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2251684 No.2251684 [Reply] [Original]

>my mom's side of the family is highly Catholic
>my dad's side of the family is highly Protestant-Christian
>my mom is a devout Catholic although she is educated
>my Dad has a PhD in Mathematics and a degree in Biochemistry
>he is an atheist and passive aggressively against religion
>Christmas Eve dinner
>around 35 people from both sides of the family at my house
>we sit down for dinner
>I'm expecting both a Protestant and a Catholic grace and tensions at their highest
>My Dad sits down, starts handing out food, and then promptly starts eating
>IS HE OK???
>my dad - trollface.jpg

>> No.2251700
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>> No.2251701


>> No.2251703

>back when I was in high school
>go over to a friend's house
>I am an atheist, and in this situation was pretending to be communist
>we sit down for dinner
>friend grabs my hand to say grace
>bat it away and say "I'm not gay"
>before I leave, pass out Karl Marx pamphlets

>> No.2251704

Intersante hisortia amigo

>> No.2251710


poorfag detected

>> No.2251714

>I've never seen such blasphemy!
>Just wait till you see what I do next!

>> No.2251734

>I've never seen such blasphemy

>> No.2251741

>I've never seen such blasphemy

>> No.2251745

What did your dad do? Just keep eating or say sorry like a beta loser?

>> No.2251747

>I've never seen such blasphemy

Who ever said that you have to show them 4chan

>> No.2251749

>IS HE OK???

Never in my entire life have I seen such a load of horseshit. Did you expect people would believe that actually happened?

>> No.2251753

My dad said "wait what's wrong" followed by complimenting the ham and sweet potatoes

we never did say grace

also, my dad is a routine troll

for my brothers 18th birthday my dad got him a calculus book because my brother had a B in calc at the time.

>> No.2251765

You've obviously never been around highly religious people. My friend in high school was grounded his entire junior and senior year because he had sex with his

Did your dad raise his kids to be atheists?

>> No.2251776


What's wrong with that? If he's university to study something that requires even some calculus, he's going to need it.

Besides, those books can be expensive to buy by yourself.

>> No.2251781

Broadvice: Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

>> No.2251791

Because the only reason he had a B at the time was because he failed like one test that was just one question and branched out from there and he went down from an 95 or something to like an 89 and was ranting about it hard

>> No.2251805

>father has no manners
>rest of family doesn't approve

I don't see what's so funny OP. If my father wiped shit over all the food during dinner I think we'd get a similar reaction.

>> No.2251808

Why I've never seen such blasphemy!

>> No.2251809

Christian detected

>> No.2251890

youre comparing wiping shit on food to not saying a prayer before a meal?

geez, thats almost as bad as comparing gays to pedophiles. Saying grace isn't physically hurting anyone like wiping shit on their food would.

What a ridiculous and stupid thing to say.

>> No.2251901

Astig na istorya, 'tol.

>> No.2251920

You're father sounds like a complete asshole. I guess its true that religion is needed for morality.

>> No.2251925
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>Not bowing down while bending backwards to follow pointless religious traditions of a religion that you don't believe in

If that's the case, the jews must be pissed I've missed every Hanukkah

>> No.2251926

I wish to be this anon's father

He sounds like a boss
Not even a regular boss, like a last boss

>> No.2251933


Seconded. I have a highly religious family on both sides, and they never say this shit. OP is living in fantasyland. Xtians are massively beta and passive, even while being highly judgmental.

>> No.2252002

morals are relative......, therefore you can have them, just not the same as everyones else, and stop being so judgemental, you get no friends that way

>> No.2252012

No, you get no friends being a douche bag, like OP's father. Morality isn't that relative. Common courtesy is pretty universally understood. Being a dick-wad is also pretty universally understood.

>> No.2252015

Why did your mother marry your asshole father anyway?

>> No.2252025

her family is very religious and he knocked her up

>> No.2252029

I'm an atheist (perhaps even an anti-theist) but I'm always respectful of customs and such when I'm in someone else's home.

Then again, my job has me working in churches alot, so I get used to deferring to religious practices.

>> No.2252037


I'm not sure where you're trying to go with this. It would be akin to mockery to fake a ritual you cannot sincerely participate in, and that would be far more offensive than simply not participating in it.

>> No.2252043


he's probably exaggerating for comedic effect. people do that some times.

>> No.2252044

You're obviously trolling or an aspie, but you don't have to participate. You can just respectfully wait for everyone else to do whatever ritual they are accustomed to.

>> No.2252055


You can't expect normal people to know your cult's rituals that well when they don't even observe your faith.

>> No.2252057

>obviously trolling or an aspie

as an unrelated anon, i would like to say: we understand, you're mad. you don't need to let it affect your reading comprehension.

>> No.2252068

but they came into his home

>> No.2252092

>implying he didn't know that they wanted to say grace

>> No.2252125

>implying it's important that he knows

>> No.2252142

Your dad's an ass. If it's your family's tradition to wait to say grace before eating Christmas dinner, then he just fucking wait.

>> No.2252156
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Femanon christfaggot detected.

why you so mad bitch?

>> No.2252158

FFS, the fucking trolls in this thread. Meanwhile everyone has something to say, while no one cares about the Alpha Centauri thread. Worst Christmas Ever.

>> No.2252168

I'm actually neither. Even if this guy's father is an atheist, he should still have the decency to respect the beliefs of his family members. That's like going to a Jewish wedding, taking out a pork chop and eating it in front of the rabbi.

>> No.2252178

fuck jews. cows die such a fucked up way becouse of them sick fucks

>> No.2252183
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>Hyperboles, Hyperboles everywhere.

>> No.2252190


Wait, are rabbis offended by gentiles eating pork?

I highly doubt it.

>> No.2252210

His house, his rules.

>> No.2252213

You guys need some work in reading comprehension... The dinner was being held at OPs house therefore his father would be the one to initiate a grace. He didn't disrespect anyone in their home it's his fucking house.

>> No.2252217

You're right, I suppose that was not the best analogy. But regardless, that doesn't make what OP's dad did any less of a dick move. I grew up in a Catholic household, but neither side of my family was particularly religious. Even so, we said grace at big family gatherings like Thanksgiving and Christmas. The point of saying grace for us wasn't to go "hurr yay god", it was to say how grateful we were that we were able to come together as a family and share a meal together. If OP's father can't appreciate that sentiment, or at least respect it, then he is just a cold jerk.

>> No.2252221

It would also be inappropriate for him to stand up on the table and piss on all his guests.

>> No.2252223

Because that's a great comparison right there.

>> No.2252224

Really? Are you really that socially retarded?

And why the fuck couldn't his wife start grace. That's what happens with well-adjusted humans when only the wife is religious.

>> No.2252227

It's his house. If they didn't want to get pissed on, they should have eaten elsewhere.

>> No.2252230

I love how you all read into it that OPs father was disserespecting their religion, maybe he was just being a troll

>> No.2252231
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>my mom is a devout Catholic although she is educated
>devout Catholic although she is educated
>devout Catholic educated

>> No.2252242

What the fuck? Is there a religious female on /sp/? Get the fuck out of here whore. Go earn that English degree

>> No.2252245

I used to be a Christian, and was forced to read the bible constantly by my parents.
I don't recall a single passage that says anything like "you better pray to god before every meal or else he'll burn your ass with hellfire".

>> No.2252249

She only has a masters.

>> No.2252250

>my dad - trollface.jpg

your dad is 10/10

>> No.2252264

It was the OPs fathers house guys. Shit get it together

>> No.2252271

Something tells me your mother will divorce your father soon.

>> No.2252276
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>My dads side of the family is like half atheist and half agnostic, with maybe a few liberal diests/thiests thrown in.
>Ditto for moms side
>I have never said grace at a dinner in my life or have do any religious crap.

>> No.2252277

You are suppose to say grace before large meals to avoid the pain of gluttony which is a cardinal sin

>> No.2252283

Not jealous at all. My family is fucking loaded.

>> No.2252286

I don't think that excuses it. He just wanted to show off. His beliefs might be very different, but this is the kind of image he is showing theists about what an atheist is.

A douchebag.

>> No.2252291

It's very possible. My parents are nearing retirement within the next 5 or so years and they have been dropping subtle hints to my younger siblings that they may split up. Like my dad living in Florida and having a cabin in Maine and my mom living in our beach house

>> No.2252295

>dads a douchebag for not conforming to beliefs he doesnt share.
Cool story bro.

>> No.2252297
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>>ops post

>> No.2252300

Yeah probably

>> No.2252307

It's not like OPs father dissrespected their beliefs, he just didn't say grace. He's the fucking head of the household so everyone would have just been starring at his ass and waiting for him to say something. He probably was better off not saying anything then trying to pass off some half assed noncommittal grace.

>> No.2252309

Smile politely. Be corteous. Basic manners that every person of any culture can agree with.

Of course, you can be savage and do as he did. Not only did he leave a bad impression to your mother's side of the family, but also his.

But hey, it's "his house", nevermind that his wife also lives there. Who cares, right?

>> No.2252312

Confirmed for female. Get the fuck out.

He is the head of the house he is expected to lead grace and he chose not to.

>> No.2252315

>Have manners
>Be called a woman

You know, if my gender is supposed to act like brutes, then perhaps I was born the wrong gender.

>> No.2252318

> Smile politely. Be corteous. Basic manners that every person of any culture can agree with.

To quote the OP:
>around 35 people from both sides of the family at my house
>My Dad sits down, starts handing out food, and then promptly starts eating

I fail to see where he didn't live up to your expectations. It was his house, they were his guests, he passed out the food like a good host and then ate when he was ready. If anything, THEY were rude for expecting him to conform to their antiquated bullshit fairy nonsense.

>> No.2252319

confirmed for female or lonely homosexual european

you speak of customs--customs that vary from household to household. You do not speak of manners

>> No.2252326

>You are suppose to say grace before large meals to avoid the pain of gluttony which is a cardinal sin

So lemme get this straight: Christians are celebrating Christmas by having a large meal, which technically is a sin, so they are trying to undo that sin by casting spells (grace). While celebrating the birth of Jebus.

And people here are criticizing a bad ass mathematician who doesn't give a shit about such nonsense in his house? Sure is a lot of trollin going on.

>> No.2252328

>Smile politely. Be corteous. Basic manners that every person of any culture can agree with.
Saying grace is not a part of your generic "basic manners" and does not need to be said to be courteous

>> No.2252331


Grace is a way of purging yourself from the gluttony that is attributed to having such a large meal in celebration because youvare thanking god that you have so much to enjoy

you have it figured out though

>> No.2252334

> Saying grace is not a part of your generic "basic manners" and does not need to be said to be courteous

nor is it something that every culture can agree with, obviously.

>> No.2252337

Hell, I'd personally say insulting a man in his own home simply because he DIDN'T say grace is pushing the boundaries of good manners.

>> No.2252338

According to you, curtosy is universal therefore it should not include aspects of a certain religion such as saying grace.


>> No.2252342

He did it because he KNEW he would cause controversy. We call this attention whores.

>> No.2252343



rant about the evils of witchcraft and harry potter

attempt to cast spells at every meal, every task and whenever someone is sick

they're just mad cause they flunked transfiguration.

>> No.2252358

He's an atheist. He shouldn't be expected to say it either way

>> No.2252371

If saying grace is meant to remove yourself from the gluttony of eating a big meal, then why do people say grace before EVERY meal?
People eat. Every day. Deal with it, God.


>> No.2252377



First knowledge, then sex, then FOOD is evil?

fucking hell christianity is shit tier

>> No.2252396

Everything (except sucking god's dick in heaven) is evil and sinful. Your whole existence is a sin, according to some factions.

>> No.2252403
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No, THANKING them after the meal is a good way to purge yourself of glutteny, or offering them to one of your own get togethers, retard.

praying to a fucking non existant sky wizard also isnt going to help the poor ass fucker growing all our food or the mexicans picking it.

>> No.2252426


Heretics. The only true way to purge the gluttony demons is to ingest large quantities of salt and throw up all your food into a solid gold toilet along with a live gerbil and a copy of Homage to Catalonia. At full moon.

Then if you pray to the ghost of George Orwell, he'll bitch slap you for believing in this shit.

>> No.2252478

But gerbils are animals made for man, so being near them is a sin

>> No.2252499


>> No.2252511
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Don't worry OP I liked your story, true, exaggerated, whatever
Haters in this thread just be trippin'

>> No.2252540

lol America

>> No.2252549
File: 134 KB, 250x250, suspicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read OP's thread
>read all the reactions
>notice a lot of butthurt answers from Christfaggots comparing OP's father to someone who shit on the table
>my face when I live in Europe, grew up in an atheist family, most people I know show little to no interest towards religion and the asspies here are the people saying a grace before eating
>my face when people in Murka are getting really upset about this kind of trivial shit

>> No.2252645

What have you done OP

>> No.2252861


I shit all over a lot of my family's traditions with logic & reason. Pretty much everyone other than my parents hate me.

Feels pretty good, man.

>> No.2252865

>my mom is a devout Catholic although she is educated
>implying education=nonreligious

underage angsty retard

>> No.2252869
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>he really believes there are fundamentalist Christians on 4chan's /sci/

>> No.2252870

>mfw murrka
I lol'd. Never had to deal with that shit here in NZ, my grandparents are as catholic as you get around here and they don't care about saying grace. Christmas religious tradition for me consists of getting pissed, going to Midnight Mass and singing carols loudly.

>> No.2252885


Oyou newfags, when will you ever learn how to spot a troll?

>> No.2252888

We're on a mission from our Lord God, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, to save the souls of these poor gentile souls.

>> No.2252889

We must be he same person.

>> No.2252905

your dad is a prick.

>> No.2252950
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>> No.2252977

I have no idea what the customs are like in America,
But in family gatherings in China, we usually wait until the eldest of the family start eating before we start ourselves. Also, we wait for the entire table to be ready to eat before everyone digs in as a basic courtesy.

That said, OP's father is a dick.

>> No.2252993

You are a dick you dirty chink. In china you guys take shit in the middle of the road too. Doesn't mean this should be done in USA.

>> No.2253018

In my part of the world we get drunk and have a really casual barbecue at the beach.

>> No.2253038
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I'm jelly, that would be awesome.

>> No.2253052


>captcha: Brosky Lord
Seems we have some brosky lords here tonight.