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2255751 No.2255751 [Reply] [Original]

>The human male will never evolve to have a ribcage around our testicles ;_;

>> No.2255758

wtf are you even saying? Like, I feel like punching myself because of how stupid an irrelevant this post is.

>> No.2255761

I need sauce on the PICC!!! NOW!!

>> No.2255763

It's possible that such a mutation could happen.
It is very unlikely that it would be a complete 'cage' and even less likely to spread through the population since 'nut shots' are not life threatening.

Besides, your balls need to be able to move freely up and down so that their temperature can be regulated.

>> No.2255769

You know OP, if you're really concerned you could perpetually wear a nutcup. All you've really got to lose is fertility, if you're worried over that. Aside from that, I don't think a..."ribcage" would be beneficial anyway for the testicles.

>> No.2255774

>implying human testicles can function at human body temperatures
>implying one cannot use a fucking cup

>> No.2255784


>It's possible that such a mutation could happen.

>single mutation -creates miniature rib cage.
no. The correct word you're looking for is evolution. Set of subsitutive mutations leading to the evolution of a new trait -of rib testicles.

But you've already highlighted the main reason it won't happen. A set of bones will only be protective if its attached to other bones to lend it structural support. And Evolving a set of bones to keep our testis in place will prevent proper temp. Regulation.
Won't happen

>> No.2255786


>> No.2255809
File: 29 KB, 441x569, angry_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you morons/samefag think our balls aren't already in our chest or some other protected area?

There's a reason testes hang out

>> No.2255812

I'm worried about my nuts. This whole wearing pants thing must be fucking up the temperature regulation.

>> No.2255849
File: 796 KB, 864x1013, Arco_flagellant_by_PabelBilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is relevant to my interests!

But I guess our balls aren't the only things exposed by our upright stance. Also our inner organs are vulnerable. I heard some warrior monks can pull their testes up in their body.

>> No.2255862

Here's how to make it happen. Take a diverse group of people and put them on an island. For each male that hits puberty, kick him lightly in the groin every day. The ones with slightly protruding hip bones/retracted testes will be less likely to suffer damage and thus more likely to reproduce. Each generation, increase the force of the kick slightly. Over a few thousand/million years, you might evolve testicular ribs.

You could also make people evolve wings by throwing small children off ledges when they reach a certain age. The ones with more air resistance and less mass are more likely to survive, eventually resulting in a predominance of lightweight people with webbed hands and feet, which would eventually become batlike wings.

>> No.2255913


Or you could skip the whole eugenics thing and genetically engineer wings directly into the genome.

>> No.2255950
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Remember, genes are NOT blueprints. This means you can't, for example, insert "the genes for an elephant's trunk" into a giraffe and get a giraffe with a trunk. There are no genes for trunks. What you CAN do with genes is chemistry, since DNA codes for chemicals. For instance, we can in theory splice the native plants' talent for nitrogen fixation into a terran plant.

>> No.2255967

>>2255950 but what about hox genes? Couldn't we splice hox genes from one species into the embryo of another species child then it will grow the desired part that the hox genes code for

>> No.2255971
File: 294 KB, 479x363, fffffffffffuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw dat ass

Also, yeah, that sucks. We'll also never evolve to have teeth that don't fucking rot when they're not cleaned constantly.