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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 659 KB, 700x922, Drogas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2248880 No.2248880 [Reply] [Original]

OC info/life advice on drugs I just made.

In return, can we get a science related info thread going? Mine isn't very scientific, because I wrote it for the general public, but I would appreciate some really technical shit you guys saved on whatever you are interested in. Extra points if its physics or math, but I'm not picky. Show me something I've never even heard of.

I'll start it off.

>> No.2248889
File: 509 KB, 1413x2000, Antimatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is the font in my first pic too small?

>> No.2248895
File: 1.28 MB, 2564x3838, EarthRelativeToUniverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248905
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x2275, FundamentalParticles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248907
File: 687 KB, 1003x1217, StringTheory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248916
File: 187 KB, 500x4654, Petabyte.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, thats all I've got. Anyone else willing to contribute?

Anyone here know anything about cosmology/particle physics/string theory/E8? Fucking explain E8?

>> No.2248918


Fuck that man, getting high in my room makes Star Trek cool and jerking it...feel reallll nice

>> No.2248928


don't you get depressed though? i did that for a while, but got fed up with it. started exercising, following my goals more. feels good man.

>> No.2248939

A galaxy 8 times the size of our own shouldn't exist? Why?

>> No.2248950


I suppose something to do with the strength of gravity and the age of the universe. It must not be possible for gravity to have collected together so much mass in such a small amount of time (assuming that the picture we are looking at is very old, and galaxies would have had to have been in their early stages of life).

Just my guess. Anyone have any better ideas?

>> No.2248951


I only start to get depressed if I dwell on superficial shit. I always have awesome clarity of mind when I get high though, like I think about troubles I'm having and decisions come easier after smoking, and like I said...Star Trek Next Generation at 1 am on Fox is most enjoyable

>> No.2248953

OP info is rather naive.

Constant stoner here - do tons in life and am always doing things. In fact, I run my own business and do research/consultation for two others.

Also, nicotine isn't the ultra-addictive shit, it's the byproducts that combusted tobacco produces.

Got an e-cig right here. The nicotine only kills the edge. It's the other shit that's missing causing my nasty issues.

>> No.2248959


I'm speaking in stereotypes there. There are always exceptions like potheads who have incredible motivation and get shit done or people who don't get addicted to nicotine at all, but for most people I think what I wrote is true. Also for everything except nicotine I was speaking form experience, nicotine just seemed like a good example to add. You can't refute the fact that whatever the drug gives you, it will detract from in the long run though.

Nicotine is definitely the addicting part in the cigs though.. You tell me, when you get a craving can you just ignore it and keep working?


To each his own man, you found something you like and I applaud it.

>> No.2248978


I'm using a much higher dose of nicotine than what a cigarette normally contains, I still want a cigarette.

It's the additives and combustion byproducts which are more addictive, and harmful. A two-year study just finished on rats + nicotine. No change in anything but body weight between nico-rats and controls.

>> No.2248994


Why bother with the ecig then? It can't possibly have an effect in the short term without having an effect in the long term.

>> No.2249008


The point is to break the psychological HABIT.

The nicotine is just there to kill part of the craving HARMLESSLY, while still leaving you with something to handle, just not as bad.

>> No.2249018
File: 105 KB, 897x669, 1272896355023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i already have all long-term effect so its only pros for me
guess i should go find some drugs now

>> No.2249041

alright then you are probably like me, and don't get affected much by nicotine. I've smoked plenty of cigs before and never felt anything more than what half a cup of coffee gives, and usually feel nothing.

The less of an effect you feel from a drug, the less it will affect you long term. Makes sense then that the hard part for you was kicking the psychological habit/other additives. Good move quitting anyway, and GL staying away.

>> No.2249056


they fade with time man, its just not as short term as the positive effects are. to each his own though, all I really meant by the inital pic is each person should at least know their own limits. If you don't need to live with any, I'll trust your judgement, not mine. You know you best.

>> No.2249071

OP is right. Doing any drug e'ry day WILL fuck up your brain. Doing drugs now and then on occasion is mostly harmless.

>> No.2249083

So anyone got any science info pics? if not I'm off to bed. shits 3:30 here and its CHRISTMAS EVE motherfuckers!

>> No.2249098


Dihydrogen Monoxide.

>> No.2249104

I am a neurophysiologist, this is all BS. Get this internet smart shit off /sci/.

>> No.2249115

sorry for my lack of intellegence on biology for I am more of a physics/math kinda guy. But part of bio has always bothered me and it's that whole receptor chemical thing.

I know when you swallow tylenol, painkillers, or any sort of drug, the drug's contents goes into your bloodstream and into your brain and into the receptors. However how can this happen so fast with there being so many cells. Does the chemical really go bumping into everysingle cell's membrane until it fits into one.
tl;dr how do hormones know what cell to go to
this is from what i learned in high school i never took biology in college

>> No.2249138

The hormones aren't targeted to any specific spot. They travel in the blood stream and the blood stream goes to every cell that needs oxygen. The way that hormones target different spots on the body is that those specific spots on the body are the only spots that have receptors for the hormone. They travel as fast as our blood travels.

ouch, but yeah I figured this wasn't really the intended audience. Realized that /b/ isn't the intended audience either though, and figured this would be at least a more interesting spot to post it (and tried to move the thread in a slightly different direction following the original post). Can you tell me what is wrong with the science of it?