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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 298x298, Cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2269827 No.2269827 [Reply] [Original]

Go on Omegle.
Ask "If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?"
Post your results.

>> No.2269829

If you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?

>> No.2269831
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>> No.2269833


Same as the pen.

>> No.2269836
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OP might be on to something

and that thing might be Omegle

>> No.2269840

But that's not as obvious to your average person. Most people will never observe a pen floating, but observe a balloon floating all the time.

>> No.2269841

/v/ did this the other day.
Man cannot comprehend the stupidity that is Omegle.

>> No.2269843
File: 106 KB, 554x439, AkoSigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: im not sure, float away?
You: why does it float away
Stranger: because of the lack of gravity..
You: explain
Stranger: is this a homework question or something?
You: nope
You: just seeing how retarded Omegle is
Stranger: well our earths atmosphere has an magnetic force that makes everything stay on the ground
Stranger: once you leave the earth, there isnt the pull
You: then how did the astronauts stand on the moon
Stranger: well theres still a force, but it isnt as strong
You: then why would the pen float
You: wouldn't it be pulled down as well
Stranger: because it isnt heavy
Stranger: im a psych major
Stranger: i dont need physics
You: alright, that's enough for me
You: oh, 1 last question
You: are you American?
Stranger: yes
You: ok, thank you
You have disconnected.

>> No.2269844

hmmm, balloon floats because its lighter than air, so no air probably means it drops

>> No.2269849

Stranger: belieber?
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: no fim \
You: what
Stranger: no fikm
You: what
Stranger: no hfhjmgh
You: what
Stranger: af
You: what
You have disconnected.


>> No.2269854

You: if you drop a ballon on the moon, what happens?
You: this has been bugging me
Stranger: what kind of balloon?
Stranger: water?air?helium?
You: balloons float cause helium is lighter than air...so no air means balloon maybe drops?
Stranger: i would have to agree with that
Stranger: ....i guess
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>> No.2269859

Stranger: Hello. ;D Please be normal and don't ask for asl and/or if I'm horny. ;D
You: if you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
You: its been bugging me
You: we were talking about gasses in science class today
Stranger: I think nothing? Because gravity doesn't affect the moon. Possibly it sort of bounces off into space.
You: and balloons float because helium is lighter than air...
You: but what if there is no air?
You: balloon drop?
Stranger: And that also depends - helium-filled or empty?
You: helium of course
You: what do you mean gravity doesnt affect the moon?
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>> No.2269862

Okay, I lost it at magnetic force.

>> No.2269865

Cmon people get in on this, we may teach some of these cretins a thing or 2 about simple physics.

>> No.2269871

Stranger: hi
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: up to the sky
You: define sky
You: also why
Stranger: why
Stranger: the pen is so big
You: what
Stranger: right?
You: pens are pretty small
Stranger: i have no idea
You: apparently not
Stranger: boring
You: :I
Stranger: laoction?
You: what
Stranger: location?
You: i dont think so.
You have disconnected.

Fucks sake.

>> No.2269872
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>Because it isn't heavy.

>> No.2269873
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You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it slowly floats down
You: why is that?
Stranger: the gravity is less on the moon
You: define "less"
Stranger: god,
Stranger: ok
Stranger: the moon is smaller thus the gravuty would be lower
Stranger: gravity
You: thank you, what country do you live in by the way?
Stranger: i feel insecur about my asl
You: i am not interested in cybering, mind you
Stranger: jordan
You: wonderful, have a nice day, and watch out for niggers

>> No.2269875

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: male here
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: what?
Stranger: tell me?
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: any other words to say?
You: depends on if you can answer it
Stranger: let me see...
Stranger: i sorry
Stranger: i don't know
You: ...
Stranger: so the answer is ..
Stranger: mooncake?
You: *facepalm*
You have disconnected.

Fucking retard took forever...

>> No.2269878

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats
You: explain why
Stranger: well it will drop after a while cuz the moon has gravity at a value of 1.6 compared to earths 10
You: thats actually pretty accurate
You: why did you originally say it would float?
Stranger: haha cool
Stranger: uhhh well i meant to say it would slowly go down
Stranger: :P
You: ah, should be a little better at wording
You: alright well, good to see someone on here knows
Stranger: haha okay
You: thanks for your time
You have disconnected.


>> No.2269883
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Stranger: I have to do what ever u say till u dosconnect
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You: ...?
Stranger: I got duck tape makeup dresses uh super glue a sharpie ect ect
You: fascinating. While we're on the subject, what country do you live in?
Stranger: Usa
You: that is all I need to know. Thank you and have a nice tomorrow.

>> No.2269888

i was having a really nice conversation, wtf is up with when people just leave for no reason, what the fuck are they seeking on omegle if they just leave when having a decent conversation?

You: what games do play?
Stranger: i just got done with black ops, the new call of duty, assassins creed, and bloodstone
Stranger: so stuff like that
Stranger: whats your name?
You: right, combat
You: lol
You: daniel
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2269892
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>no gravity
>you couldn't drop the pen

>> No.2269894

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it falls
You: Because?
Stranger: because of gravity
You: Very nice!
You: You're the first one to get it right!
Stranger: no way
You: Sadly, yes...
Stranger: what do most people say? it floats?
You: The last guy say that it would orbit the moon...
Stranger: are you a guy or girl?
You: guy
Stranger: sad world when people don't know what happens on the moon
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2269895
File: 19 KB, 200x193, Spy Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: your mother's vagina bleeds
Stranger: why not
Stranger: it's physics
Stranger: if you hang a nigger from a tree what happens>
Stranger: ?
Stranger: everyone laughs
Stranger: why not
Stranger: it's physics
Stranger: do you like boys?
Stranger: why not
Stranger: shit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Omegle; Talk to /b/!

>> No.2269898

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: O. M. G. This is the third time I'm talking to you.
You: doubt it, there's a few of us on here
You: do you know the answer?
Stranger: Oh. No.
Stranger: What is it
You: :I
You: It falls at 1/6th the rate it would on earth
Stranger: :D
You have disconnected.

Well, at least he was actually interested in learning.

>> No.2269899

You: hey
You: i have a question
Stranger: what?
You: so instead of doing real research i come to the genius' of omegle
You: if you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
You: think about it...
You: helium is lighter than air
You: but theres no air on the moon
You: balloon drops?
Stranger: i think not
You: explain
Stranger: because there is no air
Stranger: and less gravity
You: so helium is heavier than the no gas out there
You: less gravity? man was able to walk on the moon
You: so theres obviously enough gravity to pull things down
Stranger: i doesnt even matter
Stranger: theres no party on moon
You: theres a party in my pants
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>> No.2269901

You: I have a question that in recent years have been much on my mind.
Stranger: yess?
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: ? xD
Stranger: im no sciencetisit
You: well, it should be easy enough to figure out what happens, even without being a scientist
Stranger: it doenst drop? o.o
Stranger: doesnt*
You: if it doesn't drop, what would it do?
Stranger: float back up?
You: sorry, im a bit confused on why it would float back up
Stranger: cause their is no gravitity?
You: why wouldnt the moon have gravity?
Stranger: because it doesnt? u dont know this..?
You: I could have sworn that anything with mass has gravity. Are you saying that the moon is massless?
Stranger: well,... maybe? o.o
You: if it doesnt have mass, how is it in orbit arround the earth?
Stranger: look it up!
Stranger: idk!
Stranger: im not google.
Stranger: im not fucking CHACHA.
Stranger: or your mom
Stranger: srsly! fuck off1
You: dude
You: the pen would fall to the moon
You: the moon has gravity, because the moon has mass
You: to gauge your reaction
Stranger: v.v
You: im sorry if i've offended
Stranger: no u didn't
Stranger: its just was annoying as fuq
You: I know just how you feel
You have disconnected.

>> No.2269905

>Stranger: cause their is no gravitity?

>> No.2269909

>Stranger: im no sciencetisit

>> No.2269917

>theres no party on moon<

At least they know that much...or do they?

>> No.2269918

I just have to ask, the balloon does float away, right?
From what I remember, it has something to do with the energy required to reach the escape velocity of the atmosphere?

>> No.2269920

You: Hi there, I have a non-sexual question for you.
Stranger: ok
You: What happens if you drop a balloon on the moon?
Stranger: it doesnt drop
You: Really? Why?
Stranger: less gravity than earth
You: So what does the balloon do?
Stranger: float
You: float? You mean like into space?
Stranger: it would stick close to the moon
You: So you are suggesting it "orbits" the moon?
Stranger: sure
You: Okay, well how about if you are an astronaut in a space suit, standing on the moon, and you are holding a balloon. You then drop the balloon, what happens?
Stranger: same thing
Your partner has disconnected.

>> No.2269926

Helium doesn't weigh less than nothing.

>> No.2269929

The balloon would just pop from the imbalance in pressure, correct? :I

>> No.2269930

the moon has an atmosphere you know...slightly heavier than helium ever...and admittedly very very thin...but it is there.

>> No.2269937

Stranger: hi
You: Hey, I have a question
Stranger: hiiyes plz
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: ink will spill on the moo
Stranger: u ?
Stranger: r u there
You: Why would the ink spill on the moon?
Stranger: u r dropping the pen
You: The ink is contained in the pen, so how does it end up spilling?
Stranger: to tell u in detail i will have to go to moon
You: Touche.
Stranger: ok i will make a programme for moon would u come with me
You: Come with you? To the moon?
Stranger: yeah
You: Sure, why the hell not

brb, going to the moon with this dude

>> No.2269938

Stranger: it will turn into ur mom

>> No.2269943

Stranger: hi asl
You: i actually just have a quick question
Stranger: what
You: if you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats
You: balloons float on earth because helium is lighter than air, but theres no air on the moon
You: so helium=heavier?
You: balloon drops?
Stranger: no i mean it falls
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>> No.2269948

You: If you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: idk.
Stranger: nothing happens
You: Explain
Stranger: loll.
Stranger: idkk. because the balloon has less mass than the moon so it won't do anything to the moon.
You: oh.
Stranger: y?
You: It's just a question God asked me in a dream of mine.
You: I thought it might have a secret meaning
Stranger: whatt?
Stranger: theee??
Stranger: heckkk?
You: Yeah.
You: God can talk to me.
You: He can talk to you too
You: Just gotta listen.
You: WOAH!
You: no man.
You: Do you believe in a god?
Stranger: i believe in God but you need a sychitrist.
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>> No.2270254

bumpity bump

>> No.2270274

on the moon = no air = no air pressure
If the balloon is filled with helium, it is going to pop.

>> No.2270289
File: 8 KB, 229x252, 1293280027778s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Moon's "atmosphere" is so tenuous that it's technically considered an exosphere.
It's so thin that molecules in the lunar exosphere almost never collide with each other. Rather than constantly ricocheting off each other to create a cohesive, swarming mass of molecules as happens in Earth's atmosphere, molecules in the lunar exosphere fly unimpeded, like microscopic cannon balls following curved, ballistic trajectories.

And the oddity of the exosphere doesn't stop there. During the lunar night, the Moon's exosphere mostly falls to the ground. When sunlight returns, the solar wind kicks up new particles to replenish the exosphere.

After it launches in 2012, LADEE's spectrometers and dust detectors will measure the concentrations of 18 different chemicals in the exosphere, including methane and water vapor. These sensors will document how those chemicals vary, both from place to place and over time.

>> No.2270290
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Bullshit! who said the balloon was common latex anyways?

there are balloons made out of a wide variety of materials.

>> No.2270297

I think the balloon would implode, and then just slowly descend

>> No.2270309

pen falls down but slower than it would on earth

>> No.2270310

This shitty thread actually taught me something.

>> No.2270347
File: 124 KB, 584x575, 128680553258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: hey there
You: I've got a question for you
Stranger: shoot
You: assume you're somehow standing on the moon
You: and decide to drop a pen
You: what's gonna happen to it?
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: decide not to drop it
You: nothing?
You: well if it accidentally slips out of my hand
Stranger: you ' ve just decided to drop it
Stranger: you have not dropped it as yet
Stranger: it wud be floating
You: why would it float?
Stranger: no gravitational pull
You: hmm
You: so there's no gravity on the moon? you sure about that?
Stranger: yup
Stranger: why?
You: okay
You: I was just wondering
You: one last question
You: where do you live?
Stranger: India
You: I see
You: well thanks for your time
You have disconnected.

>> No.2270523

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: not fall,hanging in air
You: And why do you think that?
Stranger: air not there

>> No.2270549
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>> No.2270551

Real answers:

The pen would fall to the ground. The moon's gravity isn't as strong as earth's, but still strong enough to pull the pen down.

The balloon would probably pop. The lack of an atmosphere would allow the balloon's internal pressure to expand the balloon, to a point where the material it is made of doesn't have enough tensile strength, ripping the fabric. It doesn't matter if it's filled with helium or air, since both will generate the outward push. The popped balloon will then drop to the ground, like the pen would. If the balloon somehow manages to survive, it would fall down, regardless if it was filled with air or helium, since it doesn't have the atmosphere it would "float" on, as it does on earth.

But now arises a question, what happens if you drop a magnet on the moon?

>> No.2270564
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So what he basically said is that it would hang in the air... because the air is not there? Daamn...

>> No.2270611

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: I have a question
Stranger: okay
You: assume you go to the moon
Stranger: uh huh
You: you take out a pen
You: and drop it
You: what will happen?
Stranger: well I guess because of the gravity situation I
Stranger: 'm not really dropping it just letting go of it
Stranger: becuse it wouldnt fall
Stranger: i guess it would just float away
You: why wouldn't it fall?
Stranger: because it would float in air or whatever
Stranger: it wouldnt fall downwards or anywhere really
You: but why?
Stranger: because of gravity on space
Stranger: in*
You: but the gravity would cause the pen to fall DOWN amirite?
Stranger: the gravity there wouldnt make it fall from my hand if i let it go
Stranger: not neccisarily
Stranger: it might not go down art all
Stranger: it may just float
Stranger: and gradually move
Stranger: either further from you but maybe not down
You: does the moon have gravity?
Stranger: not comapred to what we have on earth
You: so it does have gravity, right?
Stranger: causing the pen to perhaps not fall
Stranger: yes but it's a lot weaker than on earrth
Stranger: I mean really think about it
You: and gravity is an attractive force, right?
Stranger: a person who weighs about 100 lbs here
You: gravity pulls shit
Stranger: would weight less than 20 lbs on the moon
Stranger: so a pen weighs who knows what, very very little
Stranger: then would have little force to pull it down
Stranger: so it would just float
Stranger: dude I said there is gravity on the moon... so yes for fucks sake he would expericene A DOWN WARD FORCE
Stranger: but the pen cos its so light may not really fall


>> No.2270623

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: sun shines
You: Best answer so far.
Stranger: als

>> No.2270650

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hey i know you
You: No you don't. There's quite a few people on asking that question.
Stranger: no i really do
You: Oh?
You: I've talked to like three people, I find that highly unlikely
Stranger: but it happens
You: It's more likely that you've talked to one of the other people who asked the same question though
Stranger: fine, anyways whats up with ppl askin that question?
You: We just want to see how many people are able to answer correctly, and if not what they answer instead.
Stranger: whats the answer anyways
You: It'll fall down. Because there's gravity there, like on all massive objects. It's just that it's one sixth of earth's, so it'll accelerate one sixth as fast.
Stranger: ....damn so scientific
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2270743

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i donno
Stranger: what ?
Stranger: :O
You: What do you think will happen
You: Ive been on this for quite some time
You: been bugging me all week :3
Stranger: it will explode
You: The moon?
Stranger: from pressures
Stranger: the pen
You: Please elaborate :/
Stranger: OR
Stranger: it will not reach the moon because no gravity
Stranger: :]
You: thank you
You: http://www.moonconnection.com/moon_gravity.phtml
Stranger: o.o
Stranger: ?
Stranger: am i right

>> No.2270768

one just called me mental because i asked

>> No.2270771

You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: howr the laads?
You: good. I have a question?
Stranger: what?
You: If you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it explodes
You: explain
Stranger: too much heat
Stranger: no atmosphere breaking thje sunlight
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: probably just stay suspended
You: why
You: ?
Stranger: no gravity

>> No.2270782

Be sure to ask their nationality, it can't possibly be ALL Americans who are dumbasses.

>> No.2270796

You: hello
Stranger: hey
You: Can you answer a question for me?
Stranger: okay
You: If you were to go to the moon...
You: and you dropped a pen
Stranger: ..
Stranger: i really don't know, why should i know this?
Stranger: do you know it and want to test how intelligent i am or do you don't kno it?
You: I have just been pondering it myself...
Stranger: okay
You: it's an interesting question...
Stranger: yes, it is
You: what do you think might happen?
Stranger: i think it wouldnt fall because of the agravitation
Stranger: zero gravity
You: on the moon?
Stranger: in the whole space i think
Stranger: or do you mean it would fall on the floor of the moon
You: I mean if you were standing on the surface of the moon, and you dropped a pen, would it drop?
Stranger: yes, i dont kniw
You: does the moon have gravity?
Stranger: thats what i was thinking about, i really have no idea
You: www.moonconnection.com/moon_gravity.phtml
You: Have a nice day

>> No.2270802

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hey
Stranger: heyyyy
You: If you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: asl
Stranger: idfk
Stranger: it bops problly
You: why ?
Stranger: idk
Stranger: imnot that smart
You: where r u from?
Stranger: hawaii

>> No.2270809

Everyone is retarded. The moon has a g of 4.8?

>> No.2270818

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Why not?
Stranger: what?
You: Some of the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay
You: They killed him yesterday
Stranger: Really?
You: Yes
Stranger: have you seen it happen? O.O
You: Yes
Stranger: how did they kill him?
Stranger: ?
You: the feds came
You: and put a black bag on his head
Stranger: and shot him
Stranger: in the head/
Stranger: ?
You: On the head
You: So he couldn't breathe
Stranger: there must be a lot of blood in the crime scene
You: Yes
You: Because they sell blood
Stranger: did you call the police O.O
Stranger: what blood type?
Stranger: A?
Stranger: B?
Stranger: O?
Stranger: AB?
You: And they also stole the tritium filled pannels from the Russian museum of national science
Stranger: That's cool!
You: But they had to get to US by water
Stranger: AWESOME!
Stranger: submarine?
You: they also made super heavy water from the tritium
You: and drank it
You: It's radioactive, and is called super-heavy water
Stranger: and they became..
You: tritium itself glows
You: and has a half life of roughly 11 years

>> No.2270826

You: hi there
Stranger: 18 m USA
Stranger: hiii
Stranger: :)
You: i have a question to you
You: can i ask :3
Stranger: gwon then :)
Stranger: yeah
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: i dunno wot does happen ?
You: even if you dont know, just say me what your opinion is on that
Stranger: would stick into the moons crust or float around
You: why would it float?
Stranger: less gravity
You: so would it fall or float?
Stranger: i would say if u dropped it it would jus stay wheer it was dropped :L
Stranger: so wots the awnser
You: it would fall my friend but the mass of the pen would be only 1/6 of its mass it would have on earth
You: so it would fall slower
You: http://www.moonconnection.com/moon_gravity.phtml
You: thx good day sir

>only in america

>> No.2270827


Stranger: what happened to them?
Stranger: after they drank the super-heavy water?
You: I have no idea, they're attacking Wikileaks now
Stranger: oh! they're also hackers
You: This is a dream
Stranger: yeah i know
You: me too
Stranger: an impossible drean
Stranger: dream*
Stranger: HAHAHA
You: but yeseterday it felt like this was some kind of a hallucination based on the 4-dimensional brain affected by the schizotypical personality disorder

>> No.2270837

>pen would be only 1/6 of its mass

it doesn't work that way.

>> No.2270845

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: you can't drop a pen with no gravity
You: So theres no gravity on the moon?
Stranger: yeah
You: So how did the moon landings happen?
You: Why didn't everyone just float away?
Stranger: rocket power and machinery
Stranger: we build it sooit could with stand those conditions
Stranger: the pen would float off into space
You: but how could the astronauts walk about if there was no gravity? what was keeping them down?
Stranger: they didn't use much force and it would just die down and the could go back down to the planet
Stranger: SUCK ON THAT!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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>> No.2270852

yes i made a mistake, mass never changes but its weight would change

>> No.2270857

cant write on omegle on kindle

>> No.2270859

Its mass would be exactly the same, you pretentious retard!
Damn, beat me to it.

>> No.2270860

You: Hello.
Stranger: hi
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: pen will not fall fast,but slowly
You: Why?
Stranger: coz no gravitation.

>> No.2270861

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: can i ask you something
You: yes
Stranger: what would happen if you drop a pen on the moon?
You: lol
You: 4Chan
Stranger: thats the wrong answer
You: it would fall
You: gravity is 1/6th of earth's
You: a balloon would pop
Stranger: the more you know. dont go on that site
Stranger: thx for answering
Stranger: good day
You: i am not american btw
You: u too.
Stranger: obviously

>> No.2270874

stay classy /sci/

>> No.2270877

No, you're wrong. Fucking retards, GTFO /sci/.

>> No.2270891
File: 270 KB, 800x549, Homer-Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: hello
You: Hey
Stranger: asl?
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: umm......
Stranger: lemme think
You: Well, what do you think would happen? =o
Stranger: by the way are you some aerospace kid?
You: Somewhat, yes.
Stranger: oouch
You: That shouldn't affect what happens to a pen dropped on the moon though =o
Stranger: you didn`t get bored
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: ok
Stranger: pen can`t be dropped on moon`s surface
Stranger: it will be floating

>implying the moon fails to generate a gravitational field

>> No.2270945
File: 42 KB, 500x319, angrysparta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2270952

In all seriousness, wouldn't the balloon either float or explode? If it's filled to a "normal" volume, it would be filled at a very low pressure to match that of the moons "atmosphere (guess what, it's not absolute 0 atm guys)". If it's filled up at 1 atm, then wouldn't it expand enough to explode?

>> No.2270955

no atmosphere on the moon to float on

>> No.2270962

Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl
Stranger: :P
You: 21 female utah
Stranger: 21 female too
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: what do you do ?
You: i'm a mormom
You: mormon*
You: i got a qu[estion
Stranger: that's not a job
Stranger: ya ?
You: its my job, k?
You: anyways...
Stranger: ahha okay
You: heres my question:
Stranger: I'm not religious
Stranger: ya
You: idc, if you were on the moon and you dropped a men what would happen
You: dropped a pen* sorry fuck
Stranger: Oh ! lol that's funny you can't do that
You: your right, shoot
Stranger: yeap
You: ?
You: wow are you going to answer the question
You: what the hell, are you stupid
Stranger: wth !
Stranger: I answered !
Stranger: you can't do that
You: u did not
Stranger: there is no gravity
You: u did not say anything
You: there is no gravity? when did you say that
Stranger: I said you can't !!!!
You: you can't drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: no
You: where are you from?
Stranger: france
Stranger: you ?
You: lol ok wait, how old are you
Stranger: why you ask me ?
You: are you really 21?
Stranger: yes
You: then how the hell do you not know that there is gravity on the moon
Stranger: it is not that much
Stranger: to dropp a pen
You: the pen would fall
Stranger: no way
You: yes way
You: wow your 21?
You: lol
Stranger: so what !!!!!!!!!
Stranger: I have no info doesn't meen I am stupid
You: u have no info?
You: wtf?
You: your 21?
You: did you go to school?

>> No.2270961

On the low pressure thing. The low pressure of helium gas would have a density low than that of gasses on the moon, the average molar mass of helium is lower than that of gasses on the moon.

>> No.2270965

You don't count 10^-13 atm an atmosphere?

>> No.2270969

nope, i call that a technical vacuum

>> No.2270971

Stranger: hey a s l?
You: If you dropped a pen on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: nothing ou canrt drop a pen on the moon it will float
You: why wouldn't it fall? Humans walked on the moon and they fell just fine.
Stranger: because things float in outer space and its light light things will float on water so why not space
You: haha, actually it would fall at 1/6th the speed it would fall on earth
Stranger: shutup
Stranger: i am not stupid i am horny
You: If you dropped a load on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: idk
You: haha thanks for playing

>> No.2270972

More than a vacuum, it's fucking UHV.

>> No.2270973

You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: May I ask you something?
Stranger: yes
You: If you dropped a pen on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: i dont know
Stranger: lol
You: Tell whatever comes to your mind on the issue.
Stranger: asl
Stranger: it would fall down and hit someone in the penis
Stranger: ok
Stranger: now asl
You: I'm not into cybering.
You: Have a good afternoon, though.

>> No.2270977

Stranger: hi
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?

Stranger: it goes up
You: and why does it do this?
Stranger: because of anti-gravity
You: okay thanks for your time. Remember, there are now worng answers
You: exept yours
You: yours was very wrong

>> No.2270985

Stranger: bi
Stranger: hi
You: i'm doing a random internet survey to see the average intelligence of people met on anonymous chat sites
Stranger: 0k
You: if you were on the moon and you dropped a pen what would happen
Stranger: it wouldnt drop? there isnt very much gravity on the moon
You: please do not cheat
Stranger: im not cheating
You: if you and your best friend were each riding pterodactyls towards each other and a tornado were to spontaneously occur in between you two just before collision, should you fly UP or DOWN on your pterodactyl
Stranger: ummmmmmmmmm up
You: how many colors are in a double rainbow
Stranger: 14
You: very good

>> No.2270987

You: Hello
Stranger: I'm lesbian
You: I'm okay with this
You: May I ask you a question?
Stranger: Yeah
You: If you dropped a pen on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: I don't no :/
You: A wild guess, maybe?
Stranger: It would go down a crater ???
You: That's a reasonable answer.
You: What's your nationality?
Stranger: Uk u ???
You: Brazilian.
You: Have a good day.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2271027

Stranger: 18 male
You: what happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: yu pick it up
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271035

Now that guy, he's a problem solver. I like him already.

>> No.2271049

This isn't the pen question, but it's one of my favorites. I cut off a little in the beginning. Basically I asked if there was "sound in space."

You: Can you not conclude for yourself using the information I have provided you?
Stranger: whast conclude
You: To think for one's self.
Stranger: o.O!
Stranger: thank you for this information
Stranger: :-D
You: Now, is there sound in outer space?
Stranger: yes!
You: How can there be?
Stranger: because
Stranger: thees sonic radioton
You: There is no medium for the waves to propagate.
Stranger: whats propagate
You: To move through.
Stranger: so thers no sound in space
Stranger: =.=
You: Why did you not already know that?
Stranger: because i didnt learn that!
Stranger: and on movies
Stranger: people talk
Stranger: and i can hear it
Stranger: when they are ins pace
Stranger: =.=
You: And you didn't assume that movies take creative liberties for the story?
Stranger: whats creative liberties
Stranger: why are you so smart
You: Because I am capable of higher thought.
Stranger: your a robot
You: I can only assume you are not because you choose to be.
Stranger: yeh!
You: So you choose to be stupid?
Stranger: im 16/f/aus

>> No.2271055

Stranger: hi
You: hey, what happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: the pen won't fall on the foloor
Stranger: floor*
You: why do you think that?
Stranger: there is no gavity on the moon
Stranger: or too low
You: all objects with mass have gravity
Stranger: ok
You: do you still think that the pen will float?
Stranger: fall down slowly maybe
Stranger: i hate physics!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

just as they get it right they ruin it

>> No.2271087

>You: So you choose to be stupid?
>Stranger: im 16/f/aus

you questioned, she answered.

>> No.2271096
File: 89 KB, 552x438, Deal-with-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: Hello
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271113

Stranger: hey babes
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You: :D
Stranger: you cant drop pens on the moon, they float

lol'd hard

>> No.2271124


Sound = vibrations

There are vibrations in space bro. You mad?

>> No.2271150

Stranger: hayy
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: does it float
You: Does it?
Stranger: hmmm....
Stranger: actually i dunno ;l
Stranger: :L
You: Well, think for a second.
Stranger: it would float
You: Why would it float? Why wouldn't it?
Stranger: cos of gravity and shiz
You: Yes, gravity
You: Is it nonexistant on the moon?
Stranger: well, bye isaac newton :)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I am the isaac newton. its me

>> No.2271163

Knowing what happens when a pen drops on the moon doesn't make you smart.

You learn this in high school.

>> No.2271166


>> No.2271183
File: 3 KB, 100x100, 5spiderface_tn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: hey nigger, what happens if you drop a pen on the moon
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271205

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: flying away..
You: the pen would fly away?
Stranger: yes
You: are you sure? explain why
Stranger: because at the moon dont have gravity
You: oh ok
You: what country are you from
Stranger: uk
You: thank you, that Is all I wanted to know

>> No.2271213

You: Hello.
Stranger: Hi, :)
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: It floats?
You: Why would it float?
Stranger: Because lack of gravity.
You: But people have been to the moon, and they seemed to do fine.
Stranger: Yeah, but they like walk really strange because of the lack of gravity. They're like bouncing up and down, because they cannot stay in one place.
You: But they still fell to the ground, right?
Stranger: Yes, but they don't stay there. So neither would the pen.

>> No.2271214
File: 7 KB, 300x300, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2271222

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats
Stranger: ?
You: thx. are you american?
Stranger: mmhm
You: great. So they were right. Americans ARE idiots lol
You have disconnected.
Well... this proves something...

>> No.2271242

You: hey :)
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: someday ill be living in a big ole city and all your ever gonna be is mean #teamswift
Stranger: idk, tell me
You: What do you think?
Stranger: i think your pretty.
Stranger: actually, your beautiful and no one has the right to make you feel like your not
You: Thanks.
You: Bye


>> No.2271243

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
You: Can I ask something?
Stranger: How are you?
Stranger: Sure
You: So let's say you're on the moon..
Stranger: I'm on the moon, yes
You: And you drop a pen.
You: What happens?
Stranger: Ahaha. Well, the pen would float unless downward/upward pressure was placed on it
You: Why wouldn't it fall?
Stranger: Because the rate of gravity is lower on the moon
You: But there's still some gravity.
You: Right?
Stranger: Not enough to pull it down without help
You: Ok.
You: Oh btw where are you from?
Stranger: Kansas haha
You: Right.
You: Thanks, that's all.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2271248

You: what would happen if you dropped a pen on the moon?
Stranger: then i'll buy another one
You: First smart answer lol!
You: not the "correct" one...
You: but the others said it would float away
Stranger: are you serious
You: ye
Stranger: noooo
Stranger: how it will float
You: there's an entire thread on a forum about this question being answered wrong on omegle lol
Stranger: moon havve gravity
You: yes. of course it does :D
Stranger: 1/6th of the earth
Stranger: then it will float for sometime
Stranger: and it will get settle down
You: ye... it would something like 1-2 seconds max if you have a rly light pen
You: one more question... you aren't american, are you? :P
Stranger: yes i am not an American
You: good. point proven. apparently, americans can't answer this question -.-

>> No.2271259

>~1 atom per m²
>implying anything or anyone would hear that

>> No.2271261

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: NO JIMMY PROTESTED!!!!!!!!
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: IT BOUNCES
You: Why
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271264
File: 53 KB, 1142x466, Omegle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Lol'd at this guy.

>> No.2271276

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hello
Stranger: it slowly falls to the ground?
You: finally
You: yes
You: everyone says it floats
You: bye
You have disconnected.

Well not slowly but atleast he knew it would drop

>> No.2271280

You: Hey
Stranger: hi
You: How are you?
Stranger: fine
Stranger: haha
Stranger: how bout u?
You: Good, thanks.
You: Listen...
You: What happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: is it tricky question
Stranger: huhu
You: Nope. Give it a go. :)
Stranger: the pen will flying
You: WAT

>> No.2271283

Stranger: hi
You: hello, i have a question for you
Stranger: does it involve a horse?
You: no actually it does not.
Stranger: then by all means carry on
You: if i were to drop a pen as i was standing on the moon, what would happen to the pen?
Stranger: it would fall to the moon's surface
You: thats vague enough to be considered correct. congrats.
Stranger: oh you want specific?
Stranger: acceleration due to lunar gravity is roughly 1.6 m/s^2
Stranger: earths gravity is 9.8 m/s^2
You: haha. yesss. you sir have a nice day. watch out for niggers, see ya on the next /sci/ thread
Stranger: however due to distance and gravity being the inverse of distance squared earth's gravitational effect on the moon is negligable
Stranger: i own a horse
You: me too, me too

>> No.2271286

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
You: Hello
Stranger: how is it?
You: It's cool, bro
Stranger: same here
You: Can I ask a question?
Stranger: yes
You: It's been bugging me.
You: If you go to the moon and drop a pen, what happens?
You: Pen falls? Floats? Or something else?
Stranger: dont really know
You: Hmm...
You: Does moon have gravity?
Stranger: yes
You: I see.
You: Isn't gravity the reason things fall?
You: Like, if you drop a pen here, then it falls because of gravity..
You: So is it the same on the moon?
Stranger: yes I think that
You: Cool
You: Thanks
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: sweden
You: Allright.
You: Thanks, that's all I need.
You have disconnected.

Did I just teach someone something?

>> No.2271296

BTW, I just calculated this, and please correct me if I'm wrong, not sure about the formula: x=v0 + a*(t^2)/2, where x is the distance, v0 initial speed, a acceleration and t the time. Considered x, the height of the pen, 2 metres, acceleration of 1.5 m/s^2, v0 0 and came up with 1.5 seconds :P . Please tell me if this is the right formula, since I don't remember, and can't find it on the web :| P.S. Just found an indian guy who knew it would fall!

>> No.2271298

>if you have a rly light pen

>> No.2271301

Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: fuck you
Stranger: heyy babes
You: lol
You: what would happen if you drop a pen on the moon
Stranger: it would land on the moon
You: good good
You: you win the internet
Stranger: thank you
You: :D
You: and you probably aren't american
You: are you
Stranger: no, im in the midwest of america.
Stranger: are you american?
You: no I'm not
Stranger: europe?
You: congratulations, you don't belong to the retarded majority of america
You: yes, netherlands
Stranger: they're not retarded they just have large egos and feel like they don't have to try
You: sounds retarded to me
Stranger: depends on your definition. im not fat either!
You: haha good
Stranger: have you ever been to the us?
You: but was nice talking to you, I'm off to go and appreciate clouds
Stranger: have fun
You: bye!
You have disconnected.

>> No.2271307

A better question would involve the Apollo 15 feather and hammer experiment:
If you dropped a feather and a hammer on the moon which would land first?

>> No.2271312

dude if your gonna use a guy for something like this might as well be truthful rather than lie and be a dick

>> No.2271322

Stranger: hi frajerze
Stranger: :)
You: piss off, I'm eating
Stranger: hehe : D
Stranger: ok.
You: what would happen if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: hard question..
Stranger: : ]
You: do you think it would just stay there and float? or will it fall?
Stranger: stay there and float : D
You: allright thank you
You: and where are you from?
Stranger: hjahaa : D
Stranger: Poland man : D
Stranger: and You ?
You: netherlands
Stranger: oh great. You smoking ganja?
Stranger: mushroom
Stranger: or something?
You: ahaha no, snorting speed
Stranger: haha : D
Stranger: I guess that you smoking something : D
You: just tabacco
Stranger: aa , sure ; D
You: haha nigger
Stranger: : d
You: but time to go and masturbate, was nice talking to you
You: sieg heil
You have disconnected.

>> No.2271357

Stranger: hi
You: Hello
You: Mind if I ask a question?
You: For statistical purposes.
Stranger: sure
You: Nothing too personal.
You: If you went to the moon and dropped a pen, what do you think would happen?
Stranger: hm the pen will fly in the universum oO
You: Oh wow.
You: Why?
Stranger: dont know
Stranger: what you think?
You: Hmm
You: Well, there is gravity, right?
Stranger: right
You: Soo..
You: Would it fall?
Stranger: i thin no
You: How about a man?
Stranger: am will implode
Stranger: i think
You: In a suit?
Stranger: hm
You: Like the Apollo mission?
Stranger: don know
Stranger: no idea
You: Didn't they go to the moon?
You: Neil Armstrong etc.
You: Well, nevermind.
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: germany
Stranger: uß
Stranger: ?
You: That's all I need.
You: Thanks for answering.
Stranger: ?
You: Bye.
Stranger: no problem
Stranger: bye
You have disconnected.

It's quite confusing, really..

>> No.2271373

Stranger: moo
You: baaa
Stranger: meow
You: woof
Stranger: quack
You: awwwoooooooo
Stranger: gobble gobble
You: cawww cawwwww
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

im not sure what happened

>> No.2271462

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: CLUCK CLUCK!
You: QWACK!!
Stranger: MEOW
You: Hither! Hither! Come!
Stranger: Roar! I'm here!
You: Catious! Apparently!
Stranger: Apparently not!
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens to the pen?
Stranger: It will bounce and float back up in the air. BOOM!
You: Oh really
You: I didn't know that
Stranger: Yes because I said so
You: Fuck the laws of gravity ehh?
Stranger: Yup there are no laws of gravity. Not on the moon. The moon wins!
You: So what you're saying is that gravity is a fire type and the moon a water type?
Stranger: Yes it is exactly like that. You understand completely. 10+ points for you
You: Good, I'll buy some max potions with that.
Stranger: Good, you should do that
You: I've got some pokeballs going spare, want to buy some?
Stranger: Yes I will buy all that you have
You: Okay, 12 pokeballs at 4 points each
You: Confirm transaction?
Stranger: Transaction confrimed.
You: 'You recived 12 pokeballs'
You: Rapidash! Attack!
You: Let's steal his money
You: Use Flamethrower!
Stranger: I throw my 12 pokeballs at you!
You: It's super effective!
Stranger: I steal your flamethrower and throw that at you too
Stranger: I'm only good at throwing things.....
You: Where are your Pokemon?
Stranger: They all died when you used the flame thrower. You killed them all
You: I see, wanna go Lavender and celebrate their lives?
Stranger: Sure
You: Let's Go!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271488


What is this?? I don't even

>> No.2271530

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: Floats
You: Why?
Stranger: No gravity dumbass
You: Alright, one last question.
Stranger: Go
You: What country do you live in?
Stranger: Usa


>> No.2271533

Notice how the arrogance of a typical /sci/ goer immediately assumes any intelligent folk on Omegle MUST BE from /sci/.

You guys are insufferable.

>> No.2271536

Been keeping statistics:
Country: amount of people answered correct (with or without explanation) /amount of people answered total

USA: 0/2
Canada: 0/1
Spain: 0/1
UK: 1/1
Sweden 1/1
India 1/1

People that disconnected without answering: 3

Other: 5

Then I started getting too many horny males and decided to stop.

Also, asked my 14 you sister (Finnish). Thought it would float up BECAUSE OF GRAVITATION.


>> No.2271541

LOLing at no gravity!

>> No.2271548

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats around?
You: Why is that?
Stranger: well i guess it would float slowly down. because there is less gravity
You: Wait.
You: What do you study?
Stranger: english
You: Love you.
You: One last question
You: What country are you in?
Stranger: usa
You: <3.

>> No.2271553

/lit/ confirmed for being intelligent.

>> No.2271564

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: name
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it wont fall,it ll be floating
Stranger: :D
You: how?
Stranger: due the non gravity
Stranger: :D
Stranger: why what happened
You: How do astronauts stand on it?
You: why dont they float away?
Stranger: there is no gravity but due to our pressure we can able to push the thing
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: india
Stranger: you
You: U.K
You: Female or male?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: m
Stranger: you

>> No.2271582

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: i drop a pen.. i sign the moon and thats my gift to the world
You: derp.

>> No.2271587

Stranger: FUCK MY ASS
You: Hey, can i ask you something?
Stranger: anything
You: What would happen if you dropped a pen on the moon? 83/83 people so far have gotten this wrong.
Stranger: it would drop to the ground
You: YAY!!!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I don't get it..
You: YOU'RE NOT A dumbass
Stranger: what was the typical responce
You: everyone says it would float away
You: or fall to earth
You: or implode
Stranger: lol wow
You: ya....
Stranger: I shoulda said, "The moon doesn't exist, we never went there, and the Earth is flat"
You: The answer "A pikachu would fuck it in the ass" was kinda funny
Stranger: haha
You: Good day sir.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2271610


>> No.2271620

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floatss
You: and why is that?
Stranger: gravity
You: but gravity makes you fall down.
You: so why doesn't the pen fall down?
Stranger: urmmm why r u randomly asking this
You: Sorry, it's just a random thought that's been bothering me.
Stranger: cozz the moon hass less mass thing , ahh shuldnt have skived the science lessons

>fall down
>because of the moons mass.


>> No.2271664
File: 1.40 MB, 194x194, taeyeondance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: horny 20 m looking to share pics
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: umm it floats there
You: Why?
Stranger: because theres no gravity
You: asl?
Stranger: 20 m ny
You: oh cool just wondering though whats your ethnicity?
Stranger: White is Right
You: ... you're 20 and white and you just said that the moon has no gravity
You: think very carefully about your answer
You have disconnected.
or switch to video or send us feedback
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>> No.2271667

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: it floats
You: Why is that?
Stranger: because theres no gravity
Stranger: well less gravity
You: Then why do astronauts not float too?
You: They fall down.
Stranger: they do
Stranger: cause they jump
Stranger: thats why they jump
Stranger: so they dont float away
Stranger: there momentum brings them back down
You: Alright.
You: One last question.
You: What country are you from?
Stranger: united states

>> No.2271703
File: 26 KB, 400x309, south-park-33_michael_jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens? 43/43 people got this wrong.
Stranger: it floats
Stranger: der is no gravity
You: 44/44 people got this wrong
You: you idiot
You: the moon has gravity
Stranger: wats the ans
You: the pen would fall
You: just slower
Stranger: no it wuln u retard
You: oh man
Stranger: ur ignorat

>> No.2271720

I dont believe this. No way people can be this stupid.
I think you only post the wrong ones.

>> No.2271753

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: Assuming that you simply let go? The weak gravitational pull would cause the pen to slowly fall to the surface
Stranger: Assuming you gave it a bit of force in which direction to go, the pen would fall faster
Stranger: Since the moon has a dusty surface as opposed to a solid one, there would be a small cloud when it finally hit
Stranger: Oh, and no sound whatsoever
Stranger: not /sci/
Stranger: but you can call me /b/ro
You: /b/ro fist@!
Stranger: /b/ro fist!

>> No.2271756
File: 27 KB, 864x223, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2271762

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271769
File: 27 KB, 908x309, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a genius

>> No.2271770


Never, NEVER underestimate the stupidity of this species.

>> No.2271774

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: i dno
Stranger: it rolls off

>> No.2271779
File: 40 KB, 890x317, lol2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2271783

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: asl
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats?
You: thank you for further confirming the stupidity of the planet
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2271795
File: 32 KB, 875x260, Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. So much for the theory of European public schools being better than ours.

>> No.2271811
File: 50 KB, 921x405, lol3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2271817

Stranger: HELLO
You: do you want some boobies?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: give it to me
You: answer my qestion, get it right, you will have boobs
Stranger: male or female
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it penetrates
You: penetrates what? and why?
Stranger: the moon
Stranger: it creates a hole in the v
You: wow, how does it make a hole ?
Stranger: when it goes through it, it creates a hole
Stranger: plz can i know your name
You: julie
Stranger: pleasedto meet you
Stranger: mine is Brooklyn
You: i lied, I'm JAMAL AND I'm HAIRY!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>creates hole on moon

>> No.2271833
File: 193 KB, 461x487, 1283303088794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol'd at ending
also lol'd at the "piss off, I'm eating" beginning, dunno why

>> No.2271840
File: 42 KB, 912x317, lol4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2271861

I have had 9 people get it wrong in a row before one person got it right.

>> No.2271863

You: Hey.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it willfall
Stranger: due to gravity of moon
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.2271869

I got 1 /b/ro getting it right...>>2271753

>> No.2271890

8 people, all living in the US, two of which were not american, got it right... in a row.

Then 3 got it wrong.

Then 4 got it right.

Then one gets it wrong and admits they gave me the wrong answer just to mess with me.


>> No.2271986

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You have disconnected.

I was outsmarted.

>> No.2271992

Stranger: hi
You: Hi
Stranger: how are you?
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it doesnt fall?
You: why?
Stranger: gravity
Stranger: i mean theres not much of it
You: moon surely has gravity albeit 1/6 of earths
You: thnx for answering
You: where are u from?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: chicago
You: figures

>> No.2272034

i don't even know

>> No.2272047

You: hey
Stranger: heyy
You: dont just copy what i say with an extra letter on the end you fucker
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272053

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it falls dwn slowly
You: good, good
You: what country do you live in
Stranger: eng

Proof of master race.

>> No.2272062

Stranger: hey
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: You lose a perfectly good pen. Shame on you!
You: You win this round

>> No.2272092

You: hey
Stranger: hi
Stranger: m,21
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: nothing
You: because?
Stranger: more gravity is there
Stranger: it start revolving there
Stranger: m i right
You: so your saying the moon has more gravity than earth and that means the pen just floats?
Stranger: ya
You: what country you from?
Stranger: pakistan
You: figures
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272099

Stranger: PENIS.
Stranger: hi.
You: Oh dear
You: If you drop a penis on the moon, what happens?
You: *pen
You: I mean PEN
Stranger: LOL.
Stranger: what happens?
You: I'm asking you.
Stranger: i have no idea.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: oh.
Stranger: wait,.
Stranger: fail.
You: Think hard, search deep for the answer
You: You know it is inside of you
Stranger: theres gravity.
Stranger: lmfao
You: So what happens to the pen?
Stranger: it cant be dropped
Stranger: it floats ! :D
Stranger: floats?
Stranger: that wasnt the right word.
Stranger: lol
You: Ok, thanks.
You: Now I am prepared for my trip to the moon.

I forgot to ask for the country.

>> No.2272116

You: omg i love to inject peracetic acid in my scrotum
Stranger: what an incredible idea
You: yeah you should try it
Stranger: i think im gonna try that
You: allright sweet! :D
Stranger: at least, i would if i had a scrotum....
You: you silly, there are no girls on the internet
Stranger: i know
Stranger: im a choir-boy
You: lololol
You: and they just removed the whole package?
Stranger: well....
You: and glued it with epoxy glue?
Stranger: 'fraid not
Stranger: glue stick....
You: sweet
You: I love epoxides
Stranger: no epoxides for my scrote...
You: awww
Stranger: dont pity me!
You: do you like pie?
Stranger: and my lack of balls!
Stranger: ooh pie!
Stranger: yes, i love pie
You: me too! and do you love cats too? :D
Stranger: cats are ok
Stranger: but you know when i love cats?
Stranger: when they're in a pie!
You: lololol exactly my thought
Stranger: oh damn
You: we should totally make a cat-pie
Stranger: we're totally on the same wavelength
Stranger: are you sure you have a scrotum?
You: yes, two, I got yours
Stranger: ah, donations?
Stranger: what happened to your own?
You: no was out back in the trahbin of the scrotumremoval clinic
You: and I just took it
Stranger: i see
Stranger: what happened to your own?

>> No.2272123

You: it's still there but now it has your scrotum to play with
Stranger: oh wow
Stranger: 4 balls?
You: yes 4 balls indeed
You: well actually 3
You: one of your balls suffered from testicular cancer
You: so I had to remove it
Stranger: ah yea, good old lefty
You: ahhh lefty, I miss him sometimes
Stranger: he fought long and hard
You: yes but he always was the underdog
Stranger: that he was
Stranger: always trailing behind
You: yeah, it's for the best this way
You: but we should move on, and not grief for too long, and make a cat-pie
Stranger: mmmm
Stranger: hey...
Stranger: did you put lefty in a pie?
You: technically, yes
You: the cat ate lefty, and that cat ended up in a pie
Stranger: aah...
Stranger: God bless the food chain
You: yes, indeed
You: so actually lefty is with us still
You: you are what you eat
Stranger: and you are lefty
Stranger: my left nut
You: so I'm a cat-pie-testicle
You: indeed
You: it is time to go, there's a pie in the oven waiting for me
Stranger: enjoy cat ball pie
You: I will, and I'll take good care of the scrotae
You: have a nice day sir and a happy new year!
Stranger: and the same to you
You: :)

>> No.2272133
File: 44 KB, 915x450, polols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poland confirmed for inbred betas

>> No.2272149
File: 79 KB, 861x547, Screen shot 2010-12-30 at 2.02.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2272151
File: 13 KB, 100x100, 0001-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: howdy
You: howdy partner
Stranger: i rekon you're from tennessee
You: no I am not
Stranger: lols texas?
You: I'm not even from the united states, why would you think that
You: americans are retarded
You: they don't even know what happens if you drop a pen on the moon
Stranger: aww darn
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272200

I think we trolled all of omegle. Every time I ask, they disconnect.

>> No.2272216

Stranger: hello.
You: hello
You: I have a simple question
Stranger: what is it?
You: I'm trying to gauge to intelligence of omegle users
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: umm idk ? :P
Stranger: I am not a nerd.
You: Oh, come on, give it a shot
You: I'm pretty sure you learn this stuff in middle school
Stranger: Ok wait ... ummm the pen goes invi ? :P
Stranger: not really .
You: invi?
You: invisible?
Stranger: Ah yeah
You: So, you don't know.
Stranger: Yeah obviously.
You: alright, thanks
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272221

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: May I ask you a question?
Stranger: you certainly may
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it just drop...just like that
You: Winner winner chicken dinner
You: Your prize is actually nothing
You: Thanks for playing
Stranger: you are really a troll....even on omegle...
Stranger: lol
You: What country are you from?
Stranger: indoensia
Stranger: indonesia
You: thank you and have a nice day

>> No.2272225

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Hey.
Stranger: hi :)
You: How're you?
Stranger: i'm good, thanks you. hbu?
You: I'm doing pretty good, thanks!
You: Quick question:
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You: It's been buggin' me.
Stranger: it won't drop?
You: Why not?
Stranger: cause of gravity?
You: What about the gravity? I don't understand that part.
Stranger: hhhmmm, is that your assignment?
You: Nah, my friend is buggin' me about it. Says it'll float.
You: I'm not sure.
Stranger: yeah, it will
You: Oh, okay. really?
You: Hey, where're you from, anyway?
Stranger: uhm yeah,
Stranger: i'm asian
You: Ah. You give asians a bad name.

>> No.2272229

You: Hello.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: asl please?
You: No, I'm not some horny female looking to get laid tonight, I have a question
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: i m not also horney
You: But I'm not female. And you're undoubtably male
Stranger: ur mother get fucked then by ur brother
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272233

Stranger: I am I, you are you, we are we
We could live in such harmony.
You: Cut the rethoric. What do you know about pens and moons?
Stranger: You cant drop a pen on the moon.
You: You lie.
Stranger: I'm sorry. <|3
You: Tell me the truth.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272235

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You: lol4chan
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272249

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi asl
You: Hey
You: No, I will not do any "asl"
Stranger: that age sex location]
You: I have a question for you.
Stranger: wt
You: What will happen if you drop a pen on the moon?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272251

You: Do you love Jesus?
Stranger: Not really...
You: Good.
You: May I ask you something personally?
Stranger: Sure.
You: What happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: I don't get the metaphor.
You: It is not a metaphor.
Stranger: Alright.
You: Think about that. Good night!

>> No.2272255

You: Hello
Stranger: hai
You: So.
You: If you drop a moon on a pen, what would happen?
You: Oops.
Stranger: it jumps
You: Delightful.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272269

Stranger: hi
You: Hey
You: mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: go on
You: If you drop a pen on the moon what happens?
Stranger: it floats
You: Hmm, I see
You: a/s/l?
You: well I dont care about the sex
You: a/l rather
Stranger: 16 male ireland
Stranger: u?
You: 23/f/antarctica
You: thank you for your data
You: goodbye

>> No.2272270

Stranger: hey
You: Hi
Stranger: asl?
You: Why?
Stranger: because when u see someone u can guess his or her asl
Stranger: that doesnt work here ;)
You: But, you could guess wrong and I could lie. What good does that do anyone? :)
Stranger: the same as everything else^^
You: ...That makes no sense.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Gotcha bitch!

>> No.2272278

Stranger: hi
You: What would happen if you dropped a pen on the Moon?
Stranger: it wouldnt fall
You: Why would you say it so?
Stranger: beause it doesnt have any gravity
You: Good, good.
Stranger: why do you ask?
You: It's a survey.
Stranger: okay?
Stranger: did i pass?
You: Well, for one last thing, can you tell me your location?
Stranger: california
You: Aye, thank you very much. Have a nice day.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272282

You: Hello
Stranger: bon soir
You: do you mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: yes
You: So you do mind?
You: I wouldn't want to intrude if you dont want me to ask.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272291

SWE 5 - CZE 3

You: God!
Stranger: hey
You: How are you?
Stranger: JEBUS
Stranger: asl
Stranger: i like the sound of thaat
Stranger: :0
You: ò¿¸Ó
You: What happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: :o <------------------------------3
Stranger: i don't know
You: What do you think?
Stranger: it will float
You: How?
Stranger: just tell me the answer
You: It will fall.
You: Like on earth, just not as fast.
Stranger: and hit you in the eye

>> No.2272292

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Hey
Stranger: hii
You: I have a question for you.
Stranger: ask away
You: What will happen if I drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: omg this is the second time i met u
You: Probably not
Stranger: its supposed to be weightlesss
Stranger: weightless
Stranger: duhhhhh
You: What will happen, then?
Stranger: buy another
Stranger: pen
You: Wait, you mean it'll float away?
Stranger: yeahh pretty much
Stranger: lol
You: Okay, thanks for your cooperation.
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272297

Stranger: hey asl
You: What would happen if you dropped a pen on the Moon?
Stranger: it would float heard this one already
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272302

Stranger: so why do you come on omegle?
You: Because I am bored.
Stranger: i do it to mastervate
Stranger: bate*
You: Masturbate*

>> No.2272303
File: 1.99 MB, 196x235, 1278989079879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it turns it blue
Stranger: or black depending on the color of the pen
You: but, it's original color will change?
You: if dropped, on the moon?
Stranger: the moon will change
You: oh shit!
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272307

I asked it one time and the guy replied, "I'd be famous." I couldn't argue with it so he won.

>> No.2272310

Stranger: gah
Stranger: no
Stranger: not again
You: Im sorry?
Stranger: kidding
Stranger: whats new?
Stranger: :D
You: Are you ok?
Stranger: sure thing
Stranger: .>,
You: I am doing a study of the internet, to include omegle. Mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: i suppose
Stranger: ?
You: if you drop a pen on the moon what happens?
Stranger: it drops to the surface
Stranger: but at about 0.6 the accelleration of earth
Stranger: and no air resistence
You: most excellent
Stranger: :)
You: age and country?
Stranger: my guess is most people miss this question?
Stranger: 25, usa
You: Yes, you are the only one to get it right to that degree.
Stranger: lmao
You: Most people say things like it floats
Stranger: sigh...
Stranger: i weep for our species
You: Indeed
You: Well, thank you for your time, I am off to collect more information. Goodbye.

>> No.2272315

/sci/ here are the answers
i think.

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: Howdy
Stranger: It falls. slowly
Stranger: Well, slower then on Earth
Stranger: Not many people on here get it right
You: hm
Stranger: Yeah?
You: so what happens if you drop a helium balloon on the moon
Stranger: It wouldn't sail off into space
Stranger: But it would stay up there for a long time
Stranger: Wait
Stranger: nvm
You: hmm
You: uhh
Stranger: You'd need force make it to space.
You: what will the helium in the balloon do
Stranger: leak out eventually. Unless it was an airtight balloon that could never break
Stranger: Anything else?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272322 [DELETED] 

Stranger: hi
Stranger: m/f
You: f
You: Mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: so r u horny
Stranger: cause i am
You: No I am not horny, I am conducting a study.

le sigh

>> No.2272326

Stranger: hi
Stranger: m/f
You: f
You: Mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: so r u horny
Stranger: cause i am
You: No I am not horny, I am conducting a study.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

le sigh

>> No.2272335
File: 39 KB, 387x259, blank_facepalm_224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: hey
You: Hello
Stranger: asl
You: 19/m/FL May I ask you a question?
Stranger: ask away
You: If you were to drop a pen on the moon, what would happen to the pen?
You: I'm doing a survey of sorts on Omegle
Stranger: it would just float there?
You: Due to?
Stranger: you cant really drop things on the moon
Stranger: theres no gravity
You: Okay, and what country are you currently residing in?
Stranger: america
You: Thank you, that'll be all.
Stranger: alright
You have disconnected.

>> No.2272341

You: Hi there.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hwz u
You: Do you want to be my whore?
Stranger: yah
Stranger: oh yah
You: Just answer this: What happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: i dnt knw
You: Do you have a guess?
You: Just guess.
You: Does it just float where it is? Does is draft away? Or does it fall?
Stranger: no idea
Stranger: floats
You: Wrong answer.
You: It falls.
Stranger: fuck off kunt
You: Like it would here on earth. Just slower.

>> No.2272353

Stranger: hi
You: Hello
Stranger: m
You: I have three questions that I am asking Omegle users. Do you mind if I ask you?
Stranger: u can
You: Okay, first question: If you were to drop a pen on the moon, what would happen to the pen?
Stranger: ?
You: Are you having troubles comprehending the situation?
Stranger: 0/20
You: wha
You: t
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272361

My last one:

Stranger: male 20 usa and u?
You: 23/f/antarctica
Stranger: HAHAHA
Stranger: thats awesome if true
You: I am conducting something of a survey, mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: sure lets do it
Stranger: i love these
You: If you drop a pen on the moon what happens?
Stranger: you catch it, because it cant be dropped, because gravity is not heavy enough, so nothing happens technically
Stranger: ....? good enough?
You: Are you saying that it would float?
Stranger: yes
You: Very well
You: Next question
Stranger: ok
You: if you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: same thing
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272371

Stranger: hi friend.......
You: Hello.
You: Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?
Stranger: no
You: Alright.
You: If you were to drop a pen on the moon, what would happen to the pen in relation to the moon?
Stranger: fall it
You: It would fall?
Stranger: why
You: I'm asking you.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Jesus christ, with every question I'm losing faith in humanity.

>> No.2272377

At first, I didn't actually believe these posts, so i asked people in real life. So, my mother got it wrong (the "drop the pen" one), and since then i gave up on humanity.

>> No.2272391

You: Hi.
Stranger: hi
You: Would you participate in a small survery I'm doing?
Stranger: ok :S
You: Answer this question: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: She floats
Stranger: ?
You: Why so?
Stranger: Because of the severity why?
Stranger: ?
You: Ok. What country are you from?
Stranger: Brazil And you?

>> No.2272394

so i'm guessing if you did drop a pen when on the moon it would fall to the ground seeing how the astornuts walked and even ran on the moon and jumped and even had a rover that they drove and they did not float away.

>> No.2272402
File: 146 KB, 600x808, 1265887353211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel too bad, my grandmother and best friend got it wrong.

>> No.2272405

Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: whats up
You: pondering
Stranger: about what
You: may i ask you a question
Stranger: sure
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: well I assume that it would hit the moons surface and then bounce of and go into space
You: interesting
Stranger: of course since I have never dropped a pen on the moons surface thats just a guess
You: me neither
You: theres cooler things to do in space anyways
You: like pee, or bang.
Stranger: lol I dont think either would be that comfortable up there
You: why not?
You: theres no gravity up there right? so i imagine it would just be like peeing or doing it in a freefall

>bounce into space

>> No.2272409

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: it might float?
You: lol

>> No.2272411

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Salutations.
You: May I ask you a few questions?
Stranger: Hi there.. You may.
You: I'm doing a survey of sorts on Omegle and its users.
Stranger: Good for you.
You: Okay, first question: if you were to drop a pen on the moon about equivalent to your height off the ground, what would happen to the pen in relation to the moon?
Stranger: Fall off and hit you in the face.
You: Fascinating. Now for the second question.
You: Repeat the last "experiment", but with a standard balloon filled with helium.
You: Without the pen, of course.
Stranger: Float off to Saturn and meet and alien.
You: Excellent. One final question.
You: What country are you currently residing in?
Stranger: Pluto.
You: Thanks for your...... cooperation, I suppose.
You: Have a nice day.
Stranger: You're very welcome! You too!
You have disconnected.

I think he/she didn't actually know the answer.

>> No.2272455

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
Stranger: M/f
Stranger: ?
Stranger: Age ? From ?
You: f 29 canada
You: can i ask you a questiong?
Stranger: Yes ?
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: It floats away lol
You: are you stupid?
Stranger: Naw r u ?
Stranger: Lol
You: i think you are did the astronuts float away?
Stranger: Aye hahaha
You: when they ran and jump on the moon they they fly into space?
Stranger: Aye hahaha
You: are you saying yes?
Stranger: Naw
You: wtf does aye hahaha mean then?
Stranger: Yessss (laughing)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

yeah /sci/ i'm lost for words now

>> No.2272469

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: hey
You: quick survey, one question
You: what's your favorite of maxwell's equations?
Stranger: the 3rd urs?
You: i kinda like the one with no magnetic monopoles
You: you know, closed integral of magnetic flux is zero
You: any surface you want!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272473

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it flots into space
You: well then tell me
You: did the astronauts float into space?
You: when they were on the moon?
Stranger: no coz theyre connected to their ship

>> No.2272478

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hello
Stranger: Cute British or Canadian guy?(:
You: I am canadian
You: wierd options
Stranger: Yeah, canadian people are amazing!
You: the distance between britain and canada is a good, what, 20k kilometers?
Stranger: I have no clue...
Stranger: Whats your name?(:
You: Justin
You: quick question
You: what do you think would happen if you were to drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: It would float. Im pretty sure of it(:
Stranger: Would you laugh if someone tripped down the stairs?
You: is it my mother?
Stranger: If she did would you laugh?
You: yes
Stranger: Im Cassi by the way
Stranger: Haha nice
You: why would it float?
You: where you from?
Stranger: Washington. Rainy town by Seattle

>> No.2272488

>ask my ex-gf this
>'it would jut float when you let go!'
>oh right this is why I dumped her
>no more dating english majors

>> No.2272501


femanon, on /sci/?

>> No.2272547

What's interesting to me here is that non of these people getting it wrong realize that they are saying THEY can be on the moon, and they will stay on the moon yet they claim smaller objects will float away.

So in their world, gravity works only for them and not for pens and balloons on the moon.

>> No.2272585

I was told that I should learn my astronomy.

>> No.2272605

I lol'd

so many things wrong there.

>> No.2272655

You: Hello
Stranger: hey there
You: why are you here?
Stranger: Uhm
Stranger: I'm bored
You: Great.
You: Now let's try a harder question.
Stranger: what about you?
You: Why ARE you?
Stranger: lol
You: I'm slightly bored as well ;)
Stranger: uhm
Stranger: I think, therefore I am
Stranger: ?
Stranger: xD
You: Hmm
You: Did you come up with that yourself?
Stranger: lol no
You: Or was that something Descartes said :P
Stranger: wasn't it Descartes?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: xD
You: Isn't this something you should devote your life to, to get to know the answer
Stranger: yeah probably
You: to this 3-word-question
Stranger: and I've never been that interested in philosophy
Stranger: lol
You: Well
You: if you wake up
You: and everything is gone
You: but your mind is intact
You: you can still do 2 thing
You: philosophy and maths
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: I suppose that's true
You: Already feeling the urge to seek the truth?
Stranger: what truth would that be?

>> No.2272754

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: sex
You: ok
Stranger: really?
You: oh yeah
Stranger: u m?
You: indeed. But I'm really more interested in your answer to my question
Stranger: nothing happen to that pen
Stranger: ^^
You: why is that?
Stranger: cos in moon gravity so low
Stranger: u M or F?
You: So why won't it fall down?
You: M
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2272807

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: It accelerates downwards at 6.7ms^2.
You: Well played
Stranger: Is this going on /sci/?
You: Hivemind as fuck.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.2272829

You: If you were to drop a pen on the moon, what would happen to it?
Stranger: Heey
Stranger: It would float
Stranger: have you never seen the moon pens
You: Why would it float?
Stranger: Oh cmon
Stranger: are you grade 6?
You: Why would it float?
Stranger: Gravity
Stranger: No gravity on the moon

It's funny when they think you're an idiot and they answer how they do.

>> No.2272848


thanks to this question i lost faith in humanity. like
nobody knows this shit

>> No.2272918

I say we chart the intelligence of Omegle users.
Organize them by A/S/L, mark if they get the question right, etc.

>> No.2272933

Because everybody on omegle tells the truth amirite?

Just admire the cesspool of retards for what they are.

>> No.2272956

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats
Stranger: hahahaha....
You: Float up, down, or stay where it is?
Stranger: obvious up....?
You: Why?
Stranger: so stupid
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


>> No.2272965

Doesn't it actually explode, because the ink inside freezes at a rapid rate?

>> No.2272970


That was me, and I hadn't disconnected, there was a "technical error"!

>> No.2272986

ok, after trying to ask some common science questions along with an additional question about what their highest level of education is, I found that most of them were a bunch of horny men or under-age prostitutes who never even had an highschool education....so of course there's not going to get most of them right. It's a survey done on a very acute sample of population.

>> No.2272987
File: 38 KB, 1101x503, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2273009

1/1 us correct answer can't drop

>> No.2273102

Stuff doesn't freeze fast in space

>> No.2273113

Stranger: hi 19 m usa lookin for a nice girl to talk to
You: I am a girl
You: and I will answer any question you ask
You: if you can answer one thing from me
Stranger: sure
You: sound fair?
Stranger: yup ask away
You: if you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: idk
You: oh dear
You: I am afraid this is goodbye then!
Stranger: aww why
You: do your science homework in future
You: chicks love scientists
Stranger: im a chef
You: not good enough I am afraid

Oh, and I am a man.

>> No.2273136

My sister answered: It will float, because gravity on moon is bigger.


>> No.2273198

I kind of wish I went further, but they were slow. The ignorance isn't confined to the US unfortunately:

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it would not drop it would fly
You: Why?
Stranger: because the air is different up there
You: Okay, what country are you from?
Stranger: germany

>> No.2273266

You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: i dont know
You: what happens when you drop it on earth?
Stranger: i dont no
You: i reccomend finding out

damn omegle ur dumb

>> No.2273276

If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
> it floats
>no gravity


>> No.2273285

You made your point. People can be stupid.

Now let this fucking thread die. We should be ashamed that this thread was ever created.

This is not /sci/, this is /b/. This is even worse than the time we trolled that Christian forum with /v/.

>> No.2273305

It's a survey, dammit! That's math! Though yes, it does get old after a while.

>> No.2273310

You: if you drop a pen on the moon what happens to the pen?
Stranger: realistically it would float
You: how so?
Stranger: no gravity on the moon
Stranger: im not science major
You: really how do you know that?
Stranger: but
Stranger: i think i was told in highschool
You: why is there no gravity on the moon?
Stranger: dont know for sue
Stranger: again, i was told
You: who told you that?
You: definitely not your science teacher
Stranger: mrs. kelson
Stranger: is it wrong
You: look it up
Stranger: cause i was in high school years ago
You: http://www.moonconnection.com/moon_gravity.phtml

You understand sci, years ago there was no gravity on the moon. a recent study found out that there is.
tl;dr omegle is dumb

>> No.2273321

It got old a long time ago.

>> No.2273327

Stranger: hey
You: if you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it falls very slow
Stranger: doesn't it?
You: yay! you got it right! :D
Stranger: haha
You: but tell me why
Stranger: cause the gravity
You: what about the gravity?
Stranger: here in earth is 10m/s
You: yup
Stranger: and in the moon
Stranger: less
You: you're surprisingly the first one to get this right
You: the last person said that it would fly up into the sky
Stranger: hahahahah
You: don't know why
You: heehee i rhymed
You: anyway, kthxbai

>> No.2273452

Drop a helium balloon on the moon, what happens?

It pops you morons.

>> No.2273473

You: hi
Stranger: Hello..
You: whats up
Stranger: Nothing much. TV, piano, etc.
You: nice
You: so i got a question
Stranger: Ok.
You: if you drop a helium balloon on the moon what happens?
Stranger: Hm, I would imagine nothing.
Stranger: I'm not great with physics or science, in general, though.
You: DOnt worry it was just a question for a servey
You: oh what country are you from?
Stranger: America
You: awesome thanks for your time
You have disconnected.

>> No.2273478
File: 17 KB, 405x289, facepalm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: what is one plus one divided by two
Stranger: 2
Stranger: ?
You: no.
Stranger: 0

>> No.2273490

way to not be specific about parenthesis faggot

>> No.2273493
File: 32 KB, 330x357, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw half the conversations rip on the US

>> No.2273507


No comma after second 'one', implied lack of bracketing.

>> No.2273520

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: idk it flies?

>> No.2273528

only if you're not polite about it.

>> No.2273552

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: nothing?
You: r
You: explain
Stranger: because of gravity the pen doesn't move
Stranger: it stays p
Stranger: up**
You: what gravity?
Stranger: the centripital force?
You: what ?

>> No.2273553

hey, let the euros have their fun, soon the debt bubble all their nations are inflating will burst and many of them will die of exposure when services stop.

>> No.2273569

You: hi there
Stranger: hey
You: some guy just asked me in the last chat what would happen if you had a heliumm balloon on the moon
You: do you know what would happen? he made me feel like a dumb blonde :/
Stranger: no, what would happen?
You: i dont know
You: he didnt tell me
You: any guesses
Stranger: not really :D
Stranger: are you female? or male?
You: female
Stranger: okay, me 2 :)
You: oh damn
You: im a male then
You: whats your favorite thing about organic chemistry?
Stranger: why are you male?
You: because i have a Y chromosome
You: which did not lose its srl gene during an error in gene shuffling
You: as result
You: i grew male genitalia
Stranger: but you don't get that, just becuase that i'm a femlae
You: oh
You: you are inquiring as to why i originally said i am female
Stranger: ye
Stranger: are you both?
Stranger: :D
You: the majority of people on this website seem to be males, who are horny and looking for females
You: so stating my gender as female increases the odds of them talking to me
You: and allowing me to annoy them\
You: do you like biochemistry?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2273572
File: 6 KB, 184x184, heeeeehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You: 22 out of 22 people got this wrong
Stranger: blue cheese?
You: 23 out of 23 people got this wrong
You: Goodbye

>mfw blue cheese

>> No.2273577

Stranger: hi
You: hey
You: mind if I ask you a quick question?
Stranger: not at all
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: i dont know
You: take a guess
Stranger: it flots away
You: mkay, good answer.
You: Where you from?
Stranger: canada
You: cool, thanks.

>> No.2273593

Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: how r u?
You: quick question
Stranger: shoot
You: Need an answer
You: not very sure
You: If you drop a pen on the moon
You: what happens
You: ?
Stranger: it floats
You: o
You: Why
Stranger: bc there is no force causing it to go down
You: no gravity?
Stranger: yea
Stranger: or very lil
You: hm
You: well
You: what nationality are you?
Stranger: im from USA
Stranger: y?
You: o
Stranger: ??
You: Well you see I didn't think my fellow American would be that retarded but a pen would accelerate downwards at an acceleration that is 1/6 of Earth's gravitational pull because of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, in other words THE MOON HAS GRAVITY AND IT WOULDN'T FLOAT YOU FUCKING dumb bye now

>> No.2273608

You: Hey, if you drop a pen on the moon what happens?
Stranger: It floats, I guess
You: Why?
Stranger: Lack of gravity?
You: So how did the astronauts walk on the moon?
Stranger: They didn't. It's a conspiracy
You: Ah
You: So how big does something have to be to have gravity do you think?
Stranger: Big enough to be a planet, not a moon
Stranger: That makes pluto a gray area, I think
You: So how much gravity is on pluto?
Stranger: A little, because it IS a planet after all, even if a dwarf planet
You: So if you dropped a pen on pluto what would happen?
Stranger: Hm, I guess it would hover just above the ground but not touch it
You: So in other wrods you need a lot of gravity to finally hit the ground?
Stranger: Yes
You: cool. by the way, what country are you from?
Stranger: India
Stranger: You?
You: America
You: We've been to the moon though, so I can tell you there's gravity there. Personal experience.
Stranger: Have YOU been to the moon?
You: Yeah, every American has.
You: It's really boring though, so most people only go once
Stranger: Oh really. Is it a tour package thing?
You: It can be. Usually more of a week long cruise sort of thing. Except the cruise is in space.
Stranger: Oh, that's amazing. </sarcasm>
You: Look, just make sure to answer my damn tech support calls correctly next time I call, kay?
Stranger: Aye aye cap'n.
You: cool, cya

>> No.2273625

Stranger: Hey
You: If you dropped a pen on the moon, what would happen?
Stranger: Can't do it
You: can't do it?
Stranger: No gravity on the moon... You can't drop a pen that has little mass
You: Are you American?
Stranger: Yea
You: thought so
Stranger: Why?
You: Because that's wrong
Stranger: No it's not
You: yea, it is. It would drop just like any other object on earth, be it at a slower rate. The moon still has gravity. Everything with mass has gravity
You: Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C5_dOEyAfk
Stranger: Okay but why would you take my answer and judge where I was from
You: Yes. Every American I've asked has gotten it wrong
You: it's not looking good, champ

>> No.2273627

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi asl
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: you cant
Stranger: cause there is no gravity
Stranger: almost none
Stranger: it will take a reeeealll while to reallly touch the moon
You: will it fall float or explode?
Stranger: fall
Stranger: in a incredibly slow peace
You: Wow you got it right
Stranger: its logic
Stranger: ok....
Stranger: gotta leave than
You: wait
Stranger: ok
You: country?
Stranger: dominican republic
Stranger: i know its wierd
Stranger: but i think myself as a genious :P
Stranger: compared to most of people of this country i mean >.>
You: Ok thank you for your time and have a nice day

>> No.2273630

OC just in:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: What is one plus one divided by two?
Stranger: 0
Stranger: :D
You: I think not
Stranger: yupp
Stranger: 1+1=2
Stranger: 2/2=0
You: so you're saying
You: 2 goes into 2 ZERO TIMES
Stranger: whats your answer then ?
You: 1.5
Stranger: how come ?
You: 1/2=.5
You: .5+1=1.5
Stranger: but your question was one plus one divided by 2
You: that is written as 1+1 / 2 = ?
You: I've gotta ask where you're from
Stranger: 2 / 2 is 0 isnt it ?
Stranger: singapore
You: Are you serious?
Stranger: ya
You: I guess they don't have schools in singapore
Stranger: CRAP !
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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>> No.2273639

Further proof that the whole world is retarded, not just America

>> No.2273666

Stranger: Hi
You: If you drop a pen from the moon what will happen?
Stranger: M or f
Stranger: It float
Stranger: It would
You: How about a balloon?
Stranger: Float
You: What country do you live in?
Stranger: USA
You: Thank you that is all I needed to know

>> No.2273671

You: hi there
Stranger: hii
You: whats the cubed root of 1000?
Stranger: ?
You: I know rite?
You: who knows
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2273680

Stranger: hey
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl
Stranger: asl
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats and explodes :D
Stranger: haha i don't know
You: where are you from?
Stranger: alaska
Stranger: you?
You: that is all

>> No.2273698

Stranger: hey
You: hello
Stranger: male or female
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it bounces off
You: hurr no
Stranger: it just bounces a few feet
You: where are you from?
Stranger: CA
Stranger: california USA
Stranger: if ur from another counrty

>> No.2273707

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: It floats?
Stranger: Due to no Gravity
Stranger: O_O
Stranger: DO I GET AN A? ;D
You: Why does the moon have no gravity?
Stranger: Because it hasn't got a big enough core mass so nothgin can be drawn to it?
Stranger: ;D
Stranger: But it can havea gravitational ull on things smaller than itself
Stranger: Hence why it changes the Ocean Tides?
Stranger: ;D
You: A pen is smaller than the moon
Stranger: True but it still hasn;t got enough gravitational pull to make it fall
Stranger: It couldn't make dust fall
You: But it has some gravitational pull?
Stranger: The most smallest one ossible
Stranger: * Possible
You: So what's the counter force that cancels the gravity out so it floats?
Stranger: Looks i'm not a astromonist
Stranger: I only do BNA Physics
Stranger: I;m not that good at it xD
Stranger: Normaly Air Resistance
Stranger: However there is no oxygen in space
Stranger: So the force i am unaware of the name xD
You: Did Niel Armstrong leave footprints on the moon?
Stranger: Not sure
Stranger: But i assume yes
You: How, if he floats?
Stranger: Because everythign must hit the ground at one steg
Stranger: * stage
Stranger: He has to use force to lift off the ground at one stage
Stranger: In simle
Stranger: yes the Moon has a gravitational pull
Stranger: but it is very Minimal
Stranger: So yes the pen would flot
Stranger: For an unkown stretch of time
Stranger: And eventualy hit the moon;s surface
Stranger: Am i right? >_>
You: You're right in saying it eventually hits the moon's surface
You: But the gravity is only 1/6 of earth
You: So it won't take very long
You: Thanks, and good bye
Stranger: Bye

>> No.2273709

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what will happen?
Stranger: i don't know, whatt?
You: You tell me.
You: Your best guess.
Stranger: i can't because i don't know the answer.
Stranger: the pen will go through it.
Stranger: ?
You: The pen will go through the moon?
Stranger: i guesss? ahaha.
You: Ok, thanks. One last thing: What country are you from?
Stranger: usa. :)
You: Thanks.
You have disconnected.
or switch to video or send us feedback
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>> No.2273719

Stranger: Hi
You: Hey there, if you dropped a pen on the moon what would happen?
Stranger: It wouldn't drop
You: Why
Stranger: Because there's no gravitation
You: Okay. What if you released a helium baloon on the moon. what then.
Stranger: It would pop
You: why
Stranger: Because of the pressure
You: nice. Okay, another question: What is 1+1 divided by 2
Stranger: 1
You: excellent. And what is the cube root of 1000
Stranger: Sorry don't know ...
You: it is 10
You: Well that concludes my little questionare. You got 2/4 questions correct. BTW what country are you from?
Stranger: Norway

I don't get it, how can a person get the gravity question wrong but realize that a balloon would pop due to an absence of exterior pressure?

>> No.2273728

Stranger: hey
You: What is one plus one divided by two?
Stranger: 2
Stranger: jk its 1
You: If you drop a pen on the moon what will happen?
Stranger: it will float dumbass
You: Float?
You: It would fall because of gravity
Stranger: if i have a hat and you give the hat to your friends and your friend gives the hat back to you, who has the hat? think about it
Stranger: and i give you the hat
You: I would have the hat
Stranger: no i would
You: How would you have the hat?
Stranger: because i said think about it
You: At first I had the hat correct?
You: Then I gave it to someone else
Stranger: yes
Stranger: yes
You: They in return gave me the same hat
Stranger: no i had the hat first and i gave the hat to you
You: Therefore I would have the hat
You: You said THE hat
Stranger: no, because i said think about it. and if someone says think about it then the person who said everything has the hat
You: Because of the word THE it would mean that it was the same hat
You: The phrase think about it was not apart of the question
Stranger: how would you be the hat if the other person was giving you the hat
You: And one more thing what country do you live in?
Stranger: yes it was
Stranger: you just had to think about it
Stranger: USA
You: Thought so
Stranger: ALL THE WAY
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
/sci/ was I wrong on the riddle the stranger gave me?

>> No.2273731

1+1 divided by 2 isn't 1... He only got 1 right.

>> No.2273732

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: nothing?
Stranger: it floats
You: but why?
Stranger: no gravity?
You: so
You: how did the austronauts walk
You: on moon?
Stranger: With great difficulty?
You: lol
You: where are you from?
Stranger: UK, yourself?
You: oh im from the usa
You: well thats all i need to know
You: bye you're retarded btw

The entire anglosphere is full of retards.

>> No.2273741

Anyone who has actually gotten these things right?

>> No.2273743

You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: answer this for me please
You: if you drop a pen on the moon what happens to it
Stranger: the moon engulfs the pen and explodes, thus ending life on earth
You: yes that's it
You: congratulations you're retarded

>> No.2273750

You: hi there
Stranger: Hi~
You: fukin magnets, how do they work?
Stranger: Science
You: not miracles?
Stranger: No, science
You: well shit
You: fucking icp
Stranger: ???
You: what happens if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: It falls.
You: wow
You: you know you're science
You: im a little turned on
Stranger: ?
You: where are you from
You: most people say it floats away
Stranger: USA
You: you must be from the north or the west
Stranger: From the North, living in the South

>> No.2273754

>Stranger: the pen will go through it.
>Stranger: ?
>You: The pen will go through the moon?
>Stranger: i guesss? ahaha.
hahaha, this is the best one yet

>> No.2273756

stranger is a black english dude

>> No.2273762

Please tell me you're trolling...

>> No.2273774

1 divided by 2 is .5. Plus 1 is 1.5.

>> No.2273784


Dude, 1+1 /2 is 1. 1+ (1/2) is 1.5.

Sort of a trick question, isnt it?

>> No.2273786
File: 132 KB, 549x362, the_more_you_know2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what will happen?
Stranger: Omg I got you tis afternoon
You: have you learned?
Stranger: Nope.
I still dont know the answer
You: its not hard
Stranger: You disconnected
Stranger: before telling me
You: want me to tell you?
Stranger: I suck at physics
Stranger: Yeah tell me
You: ok
You: when you drop a pen on earth it falls down
Stranger: yea
Stranger: gravity stuff
You: when you drop a pen on the moon it falls down slower
You: because the moon's ''gravity stuff'' is weaker
You: there
You: that's it
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: I learned something today

>> No.2273790


Order of operations bro.
Although I'll agree spelling it out can be misleading

>> No.2273796

We should try educating the masses.

>> No.2273802

Dat order of operations

>> No.2273817


Lol, math is far from my strong point.

>> No.2273868

It sure isnt, ya retard.

>> No.2273887

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: lesbian?
You: yes, that's precisely what happens

>> No.2273910

Stranger: ih
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats
You: what leads you to believe this?
Stranger: it's a guess
You: that guess has to be founded on something. why do you suppose it floats?
Stranger: the gravitational pull is much less than our own.
You: you're on the right lines.
Stranger: if any?
You: it wouldn't float, it'd fall slowly toward the ground.
You: just an interesting experiment, see how people on omegle are with simple physics questions
Stranger: physics
You: slowly; slower than that of earth
You: gravity is related to mass of a body. less mass = less pull of gravity = things react to gravity slower = pen falls slower
Stranger: major?
You: oh I'm a computer scientist
You: INTERESTINGLY, though, if you dropped it from high enough, the pen would eventually travel faster than one on earth. as the moon has no atmosphere, there's no terminal velocity (where wind resistance is equal to the acceleration caused by gravity)
You: I'm bill fucking nigh, have a good night.
You: nye* oh god I can't even spell my own name

>> No.2273921

Stranger: Hi
You: good morning
Stranger: not here it's not
You: oh
You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: why do people keep asking me that.....

>> No.2274002

You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: hello
Stranger: it floats away
Stranger: ?
You: no
You: you don't see astronauts floating away
You: neil armstrong walked on the moon
Stranger: but those are astronauts
Stranger: its different
You: why?
Stranger: just cuz their suits are ment to keeep them on the moon
Stranger: theier wieght
Stranger: and mass are different r=from a pen's
Stranger: man im out of school right i dont wnaa do work -__

>> No.2274025

I just saw someone from here on the the site and I fucking hit the back page button by accident and lost the screenshot. Please post it if you still have it.

>> No.2274029
File: 14 KB, 247x250, ekkiekkiekki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger: hi
You: If you dropped a pen on the MOON...
Stranger: im a white girl whos jus looking 4 a chat partner
Stranger: You cant drop a pen on the moon
You: i'm sorry, but i'm helping with an experiment
You: Oh? Why not?
Stranger: Gravity please.
Stranger: by the way the pen wuld float on the moon
You: Excuse me?...
Stranger: Then pen would float
You: So you're saying the moon doesn't have enough gravity to pull the pen down
You: Okay.
You: Well, it actually does. it has 1/6 as much as Earth.
You: Toodles
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: But
You: but???
Stranger: You would be able to catch it before it falls :D
You: Oh... I... guess you would.
You: But you could do that with a normal pen, on Earth >:(
Stranger: Yeahsure.
Stranger: Mr. Ninja
You: you know to much
You: *too much
You: I will be under your bed tonight.

>> No.2274047

>Are you American

f***, someone making that connection was inevitable. There are stupid people everywhere.

>> No.2274125

You: If you drop the moon on a pen, what happens?
Stranger: not sure?
You: Just guess
Stranger: it floats..,it doesnt rise but it stays suspended wher it was dropped?

>> No.2274181

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hey
Stranger: m
You: Hi!
You: If you were to let go of a helium balloon on the moon, would it: a) Float away. b) Stay in place. or c) fall to the ground?
Stranger: ok where from?
You: Ill tell you if you answer my question. It's for a survey I'm conducting.
Stranger: float away
You: Why?
Stranger: i dont no
Stranger: its just do it
You: Thanks for answering. I'm from California. What about you?
Stranger: norway
Stranger: but what was the right answar+
You: The correct answer is C, by the way. Helium floats up on earth because it is lighter than the air around it. Like an air bubble under water. There is no atmosphere on the moon, so since the hlium has nothing to rise above, it would just fall because of the moon's gravity.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: how old
You: The moon is about 4.53 billion years old.

>> No.2274286

Me:Mom what happens if you drop a pen on the moon.
Mom:(mom gets off couch and steps closer) It floats. (She then farts)
Mom:O, wait it floats to Earth.
Dad:(lives in diferent state)
Me:lol few minutes later then feel suicidal

>> No.2274339

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: heyyy
You: If you drop a balloon on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats awayyyyyy :)
You: Wrongs 11; rights 2
Stranger: what? lmao
Stranger: are you high?
You: The baloon would drop, because the thing that makes a balloon float is helium
You: And because the moon doesn't have an atmosphere
Stranger: ya but there is no gravity so it would eventually float away
You: There is gravity on the moon
You: Helium is heavier than the vacuum of space
You: So the ballon drops
Stranger: thats why you can jump six feet in the air on the moon?? makes sense.. lmao
You: Yeah
Stranger: the balloon would float away.
You: No, it would drop
Stranger: eventually it would.
You: Albeit slowly
Stranger: maybe for a second but it would float away eventually
You: No it wouldn'e
Stranger: so wait
You: *wouldn't
Stranger: you're telling me if I put a balloon on the moon. it would stay there forever? not gonna happen.
You: It would
Stranger: no it wouldnt lol.
You: Or, it wouldn't, it would implode
Stranger: i feel like im arguing with my little brother. lol it would fly away
You: No.
You: Thanks for particypating in the survey
Stranger: lol.
You: Do you want me to make this public?
Stranger: no problem. im always right though
You: Last question, how old are you, and where do you live
Stranger: public? lol like 4chan.. i dont care
Stranger: Female 19. Ohio. Where can I find this to know its public? haha

>> No.2274504

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: wassaaaaaaaaaap
You: Not much
Stranger: wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
You: Just doing a survey
Stranger: oh i like surveys!
You: Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: go ahead
You: What would happen if you drop a pen on the moon?
Stranger: it would fall, slowly
You: Why?
Stranger: and then i would have to pick it up, but be careful not to bend over
Stranger: because i could get raped by space aliens
You: No, why would it fall slowly?
Stranger: the moon has a teeny bit of gravity
Stranger: so stuff falls
Stranger: but not at normal speeds
Stranger: unless you threw it upwards
Stranger: then it would probably take forever to go down
You: Thank you very much! You are the first person to not answer "It would float away, the moon has no gravity"
Stranger: there is intellegence on the internet!
You: Wow! It's mindblowing!
Stranger: not as mind blowing as being raped by space aliens
You: Now, last question: How old are you, and where do you live?
Stranger: i am 14
Stranger: i live in california
You: Thanks.
You have disconnected.

American people over 18 who got it right: 1/12
American people under 18 who got it right 4/15
European people over 18 who got it right: 8/11
European people under 18 who got it right: 6/13
Rest of the world over 18 who got it right: 7/9
Rest of the world under 18 who got it right: 5/10

Anyone else seeing patterns?
America, I find your lack of knowledge disturbing.
Not that the rest of the world was doing much better, but still. I find it plain wrong that someone can't know his.

>> No.2274518

You: If you drop a pen on the moon what happens
Stranger: its blow
You: ?
Stranger: the moon will blow
Stranger: booom
Stranger: big boom

>> No.2274546

I've been asking what happens when you fly a fighter jet in space.

Everyone just disconnects.

>> No.2274552

You: what happens when you try to fly a fighter jet in space
Stranger: nothing becuase the fuel would not burn
You: I am impressed. You are th efirst to get this correct.

>> No.2274565

what is the answer to that question?
because the way you structured it seems odd.

>> No.2274575

the fuel does not burn, plus it cannot maneuver due to the lack of airflow.

>> No.2274587

but you said
"when you fly a fighter jet in space"
implying that you're already somehow flying it in space.

>> No.2274595

You: Guess how long ago the steam engine was invented. Just take a random guess.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 37 years

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with the world.

>> No.2274600

Well I did say when you TRY to fly a fighter jet in space.

>> No.2274607


>> No.2274608

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: Horny 15 Year Old Canadian Looking For a Horny Girl!! ;)
You: sup
You: first
You: can i ask you a question?
Stranger: ya
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: idfk
You: why is that?
You: your not justin beiber are you?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.2274613

i asked my girlfriend what happens and she said it would leave a mark

>> No.2274711

You: if you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: i don't know
Stranger: i believe that not happen nothing
You: something must happen
Stranger: maybe
You: but what?
Stranger: maybe the pencil to stay on the surface of the moon, or floating in space
Stranger: i believe?
You: no
Stranger: then?
Stranger: ?
You: it hits the ground of course
Stranger: what do you do?
You: science
Stranger: cool
You: do you know what happens when you let go of a balloon on the moon?
Stranger: no
Stranger: what happen?
You: it hits the ground
You: just like the pen
Stranger: well i am not scientific but i believe in the science
You: do you believe men evolved from apes?
Stranger: Darwin's theory is
You: yes
You: that's the one
You: is it true?
Stranger: yes why not?
You: lots of people think it's wrong
You: because the bible says we were created by god as men
You: but they are stupid
Stranger: yes
Stranger: I am an atheist and do not believe that God is our creator but all of us to be brothers
You: good for you

>> No.2274739

You: Hi
Stranger: hi
You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
You: so far 89/89 people have gotten this wrong.
Stranger: i have no idea. it probably drops really slowly?
You: 89/90 have gotten this wrong
You: Congratulations. )
Stranger: i got it right?!
You: Excellent job, may I ask where you're from?
You: Correct.
Stranger: USA, you?
You: Thank you for your time.

>> No.2274747

You: science
Stranger: is awesome
You: yeah
You: glad you like it
Stranger: indeed
You: lots of people think it's not even that good
You: but they're stupid
Stranger: i concurr
You: they wouldn't even know what would happen if you had a helium balloon on the moon
You: i know though
Stranger: unfortunately, neither do i, but i do not know the properties of helium in a vacuum, it would not be difficult for me to discover it however
You: it would float away at one sixth the speed it does on earth
Stranger: how intruiging
You: tell your friends
Stranger: i shall
You: good

>> No.2274767
File: 640 KB, 250x170, 1289681678584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You: If you drop a pen on the moon, what happens?
Stranger: it floats
You: why?
Stranger: now go get a science book you stupid bitch
You: it actually floats down at 1/6th earths gravitational pull
You: you dumbass
Stranger: asshole
You: fag cunt
Stranger: ur mom should've swallowed you!
You: bitch the better part fo you ran down your moms leg

well that went nicely

>> No.2274797

Assuming that you inflated the balloon on Earth, wouldn't it actually pop the second you exiting your spacecraft?

>> No.2274817

95% of /sci/ will not understand the joke behind this chat log. And it isn't so much as a joke as it is just sad

>> No.2274932

i made that post and i don't get it

>> No.2275291

did it have a bunch of stuff about squares of hypoteneuses and the circumference of the pen and the man in the moon?

>> No.2276737
File: 75 KB, 604x453, 75378-TrollFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey 4chan, which country was the first to put a man on the moon?

You guys are a little behind the curve on the anti-Americanism fad.

Very switako.