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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2256880 No.2256880 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2256892

19 because every sides are equals

>> No.2256894


>> No.2256898
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>> No.2256899

lim -> 0 log*(OP's mom)^2 - sin40

>> No.2256917

A train leaves Manchester towards London at a speed of 80 km/h. At the same time, another train leaves London towards Manchester traveling 90 km/h. Which train is closer to London when they meet?

>> No.2256922

>they meet

you sneaky sneaky bastard

>> No.2256928

Obviously the one leaving from london.
If by meet you mean collide.

>> No.2256940

Not shown to be a right angle, no angles shown, so it's not to scale, I'll say 19.

>> No.2256941
File: 75 KB, 600x480, 923104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~26.87 . . . The guy that said "19" is a total dumb-ass to think that all the sides are equal. All of the angles would also have to be equal for this to be true, but one of them appeared to be a right angle (though not denoted in the diagram, it is still close enough for the Pythagorean therm to produce an approximate answer).

>> No.2256944

Except it's just a figure, and not all figures are necessarily representatives of their correct angles. Since we're given no angles, and there are tickmarks on all sides of the triangle, we can only assume that x = 19.

>> No.2256959

Unless marked "to scale" never take a figure into account. the markings are the important part.

>> No.2256960

If you can't assume it to be an accurate enough diagram to say that something that looks like a right angle to be so, then there is no way you can assume that they are all equal. With the given information, "x" is unsolvable unless your assume it to be an accurate diagram (which would give you x=~26.87).

>> No.2256965

they are marked as equal. the little dash in the middle of the lines means, of equal length.

>> No.2256970

Exactly. Are the rest of you guys retarded?

>> No.2256998

welcome to 4chan
you must be new

>> No.2257003

I've actually never seen that before, then again I've never been that much into geometry, but still, that's news to me.

>> No.2257018

underaged b&

God, the holidays bring the most retarded little shits here.

>> No.2257022

Calling people retarded little shits is sure much more mature then never having taken geometry where you need to be informed two sides are of equal length.

>> No.2257023

x = 19

All sides are equal because the surface is curved.

Lrn2Euclidean geometry.

Stop being stupid as the eurofaggots, /sci/. We know how much they suck but you should be above this.

>> No.2257024

You're the one who failed 6th grade geometry, dipshit.

>> No.2257026

I just realized I'm getting trolled. Good try, though.

>> No.2257030

I can't tell if it's a right triangle... But is it really safe to simply assume that it is? I don't think it is...

>> No.2257032

The tick marks indicate that all sides are equal. The appearance of the figure is irrelevant.

>> No.2257035

Yeah, I suppose you're right. That guy must be an awful artist.

>> No.2257039

well i see there are those among us who didn't read the instructions on the SAT

>> No.2257047

Why wouldn't a²+b²=c² apply and therefore be 26.87?

>> No.2257050

You see those three marks going through the sides of the triangle? Those mean that all of the sides are equal in length.

>> No.2257063

We don't have SAT's where I come from :f

>> No.2257064

The corner that you believe to be "right" is lacking the box symbol. Therefore we cannot assume that it is a right triangle. (The angle could be 90.0000001 for all we know). Therefore, we must rely solely on the dash marks on the triangle. These marks represent equality on all sides of the triangle. If this is true, then x must equal 19.

>> No.2257067

Oh, OK. Thanks.

>> No.2257079



>> No.2257081



>> No.2257086


>> No.2257105
File: 17 KB, 319x242, Homer+Simpson1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the length of the longest side of an isoceles triangle is the square root of the sum of the squares of the two remaining sides

>> No.2257120

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