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File: 97 KB, 500x734, 2012_movie_poster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2278445 No.2278445 [Reply] [Original]

The date the world will end is 2012-12-21. If that's in Base 3, then we can calculate this to 1+6+18+27+162+243+0+4494, which is 4951.


Problem, earthlings?

>> No.2278450

100 + 100 is 200, times that by 10 (there were 10 mayans at one stage) is 2000. +12 is 2012. FUCK!

>> No.2278465

2012 backwards is 2102, which is 90 more than 2012.

90 divided by 2 is 45. 4 + 5 = 9, times that by 10 and you get back 90!


>> No.2278466
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Break 2012 into 20 and 12. Let's look at the day of the apocalypse (as predicted by the Mayans), the 21st. Break that into 2 and 1. 20-2 = 18...divided by 2 equals 9. 12-1=11. Putting everything back together you get 911. You know what that means?

Mayans did 9/11.

>> No.2278469
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>> No.2278475

A year is 365.25 days. Add that together, and you get 21.


>> No.2278492

1221 in base 3 is 1+6+18+27=52

52 is ASCII for 4.

4 is death

>> No.2278498


It's 365.24.

>> No.2278499

Convert twenty twelve to numbers and you get
202305142025 202305122205
The sums of those sets of numbers are 26 and 24 respectively. The difference between those numbers is 2, which occurs twice in 2012 AND in those two numbers!!! Coincidence? NO.

Do some more digging and you'll find that 24+26 is 50! 2 is the number that keeps coming back again and again, so we square it (50^2) and we get 2500! Why is this important? Because a simple multiplication of those sums we got earlier by 10 yields 240 and 260.
2500-240-260=2000. Divide the first sum we got by two, which keeps getting thrown in our face BEGGING to be used, and add that to what we just got and we get 2012 again!

>> No.2278504

Best one so far.

>> No.2278505

2012 = 20 (my age) + 21 (birthday is on june)

>> No.2278511


>> No.2278548

2012 in Base 3 is 59
1221 in Base 3 is 52
111 in Base 3 is 1+3+9=13

13 is bad. This we know. FF-

>> No.2278577


Aww, mines on the 22nd!

>> No.2278691
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The Sirians were scared of 13, that's why they altered our DNA to remove our second thumbs (crippling us into base10). Later they convinced Rome to demonize 13 by making it unlucky, removing Ophiuchus from the zodiac, and planted religious doctrine regarding thirteen in all of the major cultures. The Virgin of Fátima, Guru Nanak Dev Ji distributed groceries to the 13th person he saw. According to the Torah, God has 13 attributes of mercy. Mayan pyramids are set up in 9 steps divided into 7 days and 6 nights, 13 days total. 2012 has a 12 in it. 12 is one less than 13. Coincidence?

>> No.2278732


The digital root of 12 is 13.

Because 12->1+2=13