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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 88 KB, 920x700, Metricsystem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2243194 No.2243194 [Reply] [Original]

Why do americunts still use this retarded system?
Someone please explain the flawed logic....

>> No.2243203

Go back to /sp/ and post this during the Yuro/Amerifat war threads.

>> No.2243207

I believe it had something to do with monopolizing their own market on construction and carpentry equipment.....something like that.

>> No.2243210

we wanted to be different
idk why we use it now

>> No.2243218

>not Megagram

Unrealized potential, imo

>> No.2243220

that would be awesomeE6

>> No.2243226

it was the system that allowed us to land a person on the moon. What have you "rest of the world" cunts done with the metric system?

>> No.2243230

NASA would use the metric system cause you can only use that in modern equasions.....

>> No.2243231

Nobody fucking cares
OP is a fag
SAGE this shit
Go back to /b/ jizz-guzzler eurotrash

>> No.2243233

WTF u talkin bout? Equations are not dependent on a set of units. And the entire aerospace industry uses english units.

>> No.2243238


>> No.2243239

Usually the best country can pick what it wants to do.

>> No.2243243

Being the first in space?

>> No.2243244

Faggot detected.

>> No.2243246

Yep, we should universally change to a system that makes atomic and astronomical distances more easily related, because you've taken a physics class.

Most of the world works at very small range of scale. There are not many who are concerned how many inches are in a mile. So, we can uproot an existing system, resulting in additional effort for all those unconcerned people, or, the three people that give a shit can uses a calculator.

>> No.2243254

Worked at Pratt and Whitney and they use english measurements. I got a friend who worked at NASA (co-op) and said they use english units as well. Maybe thats why you eurofags haven't made it to the moon yet. also, if everybody just used the correct system of units (english) caltech wouldn't have crashed the mars lander due to a units conversion.

>> No.2243256

i don't understand this kind of thinking. why woud you feel nationalistic pride for an obviously logically flawed unit system? are you seriously that retardedly tribalistic animal you can't outthink your own instincts with logic and admit the metric system is better in every way?

>> No.2243262

every country and their neighbor has been to space. English units are the only system that landed a man on the moon. Also: SR71, F117, F22, etc...

>> No.2243266

I worked at Hurr and Durr and they use derp measurements. Why doesn't the world use durp measurements?

>> No.2243270

because the metric system has gaps in it, that the imperial system fills. Gallons are easier to work with than measuring everything in liters. Feet are more convenient than measuring everything in meters (it would be awful if we had to measure stuff like 5.3 yards instead of 18 feet) which is why feet is still used a lot in aviation and nautical situations.

>> No.2243271

Actually, I'm pretty sure NASA uses the metric system.

>> No.2243275


I got a friend who worked as a male prostitute and he says you're a faggot

>> No.2243278

I said "Being the FIRST in space".
First as in "you weren't there before".

>> No.2243280

NASA uses metric system faggot

>> No.2243292
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>mfw when murrika will never go back to the moon because of their mental inferiority

>mfw when superior china will get to mars and beyond while you niggers will die on your rock

>> No.2243296

ITT eurofags get trolled, just like in every other usa vs euro thread

stop taking yourselves so seriously

>> No.2243299

What are these "gaps" you speak of. You're simply used to imperial units since that's what you were brought up with. A foot is in no way more convenient to work in than centimeters.

>> No.2243302
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Sad but true. Chinese parents will cut their kid's left nut if he doesn't get good grades in math and science.

In America parents will say that math and science are for chinks and godless liberals, and to keep practicing at throwing a ball around.

>> No.2243300

I rarely hear people who actually build or make anything bitch about units. They know how much they need, and what size tools are available, and they get it done.

The people I hear bitching are "the world should work like this" types who haven't done shit. Sure, relating all units in an elegant way has some advantages. But those of us who are getting shit done are doing fine without crying.

The few people that need to juggle units either develop a familiarity, or do a few calculations.

>> No.2243313

The Chinese folks you meet in the West are a subset of all Chinese folks. The ones you meet have had a drive to travel and succeed, and have made enough of themselves to do so. Then there are Westerners that assume that those Chinese folks that have the skill, wit, and resources to migrate and succeed are representative of the entire Chinese population.

>> No.2243316
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mfw fags think China isn’t sitting on a massive real estate bubble that will break their economy in the next few years.
(this isn’t America boosting, china will likely dump their American debt to finance prolonging the inevitable and will make interest rates explode).

>> No.2243317

>A foot is in no way more convenient to work in than centimeters.
thats just stupid, decimeters are even too small to be convenient measurement.

If you want americans to switch to metric, you have to start calling quarts metric liters, and make 4 liters a metric gallon. You have to call kilos a metric double pound.

>> No.2243325
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SI units make a fuckton more sense than Imperial units.

>> No.2243331
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I am an americunt and I use the metric system because it is 10x easier than this bullshit they teach at schools.

>> No.2243336

wait, I screwed that up, you have to call liters metric quarts

I do think that grams are easier than ounces, centimeters are easier than inches, and milimeters are easier than fractions of an inch

>> No.2243338
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>mfw the rest of the world is so stupid they need the same standard for everything or else they'll forget

>> No.2243346

I am an american and I'm fine with using metric when its given, I find it simpler. But you won't find me describing temperature in celcius and speed in kph to other americans. You also won't find metric being used locally anywhere outside of france. We have science units, and we have imperial units. And for a long time it will be.

>> No.2243347

Would rage again

>> No.2243353

>You also won't find metric being used locally anywhere outside of france.
lol wut

>> No.2243381


Why not use a unit suitable to the quantities involved in a process? The power to calculate is ubiquitous.

Eggs don't come in parts. So if I'm baking, it makes sense to use a volume for other ingredients such that the measures are simple. A cup of flour rather than 240ml. Or, I could use 200ml and 5 sixths of an egg.

Major conversions are done by a small subset of society. We can inconvenience everyone with a universal system, or inconvenience the few that need to do a bit of arithmetic.

>> No.2243392


>> No.2243417

As an American engineer I like the metric system - it's logical and easy. I think it's the non technical people standing in the way of metrification - too hard for them to adapt.

You can measure anything in metric. But some phenomenon lack non-metric units - for example, is there a non-metric measure of magnetic field - something other than Tesla or Gauss?

Although some things I see in common metric use are stupid - like tire pressure listed in kg/m^2. Should be N/m^2, Pascal's, etc.

Also, I really like the "A" paper sizing system. 8.5" x 11" is just dumb. In the A system, sheet of paper have 1:sqrt(2) proportions. Cut an A4 in half to make an A5, and it's still 1:sqrt(2) proportion. A0 is one square meter.

>> No.2243446


I'm an Australian and the only people that don't use metric are over 70.

>> No.2243450

You dont use the A/B sizing in america?

>> No.2243455

Burma, Liberia and the USA confirmed for retarded-tier.

>> No.2243456
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>> No.2243462

depends, standard printer/copier paper is "letter" sized (8.5" x 11")

>> No.2243469

> You dont use the A/B sizing in america?

Most copiers and printers can use A4, but about 99.9% of the time 8.5" x 11" paper is used. You won't find A4 in most American offices.
8.5" x 11" is called letter size.
the next size up is called legal size - it's 8.5" x 14" - completely different proportion.
Then the next size up from that is 11" x 17" - equal to two letter sized sheets. All different proportions!
Photos use a whole different set of sizes - 8x10, 5x7, etc.

>> No.2243657

If you have no reasonable counterargument, that's okay.

Go on asserting that the world should behave in particular manner without understanding the ins and outs of your position.

Not only do you need to be clear that your own unit choices are best, but you need to demonstrate that the difficulties associated with migrating to a universal system are small compared to the benefits of said system.

Most unit systems evolved to suit the processes to which they have been applied. If it somehow reduced costs to invent and apply a unit system locally, you can be sure people would do it. In fact, we use ad hoc units all the time. "Three more bucketfuls just like that should do it."

>> No.2243695

> "Three more bucketfuls just like that should do it."

Is that a one gallon bucket or a four liter bucket to which you're referring?

>> No.2243717

"the back of that there dumptruck"
it often doesn't matter... there are many "buckets" built to no specific size, or a random size.

>> No.2243716

>ad hoc

It doesn't matter. The point is, the person tarring the driveway may estimate how much more the driveway requires (or how much more he can apply before 5pm) in a unit specific to the tools at hand. His very local experience with the process is enough to make his unit choice valid.

>> No.2243720

The American system is one based on human measurements. An inch is about the length of the second forefinger knuckle. A yard is about the length of an average person's stride. An acre is the amount of land that can be tilled in a day by a farmer and ox.

It's not precise, but its development makes a lot of sense.

>> No.2243739

exactly. and it got US to the moon.

>> No.2243755

Imperial units are god tier. You faggots.

>> No.2243760


see >>2243325
Millions of dollars wasted

>> No.2243766 [DELETED] 

i believe that was caltech using SI and NASA using Imperial. caltech forgot a unit conversion and deployed a parachute hella late. if they just stuck to imperial units, it woulda been fine.

>> No.2243770


I dare say we'd've been able to get to the moon even if we had been using the metric system. What got us to the moon was a combination of chutzpah, wanting to beat the Russians and just the sheer joy of adventure and love of amazing engineering feats. We could've gotten to good 'ol Luna using knotted ropes as our measuring tools given our dedication to the task.

>> No.2243779

yes the billions (not millions) of dollars were wasted because metric units were even brought into the equation. had NASA mandated that everything be done in imperial units, there would have been no unit conversion to have been forgotten.

>> No.2243781

>implying fuckton is an SI unit
should be fucktonne

>> No.2243816
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>> No.2243819
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>> No.2243829
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>> No.2243835
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>> No.2243836
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>> No.2243838

We use a bastardized system here in the USA - both imperial and metric measurements. A Watt is the standard way to measure electric power - it's a metric unit (Joule per second). We are forced to do conversions. Watts to HP, Watts to BTU, etc.

It would be easier to work in metric and avoid the conversions.

>> No.2243846
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>> No.2243852
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>> No.2243898


But the guy estimating the cost of the job has to have specific sizes in mind.
For example: pave a 2.5 acre parking lot 3.5" inches deep. Paving material is priced by the ton. Density is given as specific gravity. A truck holds 4.67 cubic yards. $50 delivery fee per truckload. Labor cost is given in dollars per standard lane mile. What will the job cost?

Using all metric units would avoid a lot of conversions even on something simple like this.

>> No.2243922
File: 5 KB, 147x192, fibonacci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2243964

Because the fucking baby boomers are too stubborn to give up their precious clusterfucked system of measurement so MY generation doesn't have to learn two systems in school. Don't worry though; we use the clean system in science; the retarded arbitrary system is reserved only for surprise use in mathematics so that math teachers can get their sadistic lols by fucking us over with the same old "you're expected to know the conversations by heart" bullshit.

If you politely ask any American younger than 30, he will be either indifferent, or in complete agreement with you regarding the superiority of the metric system. The fact of the matter is, an entirely base-10 measurement system fits in quite perfectly in a base-10 world, and the only nitpicking I can possibly do is point out how that image spells "metre" and "tonne", but spells "gram" rather than "gramme". Inconsistently British.

>> No.2243976

Why'd you guys make a new system? We had one that works already, it's even standardized.

>> No.2244017

We don't use the metric system cause it's French, and France is filled with faggots.

>> No.2244140
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>>Only three nations out of 203 have not officially adopted the International System of Units as their primary or sole system of measurement: Burma, Liberia, and the United States of America.

>> No.2244172

The imperial system is better for everyday things. Want to measure a foot quickly? If you are the size of an average adult male, just stick your foot out and you have a rough estimate. For a yard just take one stride. Want an inch? Use the first segment of your finger.

Temperatures have a far greater range as well, making it easier to fine tune a thermostat. Same goes for lbs.

The imperial system is absolutely retarded for larger measurements, though.

>> No.2244210

old and failing arguments are old and failing

>> No.2244232

better only because it's what you already know

If I only know FORTRAN, and the project I'm working on is better suited for C++, it is better to use FORTRAN at the moment. However it would be better in the long run to learn C++

>> No.2244379
File: 26 KB, 500x341, inventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, look how much the metric system has done for Europe.

>> No.2244392

I'm sorry, a german invented the automobile.

>> No.2244393

>oh look, it's troll time again

>> No.2244404


>> No.2244411

those are the three coolest nations, true story

>> No.2244422

Every time is troll time.

>> No.2244425

i was always told it would cost a fucking shitload of money to recalculate everything and re measure it. (highways and highway signs things like that)

>> No.2244429

Mars Climate Orbiter cost 330 millions. Crashed because Lockheed programmed the thing in pound force while NASA was using the Newton. Now, thanks for the imperial system, you crashed more money than we will ever make on Mars!

>> No.2244439

By the same token you could argue that it was NASA's fault for using SI on their end. The problem was the failure to use one system exclusively, not some flaw in one systems of units or other.

>> No.2244539

Those highway signs don't last forever, mile signs could be replaced with km signs as they wear out, or as sections of roadway are repaved.

All of the food in my kitchen has weight/volume in both imperial and metric units.

>> No.2244541


>> No.2244548

Go start another world war you can't finish, Europe.

It's the only thing of note you've done in the last 100 years.

>> No.2244557

>it would cost a fucking shitload of money to recalculate everything and re measure it
>implying we couldn't do it with a 5$ calculator

srsly, wen i first learned metric, i hated it like any dumb school kid in amurikkka. then I was like-holy fuck this makes perfect sense! and i never looked back

>> No.2244574
File: 57 KB, 463x555, 1292899194557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, have you ever cracked open a history book?
perhaps youve heard of americas wars with, oh idk,

DRUGS (lmao)

and thats only the last decade or so

>> No.2244580

I blame Reagan. Carter started converting the country to metric, even passed some laws. But then Reagan came into office and shut it down. No one has had the balls to try again since.

I wrote my state DOT recently and asked them to change the speed limit signs to metric. They said they had experimented with it in the '70s and it hadn't worked well, and didn't want to repeat the experience.

If we do convert to metric it will have to be at the local level, because the feds seem to have zero interest. Write your state and city government.

>> No.2244584

The NASA works too close together with the rest of the world and the scientific community not to use SI.

I rather wonder why the fuck a company like Lockheed still uses imperial. I mean, I can understand that you don't want to change it for everyday use, but we're talking about a lot of money here.

I also wonder why no one checked this.

>> No.2244590
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>americas wars with, oh idk,VIETNAM
>and thats only the last decade or so

This is what Europeans actually believe

>> No.2244596


maybe to reprint all the signs, but the calculation is simply multiplying by 1.609344 (mile to km).

as >>2244539 pointed out they can simply replace the signs as they die out, become outdated through new roads, get grafitti'd, ect.

To be honest, i feel it's more to keep things "american" (even though it's the archaic british measurement system, who themselves have already adopted the metric system). similar to the month/day/year thing and reading temperatures in fahrenheit. it's all a very silly and stubborn way of protecting a sense of identity.

>> No.2244599

fuck my bad.
well, my point still remains.

>> No.2244686

Didn't sage.

I believe that Celsius are much more accurate than farenheit, in my case I get confused over F° and C°, since it's so widespread over the world.

>> No.2244739

>I believe that Celsius are much more accurate than farenheit
>one Celsius degree is equal to 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees
your faith is leading you to become illogical