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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2274342 No.2274342 [Reply] [Original]

This should probably go in the advice thread, but that place is filled with incest/"i am so ugly" threads so wth.

I am a senior and am planning on getting into a pretty good uni next year. The thing is i can't decide what to major in. I love reading mathematics and theoretical physics, so a math/physics double major would be ideal.

The thing is my cousin, who is a math postdoc, told me that academia is a scam. I.e. They train more phd's than there are spots for professors.

I would love to work on something like string theory/QFT, but the thing is the field is about as competitive as the NFL. Whats more, I am pretty close to my girlfriend, and we are pretty serious, but whenever i bring up theoretical physics she jokes about leaving me because i will be too poor, stupid bitch.

Anyway Family are not rich, so i do not have anyone to rely upon but myself. So i was considering engineering, which is applied physics. But the thing is engineering is so damn boring. Sure it pays well. But it does not get down to the real "questions" and i probably would not even get the chance to study quantum mechanics or relativity. I don't want to spend my life building machines, but i just don't think i am good enough to be the next Brian Greene...

:( life sucks...any tips?

>> No.2274360

>theoretical physics.....too poor

WTF am I reading? Where the fuck do you see poor theoretical physicists? U trollin?

>> No.2274370

Exactly man.

50k starting is not poor at all.

>> No.2274372

"engineering is boring"

youre in fucking highschool. what the fuck do you know about engineering?

i had the same delusions as you when i was in highschool. I told my parents there was no way i was going to do engineering. fast forward 3 years into my physics undergrad and i realize i really liked circuit analysis ->> enroll in electrical engineering program.

dont cut yourself off from engineering because you deem yourself as a higher order physicists. there are a lot of interesting things involved with engineering.

>> No.2274379

"Real questions"?
Chances are, your "Real questions" either have already been answered, or they're the wrong questions, and that you're just another young mind chasing some childhood ideal.
Engineering isn't that bad, kid. You learn any and all the physics you want, but you get the training to actually use your knowledge to model the physical systems you so choose to, like mechanics or propulsion or electronics or w/e.
I know you're scared of the first cock you'll have to take up the ass, but take it from me (hehe), you'll get used to it.

>> No.2274397

Dude, Do not do Engineering.

If you want to understand why the world works, do Physics.

If you want to get drunk and beat up your wife, do engineering.

Seriously engineering is about as enjoyable as mutilation. You do not even touch upon high order logic or mathematics. Its simple bullshit construction

>> No.2274399

>engineering so damn boring
>10/10 because i read that far

sage + reported + hidden = 0/10

>> No.2274406

>The thing is my cousin, who is a math postdoc, told me that academia is a scam. I.e. They train more phd's than there are spots for professors.

Getting a BA or MA is not the same as going for a PhD. You only need a PhD if you're going to get into academia, in which case your cousin is right; if you're going to be a fucking productive member of society and get a real job, the answer is a BA/MA in Physics/Math/Engineering and make 300k/cocks starting.

Read this: http://www.economist.com/node/17723223?story_id=17723223
I know you're in high school so reading is real hard and boring, but I'm saving you tons of money and time.

>> No.2274418
File: 24 KB, 500x334, saw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50k a year = physics
100k a year = engineering
choice is yours

>> No.2274424

Chances are you won't pass any of those educations and you will end up on square one.

>> No.2274430

I have actually read that article.

Also, i am calling bullshit on the 300 000. No one with a math degree makes that much. Not even Quants.

Professors make about 90 000-110 000, so it would be pretty good to be a prof.

>> No.2274431

this should have been in Saw 7 aka Saw 3Dfaggotry

>> No.2274433

50k? maybe starting at some shit teir community college...lol. Most decent theortical physicst start at about 70k.

I agree, engineering is boring as fuck. You will basically be "working for the man". You should pick science, you will get a job you love doing, and pretty much be your own boss (as opposed to the wage slavery that is engineering).

>> No.2274447

>Thinks the most important thing is life is money


>> No.2274446
File: 881 KB, 803x993, Ysora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This should probably go in the advice thread, but that place is filled with wincest threads so wth.

what? later

>> No.2274457
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>> No.2274467
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>> No.2274476


>> No.2274480

Seriously, those of you claiming that THEORETICAL physicists make money are clearly delusional. You spend an average of 5 years earning just enough to live on. Then if your lucky you get 50 000 a year. After that its a good 10 years before you get an upgrade. You will be at least 35 before you get A/prof. That is if you are smart.

Seriously, i doubt any of these kids planning on being theoretical physicists, have made it past undergrad!

>> No.2274485
File: 36 KB, 574x380, cxvsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks you can pay off a mortgage without money

Good luck bro, if i can spare the change then it's yours.

>> No.2274557
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1276992491152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw you fags didn’t realize this is an accurate metaphor for the academic grant process (though there would be more unprotected anal).

>> No.2274559

Good job Cockington! Now, use your math skills to figure out how much you make being a PhD student (30k if you're lucky!); What you make as an assistant professor (60-70k), and weigh that against the possibility of getting tenure for a mere 110k.

Fuck that shit.

>> No.2274580

If you are good enough, you will get money.

For instance i have a good shot at becoming a prof, because i am a postdoc at a top 5 school.

>> No.2274601

Op is a tool HS student. One has to understand their situation and base their goals on said understanding.

>> No.2274623

Yet you still persist in wasting time on /sci/. Good one.

>> No.2274644

Not my problem i can spend time of sci and write papers at the same time

>> No.2274653

If what you want to do makes you enough money for you to live comfortably, there is no reason not to do it.
Anyone who brags they make more, is being a toolbag who keeps score in the game of life.

>> No.2275122

LOL. People here on this board don't seem to realize that they don't set the earning rates for degrees.

It's the market that does. It's the value they bring to society and it isn't the degrees themselves that bring value.


LOL. No average salary reported this year because it's too low.