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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2256377 No.2256377 [Reply] [Original]

>Why so butthurt?

>> No.2256392

Genuine question guys; all I see is a bunch of buffoons in here arguing over evolutionary or biblical veracity.

Wut is the deal.

>> No.2256395
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nice troll

inb4 exotic interpretations of quantum consiousness.

>> No.2256397

rather a skilled painting of psychedelic drugs effects.

>> No.2256399

Go away, Dad. You fucked up when you made humanity and you know it.

Not that I'm doing much better, I must say.

>> No.2256402


Actually, I am a vehement and adamant atheist who takes pleasure in watching people squirm when they defend their archaic bushwa. However, watching the pitiful tango between atheists, theists, agnostics and trolls on this board, makes me weep as none of you have learnt the art of indifference and just shutting the fuck up.

>> No.2256407


You are me and I am you and you... are me? Ah, the trinity doctrine states I just insulted myself.

>> No.2256410

if you recognize the existance of souls then humanity can not be a mistake since souls exist without beginning or end

>> No.2256414

>exist without beginning or end

Why the fuck not apply this exception to the universe itself and just embrace the fact this is all there is? A natural world; one where loving a partner and sipping wine in the sun is all there is to it and watching your ambulatory genetic fuckhead children meander around a luscious garden?

Seriously, why do you want a soul?

>> No.2256415

you mad cuz they're mad? there's lots of people who don't care, you just don't notice them
that's the idea, and then a dumbass like you comes along

>> No.2256417

or you could just talk like a normal person

>> No.2256418
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>> No.2256423


Where is the fun in that?

>> No.2256425

why you want a soul? well it sustains, and makes you immortal
and in the higher planets you're not able to acquire merit, nothing is outragious there
you're supposed to go through lifephases to develop the skills you desire to have
if you'd just be deva then you'd most likely be stuck in one vain personality mood
life is learning how to become indifferent to misery and view winning and losing as the same, the idea is to reach nirvana and never to come back again
otherwise you're stuck with a kingdom full of emotional pricks who want to conquer each other such as heaven

>> No.2256431


I knew I could draw in some psychotic mumbo if I posted with the OP containing a Tool pic.

Thank you. My hypothesis is proven.

Gawd is happy.

>> No.2256435

well hoohaa, you laugh when you're called a dumbass
if I'd tickle your balls you'd probably die from laughter

>> No.2256437

Atheist trolls would say the religious are easy targets.
Theists are not able to question their beliefs.

>> No.2256440
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>ball tickling

>> No.2256441
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>> No.2256442

too hard to point out what you don't understand?
perhaps you expect life to hand you pony's, or you completely misinterpret the meaning of a soul or something

well good luck calling yourself smart and never telling anything yourself, while calling stuff you don't want to understand psychotic
achievement unlocked: you have established social contact

>> No.2256443

oh sorry you must be 12
yes you'll probably get them when you're 30

>> No.2256444
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>> No.2256447

oh dear a picture, afraid to talk, timmy?
oh wait, you're actually retarded

>> No.2256448


Oh, your wit has burnt me once again with your intellectual retorts and expansive repertoire of vernacular for testes. Touche good sir, touche.

>> No.2256451
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>> No.2256454

a whole sentence without any reply as to what might be wrong?
no you're not retarded, you're pretty smart

>> No.2256456

durrrrr why want soul

>> No.2256461


Oh you, I have barely got my trousers off and here you are flirting with me. Look, lets cut the laborious chase and just bend over and grab your ankles?

I am off to bed lovelies of /sci/. This was amusing while it lasted <3

>> No.2256463

Translation: I'm a wanker

>> No.2256465

why is it that when men talk to women they become scared of their views and immediately go away?
yes fun while it lasted, nothing happened dimwit

>> No.2256467

enlightenment, nirvana, alien abduction, satanic ritual abuse syndrome, etc. are all one thing, all just repressed pre-lingual memories. once we get language the whole way our brain works changes and things from before cannot even normally be considered. in some cases this even includes womb or birth memories, which is where the basic perfection/bliss (being completely supported and sustained by an enveloping extra-self source that you are none the less one with) and terror (WHOA SHIT WHAT IS THIS OW BURN COLD DUDES GRABBING ME WTF) come from.

this is the origin of the basic 'religious' or 'spiritual' experience. it is not always implicitly involved in organized religion, which is generally more about explaining the unknown (just extremely poor science), but people with the screw loose that lets these memories flow (or just a screw loose in general, or just decent con men, it really doesn't take much to wow the masses) to the right degree are the so-called prophets, wise-men, shamans, etc. that sustain/found organized religion (along with general sociological forces).

stop debating this stupid shit and start thinking about how you're going to A) Raise the human life expectancy to 'indefinite' (YES IT IS POSSIBLE, IN OUR LIFETIMES- ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!) and B) what you're going to do with yourself afterward.

that's the next enlightenment paradigm, who can master the state of 'boredom'. everyone realizes the asians were ahead of the curve, nobody realized just how far (that's what buddhism is kind of about). and it ties back into the shit about pre-birth memories, it is all about tapping back into a fetal state of mind.

>> No.2256470

Fucking hell, this has made my evening.

>> No.2256473

yea sure enlightened people got that way because they carried the information in their genes or something
everything seemingly spiritual comes from material, seems legit

>> No.2256476

but the material is not spiritual, so are we both? this is too intense for me

>> No.2256481

how the fuck did you get that out of what I wrote?


that we all have from our own lives before we had language, and repressed afterward. nothing in the genes. or well probably some, and almost surely genes might have a factor in who has the right screws loose that attract groupies, organics is all one big clusterfuck.

>> No.2256484
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>Durrr why do you want a soul ?

You atheists are all sick in the head and are acting in contradictions, every single one of you...

Why lowered youself to an 11 dimensional zombie with a sub-morality ? ?

If, to your best sceintific knowing, survival is part of the most likely defenition of yourself as a human being (if you don`t agree you are basically denying you are a human and are lowering youself to a 11 dimensional gohst). Then why not belief (or at least hope for) eternal life and an all knowing deity that can help you with this task... After all there's no harm in trying. And from being atheist you sure get nothing.

See you atheists are acting against you own logic.

>> No.2256496

I am so sorry, but your previous posts in other threads have disqualified you from having opinions on logic.

Indeed I question if /sci/ is really the place for you. Yahoo answers have a section on religion that might suit you very well.

>> No.2256497

Is this what happens when retards take acid? None of this shit makes any sense.

>> No.2256502

inevitable death is part of being a human as much as the struggle for survival is.
there is no reward for all of this other than what you provide for yourself. if you are uncapable of arranging your life to derive some satisfaction it, tough luck. there's no sky daddy that will take care of you if you fuck up.

it's you godfags that are mentally ill - willingly believing in illusion, because you are too weak to handle the truth.

>> No.2256514

hey faggots I explained all your shit for you right here. you can stop debating. all your religions suck ass.

start thinking about that life expectancy up. and up. and up and up. to 'indefinite'. this is a clear and OBVIOUS goal if you don't let death-worship religions (piss poor attempts to explain how death isn't really the end which have morphed into horribleterrible shit) bog you down in false promises of cyclical revival or bliss/terror eternities.

>> No.2256536
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>Durrr por qué quiere un alma?

Usted los ateos es todos enfermo en la cabeza y está actuando en las contradicciones, cada sola de usted…

Por qué bajado su uno mismo a un zombi dimensionale 11 con una secundario-moralidad?

Si, a su mejor saber sceintific, la supervivencia es parte del defenition más probable de se como ser humano (si usted pone el `t convenga que usted le está negando básicamente es un ser humano y está bajando el youself a un gohst dimensionale 11).

Entonces porqué no vida eterna de la creencia (o por lo menos esperanza de) y toda la deidad que sabe que pueden ayudarle con esta tarea… Después de todo el there' s ningún daño en intentar. Y de ser ateo usted no consiga sure nada.

Vea que usted los ateos está actuando contra usted posee lógica.