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2272957 No.2272957 [Reply] [Original]

If you have "alpha male" qualities, (self-confidence, dominance in social situations, etc.) then you can be ugly, a criminal, a loser, abusive, or unsuccessful, and you will still be able to have relationships with women. Sure, it's not as though all women will automatically be attracted to you, but generally speaking, you won't have too many problems finding someone who is.

On the other hand, if you're a "beta male" (shy, socially awkward, withdrawn) then it doesn't matter what you look like, or how successful or talented you are - no woman will ever want to have anything to do with you.

Why is this, /sci?

>> No.2272964

Women want to be taken control of.

They just don't realize it, but it's there in there subconscious.

Men just need to activate it.

>> No.2272968


hint, try emo girls, beta boy

>> No.2272969

Because women are whores.

>> No.2272973


>> No.2272976

it's the nature of humanity; in this instance the woman, to be attracted to power in the form of social acceptence or even superiority.
tl;dr woman likes power associated with alpha male.

>> No.2272977
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>> No.2272980

Behavioral evolution. Alpha males demonstrate an ability to protect both the female and a potential newborn, making them prime reproductive candidates.

>> No.2272989

I can't stand these threads because this shit is just not true.

>> No.2272995

You can be somewhat shy and non-social, and still have women massively attracted to you. You just have to have attractive qualities.

>> No.2272999

basically boils down to this
alpha male recieves acceptence for being a prime candidate to protect mate/offspring.

>> No.2273001

propaganda and lies

enjoy being alpha and never procreate thanks to birth control

>> No.2273003

Let me guess, you are a woman who doesn't want to admit it's true.

>> No.2273008
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We are not animals anymore you fucking faggot.

>> No.2273029

why is it that women seldom can recognize what they're attracted to? they give bullshit explanations like honesty and sensitivity being good attributes in men. they call guys they reject "nice" yet they don't want them?

>> No.2273030
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>if you're a "beta male" (shy, socially awkward, withdrawn) then it doesn't matter what you look like, or how successful or talented you are - no woman will ever want to have anything to do with you.

>mfw this is retarded and untrue

>> No.2273032

Actually I am a woman who KNOWS it's not true because I am NOT attracted to "alpha males". I love shy, awkward, smart kids. They are my people. I don't have anything in common with those faggy "strong, confident" men. I don't give a shit about if some dude has a 6-pack or not.

>> No.2273035
File: 18 KB, 224x213, imsorrywhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2273043

Jesus guys. If you have this much trouble getting girls as a beta I have two words for you: Acoustic Guitar

>> No.2273125

That's not what I meant. Humans have evolved enough to separate themselves as a species from animals completely. The human intelligence is far more superior than any other species. That reason alone makes us much more different than any other animals and we should therefore not act as animals.

>> No.2273157

No it's our ability to control our environment which separates us from animals but nice try.

>> No.2273167

Well if we're going off 4chan's stereotype of a beta male, which includes a huge lack of self-confidence, then yes it is true because a lack of confidence is extremely unattractive to just about any women, regardless of how good looking you are, how smart you are, how talented you are, how successful you are, etc. A lack of confidence will bring your desirability and overall attractiveness as a mating partner down.

>> No.2273190

>mfw OP makes states absolutes without supplying any supporting data

>> No.2273237


>> No.2273242


>> No.2273255

It's not necessarily true, and it's a varying thing depending on the culture and conditions of wherever you are, what females will be attracted to.