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File: 48 KB, 320x466, Richard Dawkins, atheism, Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2248847 No.2248847 [Reply] [Original]

Merry Christmas everyone

>> No.2248872

Ain't no secret that R Dogg loves him some Christmas. He's not above that shit.

>> No.2248900
File: 63 KB, 182x343, christophery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Saint Christopher.

Any holiday named after a nine foot tall cannibal with the head of a dog and super-strength is a pretty bad ass holiday!

>> No.2248956

merry chrismas!

>> No.2248963

lol hypocrite

>> No.2251132

That man is always in a suit. He comes down christmas morning and makes oatmeal.

He is wearing a three-piece suit.

He fucks his wife while wearing a three-piece suit.

>> No.2251152

marry christmas Anonymous

>> No.2251163

you know richard dawkins was raped by a priest?

>> No.2251166

it's getting hard to find someone who WASN'T raped by a priest.

>> No.2251174


>> No.2251177

I can't stand Richard Dawkins. He's just so arrogant and condescending.
Even to the people he's interviewing for his documentary, who share his views.

>> No.2251196

I went to a catholic school, and I wasn't.

Some days I feel inadequate because of it.

>> No.2251199

I told that in the other thread staring with that picture, and I shall sure as hell say it again:

That tree is fucking ugly.

>> No.2251202


no wonder he hates christianity. pretends to be a fighter for "scientific truth" yet wont attack those who pretend all races and sexes are equal

>> No.2251216


>pretends to fight for scientific truth
>purely motivated by his completely irrational hate for those with a darker skin tone than he

Cool story bro

>> No.2251218

>pretends racism is irrational
>crosses the street when he sees black men walking toward him


>> No.2251228

>claim to believe in evolution and natural selection
>at the same time claim organisms that evolved in separate locations are equal

oh lord, atheist liberals really are embarrassing

>> No.2251226

Well, well, well, if it isn't a faggot.

>> No.2251233

His article in the Guardian today was fuck awful. Started with personal insults and went downhill from there.

The man has a fourteen year old's understanding of theology, which probably explains why so many people on 4chan are desperate to such his dick.

>> No.2251237

>>2251233 understanding of theology

>implying there's anything to understand beyond "man in sky said give me your moneys"

>> No.2251241

Oh boy, here we go

>> No.2251244


>>The man has a fourteen year old's understanding of theology

So? Theology is the study of fiction. It's not especially important and is understood by the intelligent to be invalid from the getgo.

>> No.2251247

Why is OP so butthurt about Dawkins? Do you have a hate shrine to him or something?

>> No.2251248

It's kind of like a group of kids arguing over whose favorite super hero would win. Another kid comes into the group and they ask him, he says "you know none of them a real right?" And the rest of the kids get butthurt.

>> No.2251258


Your arguments are about as good as "I don't read books. Therefore, studing Literature is worthless".

>> No.2251267

I can hardly believe I'm saying this instead of dissecting your pitiful excuse for an argument but......

LOL, faggot is butthurt. U mad?

>> No.2251275


Casually dimissing my argument without any thought is immature.

Theology isn't worthless because I don't read religious texts. I do. I have. I've had six years of theological training, that's how I became an atheist.

It's worthless because it's the study of what, in the modern day, would be equivalent to the Lord of the Rings canon. Or comic books. The Bible and all other holy books are cultural epics, written amalgamations of the best, most compelling tales of the period woven into a narrative centering around a deity or demigod. It was somehing for people to geek out over before there was such a word as geek. A fictional universe to immerse onesself in and a whole alternate area of employment where the bright could find decent pay with little physical labor and a lot of mental exercise.

Religions are, essentially, literary fandoms. And religious texts offered those whose midns felt constrained by the comparative ignorance of their time *something* to "chew on". Most of the people on /sci/ would've been in the clergy a few hundred years ago if only for the stimulation and lack of labor.

>> No.2251303

to be honest, I agree with you

>> No.2251328
File: 11 KB, 424x288, 1292915871850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2251368

> I've had six years of theological training
>Spends Christmas eve on 4chan
>Puts together arguments that sound like they come from a secondary school sleep over

I do not believe you. And if you are telling the truth, despair, for you are utterly shit at what you have spent so long working on.

>> No.2251388

Maybe he seems to have a 14 year olds understanding of theology because all the people he is dealing with DO have a 14 year olds understanding of theology, and he's trying to reason with them.

>> No.2251391

He was born wearing a fucking suit. And at his baptism he debated the preacher. And won.

>> No.2251400

He has never been seen by another person not wearing his suit.