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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 600x422, nihilism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2276790 No.2276790 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Atheists,

Your philosophical endeavors are unimpressive and insufficient.

Denying an anthropocentric based higher being such that helps humanity navigate its path and guides its hands is quite simply a no-brainer.

Your world view is incomplete and underwhelming.

Try stepping it up a few notches before taking any sort of credit.

Sincerely yours, a nihilist.

>> No.2276797

>implying I'm not already a nihilist

>> No.2276798

>Sincerely yours, a nihilist.

A nihilist in regards to what?

>> No.2276805
File: 93 KB, 400x350, 687819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear OP,

We are only now beginning to recover from the destructive clutches of the global theistic system of thought.
We are not yet ready as a society to accept a lack of a higher being, let alone a doctrine such as nihilism by which no value or purpose can be obtained or reached via any action whatsoever even on principle.
Try taking it down a few notches.

Sincerely yours, an atheist.

>> No.2276808

If you're a nihilist, then why haven't you killed yourself already? After all, everything's futile and pointless, right?

>> No.2276811

Honestly, Nietzsche thought about it and reached the conclusion that society would crumble to tiny pieces in the event that nihilism would take hold of it at large.
You can kinda see why religion was given to us to begin with.
Its creators weren't stupid, they realized this danger and invented religion as a defense and control mechanism to protect us from ourselves.

Ever thought about that one?

>> No.2276814

I figure that I have an infinite number of years ahead of me to be dead so no real need to hasten them any time soon.

>> No.2276816

>Your world view is incomplete and underwhelming.

Your world view doesn't exist.

>> No.2276822

But at least it is consistent, complete and uncompromising.

>> No.2276832
File: 47 KB, 460x276, Chomsky - Coy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ve believe in nofing Lebowski.
Ja, ve believe in nofing.

>> No.2276835

No. Nietzsche thought that nihilism was the inevitable consequence of the death of god (i.e. the rise of science and the end of Christianity as a coherent grand narrative).

>Its creators weren't stupid, they realized this danger and invented religion as a defense and control mechanism to protect us from ourselves.

No. Nietzsche believed religion was a product of ressentiment (French term) and our particular animality. He would often say that religion was a kind of internal survival mechanism. This has nothing to do with the 'threat' of nihilism (understood in the existentialist sense). In fact it has more to do with power. The threat of nihilism on the other hand relates to the death of god (understood in terms of the rise of science).

The nuance is thin, but it is important. For example he thought the greeks (pre-religion) were essentially healthy individuals.

Also be careful of your use of nihilism. It has several senses. I assume you are all talking about nihilism in the faggotry existentialist sense.

>> No.2276841


Existentialist nihilism is self-refuting. You are aware of this yes?

If you say that there is inherently no meaning, then by this statement you mean that there is no meaning. In other words Existentialist nihilism assumes Q and then concludes not-Q. This makes it a walking performative contradiction.

>> No.2276842

>implying there atheists can't be nihilists as well

>> No.2276848

That being said. I can be a moral nihilist on purely empirical grounds. This is not self refuting however since one doesn't have to assume a moral system in order to say that 'there are no objective morals according X'.

Since you don't have to assume Q in order to conclude not-Q. Moral nihilism is not self refuting. Most nihilisms are usually self-refuting though.

>> No.2276851


An atheist cannot be an existential nihilist. Since if you claim that there is no god, you probably believe it. But if you believe it, then you believe in something. If you believe in something you are not an existentialist nihilist.

>> No.2276854
File: 8 KB, 214x220, mask of sanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Nihilist,

your social endeavours are unimpressive and insufficient.

Denying an importance to the world and life such as that human life is insignificant is quite simply a no-brainer.

Your social interactions view is incomplete and underwhelming.

Try stepping it up a few notches before taking any sort of credit.

Insincerely yours, a psychopath.

>> No.2276855

A nihilist believes in nihilism, so he believes in something. Therefore, he is not a nihilist.


>> No.2276864


When did I deny this?

>> No.2276872


Also this isn't necessarily the case. I can be totally absent of beliefs. And a third party can call me a nihilist, and they would be right. So a nihilists can exist, at least logically.

But yes if a supposed Nihilist asserts that he is a nihilist he is not a nihilist. Providing the said nihilist doesn't question the criteria of intelligibility required to point out his performative contradiction, you will win the debate.

>> No.2276876

And that's what you believe.
Athiests: 1
Nihilists: Nonexistent

>> No.2276879

I am a Philosophy Major and and a strong theist but non openminded people who just look for an argument such as this one to prove your point in such a harsh manor by attacking the atheist and their views is what makes me like atheists and hate people like you.

>> No.2276882


Logically possible, not necessarily empirically possible though. I doubt a third-party could ever verify the absence of beliefs 'in' someone. Interesting to think about though.

>> No.2276888


>I am a Philosophy Major and and a strong theist b

You are neither.

>> No.2276905



>> No.2276927

Nihilism, to me at least, means that there's no inherent meaning or morality of the universe or even humans. So It's up to us as sapient beings to create personal systems to work in. Despite the fact that I don't think there's any inherent negative in killing a person, my personal morality will prevent me from doing so. Religion, for its many failings, created a system for millions of people. Over time, people create their own system. Now, most human systems of ethics are similar to a degree. That stems from biology (take incest or cannibalism), so there's going to be some similarity over all humans.

>> No.2276929

So an atheistic world view can't include any other beliefs besides atheism? Personally I'm a Marxist, and most of /sci/ are probably secular humanists. There are a ton of libertarian atheists too. Atheism doesn't have to encompass the entirety of your world view.

>> No.2276951


>Nihilism, to me at least,

Stopped reading at 'to me'.

>> No.2276956

Nihilism is meaningless.

(and a objective/subjective separation failure)

>> No.2276960

>Dear Atheists,

No board is safe.

>> No.2276961

point. That's what I think. If it falls under the label of nihilism, so be it.

>> No.2276985


if you're such a nihilist, why the fuck do you care?

>> No.2277187
File: 142 KB, 1269x745, 1266229828501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2277213

lol @ troll

>> No.2277445

Fuck you op

>> No.2277471

lol, nihilism

Given there is no inherent meaning, that means that meaning is subjective, therefore, whatever meaning you give to life is valid. Nihilists are a bunch of angsty morons.

>> No.2277479

>implying all good scientists aren't nihilists

Seriously though, science says that if you can't detect something in any experiment then it doesn't exist. This means things like "meaning" or "God" don't exist.

>> No.2277489

>Given there is no inherent meaning, that means that meaning is subjective, therefore, whatever meaning you give to life is valid.
Finally, someone gets it! Someone else recognises that nihilism doesn't have to be depressing, it can actually be very liberating! Finally, a kindred spirit.

>Nihilists are a bunch of angsty morons.
Oh. I take that back. You're a judgemental idiot.

>> No.2277493

Where does "science" say that exactly?

>> No.2277499
File: 250 KB, 1269x745, 1293825670189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The marked ones are bullshit.

To Giulian Buzila (bottom):
Stalin or Hitler's accumulated "killcounts" are most probably higher than those of all the sacrifices, holy marches and witchburnings in history and they were politically motivated.

To Abu Ala Al-Ma'arri (top):
You can also be both intelligent and religious... or neither.

To Steven Weinberg (right):
People also do "evil things" like robbery, murder or lieing because of greed or jealousy. You don't need religion to have people do evil things.

>> No.2277507

Actually that is not true. You cannot prove something doesn't exist. You have to go with your data and make a statement about that. The important thing is that your theory allows you to predict an outcome. If your tests are inconclusive your theory needs to be modified.

>> No.2277530

>You cannot prove something doesn't exist.

If you cannot prove something doesn't exist it doesn't exist by definition. See, Galilean relativity or the uncertainty principle.

>> No.2277541


>>People also do "evil things" like robbery, murder or lieing because of greed or jealousy. You don't need religion to have people do evil things.

That's not what the quote said. It said for GOOD people do to evil things, you need religion. The people who commitrobberies, murder or deceit out of greed or jealousy are not good people.

>> No.2277577

>I don't know what I'm talking about and no one can stop me.