KB, 400x400, but_that's_wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the aliens believe in god too

>> No.2282695
File: 32 KB, 324x276, Carltonwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying aliens aren't evolved humans who have discovered time travel

look at the features

>> No.2282700

I wonder if you could do the second part on a smaller scale. Like, when some children are born, isolate them. there must be no outside influence. They create their own language. through careful and covert studies, their language is deciphered. Then, someone is sent to the area. He makes a grand entrance to capture the subjects. He passes off all sorts of traditions, and then the subjects are monitored for the rest of their life. When the test is over, the subjects have children, who are stolen away and implanted into normal society. The parents are disposed of and all traces of them are gone.

Holy shit, this would be an awesome book/movie.

>> No.2282713
File: 36 KB, 600x408, ep_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know just the setting for this sort of thing.

>> No.2282717

oh, and of course fake records of their parents would be created to allow them to be adopted without controversy.

And even better, their parents are hidden away and the story goes on so that the children try to find their parents.

>> No.2282731

Some do. Crazy ones.

I think we're all just related. In fact most aliens are cavemen with no space travel, and look much like our cavemen did, and aren't nearly as smart as us. They're rather boring

>> No.2282742
File: 39 KB, 504x284, araragi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods really are a sketchy bunch.

>> No.2282739

That is pretty awesome.

>> No.2282766

what is eclipse phase exactly

I can't find much on it

>> No.2282798

It's an RPG released under creative commons. Want a download link?

>> No.2282806

I mean like, WHAT is it? how do you play it?

>> No.2282820

>when some children are born, isolate them. there must be no outside influence

They will all die. Young humans cannot fend for themselves.

>> No.2282832

ok. Add a "parent"
This parent knows about the experiment, but tells nothing of it to the subjects. When the humans can fend for themselves, the "parent" leaves.

>> No.2282836

The parent must also bring in absolutely nothing that has been brought in from the outside world. He or she may only use things found in the area of experimentation

>> No.2282837

I assume you've give them basic survival skills. They would have a vague cultural memory of strange beings with amazing powers creating them

>> No.2282856

Also, there is one more twist I have thought of. One of the subjects is either subjected to the outside world or through some means becomes a sort of atheist. The effects of this one person is monitored and recorded.

>> No.2282874

I'm kinda surprised you don't know what an RPG is.

Okay, it works like this: You get a group of 4-6 friends together, and you roleplay.

One of them is called the Game Master [GM for short] and he runs everything. He puts together an overall story/adventure for the other players to follow, and controls all the antagonists and NPC's.

The players will weave and create their own story within the general bounds of the plot that the GM has decided upon, by creating characters of their own within the world/setting of the game.

So it's kind of like vicariously living in whatever fantasy land you could wish for. All you need is an imagination and some friends. [Dice are recommended, but not required]

>> No.2282905


I fucking miss playing RPGs. Had a few great games, but they all fell apart after a few months. Just about everyone I know doesnt have the time or the temperament to play. Feelsbadman.

>> No.2282917

Dungeons and Dragons?

>> No.2282934

During the experiment, one member of the family is lured out, and he meets with the "God" that was shown to the whole group early in the experiment. From this encounter, a new denomination/religion is formed, but because some of the new religion's ideas as stated by the "God" are in conflict with previous beliefs, the religious other members refuse to accept his ideas. The atheist of course, takes no side and continues to dispute any existence of a god.

>> No.2282976

After much conflict between the groups, a new variable is added. Saints. Except to make sure there are no references from the outside world, they are simple called messengers, or whatever their language would call such a thing. The two religions each have different messengers which give different ideas. To ensure experiment stability, the experimenters are careful not to say anything that may incite violence between the groups.

>> No.2283039

Finally, children are born. These children, although i stated otherwise before, now are kept until they are 9. Now, there is a problem. When the children are implanted into society, they could very well now know that the whole ordeal was an experiment. So, they are first isolated and are made to believe that they are just normal orphans with strange beliefs. During this cleansing process, their religious beliefs are not only spared, but strengthened. they are then put into society, where they will, due to their strong beliefs, try to spread their religion. They will ultimately fail,. They will gather a few members, but no more. Then, the resulting conflict between them and other religions will be recorded. After all conflict is gone or the children killed or missing, the experiment is deemed complete. If in the case of the conflict being gone, the children are taken away again, and all records of them are disposed of. The members of society believe their sudden disappearance it is an act of religious hate, and there is unrest, but it subsides and even if it were not to subside, the scientists already have valuable information on whether it is possible to shape a population in accordance with human demands.

>> No.2283050


>> No.2283055

To conclude, the scientists bring their data to the government. With this new information, the human race is one step closer to becoming "Gods"

>> No.2283071

ah. humans can't help but to think we're so damn special.

silly overevolved monkeys.

>> No.2283219
File: 241 KB, 400x550, dungeons-dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, you should check out /tg/. 4chan has an entire board dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games.

>> No.2285250

Back from the brink!