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File: 44 KB, 683x466, resepectobey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2259138 No.2259138 [Reply] [Original]

vid 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH13DY9HT1c

vid 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI0-fVsgz0A&NR=1


>> No.2259159
File: 8 KB, 409x258, Rage_face2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I have had an overriding urge upon being presented with a loli other than raep.

>> No.2259156

My rebuttal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqcM5lVoteQ

>> No.2259163

>Jesus has authority in your life when He's Lord of your life

that's some quality Christian logic right there

>> No.2259169


>> No.2259171

I can't stop laughing. Poor kids are growing up in the wrong era. Try 200 years ago or more.

>> No.2259179


better rebuttal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF3mYiX59H0&feature=player_embedded

>> No.2259184

spread the word /sci/

It's a shame stuff like this still exists. poor kids. don't have a chance.

>> No.2259185

Why do these like this exist?

>> No.2259186

Sir, I must rebut.


>> No.2259190

Holy shit, what the fuck did I just type? I need some sleep.

>Why do things like this exist?

>> No.2259196

I wonder what will happen if they ever come to the soul crushing realization of just how cruel, uncaring, and corrupt authority figures and organizations actually are.

>> No.2259206



>> No.2259207


OP here. Sir, you win for the rebuttal. Well done.

>> No.2259232

I've witnessed that crushing reality a lot in Africa.

>> No.2259239
File: 17 KB, 301x323, obama face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lols you live in Africa?

tell me your life story, now

>> No.2259242

While I do believe that promoting basic civility is beneficial for society, rude language does have its fucking place.

>> No.2259249

this is the first thing i thought watching those videos

>> No.2259251



>> No.2259261
File: 15 KB, 377x293, archie contempt confused reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow champ.

>> No.2259285





>> No.2259303

Authority is only credibly when it is completely and truly accountable to the people it holds authority over. Christianity is the exact opposite, requiring completely blind and unquestioning obedience.

>> No.2259311
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The pain point is that everyone should be skeptical of authority figures and leaders.

I think the biggest problem in our society is that we've romanticized the concept of authority/leadership. America in particular has this problem to a greater extent than all other developed nations combined, if you ask me.
The problem doesn't only lie in religion. It also lies in pop culture (people trying to act like bieber, miley cyrus, spears, etc) It can also be found in politics, business, economics, etc. Concept holds true in all aspects of society.

We need to get the word out that there's nothing special about leadership. They simply help collaborate human efforts and facilitate progress.

Much like the relationship between glial cells and neurons, "authority" figures are supporting roles. No more, no less. They shouldn't be thought of as better. If anything, they're far inferior, as they're incapable of solving problems themselves, thus driving them to a position where they have to coordinate problem solvers.

>> No.2259331


OP here. great discussion. One of the few boards in 4chan that still has logic and intelligent

>> No.2259335

>this video is strange
>why are these kids doing this?
>I guess it's not so ba--
>hear Jesus's name

O.O Foooooooooooooooooxxxxxx!!!!!!

>> No.2259343


Thinking too hard about this, bro. It's monkey-see-monkey-do. People naturally conserve brain power. Most people aren't brainiacs, so they would rather follow someone who says they know what they're doing. Gives them piece of mind too.
It's more of a sociological issue, really.

>> No.2259359
File: 624 KB, 800x600, 1048324-1290264751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do these like this exist?

>> No.2259362

I think a major problem is that there is too much emphasis one winning and being the top dog at the expense of others not enough on working together in groups. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be leaders or that everything should be done by committee. It's just that if only one person or a small group of people have complete authority their views and actions are naturally going to be limited and more than likely self serving.

>> No.2259369


You have a problem with children singing about jesus but not about this?

>> No.2259381

But we love Jeeeeesus Chriiiiiiiist.

>> No.2259382


>> No.2259386

I have a problem with it. Their music sucks.

>> No.2259399
File: 311 KB, 975x1400, 1290380746933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post tonight.

>> No.2260904


they're not children. plus I have zero idea what that dude is saying

>> No.2260913


I like how christians or religious people are all about accepting others, yet they turn the comments off, basically saying "if you don't agree with me I don't want to hear it." fags

>> No.2260926

I used to be a fundamentalist, but I just... stopped. It's not impossible or anything. There are many ex-Christians, even from conservative, evangelical backgrounds.

These are just kids, and they haven't given the issue deep thought. They shouldn't be written off as though it's so ingrained in them they're unable to change. Kids naturally parrot what they're told, unless by some trauma they come to hate and distrust the person telling it. Eventually, however, we grow up and begin to critically examine our beliefs.

I'm all for getting people to abandon this nonsense, but the idea that Christians somehow "brainwash" their children is ridiculous. I went to *Baptist* sunday school, and sat through many sermons (some of which were actually quite good as far as artful presentation and well-formed reasoning are concerned) and I can attest after coming out of all that that there was no brainwashing. Persuasion is not brainwashing. In fact, I'm not entirely convinced that such a thing even exists.

>> No.2260933
File: 47 KB, 300x300, 1277014668184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't even playing instruments. The girl in the back is using the drum set from Rock Band.

>> No.2260940


>> No.2260942

sauce my good man

>> No.2260953
File: 28 KB, 362x442, efgblox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, welcome to our tour bus!
It's van
>Kids are "playing" instruments
You retards are just strumming on those guitars randomly and stopping all the time when you get distracted by something. And that loli in the back is using the Rock Band drums.

>> No.2260954

Ironically, perhaps, they could easily come to that realization by... reading the Bible, which is full of stories in which those in authority are corrupt and behave wrongly. In fact, one of the basic lessons of the Bible is that sometimes it's hard to do what's right because society is against you.

>> No.2260955

Cleanse your ears brothers.

>> No.2260958

It's more likely that they'll realize it when they grow up and are old enough to look back on this and realize that their parents were exploiting them in the hopes of being able to market a Christian "rock" kids' band.

>> No.2260985
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Great point
The thing that I've seen is similar
Society tends to shun those who don't "buy in." Its the same pretty much with animals. The odd ones go out.
I think its something intrinsic to animal brains, a need to belong. For security purposes. But due to our "intelligence," we use it to become accepted and gain social status. I don't like Bieber or other idiots like that, but really, I would like to be in his position. Popular and rich, pretty much.
So, yes, society does need a leading figure to control and keep order. Sometimes it gets to be a bit too much, like in this video, but if you take a look at religion, its supposed to be a moral guide. Otherwise people would run around stabbing and raping other people. But thanks to this belief in a powerful figure determining the unknown (what comes after death), and the fear of it, allows to control these people to do more decent things.
TLDR: Read the damn thing.

>> No.2260991
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fuck. Isn't coherent.

>> No.2261177

> Society tends to shun those who don't "buy in." Its the same pretty much with animals. The odd ones go out.
Society is a set of rules you buy into. Not buying into them is the shunning. Your argument is akin to saying "People tend to not play chess with you if you knock over the board and scatter the pieces." They can't. You knocked over the board and scattered the pieces. It's not that they are unwilling to play with you, but you've discarded the rules of the game by which they might do so.

>> No.2261521
File: 279 KB, 2132x2263, 1290802512434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you honestly saying that if it weren't for religion we wouldn't have morality?

>> No.2261545

not sure he's saying that, but...
religion is very effective at communicating moral values and controlling some general behavior. Hell, the catholic church once had essentially limitless power in Europe.

>> No.2261585

You can do the same thing by just teaching people to not be douche bags. There's no need to go making up stories about magical sky demons and how they'll punish you if you don't follow some archaic and arbitrary set of rules.

>> No.2261602
File: 34 KB, 504x375, monty-python-spanish-inquisition[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And look how that went.

>> No.2261603

but you have to admit that religion is good at it, although prob not needed. It uses both a positive incentive (heaven, >9000 virgins, etc.) and a negative fear source (hellfire/damnation, etc.)

>> No.2261607

>by just teaching people to not be douche bags

Why? What happens if I'm a douchebag? What is my punishment?

>> No.2261612

Nobody likes you, and you die alone. No one will attend your funeral. Is that motivation enough, or do I have to start listing the stuff we'll do to you while you're alive?

>> No.2261620

But that's only if I'm stupid enough to be found out.

>> No.2261625

I'd say it does a horrible job at it considering how often religion is used to justify violent, barbaric, and inhumane acts.

>> No.2261645
File: 4 KB, 160x120, th_SimpsonsSpit-Take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's hard to be identified as a jackass

>> No.2261648

Are you fucking retarded? Do you have any idea how many crimes go unpunished?

I hope you are trolling.

>> No.2261654

Ohhhh....CRIMES. I thought we were talking about being a general douchebag.

Well, you can perform a crime and try to get away with it......but are you really going to take that chance?

>> No.2261661

A lot of criminals are religious. That doesn't seem to stop them. Sometimes they even use it as justification.

>> No.2261666

>but are you really going to take that chance?

No, because I don't think I can get away with it. But there are no morals or anything stopping me from doing so, other than pure self-interest.

>> No.2261673

Religious based morality is all about pure self interest. Do what you're told or go to hell.

>> No.2261680

I suppose so, it is more like a selective mroality

>> No.2261689

And, if I believed in it, it would work pretty well as a dissuasive argument.

The only other form of morality works by brainwashing people into thinking there are such things as right or wrong, and they should act upon that without any sort of punishment or reward as encouragement. I really don't see how anyone could be so gullible as to follow that kind of shit, but apparently my faith in humanity is misplaced, seeing that many people seem to do exactly this.

>> No.2261725

Except it doesn't work, as our prison system can attest to. Religions always give sinners a way out, whether its confession, being born again, or simple bribery.

And criticizing teaching morality as having its own worth as brainwashing is ludicrous when you argue in favor of religion as the standard for morals.

>> No.2261729

>when you argue in favor of religion as the standard for morals.

Except my point is that morals are stupid and, as thus, should be left in the realm of religion.

>> No.2261737

that sort of opinion is why we have 4chan

>> No.2261759

If you honestly thought morality was stupid, then what would it matter to you how or under what system it's taught? Why make an opinion in the first place unless you do think it matters?

>> No.2261762

Because the thought of people making a claim to rationality while at the same time following morals disgusts me.

>> No.2261763

And what exactly makes you think morals are irrational?

>> No.2261769

Did you read nothing of what I wrote?

What is the point of being moral if you stand to gain nothing from it?

>> No.2261774

if everyone is immoral than society collapses and we all lose out.

>> No.2261782

Not a reason to be moral yourself, only a reason to rat out other people to the authorities. Fear of retribution will keep society in check.

Still, no reason not to do anything you want as long as you think you can get away with it.

>> No.2261786

You do stand to gain from it. By following moral principles you can live and function effectively in civil society. This gives you the advantage of societies support, safety, and security. Just because it doesn't guarantee you'll be filthy rich doesn't mean morals don't benefit you.

>> No.2261792

yeah, but he's right:

as long as you can get away with it there is no reason

>> No.2261797

If you have the skill, lying and blackmailing will get you a lot more support from society than being honest will.

>> No.2261804

>let me tell you something about harry potter...
I couldn't stop laughing

>> No.2261861

These are not ways of getting support from society. These are ways of stealing resources from it. While you can self benefit from doing these, there's also a good chance you won't succeed and end up losing those benefits.

Ultimately though I don't think morality should even be based on self benefit. We're social animals, not solitary ones. It's our nature to live and function in communities. Even social dissidents tend to gather into groups and form their own subcultures. The people that aren't able to do this are usually the crazy weirdos that aren't able to take advantage of societies benefits at al.

>> No.2261866

>warlocks are evil
>it doesn't matter what kind of hero they are, if he was in the old testament he would have been put to death
This woman is everything wrong with the world
>Drow are evil
>It doesn't matter what kind of hero he is - Do'urden must be put to death!

>> No.2261906



check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaOVPaYf780&feature=related

It's done in slow-speak and ad nauseum, for churchies to be able to follow, but they don't like logic very much.

>> No.2261913


her and extreme muslims. equally as bad. equally as ignorant.

>> No.2262291

If anyone wants to let Mom or Dad know just how much you enjoyed their video here you go:

Anonymous 12/27/10(Mon)19:26:25 No.298151XXX

Mom: Courtney Howard

Dad: Houston Howard