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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 444x333, timetravel_wormhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2278560 No.2278560 [Reply] [Original]

Time travel is impossible and will forever be impossible.

Otherwise people from the future would have time traveled back to our time.

>> No.2278561

And taken our jurbs!

>> No.2278572

Why? Our time is fucking boring.

>> No.2278580

>Otherwise people from the future would have time traveled back to our time

Now heres where I disagree.

1) Who's to say they aren't here already? If they can time travel I would think they have invisibility technology or be able to dress in a way where they wouldn't be noticed.

2) Maybe they choose not to openly show up because they know any interaction could drastically alter the time line and ruin what they have in the future. Its like the butterfly effect, kill a butterfly in the past and the future is drastically altered.

>> No.2278581


Yes, because no one in the history of time has ever been interested in a time period of the past.

>> No.2278589


How would they get to Earth? Any spaceship would have been easily detected.

>> No.2278611


.......your serious?

OK, if they are from the future their aircraft/space technology would FAR surpass any radar systems we have today. Right now we have Stealth Bombers which are invisible to radar in our time, imagine how much better technology like this could get in the next 300 years.

>> No.2278613



>> No.2278621

time travel being impossible has nothing to do with technology

its the simple fact that if time travel was real, some fuckwad from the future would have messed up and revealed the secret by now

>> No.2278636




>> No.2278651

Of course, there's the hypothesis that time travel had happened. but then someone, or perhaps many someones, travelled to the beginning of time, causing the structure of time to evolve in a different way, preventing further timetravel, making it having been impossible always.

There are multiverses lost in every second.

>> No.2278657

>Maybe they choose not to openly show up because they know any interaction could drastically alter the time line and ruin what they have in the future

You discount the tenacity of trolls. Someone would fuck it up, most likely just to get laid by some girl he was interested in when he was in high school and show off to his former self.

Or some jackass would give himself all the correct sports and shit to bet on.

Or any number of other jackass moves including things done with good intentions.

>> No.2278667
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Slightly related

>> No.2278670

isnt displacing the air molucules around you enough to drastically change the future?

so just the act of being there would destroy any hopes of returning to a recognizable home

>> No.2278671

There's a theory that a time machine could only travel back to the point that it's created, and not before.

>> No.2278672

I like the future wanking going on in this thread!

>> No.2278673

That's assuming
A) The technology is widely available enough
B) We actually achieve time travel as a species. Maybe we can only put it into practice on an incredibly small scale requiring an atomic clock, using such an absurdly large amount of energy that we barely have enough to send a clock back, let alone something of consequence.

Nice year 8 philosophy faggots, but stop being so presumptuos and let is rest. This is a science and math board, not a baseless speculation board.

>> No.2278675

>Otherwise people from the future would have time traveled back to our time.

You are pretty arrogant and retarded to think that this time would be so fucking interesting for someone who clould time travel to visit and announce themselves.

>> No.2278678

Cause and effect definitely has potential to build up some severe consequences, but displacing air molecules? Incredibly unlikely to have any noticeable effects in the future.

>> No.2278680

>Otherwise people from the future would have time traveled back to our time.

Or maybe something killed humanity before our technology got that advanced!

>> No.2278681

>Go back in time
>Watch evolution unfold
>Film the first ape to give birth to a person
>Destroy Christianity.

>> No.2278683


shitty ripoff of "The Last Question"

>> No.2278694


there will have to be some kind of change, and the changes can only increase, compound and gain momentum and it is no way isolated, so it can continue spreading out.

eventually even if it takes a longer amount of time, it will become observable

>> No.2278713
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>/sci/'s face when

>> No.2278718

Or the human race could very well be over before the effects compound enough for even the slightest variation to be noticeable to someone familiar with both timelines.

>> No.2278719

It would be impossible to change anything were you to travel into the past.

>> No.2278726


>> No.2278728
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>doesn't understand what time travel means

>> No.2278733
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Black: Timeline 1
Red: Time travel
Blue: Timeline 2
>Green: Doc Brown gets shot

>> No.2278734
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Oh yeah?

>> No.2278736

your right op you can only travle back in time as far as you turned your time mech

link very related it's a fucking time mech


>> No.2278745
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We've already time travelled anon.


>> No.2278746
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To avoid a paradox, one of the promenent hypothesis regarding time travel imples: travel back in time will create a divergent timeline.

Hence you can travel back in time and fuck up shit howver you want without fear of paradox.

>> No.2278750


True, but it the time vary wildly depending on where the air is.

Out in the middle of nowhere, the altered molecules could just keep influencing other molecules for close-to-eternity

Or some events could occur that makes the scale jump, and observable effects could happen in a matter of years.

Theres no way of telling, so standing in the wrong places is a hazard

>> No.2278758

>Time machines can only travel back in time by traveling to another dimension where the time wanted is currently going down
>Time machines can only go back to the time the time machines were still standing

Or atleast that's the theory

>> No.2278768


But that means that no "alternate future" has (will) invented time travel, right? Why wouldn't we already be the "divergent past"?

>> No.2278776
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Gee, it sure is failing to distinguish between theory and hypothesis in here.
I should open a window.

>> No.2278786

Another hypothesis: Time travel is possible, but the mere discovery of the possibility invariably triggers a civilization-ending war.

>> No.2278827
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>But that means that no "alternate future" has (will) invented time travel, right?

Nope. Why do you think another timelines time travel has to effect us?

Our own timeline could invent time travel, and travel back in time, and the procees of travel would not effect our timeline. Likewise a parallel timeline could invent time travel, travel back, and it would still not effect us.

>Why wouldn't we already be the "divergent past"?

A divergent past is created for every instance of backwards time travel. Hence, our timeline is either a divergent or an orginal. However we have no evidence of time travalers visting us, so we are likely an orginal timeline.

>> No.2278842
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>> No.2278848



OH SHIT. The Eternity is here! THE ETERNITY IS HERE!

>> No.2278861

But since there's only one original timeline and many divergent ones, the fact that we have to be in the original would be evidence against the hypothesis that this sort of time travel is possible.

>> No.2278879
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>since there's only one original timeline

Again, why the fuck do you keep making all these faulty assumtptions. You can have an infinite amount of parallel timelines, and all of them would be considered orginal.

Why do you assume that there was only one orginal timeline? Can you just stop fucking assuming shit, please?

>> No.2278886
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>> No.2278887

That doesn't change anything, though. If time travel has a reasonable probability of being discovered in each timeline, you still get many more divergent timelines than original ones. (Original timelines with no people don't count in this analysis.)

>> No.2278901

Because anything you do has already been done. It's only a 'change' if it 'hadn't been done' but 'now has'. But it had been done. Because it's 'the past'.

>> No.2278907

At this point, you're spouting bullshit.

>> No.2278917

Well, I was about to suggest a workaround, but since you're such an expert on how time travel works, I suppose I should stop thinking and listen uncritically to what you have to say.

>> No.2278939

you guys i thought of a way to test the butterfly effect (if we had a time machine)
first make sure you make the time machine with a supply of oxygen, in case the changed earth is uninhabitable, also that you have a video camera.
know this plan ahead of time so you won't freak yourself out.
ok - go back in time and kill a butterfly, then go to the future and film whats outside. if it's different, just go back in time to just before you killed the butterfly and hand yourself the video camera and stop yourself from killing the butterfly.
future is what it originally was and you know what it would have been like.

>> No.2278944
File: 82 KB, 600x949, 17364bc17ca8a7994b36ee411253ae61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that you are familar with bicondiational logic.

Your "if stamement" isn't nesscarily true though. Hence your whole statment is meaningless.

>time travel has a reasonable probability of being discovered in each timeline

is just another bad assumption

And even it was true, you are jumping to way too many conclusions, regarding divergent timelines. There is no direct implications that can be made.

And even if "there are more divergent timelines than original ones", you still have no point.

What exactly is you point? lol

>> No.2278949
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>> No.2278971
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You fool, this is our species final stage.

>> No.2278975

Anyway, it occurs to me that one way around this would be to weight the timelines so that people are more likely to find themselves in the original timelines than the newly created ones. To me, this seems like a reduction in the power of time travel, since most observers won't be affected by the actions of time travelers.

Time travel being possible, but unlikely to be discovered is of course another way out.

>And even if "there are more divergent timelines than original ones", you still have no point.
The argument is that if a time travel theory predicts that we are most likely to observe time travelers, then the theory is most likely wrong. Not hard to follow.

>just another bad assumption
Why are you complaining so much about assumptions? I'm not OP, and do not claim that I can prove time travel impossible. However, mapping out the ways time travel might be possible given these arguments against it is still interesting, but to do that, we need to make some assumptions.

Another way out is
whereby we are not in an original timeline; rather, a time-traveling society works to suppress evidence of existence for some reason.

Or you can't go back before the machine was created, etc...

y u so mad?

>> No.2278986

species'* my bad

>> No.2279057


Let's look at this logically, in a way 85% of you will not comprehend.

*1* In order for time travel to be possible, every second of the "past', the "present" and the "future" MUST exist at the same time.

( 3 dominoes placed face-down in a row, one is the past, one is the present, one is the future - these are conditions for time-travel. Each is a portion of time. If only ONE existed (the present) at any static time, there would be no such thing as a third domino in front or a domino behind it.)

So, assuming time-travel is possible, we have established that, though WE might exist at a certain place on the continuum (although WE might be standing on one domino), there are separate PORTIONS that co-exist at the same time (there are 3 domino's, to walk back and forth on).

Now if the past, present, and future exist statically at one time, and we can travel back and forth between them (if all the dominos are lined up and we can walk back and forth between them), WHILE KNOWING THAT WE ARE TIME-TRAVELLING, it would mean us being "tied" to a specific, original, moment in time.

Think about that carefully.

If we walk backwards on a domino, and we KNOW and are CONSCIOUSLY AWARE "I am in a different domino, a different place in time than I normally am", then we have a SPECIFIC ORIGIN IN ONE. If you're in the "future" domino, and you walk back to the 1st "past" domino, and you KNOW that you don't belong in the 1st one, then you are tied to the future domino. You are aware that, even though your environment traveled back in time, YOU didn't.

YOU did not get younger, your ENVIRONMENT did.

So if 1. All moments in time co-exist at any given time. and 2. For our environment to change without our bodies changing, one of them must remain static.

then, logically

>> No.2279059

>>How would they get to Earth? Any spaceship would have been easily detected.
This makes me twitch wildly. Just... so many things...

>> No.2279077
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>time travel theory predicts that we are most likely to observe time travelers

1) There are no time travel theories, only hypothesies

2) They don't say that shit. The hypothesis make no claim about the liklihood of observing time travelers.


>> No.2279084
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>> No.2279086


>> No.2279102

(1) is probably better semantics, yes, but
(2) is wrong. Given assumptions about time travel, we can infer whether we are likely to see time travelers.

>> No.2279121

Then, logically, what?

>> No.2279125
File: 8 KB, 251x197, 1269377638216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you can derive your assumptions off some actual time travel hypothesis (in which case they really arent assumtpions), you really can not make any point about the orginal time travel hypothesis.

Your method or reasoning cannot falsify the orginal time travel hypothesis, you can only falsify your shitty assumptions.

I suggest you review elementary logic before you try and conquer shit like time travel...LMAO.


>> No.2279131

You didn't say anything in that post that contradicted what I wrote.

>> No.2279138
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>Given assumptions about time travel

Yes, given your assumptions, you can prove your assumtpions wrong. However, you still can't make any actual statement about the orginal time travel hypothesis. (You can't even prove your assumptions right)

>> No.2279158 [DELETED] 
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Proof by contradiction is the only logical argument "you" can make, given all "your assumtpions".

"You" can "assume" shit, and get "contradictions", thereby proving "your assumtpions" wrong.

You still make no progress in actually talking about the orginal time travel hypothesis though.


>> No.2279163

ITT: e-peen
ITT: > i am better than you

>> No.2279176
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Proof by contradiction is the only logical argument "you" can make, given all "your assumtpions".

"You" can "assume" shit, and get "contradictions", thereby proving "your assumtpions" wrong.

You still make no progress in actually talking about the orginal time travel hypothesis though.

Trollin? Trolling?

>> No.2279180

In my mind, a time travel hypothesis says time travel is possible and describes how the rules work. For example, does it create new timelines or was the time traveler there in the original one? Trying to disprove a "time travel hypothesis" which makes absolutely no assumptions would be like trying to disprove the existence of God.

>> No.2279187

>Given assumptions about time travel, we can infer whether we are likely to see time travelers.

Assuming any time travelers actually decide to visit where and when they could be recognized as such, or if they could be recognized at all. We also have to assume a single timeline.

That's a lot of assumptions for something we know fuck all about.

>> No.2279191

I don't think there's even a substantial disagreement anymore.

>> No.2279193
File: 92 KB, 815x1000, 0936full-jana-defi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me dumb it down for you
This is your logic:

Orginal hypothesis: People Exists
Your assumtpion: People have green skin/red spots

Your logic: I don't see people with green skin/red spots, therefore people don't exist.

Do you understand?

>> No.2279209

I have traveled back in time to tell you that it's possible. the end.

>> No.2279214


>> No.2279219

Let me dumb it down for YOU.

You are responding to a post saying that >>2278975 was not in disagreement with what you were saying.

in >>2278975 was said:
>I'm not OP, and do not claim that I can prove time travel impossible.

You respond with:
>Your logic: I don't see people with green skin/red spots, therefore people don't exist.

>> No.2279226

>In my mind, a time travel hypothesis says time travel is possible and describes how the rules work.

That's the gist of how hypotheses work so I'd be concerned if you had a significantly different description in mind.

All you left out was the requirement of falsifiability. A hypothesis is of no use to science if we can't test whether the predictions it makes are wrong.

>> No.2279242
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>In my mind, a time travel hypothesis says time travel is possible and describes how the rules work.
>In my mind, a time travel hypothesis
>in my mind

Yeah, you kinda fucking fail. How about you stop making assumtpions about the fucking hypothesis. There are actual time travel hypothesis, written in fuckin scientifc jounals and shit. It isn't just shit a underage kid like you makes up.

Different time travel hypothesis have different ideas. A productive thing to do would be to try and actually disprove some of those ideas, instead of just making up your own nonsense and disproving yourself.

FYI: It is easy to disprove the existence of God.

>> No.2279263

>There are actual time travel hypothesis, written in fuckin scientifc jounals and shit.

Why don't you contribute to a dead thread then by linking to one of said hypotheses so we can discuss it?

>> No.2279274
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>demonstrates poor understanding of scientific method
>makes age crack while writing in a childish manner
>argument from authority

>> No.2279322

I've thought a lot along those lines.

I've come to the conclusion that all the "times" (past, present, and future) rely on each other (future relying on present, present relying on past). This also means that the "past" cannot be changed (or conversely must have been changed) for us to observe the present the way it is.

Another thing is that the idea that there are multiple dimensions built on choices are unnecessary as if one goes to the past, time is still technically moving forward. So, on a time line, the point where someone time travels and changes the past is continoued (instead of looping back) by the period of past changed and the resulting future. (I would provide picture but posting from a phone.)

Thus, I strongly believe if there time travel is possible, there is no such thing as free will.

>> No.2279337

>In order for time travel to be possible, every second of the "past', the "present" and the "future" MUST exist at the same time.

This does not follow.

>> No.2279370

That's the logical conclusion, as what is the present but the past of the future?

The future must be happening right now for them to be able to time travel to us. This applies to all times equally.

>> No.2279507


Not feeling it.

No, you've kicked logic to the curb and made a baseless assumption.

>> No.2279532

Maybe when going back in time, you don't stay on your current timeline, but are forced to jump to another one, or reality.

Given that theoretically there could be infinite timelines, realities - the chances of getting visitors is infinitesimal, at best.

>> No.2279551

Timetravel is possible, going into the future happens when you approach the speed of light. It's going back in time that is hard. I guess that if you had two blackholes slowly orbiting each other and you somehow moved between them in the right way you might go back in time, that is if your not sucked in.

>> No.2279556

I propose to you that your grounds for saying time travel is impossible is flawed, as no time machine could go back before its creation. The only conclusion you can get from there being no time travelers is that a time machine does not exist yet, not that time travel is not possible.

>> No.2279616

the reason we haven't met any time travelers from the future is because there is no future\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\htime machine only allows time travel, not space travel, so the Earth is long gone between temporal points A and B.

>> No.2279803
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>Time travel is impossible and will forever be impossible.

u mad?

>> No.2279806

Time travel is impossible. Paradoxes would occur. No exceptions.

>> No.2279825

I always imagined you could travel back in time but you can never actually change anything because of causality.

If I go back in time in order to show people that time travel is possible, my purpose for going back in time in the first place will have disappeared, and most of anything I can say or do in the past will lead me to never travel back in time in the first place. Most people count this as a paradox but i'm not so convinced, since our universe isn't really deterministic. If I traveled back in time to do something I wouldn't be stuck in an infinite loop, but I'd keep trying until a universe errupted where I'd somehow fail to change anything spite my best efforts, and the timeline would from this point on move forward just like normal.

In other words, if I traveled back in time only to observe, not to change anything at all, the timeline would be uninterrupted and I could go back to my time and continue life. If I did try to change anything, I'd be stuck in a loop until some random event caused me to fail, and I'd once again go back. At least that's my theory.

>> No.2279840

You're a idiot.

>> No.2279854

wouldn't specific historical events become filled with an exponentially increasing number of time travellers, leading to a black hole?

>> No.2279861


Time travel backgrounds = impossible. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Time travel forwards = (theoretically) possible, the only constraints are in the technical challenges

>> No.2279868
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>Has never taken a course in General Relativity

They allow for some special kinds of backwards time travel and time loops. Go read a fucking book.

>> No.2280076

Maybe time travel creates an alternative timeline and you can never go back.

>> No.2280088


>> No.2280092

Lets say I'm orbiting Earth and start magically traveling backward in time. Wouldn't the Earth, and the solar system, and the galaxy, be in a completely different spot when I pop back into "normal" space?

>> No.2280098

Depends on which reference frame you didn't move in.

>> No.2280121


>> No.2280128


>> No.2280429

> does it create new timelines

how can time travel create a new timeline? I thought matter could not be created out of thin air.

>> No.2280451

Then where did the universe come from?

>> No.2280455
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I run a lot, and live below sea level everyday. I am a time traveler everyday. I age slower then you OP.

>> No.2280461


no one knows

>> No.2280465


Why would they travel to a point where we're intelligent to steal their time travel thing and use it? If I had time travel and I wanted resources, I'd bloody well take them from 1600s tech points and before.

>> No.2280471
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Time travel in the sense most people see it is violation of the conservation of matter.
If you were to travel through time you'd poof out of nowhere in your destination. Shit don't work like that. Habeeb it. The particles making you up would also have to replace an equal amount of particles in the place where you spawn lest the enthalpy of the universe be disrupted.

I'm still open to theories of twisting the very fabric of the universe and creating some perversion of local space-time allowing brainxploding miraculous migration through time and space to happen.

>> No.2280472

>we're intelligent to steal their time travel thing and use it

That's a pretty large assumption that we would be smart enough to understand time travel technology.

If we understand it then we should be able to create it right now

>> No.2280475


Not really. If it's invented by humans it's almost certainly got apertures for other humans to use. You might not even have to monkey with it much to get it to work and humans in this day and age are not frightened by technology as they might have been in the 1500s.

>> No.2280479

If the multiverse theory is correct, then maybe whenever somebody alters something in the past a new universe branches off, hence the reason why we don't feel the effects of them meddling time travelers today.

>> No.2280562


That means that all the universes are somehow connected together, we have consciousnesses there, the same ones as we have here, it doesnt really make any fucking sense to me.. besides, our universe is always expanding so wouldnt it crash into other universes around it? Or are the other universes in some other dimensions or some shit?

>> No.2280596

>lest the enthalpy of the universe by disrupted


>> No.2280629

"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" gets a better grasp of time travel than most of this bullshit.

>> No.2280658

Only one making baseless assumptions is you. Even if it's the microscopic, I'm still using logic and reason to reach my assumptions.

Besides, when talking about time travel, we are required to make assumptions. And they are all illogical at their core. The most logical thing is that there is no such thing as time, only entropy.

>> No.2280704

This thread is just pure speculation. There's no "scientific" discussion of time travel because no-one else has yet time travelled, nor observed any effects of time travel. Therefore all the shit you post here is just fucking useless (just as all the scientific papers published about it).

>> No.2281256
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You know, total energy 'n' shit... how energy can't come out of nowhere...

>> No.2281307

Is there anything in the laws of physics that forbids time travel? No.

Will it ever be possible to travel back in time? Probably not.

>> No.2281382
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God itself doesn't exist.
WE are gods.
we have a role, which is to know more, expand and create.

if only we could just.. stop killing eachother.