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2252173 No.2252173 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I feel out of place because Im atheist/agnostic and this day means nothing to me and everyone else is all joyous about it and shit on facebook and everywhere else. Anyone else feel the same way?

>> No.2252176

just be happy, motherfucker. I'm also agnostic, but that doesn't mean you can't be full of good cheer.

>> No.2252185

I just feel happy giving people presents and recieiving them. It's a good custom. Not like it has any connection to christianity.

>> No.2252257

Sometimes I think people who are self proclaimed agnostics/atheists consider themselves so special and associates it to being a smart ass radical thinker. When in actuality they just want some attention.

>> No.2252303
File: 20 KB, 400x393, solsticeequinox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an atheist and I FUCKING LOVE CHRISTMAS.

seriously, jesus ass fisting christ. you don't have to be a christfag to get joy out of what is pretty much a commercialised excuse to over-indulge and feel good about yourself and your friends/family/whatever. besides, only idiotic christfags think christmas is sectarian anyway. people have been celebrating it for a fucking age because of the solstice.

ASTRONOMY, BITCHES. it's the real reason for the season.

>> No.2252310
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>Mfw I'm atheist and I only care about this holiday to exploit ignorant christfags and receive a shitton of gifts.

>> No.2252321

happy holidays, just a dollop away. fa-la-la-la-la, french vanilla.

>> No.2252325


Paul should have died instead of John.
Fuck this asshole.

>> No.2252335


>Hurr am I cool yet?

Get off your high-horse you pretentious little shit. Christmas more about retail than it is about religion these days.

Stop being a fucking hipster and enjoy yourself in the one time of the fucking year where society expects you to.

>> No.2252344

Dude, christmas is a secular holiday. Hell, it's not even Jesus's birthday, it's the CELEBRATION of Jesus's birthday. Church made it that way to take over other pagan holidays and in america it became secularized. YAY AMERICA!

>> No.2252348


>someone isn't part of your superstition and openly admits this
>instantly attack them

Feel that christian love!

>> No.2252349

>implying you feel out of place on a holiday that has been hijacked long ago by capitalists
>implying all you hear during Christmas is people getting stuck in snow and how it effects the economy
>implying all you hear isn't about how much people are buying goods

>> No.2252351

there's no snow...what are you talking about?

>> No.2252867


anyone who has no life, friends & girlfriends, yes

>> No.2252878
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>> No.2252879

yha i feel that way about all religious holidays, but dude... free shit fuck it

>> No.2252903

Not a fan of Saturnalia OP?

>> No.2252931


>> No.2252939

Why should you follow morals if you don't believe you are under the threat of eternal damnation?

>> No.2252945

Because mental paradigm?

>> No.2252946
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christmas isn't about christianity, it's about presents and good food (and familiy) you faggot

>> No.2252954



>> No.2252955

So the only reason Christians follow morals is to avoid hell? They actually don't give a shit about their fellow man??

That's rediculous. Atheists follow morals because we have a heart. Not because we're scared a make believe man in the sky will arbitrarily decide to send us to the hell queue.

>> No.2252968

>we have a heart

My mistake, I thought this was /sci/ and we used our brain.

The only real reason to follow any sort of moral code is because you are threatened into it. Why do you think breaking laws is punished? You can't expect people to do what you say just because you said it.

So, brainwashing?

>> No.2252976

What good is a brain with no heart?
What good is a heart with no brain?
Balance my friend, balance in all things.

>> No.2252982


I wasn't being literal, it's a figure of speech.

I could of launched into an explanation of how we thinkg about what the other person is going to be experiencing and not act cruelly and unfairly. Or I could of used a simple expression which I did. Much more efficient

>> No.2252988

wtf is wrong with you ?
Presents and awesome food, that's what Christmas' about.

>> No.2252989

What the fuck is wrong wit you OP?

What kind of fiend doesn't luuuv Saturnalia?