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2272830 No.2272830 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothesis: The colder you are, the more atheist you become.


>> No.2272851

Australia is hot as hell.

>> No.2272854

looks like it
Here in Rhode Island is seems as if religion doesn't even exist, same could probably be said in most northern states.
but temperature really has nothing to do with it.

>> No.2272873

I have observed that also, but it doesn’t work for Ireland and the rest of past Christendom. I'd say its is because Europe really IS more developed.

>> No.2272870

Probably has more to do with average IQ than anything else.

>> No.2272879 [DELETED] 


>>Probably has more to do with average IQ than anything else.



>> No.2272890 [DELETED] 


>>Probably has more to do with average IQ than anything else.



>> No.2272894


>>Probably has more to do with average IQ than anything else.



>> No.2272902

so aryans win?


>> No.2272907

brace for another religion vs religion thread

>> No.2272912

Pretty much. And Australians and Kiwis.

Oh geez, another one?

>> No.2272928

OP here

Obviously, saying being cold causes atheism is absurd, what I really wanted to discuss, which you already have begun to, is what makes countries more atheist?

As for IQ, although most countries, especially those around South America and Africa, seem to adhere to this rule, why is America considered average (and I would have thought it was a high average) and Russia considered low.

Captcha: annoyance rornbap

>> No.2272931

/r/ bigger image, bitte

Also Oregonfag here. It's pretty cold here, especially in Portland, but there's still religion... Even though nobody I know ever talks about it, or anything. Even non-religion is rarely discussed. Hrmm....

>> No.2272941


Also an Oregonfag. Don't personally know any religious people. I know a lot of hipsters who dabble in alternative religions but most normal people I interact with on a daily basis are atheists.

>> No.2272951

I'm afraid the website I got it off only had it in this size.

I was actually writing a philosphy essay on the connection between the mind and the brain, but as all things do these days, I ended up on the topic of relegion.

Also inb4 Philosophyfag. Im a Brit doing Maths and Philosophy, the Maths taking up a good 75% of my degree.

>> No.2272955


Is it me or is this link broken?

>> No.2272958

I've dated a Jewish girl who super religious, but kept it to herself. And no matter how much she was, quietly, into her faith she was quite OK with my atheism.

>> No.2272959

Estonia is the least religious.


>> No.2272961


That last bit gets sent down to the next line no matter how many times I try to fix it. You'll need to manually add it onto the end of the link for it to work.

>> No.2272985


Because even if IQ is responsible for most of the differences, culture also plays a part (which is also why Arabs are even more religious than niggers).

The US was founded by puritans and the Soviet Union repressed religion (which religious Americans took advantage of when they conflated atheism with communism and anti-Americanism). It's no surprise that the US is more religious.

>> No.2272990
File: 50 KB, 1207x935, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a former Soviet state is the least religious nation in the world (apparently)

>> No.2273004


>not religions

This entire thing is bs

>> No.2273007


are you fucking stupid ? russia least religious ?
haven't you heard of orthodox church ? stupid americunts..

>> No.2273013

Albania is not the most non-religious country in the world?

>> No.2273014

ITT: correlation = causation

>> No.2273022

>Scandinavian countries are one of the most non-religious countries in the world.

>> No.2273026


When to events are correlated, this does not mean that one couses the other.
Correaltion is not Causation

>> No.2273031

As an American, I still find it a kick to the balls how religious country still is. But not really the religious part that gets to me, how zealous and poignant we are with our religion that it makes me ashamed of my country, and want to move from it.

>> No.2273058

Cold climate = need for a larger brain to plan/prepare for winter

Highler intelligence leads to atheism.

>> No.2273076

I refuse to listen to any survey that excludes the great nation of Somalia. It's just what I believe.

>> No.2273083

You a libertarian or something?

>> No.2273085

Theism seems to be directly proportional to the amount of "isolated" culture and lack of education about the rest of the world. Also you'll find that nations with recent cultural upheaval or homogenization are more atheist.

For example: Japan loses a war and get westernized. Old beliefs are shaken, western religious beliefs don't really stick. Result: Almost entirely nonreligious country.

Russia: Loses war, loses sense of culture. Tradition is shaken and general morale is down. Result: Nonreligious country

England: Boring. Result: Relatively non-religious country.

All of Africa: Tribal and uneducated. Result: Extremely religious.

Which raises the question of why the U.S. is so religious. Our culture isn't too deeply ingrained and we're certainly globalized. I think it's just because despite the whole separation of church and state thing, politicians and people in general frequently equate morals and values to religion. Also because open atheism is a relatively new thing to the U.S. and as a previous poster mentioned, it received a lot of negative connotations that make it seem like an undesirable quality.

And no I can't explain argentina and uruguay.

>> No.2273089

It's not like we're begging you to stay.

>> No.2273090



>> No.2273104

It's not like I have money to do so as well.

>> No.2273117

Looks like the better correlation is to oppressive governments and the most oppressive religion - aka Islam.

>> No.2273137

Australia is hot; non religious.
US is fairly cold, is very religious.

>Myth busted.

>> No.2273140

brazil though

Best predictor is poverty imo

>> No.2273150

You do know that Brazil is a fast-growing superpower, right? Not everyone there lives in favellas, eating cats and boiling their shoes for soup.

>> No.2273251

This is propaganda Brazilians want you to think.

>> No.2273349

The better the prosperity of the country, the better the education, the higher educated people are, the more atheists there are. But there are factors to consider:
-Culture: it can increase religious views (USA) or decrease (Russia).
-Environment: If you live in a land full of natural wonders you might be more religious. Europe is grey and dull so no is like "wow look at all those pretty things".
-Violence: War affects minds, there are no atheists in a foxhole because when you're in a lifethreatening situation most of us would do anything to survive, including praying and things like that.

There are probably other keyfactors I forgot about. These are the ones I think might play a role.

>> No.2273414

>Europe is grey and dull so no is like "wow look at all those pretty things".
France, no beautiful landscape?
Mais allez vous faire foutre.

>> No.2273430


>> No.2273441


sorry OP, I live in Arizona

>heheh I win again OP

>> No.2273451

the more people think they smart because they are rich, the more they deny the importance of religion.

>> No.2273481

France has pretty landscapes but there is no jungle with waterfalls and giant flowers and birds with colourful long feathers. France, and other countries, are pretty but not THAT pretty.

>> No.2273511

... What, you mean the middle east have all that?
Fuck off, France best country in the world.
We decapitated our king. That's the ultimate argument, you can't win.

>> No.2273524
File: 8 KB, 363x346, td.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>importance of religion

>> No.2273525

Everone to their own. I'd much rather sit atop a cold, windy, and preferably cloudy mountain top than explore some lavish rain forrest

>> No.2273633

The middle east has other factors that interfere with religion, like culture.

Yea, but people who live in a paradise sooner believe in a God because of all the natural wonders compared to people who live somewhere there are no mountains, forests, etc.