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2246320 No.2246320 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw you guys are all like ''hurr I'ma atheist so kewl liek...'' and yet you celebrate christmas

Seriously, why do you do that shit /sci/?

>> No.2246329

Because it has become a secular holiday.

Are you retarded?

Nope, just a troll.

>> No.2246350

You are both uncultured swine.

The second less than the first, but still.

>> No.2246368

In our home we actually don't celebrate christmas as in the birth of christ, but instead have created a kind of our own holiday for tranquility, warmth and silence to relax us from the perpetual cold and stress. We light candles, trade some presents and spend the whole day around the table eating food that we only eat on this special holiday. We time it around christmas because that's still the days we get holidays and are not working. We also borrow a couple of fun rituals that have been done by pagans during the winter, before the time christianity arrived here. Roughly translated, this holiday of ours is called "christmas-peace" but the "christ" part is misleading because in our local language it doesn't refer to christmas in its name.

Not american btw, in case that didn't become clear.

>> No.2246423
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Guys work on your defenition on what christmas actually is. You can see it as something cultural, not explicitly religious.

>> No.2246432

Because I celebrate yuletide.
Your faggot church just went

Didn't matter much, most finns still celebrate in our own pagan ways.

>> No.2246434

Last I heard, Christmas was a time when families came together, and exchanged presents. And yes, I support families coming together and exchanging presents. So yes, I celebrate Christmas, and no, I really couldn't give a fuck about whose birthday was defined to be the 25th of December a few millenia ago.

>> No.2246446

Christmas is pagan. It only began to be called Christmas {{Christ-Mass}} in the dark ages. Christmas used to be the celebration of the birth Mithras, from Emperor Constantinople's cult of the Roman officer class. They exchanged gifts.

>> No.2246563

> I'm an atheist but I celebrate Christmas.
> hurr, I spel mai strewmen uv u rong 2 maek u luk dum y u do dat
1) I enjoy being with my family and friends and a nationally recognized holiday of any stripe affords me such an opportunity, especially in winter when my seasonal affective disorder sets in from the cold and low light. Presents are a bonus too.
2) I can think of no better way to insult Christianity than to violate the Bible's command against the pagan ritual of erecting an evergeen tree and decorating it on the eve of Mithra's birth in the way that the Romans who conquered the Christians decided it should be done to incorporate their annexed religion into their current pantheon as was their custom with all religions.

>> No.2246568

Festivus, you retard.

Also, Christmas isn't Christian at all. It's a pagan holiday that Christianity stole to make sure it settled into the rest of Europe better. If it was truly Christian, why doesn't worshipping it revolve entirely around sucking gods dick (AKA going to church)

>> No.2246589

I don't celebrate anything. I just get presents and eat good food.

>> No.2246592

Congrats /sci/

You have all just fallen for a very subtle troll

>> No.2246594

Go look up the Pagan celebration Winter Solstice.

Do you really think the tradition of decorating a pine tree was a Christian invention?

>> No.2246596

Don't know about you all, but I celebrate Alvistime on the 27th. Lots of drinking and revenge!

>> No.2246603

conforming like the rest of the religious faggots out there. you hear me op?

>> No.2246612


Nobody said anything about Christianity idiot. It's still a religious holiday...

>> No.2246617

I'm forced to celebrate by my family.

>> No.2246625

>implying that OP didn't imply Christmas is a Christian thing


>> No.2246631
File: 31 KB, 363x310, bender_laugh_moar[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very subtle

>> No.2246636

I second that. I have never before seen a troll LESS subtle than OP.

>> No.2246652


I see no reasons to celebrate the solstice four days after it occurred.

>> No.2246685

its called the saturnalia fucktard

>> No.2246703


You guys seriously think this is a christmas thread and not actually a religion in disguise?

>> No.2246709

i don't celebrate christmas at all. i win

>> No.2246710

No, you retard. We know it's a blatant religion thread that doesn't even bother disguising itself as a Christmas thread.

If you're not a troll, learn to reading comprehension.

>> No.2246722


>Implying he did

>> No.2246733

Are you a retard, or are you a troll?

Ah, who cares, I'm going to sage either way.

>> No.2246739

this is how my family celebrates christmas (minus the couple of pagan rituals), and I'm american.
there's never been any element of religion in christmas for me, and I come from a religious family

>> No.2246757

Naggar I think you need to take a break from /sci/ for a few minutes.

You seem to be getting trolled to hell and back today.

>> No.2246759

I celebrate the fuck out of christmas because it's a pagan holliday pretending to be Jesus' birthday on a day he wasn't born... as an atheist I can't think of any better way to troll the son of god than to go along with this jolly faggotry.

Besides, it's fun and colorful and stuff in the middle of our siberian darkness.

>> No.2246760

>pointing out trolls
>outraged that such poor quality trolls are shitting up /sci/
>getting trolled
How you jumped to that conclusion, I do not see it.

>> No.2246855

tl dr nigger hear don't even know about my pagan goat sacrifice