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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2253171 No.2253171 [Reply] [Original]

12th grade of High School - we took some polls

AP Chem class (college course) - Class of 24
Atheists - 10
Agnostics - 4
Muslims - 2
Christians - 8

Regular English Class - Class of 30
Atheists - 2
Agnostics - 2
Christians - 25
Jew - 1

Tell me, do you see a trend here?

>> No.2253177

English class is pro zionist bullshit.

>> No.2253186

i loled

>> No.2253187

two subjects? really? control groups maybe? While I agree that the trend makes sense, your data is seriously lacking.

How about a non-AP chem course? and AP english course? and even then multiples of AP's and non-AP's. That builds a founded statement.

>> No.2253192

Control group? The data is either an AP course or not.

>> No.2253193

>54 people

Woah, that's one impressively massive sample size right there!

>> No.2253194

Yes, Jews try to hide their religion.

>> No.2253199

countersaging for good measure

>> No.2253202
File: 36 KB, 604x453, pikachu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, having an AP course and a non-AP course of each subject makes less extraneous variables. so the non-AP's (or the AP, it doesn't really matter you just have to pick one) is the control group.

>> No.2253209

Saging again to hide this hideous misuse of statistics perpetrated by a HS retard.

Come back with a sample of at least 1000 people collected from different schools across the country, or leave statistics to people who actually have the means (both practical and intellectual) to work on them.

>> No.2253211

haha, angsty teenager trying to seem pretentiously smart on the internet. good job, your parents must be proud.

op never claimed any conclusions. he just mentioned a trend. get your head out of the ass you piece of shit undergrad (if even that).

>> No.2253214


>> No.2253215

I have a Bachelor's.

You mad, OP?

>> No.2253217

Cool, bragging about degrees you don't have on an anonymous board. You sure are an intellectual.

>> No.2253222

Most schools require you to take chem so it would affect the data.
OP should've used an AP English course though instead of a normal one.

>> No.2253228

as citizens of /sci/, we can all agree an AP english course is bound to have dumber people relative to an AP chem course. one is science, requiring tons of logic, while one is a language where the grade is based on creativity.

>> No.2253231

excellent point. all the more reason why this guy>>2253209
is right.

also, my high school had some not required chem courses. just saying.

>> No.2253235

You're a fucking idiot. No seriously, I really wish /sci/ had mods only to ban faggots like you. Normally you would get wayyyy more flames, but apparently its Christmas or some Christian shit so you're off the hook.

But I will still call you a raging faggot and hope you die.

>> No.2253240
File: 125 KB, 300x275, UMAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>54 students out of millions
>this is significant and a valid representation of the population at large

7/10, OP, you got a few hooks

>> No.2253249
File: 140 KB, 699x873, N-insult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, how do you know that AP Chem students/regular english students are mutually exclusive?

Second of all, why not at least measure AP chem against regular and AP English against regular. That way you have AP vs regular.

Third, if you have a bachelors degree, then why are you going to high schools to take random shitty surveys of only 54 people?


>> No.2253263

You have A LOT of re-reading to do.

>> No.2253274

Yeah, if your not in AP or honors you're fucking retarded.

>> No.2253278
File: 34 KB, 345x369, 1289104867578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much mad

>> No.2253315


Why do people on /sci/ get so pissed off by casual observations about group of people that even the person making the observation probably takes with a pinch of salt? It's as if they can't understand the difference between the expected standards for a proper academic study and for a half-serious high school survey. Or maybe small sample sizes are /sci/'s pet peeve? Or maybe /sci/ is excessively politically correct?

>> No.2253452

Chem class is filled with edgy teenage atheists.
Then some random normal christians.
Those four agnostic kids are the ones who ace everything and just aren't edgy atheists.
Then two random normal muslims.

>> No.2253461

>edgy teenage atheists.
>he thinks atheism is 'edgy'

>> No.2253478

>implying 90% of teenage atheists aren't part of the new atheism movement which is a religion
>implying most atheists aren't edgy

>> No.2253486

My AP Chem class of 12 (back in 2008)
3 Jews
4 Catholics
4+the Professor Protestants
1 Hindu or whatever they're called
0 Atheists

4 students got 5/5
5 students got 4/5
3 got 3/5

>> No.2253491

>atheism is a religion
And that is where you went full retard. Now your entire post is invalid. Troll smarter, not harder.

>> No.2253494

>Tell me, do you see a trend here?
Yes... atheist hate their lives so they take chemistry so they can learn how to synthesize drugs to escape reality.

>> No.2253503 [DELETED] 

>12th grade of High School

>Honors Physics and AP Chem
Every Indian/Asian in the school and the rest are white

>Remedial English
Black as the night sky with a few faint white 'stars'

Tell me, do you see a trend here?

>> No.2253511

Christians like english and Muslims like science.


washing is evil and a sin right christfags

Islam has fucking cleanliness OCD

I dont support either though.