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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 528 KB, 598x475, IanStevenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2246871 No.2246871 [Reply] [Original]

Billions of people and hundreds of cultures have sworn on the existence of reincarnation. Now supportive research has been done on the subject by PhDs from many fields, with the most famous being Ian Stevenson.

Find his book /sci/ it is rigorously and meticulously document. It will challenge your belief about the world.


And yes, there is evidence.

>> No.2246891

where is your god now?

>> No.2246888

evidence such as?

>> No.2246895

>old news
Yeah.....I don't think so.

sage in a troll thread

>> No.2246898
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Compelling evidence. If only you'd put in the effort to get the book.

"Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation"

It might be in your library; if not, tell them to order it.

>> No.2246914


>Translation: There is no empirical evidence

>> No.2246918
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Look to sources, none are credible journals.



Nice try troll, when he publishes in "science", then I'll take a look.

>> No.2246923
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Saged and reported

>> No.2246932
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And /sci/ proves itself to be nothing more than willful ignorance.

Once again. You won't believe anything until Richard Dawkins says it's true, will you?

>> No.2246961

I don't know who Richard Dawkins is, fuckface.

>> No.2246962
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>Richard Dawkins

Who the fuck is Richard Dawkins?
You really should step up your game troll.

>> No.2246969



We are not the dark ages anymore.

Either put up or shut up with that supernatural BS

But you can't so all you do is accuse anyone who calls you out "not being open minded"

>> No.2246989
File: 52 KB, 518x346, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem here is that /sci/ has adamantly reached their own conclusion without reviewing the actual evidence. I told them what book to get, yet that is apparently not enough for an intelligent discussion here.

>> No.2246993 [DELETED] 


Stephen Dawkins

>> No.2246995

No, apparently peer review is needed

>> No.2246998
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>Stephen Dawkins

>> No.2247012

>one book with anecdotal evidence

Yeah, no.

This is what I need to believe in reincarnation:

1. Proof of a soul
2. Proof that souls are recycled after death

>> No.2247021

YOU want to prove reincarnation, YOU have to present evidence. Yes, YOU - We wont go looking for it for you. Provide links to strudies/articles from credable sources, and im sure everyone here will read them, but we are not going to hunt down some random book for some retard on the internet.

If you can give is proper credible sources, do so, and we will read them. If not, Get the fuck out of my /sci/

>> No.2247040
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Read your heart out


>> No.2247045


This is absolutely true

I always read journal articles whenever people post them before I post in a thread

I won't even bother to do anything other than sage if someone tries to pass off wikipedia pages, youtube videos, or personal blogs/sites as sources

>> No.2247051

The book says it's true so it must be true

>> No.2247059


You do realise thats a 'review' right?

I'll read whats there, anyway. Do you have any articles from a credable journal? or is this it? Becuase the only reason i'd be intrested in this book is to find where his sources came from and read them directly.

Do you have a copy of the book? If so, find the sources and see what ones you can find online.

>> No.2247057


hey aether you forgot your tag man.

>> No.2247065

i mean 'preview'

fuck i just woke up.

>> No.2247070

Read some of the book. It's laughable.

They guy basically tells stories that are unusual, but nothing suggesting supernatural events. For example, a kid recognizes someone to whom he supposedly owed a debt to in a past life, but was unsure of the amount.

This is easily explainable as the debtor trying to scam someone, and then arguing over how much money to pay.

it's all bullshit. Give me a research article, not a book. Especially not a preview to a book that I have to buy.

>> No.2247084

Have you read the book OP? If yes, how does author prove reincarnation?

Inb4 "go read yourself" bullshit

>> No.2247088
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>> No.2247091
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Psst, remember what i told you about picking the right books.

>> No.2247094

I don't give two shits about this but for those who are looking to find his books, here is one:

European Cases of the Reincarnation Type
password = ebooksclub.org

As if the the wiki didn't reflect enough on this guy's silliness

>> No.2247093
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>> No.2247092

You guise are a bunch of assholes.

"Tucker said that toward the end of his life, Stevenson felt his long-stated goal of getting science to consider reincarnation as a possibility was not going to be realized in this lifetime.[4] According to his University of Virginia obituary, his greatest frustration was not that people dismissed his theories, but that in his opinion most did so without even reading the evidence he had assembled.[3][10] Stevenson died of pneumonia at the Blue Ridge Retirement community in Charlottesville, Virginia, on February 8, 2007"

>> No.2247101

lol, OP is butthurt we didn't eat the shit he put on our plates.

>> No.2247102



In my last life i was a ww2 soldier who died in the battle of Stalingrad (i was commie)

If this is accurate then obviously true.

I was also i pirate.

iff pirates existed, i was obviously one of them.


>> No.2247106


Not OP, faggot.

>> No.2247112

Who cares? You're still taking OP's side, and you're still butthurt.

>> No.2247116

Here's the explanation for this "evidence."

Kid: "Oh, all these adults are going on about something big! Reincarnation? What's that! Uh oh, everyone is looking at me expectantly! I don't want to disappoint anybody, I'd better tell them what they want to hear!"

"Wow! I got all kinds of attention and stuff for that! I'd better tell everyone I've been reincarnated!"

>> No.2247118

what about DMT? not so much reincarnation, but the experience of consciousness creating the physical.

>> No.2247119
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>> No.2247129
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>> No.2247347

Reincarnation sounds neat and stuff, but to be honest I couldn't care less if my memory is reset in the process. What's the point of being born again if I don't remember anything? It's just a different person.

You could compare it to cloning, my clone will live on, but it won't be my consciousness anymore.