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2255153 No.2255153 [Reply] [Original]


Nasa is planning on building a rail gun for space shuttle launches.

Is your body ready /sci/?

>> No.2255174

This idea is really just an aircraft carrier's catapult on steroids.

>> No.2255184
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A ram-accelerator with a bunch of pistons and girders glued to it sounds 10000000 times cheaper. But to each his own.

Can't wait to have them room-temperature superconductors though: INSTANT LOFSTROM LOOP, BUY YOUR TICKET NOW, IT'S BETTER THAN SEX

>> No.2255199

Gundam did this like 30 years ago.

>> No.2255221

It's a nice replacement for a launch stage if you have somewhere good to build it. I was under the impression that the construction costs were generally too great compared to the cost savings.

>> No.2255282

What they fail to mention is how this should be built somewhere up on a fucking mountain near the equator for maximum efficiency.

The fast majority of the atmosphere is pretty damn close to the surface and that wastes the most fuel due to drag. Accelerating to Mach 1.5 at seal level is a colossal fucking waste.

>> No.2255301

That would involve buying a significant chunk of another country. That's usually not a cheap proposition.

>> No.2255304

This idea needs more space elevators.

>> No.2255314
File: 145 KB, 764x600, 764px-Spacecolony3edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be used to launch unmanned shit or supplies, not people.

Also the majority of it should be underground, built along a vacuum tube.


Gundam did everything 30 years ago. We should be dropping space colonies by now.

>> No.2255312

How about:
RAIL GUN launches a SCRAM JET which then gets into orbit using a ROCKET and then uses a SPACE ELEVATOR GRAPPLING HOOK.

>> No.2255328
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>> No.2255329
File: 472 KB, 3200x1113, 1291079711207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we solved this problem 50 years ago.

>> No.2255345


We did, but then the Russians got scared/mad, we signed a treaty, and shut that project down.

>> No.2255358

Hopefully the Chinese or Indians won't give a single fuck, and we'll have nuclear propelled spacecraft everywhere.

>> No.2255400

>no radiation shielding

>> No.2255412

My dream of becoming a space shuttle door gunner is within my grasp now.

>> No.2255421


The giant plate. Radiation is LOS.

>> No.2255423
